HomeMy WebLinkAbout876363STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF TETON '13 ;3OK474PIc PAGE 0 G Patricia A. Jones, being of lawful age and being first duly sworn upon oath according to law, deposes and states: 1. That she is the surviving spouse of Richard P. Jones. 2. That affiant and Richard P. Jones, as husband and wife, were the owners of real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as Lot 224, Lakeview Estates Subdivision, Alpine, Wyoming, as filed and platted in the Office of County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 3. That affiant and Richard P. Jones acquired title to the above described. property by a Warranty Deed recorded on September 15, 1982 in Book 191 PR at page 737 in the Office of County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 4. That affiant does hereby certify under oath to the death of Richard P. who was a co -owner of the above described real property with affiant as a tenant by the entireties. The death of Richard P. Jones terminated his interest as a tenant by the entireties. Attached hereto is a copy of the official death certificate of Richard P. Jones. 5. That this Affidavit of Survivorship is made in compliance with the provisions of Section 2 -9 -102 of the Statutes of the State of Wyoming. Subscribed to and sworn before me this 615 day of Sef renrlage- 2001. Dated this 541, day of q Witness my hand and official seal. AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP My Commission Expires: 3- 1b -apos 876363 Notary Publ 2001. RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY Y CLERK Yl (,A 3 K t 0 Iv't 141 ERER, RELEASED SCANNED e t hLLJ O Patricia A. Jones SANDY TOLAND NOTARY PUBUC County of State of Teton C Wyoming My Commission Expires 3-16 -2005 i ;tt :iaas:s a:a:Yt:s;aa 1 }It ataaas a: Y,tt;a;4as;Mia;Y,i;Nt:tt:Y,t 1;at;4Y,atlttas att:ts;Y.a!i:a;a;YS aat;i:4J:sa;Li:Y,Y,t;,tat;tl 1;a;Yt;;!;j DECEDENT p t 1 :1 gyp, liStl�k 'CERTftICAT VITA�,RECORD r te".. t33434:i.s3a3:33H3ii.craies:13:1333 trrr!t 4rrtitrrtttirUtitr itftrttlfrtt•Trtttttt t: ttttitttit; Yi titttttttit :T:t:i:lRlYt:titit ;t IDSW 1S E TIFIGATE 02 10 c a`ri_e�a: Y�Y INFORMANT �.iz::Fla j aarmlad R o87 C3 TYPE OR PRINT W PERMANENT BLAKE INK FOR INSTRUCTIONS SEE HANDBOOK CAUSE OF DEATH A VR 2 -89 4/94 15M It 13a. RESIDENCE STATE 13e. INSIDE CITY LIMITS? (Specify yes or no) yes LOCAL FILE NUMBER 3.1 1. DECEDENT -NAME FIRST Richard 4. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 521 -32 -5831 7e. PLACE OF DEATH (Check only one) 8. STATE OF BIRTH (U not In USA, name country) Colorado 11. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES') (Specify yes or no) no Wyoming 17. FATHER'S NAME Fist isza Oliver Preston Jones 190. INFORMANT -NAME (Type or Print) Patricia Jones 100. MAILING ADDRESS STREET OR RFD. NUMBER P.O. Box 1485 20a. Burial. Cremation, Removal from Stele, Other (Spoclly) burial 210. FNNER L SERVICE LICENSEE As e 220. To e st my,,���.'...tryIIIrrrr to the caose(0) (Signature and WO s 5 22d. NAME 0 ATTENDIN y= g 2210 DATE SIGN -r (Mo. STATE OF WYOMING Preston 13b. COUNTY MIDDLE Teton Jackson, 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN? (Specify no or yea if yea, specify Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Eta.) an No t 7 Yes Speciy) 1 20b. DATE (Ma, Day, Yr.) r men Acting e, •e. h 6e. AGE -Last Birthday (Years) 67 Printer Middle Last Number 21b. NAME OF FACILITY 24. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFIER (PHYSICIAN OR CORONER)(Type or Print); Dr. 4) (0.44 t C :4T 26a. REGISTRAR Sequentially list conditions, it any, leading to immediate cause. Enter UNDERLYING CAUSE (Disease or [NM that Initiated events resulting N death) LAST PART 5, OTHER SIGNIF 29. MANNE Natural Accident Suicide Homicide F DEATH 31879 Pending Investigation 'Could not be Determined DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): :a s✓.