HomeMy WebLinkAbout932128 RECEIVED 8/14/2007 at 12:43 PM RECEIVING # 932128 BOOK: 668 PAGE: 743 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY After Recording Return to: 000743 AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. P.O. BOX 641010 OMAHA, NE 68164-1010 ATI# .:J.oa7 () 1/ ?O~;2.¿;J, 4 Mail Tax Statements To: Nancy L. Napples, Trustee Donald H. Napples, Trustee 94321 US Highway 89 ACton, WY 83110 Property Tax ID#: 33191310020400 QUITCLAIM DEED [The purpose of this deed is to update martial status and name on title] MADE this J..n~day of At} ~u..s \-, 2007 by and between NANCY L. NAPPLES formerly known as Nancy L. Breitensti e, Trustee of the Nancy L. Breitenstine Living Trust dated July 9, 1999 with full and binding authority to act on behalf of said trust pursuant to Certificate of Trust attached hereto and made a part hereof residing at 94321 US Highway 89, Afton, WY 83110, GRANTOR, and NANCY L. NAPPLES, Trustee of the Nancy L. Breitenstine Living Trust dated July 9,1999 and DONALD H. NAPPLES, Trustee of the Donald H. Napples Living Trustee dated October 21, 2005, residing at 94321 US Highway 89, Afton, WY 83110, GRANTEES; WITNESSETH, that said Grantor, for in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid by Grantees, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the said Grantee forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said Grantors have in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, SITUATE IN LINCOLN COUNTY AND STATE OF WYOMING, HEREBY RELEASING AND WAIVING ALL RIGHTS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION LAWS OF THE STATE TO WIT: A PORTION OF THE SW 1,4 NE 1,4 AND mE N Yz SE 1,4 OF SECTION 13, T33N R119W OF THE 6TH P.M. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE BLM TYPE MONUMENT FOUND MARKING THE LLOYD B. BAKER PEILS 698, 1998 LOCATION FOR THE CE 1/16 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 13; THENCE N 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 01 SECONDS E, ALONG THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 13, 56.96 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE FOUND Page 1 of 5 000744 MARKING A POINT IN THE CENTER LINE OF U.S HIGHWAY 89 RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE S 44 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 05 SECONDS E, ALONG LAST SAID CENTERLINE, 140.10 FEET TO COTTON GIN SPIKE SET; THENCE S 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 01 SECONDS W, PARALLEL TO SAID SECTION 13 CENTERLINE 952.77 FEET TO THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF THE SALT RIVER; THENCE N 27 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 29 SECONDS E, ALONG SAID SALT RIVER CENTERLINE, 112.44 FEET TO A POINT IN SAID SECTION 13 CENTERLINE; THENCE N 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 01 SECONDS E, ALONG LAST SAID CENTERLINE, 69.96 FEET TO THE BLM TYPE MONUMENT FOUND MARKING THE PAUL N. SCHERBEL LOCATION FOR THE CEW 1/64 CORNER. THENCE N 0 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 16 SECONDS E, ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE SW % NE 1/4 , 695.64 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE SET MARKING THE CENTER OF SAID SW If.¡ NE If.¡, THENCE S 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 00 SECONDS E, ALONG THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF SAID SW % NE %, 75.98 FEET TO A COTTON GIN SPIKE SET MARKING A POINT IN SAID CENTERLINE OF THE U.S. HIGHWAY 89 RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG LAST SAID CENTERLINE, ALONG A 5729.58 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT (CHORD BEARS S 43 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 59 SECONDS E, 213.67 FEET) THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 13 SECONDS AN ARC DISTANCE OF 213.69 FEET TO A COTTON GIN SPIKE SET MARKING STA. PC1129+07.5; THENCE S 44 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 05 SECONDS E, CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID CENTERLINE, 632.15 FEET TO A COTTON GIN SPIKE SET MARKING A POINT IN THE EAST LINE OF SAID SW If.¡ SE If.