HomeMy WebLinkAbout874158 ,..- 674158 AFFIDA VIT REGE I\lED ..lNCOLN COUNTY OLERI< 01 JIHr! 27 P['l It: 17 f E A LlII ,- \" I' ~,~ j '"'' ,., \1' ,;'1 'lit::. ",j f J\ b J'~ t. '{ I<EMMEHER. \VYOMiNG STATE OF WYOMING SS BOOK 46~? PR PAGE 37' 5: COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, EIRay Titensor, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the UnitalStates of America and over the age of 21 years, and a resident of Afton, Wyoming. That I was well and personally acquainted with Roscoe Titensor and Elnor Titensor as described in that certain Warranty Deed dated June 1, 1978 and recorded July 10, 1978 in Book 147PR on page 400 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. That I know of my own knowledge that Roscoe Titensor and Elnor Titensor in the above described Warranty Deed and mentioned in the attached Certified copies of Certificates of Death were one and the same persons. This affidavit is intended to terminate the life estate of said Roscoe Titensor and Elnor Titensor in the following described property: The Westerly Ih of Lot 3 of Block 15 of Bedford Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded January 13, 1977 in Book 133PR on page 80 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Dated this 2. S- day of June, 2001. 4; 'J J-J?;;:-~ EIRay Titensor State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by EIRay Titensor thisa.?~ day of June, 2001. ~ ~(W I~ ""~tr..~ ~~liC My Commission Expires: 1- 11-~lVf - - - - - - !iii!:~~ rf}T" "E' ,:' :',0'" "'F WYO, .M' " ,:I'.'N Q' ;':i,.:,." a,:::iil:!!IIr'. .' " .::;!:' . : jl I . ~ I ::!!i.", [: "i!::i. ::::~: ':;; .;IIi," :":1 ::r ,I;. , I!: :::::L 'I', " DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ,} , ~ I I ~ I ~ I ~ I i , I I I j i ~ I .11'. , I STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 376" TITENSOR 2_ SEX:, '. ema~e ST...-n:! FLE Nu..8EA l, ""11; OF IlEAl" ,1110.; ,~. ltJ ~arch 4; 2009 , - ., "".,.. OF, BIIITH r..... Dor. ltJ April 7, 1909 " BUSINESS OIlINOUSTfIY . '._n._ . "_:":\:~..:;_.":(~~s::;:", '~~'il Cae. (1-" ar$+1 ......... swe ' III, ~ _It '-- I~ and DMlh_ I I I , " , I , , I , , ,b. . DUIS lO"(CMl AS It CONse~ueNCE OFJ~ 'c. ' OOE m lOR AS . CONSEQUENCE OFI' I, ,:1: ""'- "",", 0 'I>WRY . llIoInIfi. Dor,_1 .Ob. Tu.tE OF .....- ..... INAJAY AT WIIIlKt, ts,..c., .... aI ~~. E~ III 3OD. PLACE'Of." ~.At rlaIM, .IM,...... ~'I. ......_....,'_1 ' ...' lOCA11OH 1_: ,'t"!""' of Ib.. """" ...,-,ClIy ~ """,,-' :i' .~:, ,1"1" . 122086 I ~ I This'is a true 'and exaci"'apro'duction of the document on file in the office of Vital Recolds Servioes, che~enne'/CfARh9'1 4 2000 DATE ISSUED: ' . q~ /#Y1f7 'Lucinda Mccaffrty/. Deputy State Registrar This copy Is I'lOlllalid unles~ "prep~,red p~ paper wl~h an engraved border displaYing the datel seal and signalure of the Deputy Slate Reglslrar. ~ ., ~ TypE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT INK FOR INSTRUCTIONS SEE HANDBOOK O~3~;41.S8 LOCAL FILE NuMBER / DECEDENT-NAME FIRST STATE OF WYOMING 377 DIYISION Of HEALTH AND MEDICAL SER\l1CES CERTIFICATE OF DEATH m STATI;: FILE NUMBER DAAugE:T2rS~Dav-r9 8 6 J, DATE Of BIRTH (10111.. Va.\', ~'r_) MIDDLE . fi\ LAST .,11 tensor SEX UNDER' YEAR 2, UNDER 1 DAY MIN$. alVIay 17. 