°,�° hh A P TI N DF3„ STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH LAST Jones 56. UNDER 1 YEAR Months Days off BPITAL• oTHER: Inpatient ER /Outpatient DOA Nu rsing Home Residence Other (Specify) 7b. FACILITY NAME (II not /nsEWEon, give street and number) 7e. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH St. John's Hospital and Living Center, Jackson, Wyoming B. MARRIED, NEVER MARRIED, m Wi (Specif 12a. USUAL OCCUPATION. (Give kif xak dar durkig most give Ile, o awn 11 reEnd) 130. CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION Wyoming 325 W. -Kelly 16. RKCE- American Indian„ 16. DECEDENT'S EDUCATION Blaooc,'Whlte, Etc. _edr.. only .,_h_. grade completed) (Specify) CRY OR TOWN Jackson, White 20c. CEMETERY OR CREMATORY -NAME (Signature) N! I a6. PART 1. Enter the diseases, Inhales, or complications that caused death. Do not enter the mode of dy each 28. or respiratory arrest, shock, or heart failure. Uel oMy one cause on each lire. Hours May 28 1997 Aspen Hill Cemetery 10. SURVIVING SPOUSE (II wile, give maiden name) Patricia Aline Stl 18. MOTHER'S NAME First Midd,a Patricia Aline MABLE Wyoming DISPOSITION CERTIFIER 479 Valley Mortuary 119 170 •Bast Broadwa Jackson 22a ti R OF DEATH 2 7 f •M PHYSICIAN IFL3THER THAN CERTIFIER (Type or Print) /Am 7 -,oil feet meg5tik l 25b. DATE RECEIVED BY REGISTRAR (Ma, Day, 20) 23x. Or the basis of examination and /or Investigation, n my opl •n death 000000 at the time, data and place and due to the cause(s) staled. (Signature end Ede) 8s 23d. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Ma, Day, Yr.) IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final /J disease death) V /J 1`///� �•n A- resulting In death) s1 a �i I� re�-C G r.i4 ...t DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEO /j EE OFL 4�7 /j DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): a CONDITIONS Conditions co ¢00th but not related to cause given In PART L 300. DATE OF INJURY 306. TIME OF (Month, Day, V') INJURY M 30e. PLACE OF INJURY -Al home, farm, street, factory office building, Mo. (SpeciN)i This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in the office of Vital Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. tt DATE ISSUED: 30c. INJURY Al" WORK? (Specify yes or no) STATE 2. SE% M 5c. UNDER 1 DAY Minutes 130 STREET AND NUMBER 18b. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT Number b. DATE SIGNED (Mo, Doy,' Yr.) STATE FILE NUMBER 3. DATE OF DEATH (Ma, Day, 1t) May 24 1997 6. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo., Day, Yr.) February 13 1930 125.19513 OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY Printing' Elomentory' /Secondary (0 -12) College (1 -4 or 5 ZIP CAGE 83001 20d. LOCATION CRY OR TOWN STATE Jackson, Wyoming 210 ADDRESS OF FACWTV ors e.7 -97 27. AUTOPSY (Specify 28. WAS CASE REFERRED TO CORONER yes or rid) (Specify yes Or no) yes no 063 91 -01492 300. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED Lucinda McCaffrey Deputy State Registrar This copy is not valid unless prepared on paper with an engraved border displaying the date, seal and signature of the Deputy State Registrar. 11 7d. COUNTY OF DEATH Teton Malden Surname Ctranh GARTLAND 23c. HOUR OF DEATH 23e. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Hour) M r Approximate !Interval Between 'Onset and Death. M j301. LOCATION (Street and Number or Rural Route Number, City or Town, State) I NAN