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Zions First National Bank
c/o Zions Agricultural Finance
500 Fifth Street
Ames, IA 50010-6065
8 4116
01 JUN 28 I\~"i 10: 07
Zions Agricultural Finance
500 Fifth Street
Ames, IA 50010-6065
BOOK_,L1G7 PR PAGEi~__~,___.
Loan No. 20101573
THIS ASSIGNMENT entered into this 21st day of June, 2001, by and between ZIONS
FIRST NATIONAL BANK (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor") and U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL
ASSOCIATION, AS CUSTODIANITRUSTEE (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee").
1. Assignor is the owner and holder of a Note dated June 21, 2001, in the original principal amount of
$1,300,000.00 (the "Note"). The Note is secured by the following Deed of Trust and Mortgage which
were filed for record concurrently herewith covering real property described in Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference:
a. Deed of Trust executed by Putnam Ranch, LLP, a Utah Limited Liability Partnership; Keith
L. Putnam, not personally but as Trustee on behalf of the Keith L. Putnam Inter Vivos
Trust dated the 71h day of June 1994; and Erma N. Putnam, not personally but as Trustee
on behalf of the Erma N. Putnam Inter Vivos Trust dated the 71h day of June 1994, to
Assignor and duly filed for record in the office ofthe Recorder of Rich County, Utah; and
b. Mortgage executed by Putnam Ranch, LLP, a Utah Limited Liability Partnership; Keith L.
Putnam, not personally but as Trustee on behalf of the Keith L. Putnam Inter Vivos Trust
dated the 7th day of June 1994; and Erma N. Putnam, not personally but as Trustee on
behalf ofthe Erma N. Putnam Inter Vivos Trust dated the 7th day of June 1994, to Assignor
and duly filed for record in the office ofthe Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
2. Assignor has the lawful right to endorse the Note and assign the Mortgage/Deed of Trust to Assignee.
3. Assignee desires to purchase the Note and have assigned to it all security instruments held by
Assignor securing repayment of the Note including, but not limited to the Mortgage/Deed of Trust.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Assignor does hereby sell, assign, transfer, convey, endorse, set over and deliver to Assignee the
Mortgage/Deed of Trust together with the Note, debt and claim secured by said Mortgage/Deed of
Trust, and all liens, collateral assignments, powers of attorney to transfer stock and security
instruments created under, with or related to the Mortgage/Deed of Trust or the Note.
2. The Assignor does represent and walTant that it is the owner of the Mortgage/Deed of Trust and Note
secured thereby and fully authorized and empowered to make the Assignment contained herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Assignment is executed the date above indicated.
( SS.
On this 21st day of June, A.D. 2001, before me a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared
Paul G. Knop, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is Vice President of ZIONS
FIRST NATIONAL BANK, a Utah corporation, named in the foregoing instrument; that no seal has been
procured by said corporation, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of the said corporation by authority of
its Board of Directors, and the said Paul G. Knop acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be the
voluntary act and deed of said corporation.
WITNESS my signature and official seal the day and year aforesaid, at Ames, Iowa.
Commission Number 183S03
My Comrn. Exp. Feb. 28,2002
Real estate located in the County of Rich and State of Utah, and in the County of lincoln and
State of Wyoming, to-wit:
PARCEL 1: Commencing at a point located North 89048 '00" East along the Section line 215.36 feet from the Southwest
Comer of the Southeast Quarter of Section .22, Township 9 North, Range 6 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian;
thence North 0011'44" West parallel to the Quarter Section line 545.70 feet; thence North 30023'38" West 63.96 feet;
thence North 60046'05" East 72.86 feet; thence North 27048'05" West 134.11 feet; thence North 72022' 10" East 61.85
feet; thence North 12028'00" West 213.55 feet; thence South 45000'00" West along the South Right of Way line of State
Rout~ 39, 77.07 feet; thence North 0011'44" West parnlle1 to the Quarter Section line 391.49 feet to the Sixteenth Section
line; thence North 89030'06" East along the Si."rteenth Section 1293.91 feet; thence due Sou~ 2640.15 feet to the South
line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, said Township and Range; thence South 89052'06"
West along the Si.xteenth Section line 1155.38 feet; thence North 1038'43" East parallel to the Quarter Section line
1312.93 feet; thence South 89048 '00" West 100.00 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel is subject to the Right of
Way for State Route 39.
ALSO, commencing 20 rods West of the Northeast Comer of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section
22, Township 9 North. Range 6 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian. and running thence West 60 rods; thence South
80 rods; thence East 60 rods; thence North 80 rods to the place of beginning.