¡; THENCE S 0 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 26 SECONDS W, ALONG SAID EAST LINE 56.98 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO ALL RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, RIGHTS OF WAY, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE DEEDS FORMING THE CHAIN OF TITLE TO TillS PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, COVENANTS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. HEREBY RELEASING AND WAIVING ALL RIGHTS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING. Page 2 of 5 000745 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 94321 US Highway 89, Afton, WY 83110 The legal description was obtained from a previously recorded instrument TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the released premises to Grantees, Grantees' heirs and assigns forever, so that neither I nor any other person in my name and behalf shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the premises, or any part of them; but they and every one of them shall, by these presents, be excluded and forever barred. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set a hand and seal the day and year first written above. Signed, sealed and delivered in my presence: ~~ NANCY NAPPLES f/kla Na cy L. Breitenstine, Trustee of the Nancy L. Breitenstine Living Trust dated July 9, 1999 STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF lJ LJ.-Cl) \ '^- ) ^ , . .....,.:~e foregoing instrument was hereby acknowledged before me this ~t'\cl day of ~~ 2007 by, NANCY L. NAPPLES, Trustee, who is personally known to me or who has produced .Prì ~ U ~ , as identification, and who signed this instrument willingly. Y~~o.m- Notary Publ'c NQi\C Y J . Brow n My commission expires: ~ I 'd-5 rO-O Ib NANCY J. BROWN - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF .. , STATE OF LINCOLN \ . WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~ The preparer had not had any contact with the Grantor(s) nor Grantee(s) herein No title search was performed on the subject property by the preparer. The preparer of this deed makes no representation as to: the status of the title; property use; any zoning regulations concerning described property herein conveyed; or any matter except the validity of the form of this instrument. Information herein was provided to preparer by Grantor/Grantee and lor their agents, no boundary survey was made at the time of this conveyance. Prepared Under The Supervision Of: P. DeSantis, Esq. By: Law's Specialty Group, Inc. 235 West Brandon Blvd., #191 Brandon, Florida 33511 866-755-6300 Page 3 of 5 000746 CERTIFICATION OF TRUSTEE 1. Declarant(s), the currently acting Trustee(s)/Successor Trustee of the Trust, Certify the existence of the following described Trust and facts regarding said Trust: Name ofTrust: ~ II '7' L. ;'/""t'f? I e.s L 'v I ÅI,! H"ú r Made under the laws of the State of fA) r 0 JIW I" ¡Jr Date of execution of Trust: fu...1 ( q I 11 q c¡ The name of the Trustee(s)/Successor Trustee now qualified to act under the Trust instrument and who is/are the only qualified Trustee(s): Settlor(s): ¡/ a.1'l cr L. IV Q.., ,.tJ,iJ /.e.-S- Social security No. or Employer Identification No. ;282-- S"t8-7 ~ I B 2. Declarant(s) certify that if fewer than all currently acting Trustee(s)/Successor Trustee are required to sign, the Trustee(s)/Successor Trustee(s) named below is/are all those necessary to execute documents on behalf of the Trust: N t:l.-17 (!, '1 L. IVtLf¡?(~.s .. , Trustee(s): 3. Declarant(s) certify that the Trustee(s)/Successor Trustee(s) are properly exercising their power and authority in negotiating for, contracting for, and exercising these documents. Type of Document: 4Jtv/ fc/~/~ YVt ìJeed 4. Declarant(s) certify that the Trust is in full force and effect and has not been revoked, terminated, or otherwise amended in any manner which would cause the representation in this certification to be incorrect. 5. The Trust is Irrevocable? NO Revocable? LI.es / If revocable, the person(s) holding the power to revoke is/are:--L.t/~n c", I- . I 1l4ap/eJ' ¡;:u.sh 0__ I""'" / 6. The manner in which title to Trust assets is to he taken is: -AIa-,. r Î L Page 4 of 5 000747 8. Declarant(s) state that the Trust is governed by the laws of the State of VV'1D NJ (tJr This document is to be signed by all of the currently acting Trustees: ¡1/~I1(ÄA L. ¡/a.ð¡J/~ -TrL-4J~ --t /"1 / Signed, sealed and delivered in my presence: ~<-~ APPLES f/kIa Na y L. Breitenstine, Trustee of the Nancy L. Breitenstine Living Trust dated July 9, 1999 STATE OF ~YMING COUNTY OF J ~ ( lI\- ) ) The foregoing instrument was hereby acknowledged before me this ~ day of r, 2007 by, NANCY L. NAPPLES, Trustee, who is personally known to me or who oduced 0('\ \Ji.q'$o l t C~ as identification, and who signed this instrument willingly. NANCY J. BROWN - NOTARY PUBLIC . "~ COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN . . WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES (¡J {~61íTO/{J ~~ßrown My commission expires: 10 I ë)-51ëJO ( Ü Page 5 of 5