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Valene B. Tolman, Trustee of the Edwin O. Tolman and Valene B.
Tolman Joint Trust dated 1/29/91, GRANTOR, of 411 East 900 North,
Logan, Utah 84321, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other
good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby "
acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to 330 North Glenwood, Inc., a
Virginia corporation, GRANTEE, whose address is P.O. Box 610; Jackson,
Wyoming 83001, the following described real estate, situate in the County of
Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by
virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit:
See Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by this reference.
Including and together with all and singular the tenements,
hereditaments, appurtenances and improvements thereon or
thereunto belonging, and any rights of grantor to minerals
thereunder, but subject to taxes, assessments, cov~nants,
conditions, restrictions, reservations, encroachments, rights-
Of-way and easements of sight or record.
WITNESS our hands this ;1-...." day of June, 2001.
The Edwin O. Tolman and
Valene B. Tolman Joint Trust
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Valene B. Tolman, Trustee
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The foregoing instrJ,Jment was acknowledged before me by Valene B.
Tolman, Trustee this :2Sn... day of June, 2001.
Witness my hand and official seal.
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EXHIBIT A - Tolman Deed
The taJ.lawing described property in Lincoln
County Wyoming!
^ portS.on eaoh of tho SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of
Sect10u 19, "The SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of
Section 20, the NW 1/4 of thQ NW 1/4 of
Section 29, end the HE 1/4 of the HE 1/4 of
Section 30, T 3'1 N. R 118 W. 6th Principal
Marid!"n, in oX' near hlpine, Lincoln County,
Wyom1nu, baing more porticularly desoribed os
BEGINN;:NG I\t an iron pipe set in a county
road to old J\lpine, said pipe 81so being on
the NOJ=th l.ine of said SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4
of 8eo1:ion 20 S 09-57'07" W 1189.45 feet from
a Bras" Cop Monument set at the NorthB8st
corner of last said 5W 1/4 of the SW 1/4;
thence running South 2322.37 feet .to Bit iron
pipe sot in the Northerly line of the Bureau
of Reclamation property taken for the purpOse
ot thQ Palis8dea Reservoir; 'thence N 82-
21' 22" W 123.52 feet to an iron bar marking 8 '
corner of last said Northerly line thence
North 1>>3 - 4 5' 57" west along last said
NortheJ:ly line 592.09 teet to Bn iron pipe
set: thence North, leaving last said
NortheJ:'ly line, e distBnce of 2052.12 feet to
a poin1: 1n the North line of said SR 1/4 of
the SE 1/4 of Section 19. thanc" S 09036'15"
E Blonn last said North line, 519.74 feet to
a S!RV..KAP marking the line between said
J Sootiol\ 19 snd 20 end the corner COmmon to
said Sg 1/4 of, the S8 1/4 Bnd said SW 1/4 of
~le SW"1/4; thence continuing N 09-57'07" E,
along Ilaid North line of said SW 1/4 of the
SW 1/4 124 'e 0 the poin~ of beginning.
Conta;inJ. 32.621 88 of land. "
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