ALSO, the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Townswp 9 North, Range 6 East of the Salt Lake
'Base and Meridian. LESS: that portion of the above described land deeded to State Road Commission of Utah and
Recorded in Book Z at Page 155 on August 24, 1959.
PARCEL 2: Commencing at a point 68.2 rods East of the Northwest Comer of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of Section 23, Township 9 North, Range 6 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence South
240 rods; thence East 120.8 rods; thence North 67.3 rods; thence West 59 rods; thence North 15.7 rods; thence West 12
rods; thence North 77 rods; thence East 5 rods; thence North 25 rods; thence East 7 rods; thence North 55 rods; thence
. Vlest 61.8 rods to the place of beginning.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE STATE ROA~ deeded in Book Z at Page 154.
PARCEL 3: Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 9 North, R.:mge 7 East of the Salt Lake Base and
Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Comer of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 9, and
running thence West 792 feet to the East side of the State Road right~f-way; thence running Northeasterly along the East
right-of-way line of said road (said right~f-way making a curve to the right) 2900 feet, more or less to the North line of
Section 9, Township 9 North, Range 7 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence East 150 feet to the Northeast
Comer of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 9; thence South 2640 feet to the place of beginning.
PARCEL 4: Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 9 North, Range 7 East of the Salt Lake Base and
Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point 900 feet East of the Northwest Comer of said Section 9 and running
thence South 768 feet. thence West 495 feet; thence North 66004'02" West 442.14 feet; thence South 0021' West (South
, .
by record) 1644.16 feet; thence South 89048'27" East 468.0 feet; thence South 0021 '00" West 468.0 feet; thence East
521 feet; thence North 150 feet; thence East 759 feet to the West right-Qf-way line ofa State Highway; thence
Northeasterly along the West right-of-way line of said road (said right-of.way making a curve to the right) 2750 feet,
more or less, to the North line of Section 9, Township 9 North, Range 7 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence
West in said North line of said Section 9, 1550 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
PARCEL 5: The South half of the South half of the Northeast Quarter and the North half of the North half of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 9 North, Range 7 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian.
PARCEL 6: That part and portion of Section 23 in Township 9 North of Range 7 East of the Salt Lake Base and
Meridian bounded as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Comer of said Section 23 and running thence South 5295
feet to the Southeast Comer of said Section;.thence North 49020' West 1948 feet; thence North 62031' West 2642 feet;
thence North 26035' West 3132 feet; thence East 5226 feet to the point of beginning.
PARCEL 7: Commencing at the Northwest Comer of Section 24, Township 9 North, Range 7 East, Salt Lake Meridian,
Utah, and running thence East 1530 feet to a point on the County Road on the East end of a cattle guard; thence South
15033' West 5709 feet, more or less to the Southwest Comer of said Section 24; thence North to the point of beginning.
PARCEL 8: Section 1, Township 13 North, Range 7 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: All except the West half
of the Southwest Quarter.
PARCEL 9: Section 4, Township 13 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: Lots 1,2,3 and 4.
,PARCEL 10: Section 6, TO\V1lship 13 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: Lots 1,2 and 3; the
South half of the Northeast Quarter; the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter. .
PARCEL 11: Section 7, Township 13 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: The Southeast Quarter
of the Southeast Quarter.
PARCEL 12: Section 8, Township 13 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: The Southwest Quarter
of the Southwest Quarter.
PARCEL 13: Section 9, TO\V1lship 13 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: Lots 1,2,3 and 4.
. PARCEL 14: ,Section 17, Township 13 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: The North half of the
North half.
PARCEL 15: Section 18, Township 13 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: The Northeast Quarter
of the Northeast Quarter.
PARCEL 16: Section 28, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: Lot 4.
PARCEL 17: Section 29, TO\V1lship 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: The South half of the
Southeast Quarter; the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and Lot 2.
, O~j741.1-(16
/- ~,
PARCEL 18: Section 30, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: The East half of the
Northeast Quarter; Lots 1, 7 and 8.
PARCEL 19: Section 31, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: The North half of the
Northwest Quarter; the South half of the Northeast Quarter; the South half of the Northwest Quarter; the South half; Lots
PARCEL 20: Section 32, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: AIL
PARCEL 21: Section 33, TO\oVllship 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: Lots 1,2, 3 and 4.