1986 1. 7C. COUNTY OF DEAT.!;' LlnCO.Ln 7d, WAS DE~NT EVER IN u.s. ARMED , (SpcdJ.'v ) 12, IF'DEATH OCCURRED IN INSTITUTION. SEE HANDBOOK REI3ARDING COMPlETION OF RESIDEN~ 8. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER U.S.A. 9, MARRIED, NfVE~ MARRIED, SURVIVING SPOUSE /l!wi(c,gilJr lil(liflt:1I flame) WID1ffarfRr~(If<;ry) EInor Bishop 10. 11. USUAL OCCUPAfION. (Givt Itil'ld of work dan~ during mol' of Teach e ~"k.llIg lil~. C~~11 ifrel;,.~d) 14b.Education STREET AND NUMBER 125 INSIDE CITY LlMI'fS (Sprc'N'OllrN(lJ 156. FIRST MIDDlE 15c. LAST Bedford KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY 13,520-14-2224 RESIDENCE-STATE COUNTY 15~incoln 14., CITY. TOWN OR LOCATION Thomas Edward Titensor MIDDlt=: Goaslind LAST INFO~MANi -NAME: rT,vpf! Of' PrintJ MAILING ADDRESS 18b. Box 125 Bedford CEMETERY OR CREMATORY-NAME Cemetery CITY OR TOWN WY 8)112 STATI; ZIP 18a. EInor Ti tensor lOCATION CITY OR TOWN Sl'A.TE Bedford Cemetery Schwab Mortuary 19d, NUMBER ADDRESS OF FACILITY 45 Afton. \ruY 2D1i. 8)110 228_ On 1M basis of 8)j;amine:tion a.nd/or invBBtigaticn, In my opiniol"l dEloth O(;curr~ at Ihe time, date and pll'lce and Que 10 1n. cal,l.!j.I;t(.s.) S1a~9d. (Signaiurl!: Q"d Titlel .. DATE SIGNED/Ma" Day. Y/,,) HOUR OF DEATH A. M Ef So Jla; !~ 1l~ ." .. 22b. PAONOUNCEDD~ADIMD ,Do.v. YrJ 22c. PRONOuNCED DEAD, HfJ1Jt") M 21d, NAME AND ADDRESS O~ CERTIFIER (PHYSICIAN OA COAONEA) fT.ypf: 01" Prinu 22d, ON 22e, AT M 2J. 7~"../J"Y'Y') REGISTRAR CON 011' IONS IF ANY WHICH GAVE RISE TO IMMEDIATE CAUSE STAriNG rHE UNDE RL YINCi CAUSE LAsr ~ 24a. (.';iJ,tIIQ.l!lI'i'.J , I , I ~~ { IMMEDIATE CAUSE , Ii (aJ C. V ' OUE TO, OR AS A CONSEOUENCE OF: ~--"-"-,----L1-9 e.- DU" TO. OR AS A CONSEOUENCE or, I lnlal'w'al between onset and death : 5dA. I'n'o"al ,,"Iwoen ot:!:.nd dealn I I , ,Inlo/val between bn&Bl and dealh I 25. PART I Ace., SUICIOE. HOM., UNDET., DATE Of IN.JL!RY (MD., [)a...., Yr.) noun OF INJURY ;:.~.NDING INV.ST, (SI"~'r;~~~; iii:;"':";"", 280, INJuAY AT WOAK (SJlj:d/_~ 'Y/!~(. L~ ,I; 0 IQVUAY-A1 home, I~rm. st(Q61, faclory. cUlce building, - /lr-Mil ) \" \ - 01:. 'J _etr;.(SpI!dfy) 286, ,;:'.::: D2:\< .: 2;......,;..0:;,. 26, DESC/lIBE 110 IV INJU/ll' OCCU/lRED AUTOPSY (Spec4'y Y€ii orNoJ No I<J PART II OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONOIT1QNS-Candllions contributing 10 death but no. related 10 C8US" given in Po\A.T I (a) M 2ed. lOCATION STREET OR,R,F,D, No, crrv OR TOWN STATE 28g. , , ",'", -- 'j Date I ssued ;::<.&eI?1;.~mper 4'.:<:::::-.1986 7~,;.~,: (~.:: }-/ -i\. :'~ THIS IS TO cf,Rr.:j:l:y'''t-H-a't(thls' :G~production is a true copy of a Vital Records"j~r\dces, Divisfon of Health and l1edical of Health andS'?~'~~Jj{:~.~.~Y!'~es, Cheyenne, Wyoming. If this copy does rid~'bear a raised seal and the signature Registrar is not in RED, this is not an offiCial,5jtified ~/) "/ (- I .,/ ~~, ""r> (~~~(tl(cL~d_ Lawrence J. Cohen, M. D. '- RichardO. Hall State Registrar Deputy State Registrar record on file in Services, Wyoming Department of the Deputy State copy. ~ r.I'f~"=",- .,.~-~.._-~.,...,..~.... .......,- - ._.::.......:.__,~.:,'~,;.~:~'"';.~~:,.__""',.,_,..,.--",u~_,-,,__,..__,'._"_~,"_, __,"'"',___________