LESS AND EXCEPTING FROM all of the above parcels, aU, oil, gas and mineral rights as previously reserved in the
Book E, Page 889
Book 0, Page 288
Book R, Page 53
Book T, Page 483
Book V, Page 505
Book X2, Page 53
Book U3, Page 519
Book X3, Page 37
Book X3, Page 218
Book H4, Page 489
Book H4, Page 491.'
Book H4, Page 492
Book H5. Page 94
Book H5, Page 95
Book W6, Page 485
Book 17, Page 223
parts of SGctiono 2J 3, 9, '0, 11, 1S, 21 and 22,. all 1n Township
22 North, Range 120 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, being
more particularly described as follows:
Beginning on the North line of said Section 2 at a point located
sout:h 8''"57'07'' East, 3760..40 feet from t.he Nort.heast COrner
of said Section 2, said po1 ht being also J ocatcd on the Eazt
right of Way line of Lincbln County Roaa No. 201; running thence
West along the North lines of said sections 2 and 3 to the
Northwest corner of 5aid Section 3; thence South along the
Wes~ line of said Section 3 to thB North~est corner of the swiswt
thereof;, thence East along the North line 6aid swtSWt to the
Nort.heast. Corner thereof; thencQ' South along the Ea.st line
of said swisw{ to the Southeast corner thereof 4nd the Northeast
corner of tha NWtNWt of said section 10: thence south along
the East line of said NwtNwl to the southeast corne. thereof;
thence West along the south lino of said NWtNWt,to the 6outh~est
corner thereof; thence South ~long the West line of the SWtNW~
to t.he SQutho;.1est corneX' thereof and the Northeast corner of
the SE~ of said Section 9; thence West along the North line
O~i? 4- :1'.7~>
of said S~~ to the Utah-Wyom1n9 state Line; thence South alon9
said state line to the south line ot said Section '; thence
East alon43 said Sout.h line to the Southeast corner of said
Section 9 and the Northwest cornel;' of said Section 15; thence
South along the West line of said sectipn 1 S to the Southwest
c::orner thereof and the Northeast. corner of. said section 21 i
thence West along the North line of said Section 21 to t.he
utah-Wyoming State Line; thence South along saia -state 1 ine
to the south line of 'the NottheasL Quarter of s~,id Seetion 21;
thence East alons said South line to the. southeast corner of
said NEt and the Southwest corner of the NWt of said section
22; thence East along- the South line of said Nwt to tho East.
right of way line of Lincoln County Road No." 207; thence
Northeasterly along said East line to the West ,line of Traet
43 in said Township; thence North,alang said West line to tho
VorthWQst corner of said 'ract 43; thence East along the North
line of said 'l'raet 43. to corner Number S cf Tract. 48 in. said
'l'ownshipi thence ..long 'tract 48 North to Cornet" NUmber 6;
t.hence r,a9t to eOX'J1er 7; cheneEl North to corner 8; t.f\c:nce
~ast to corner'; thence North to Corne~ 10 and the SQQth line
of Tract 49; thence ~est along the So~th line of ~~act 49 and
sa1c3 South line extended Westerly t.o its intersection with the
Ea.st righl:. of way line of Lincoln COQtJty Road No. 207; thence
Jiorthe:iu1::erly . along said riShe of way line to the point of
All of Lot ~, section 21, Township 22 North, Range 120 West
of the sixth ~rlhcipal Mel;'idian, state of Wyoming.
That part of T.ot 24 of Section 27., Township 22 North, F-a.nge
120 West, Lincoln County, W}'omin9 and pa:rt of those tracts of
:record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County 1n Book
4j of Photostatic Records on page 122 and in Sook 162 of
photostatic Records on page 428, described aD follows: aeginnins
at the Nort~east corner of ~ract S4 of said 1o~"ship 22 North,
nang~ 120 West, found a5 described in the certified land co~ncr
recordation certif'icat,e fileq in the s~id Office; thence East
31.(. B feet to a point identical with the North\Jest corner of
Parcel 11 of record 1n said office in book 118 of J>hotostatic
:Records on page 818; thence South 11'"53' West, 420.5.3 feet
along the West I1ne of th~t t::act of record in Book 178 .!Sod
the East line of that tract of record in 'Book 43 to an
intersection with a fence line; thent::e North 79\109.3' We5t,
232.35' feet along said fence line to an intersection wi th the
West Ij ne of said r~ot 24 identical wi th the East line of said
Tr~c~ 54; thence North, the base bearing for this description,
367.. 8 feet along the said 'East and West lines to the corner
of bcg1nning, all in accordance with the pJaL tJ tIed, ICPLAT
in ea1d oftice.
That part of Tract 54A of. Township 22 North, Range 120 West,
Lincol., County, Wyoming, and part of - that tract of record 1)"1
the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 188 o~
Photostatic ~eeords on p~qe 317 desor1bed a5 fol)ow~; ~e9inn1ng
At Co~ner No_ 1 of. saia Trao~ 54A found. as described in the
Certified Land Cornex ~ecordation Certlfic~te filed in the said'
office, thence west, 46.00 feet:. along the North lJne of said
Tract 54A to an intecsection ~ith the southeasterly right-of-way
1 ine of Cokeville-lJt:ab line County Road No. 12-207 i thence
South 29D35' West, 372.31 feet: along said rl9'ht:-of-w~y to an
intersection with the protl'actio~ of a fence 'line located in
140t 24 ot Section 22 of the said Township 22 North, kange 120
~e8ti thence south 7g009.3' East, 233.98 teet along' a
protraction of said fence line to an intersection with the East
line of said 'l'rac:t S04A; thenoa North, the base bearing for
th1s description, JG7. 80 feet along lhe said East line to the
corner of beginning~ all in nceordanc~ \lith the plat titled
22 NORTH kANGE 120 WEST tlNCOLti COONT~, WYOMINGIt to be fi led
in said of rice.
.Johnson Ranch
Be9inning at a point sUuated upon the West bounoa;ry of Tl-act
42 fl:om whence the Northwest corne:!: of s<:I.id Scction 27 bears
North OG12' for 2,501.4 fee!;.; thence North for 1,269.6 feet;
t:honce South 63.S7' East, 7,453.S feel; thence south 20511
West, 192.0 feet'. along the Was tarn boundaries of the holdings
of Jol)n Sedey and Beckwith-Quinn and Company of (Lawrance
Johnson); the.nce North 11944' West., 7,058.7 t'Qct to the potnt
of: beginning.
Beginning at:. a point from ~hence the Nor:thwest corne~ of Lot
2.( of $aid section 22 bears West 314.6 feet; thence 1,OOS.;l
{Gat to corner ~o. 1 of Tract. 43; thence North 3,999.6 :t:2St:.
to Cornel" No.8 of Ttacl ~3; t.hence East 1,320 feet to Co:rner
No. S of tract 48, a point situate upon the North boundary of
Tract 43j thence South Z3eS91 ~ast, 5,295.3 feet; thence North
U1 · 38' West 636 feet; thence south 74 alO' We:;t., 1,' 64 feet;
thonce North 84r.2S' West, 2,906.9 feet; thence North 11053'
Ea~t 794 feet to the point of bC9inn!~9.
1\1.$0 a parcel of land in Section 1 S and Section 22, TO\.lnship
22 North, Range 120 West 6th P.!'!., Lincoln County, Wyoming,
comm~ocin9 at Corner NQ. S of tract 49 of. Resurvey of Townshjp
22 \Ilort.h4 ~ange 120 West; thence so~th 25009'49" Wesl, 6.199.24
teet to the point: of beginning at this description; thence
South 1")5'371' West, 3,982-04 feet; thence ~orth 69014'04"
Easl:: 1,338.01 feet.; thence North 0003110" West. 3,122.57 feeL
to the point of beginnJ 09. 1.ESS TUE FOLLOWING: aeginning at
a point situate upon the West };)ounda.ry of '1'.t'act 42 ft'om whence'
the Northwe~t c:o:r:l'ler of said Section 27 bears South 1,343.1
feet, more OJ:' leSl$j thenc:e 7'2~3 feet more or less, along the
West bouhdary of Tract 42 to the Northwest corner of Lot:. 24
of said Section 22; thence East 314.8 feet; thence $outh 110531
West. 794 feet; thence North 64. 2S I West, 155.1' feet to the
point of beginning ~ .
~eadow }>in~
Beginning at the No~thwest Corna~ of Lot 24. which is situated
at th.e West bounda.r:y of Tract 42, Townshi.p 22 North, Range 120
West of the 6th P.M_, Wycming (which point of beginning J ,ies
2,105.3 feet:. North of the Southwest Corner of said Section 22);
proceeding thence N04th 89.201 West 4' feet to the Rast
r1ght-of-way l1ne of the County ~Qadi thence South 29-351 West
592.25 fQQt along saic5 County Road rJ ght-of-wiJ.Y; thence south
68041' Ea6t 363.5 feet to the West boundary of Traet 42; the~e~
North 645. e feet alollg the &ail1 tJest boundaX'y to the. point af