HomeMy WebLinkAbout932482 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. ) RECEIVING # 932482 BOOK: 670 PAGE: 71 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 00007:1 COUNTY OF LINCOLN AFFIDA VIT OF SURVIVORSHIP Suzan C. Pauling, of lawful age, being first duly sworn according to law upon her oath, deposes and states: 1. That pursuant to a Warranty Deed recorded on January 5,2006, document number 914997 in the real estate records of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, Suzan C. Pauling, Successor Trustee of the Ellen P. Campbell Living Trust dated June 13, 1996, and Suzan C. Pauling, Successor Trustee of the Allen E. Campbell Living Trust'dated June 13, 1996, GRANTOR, deeded the below described real property, unto SCOTT CARLISLE and CHERIE CARLISLE, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, GRANTEES, whose address is P.O. Box 1266, Afton, WY 83110, reserving unto Ellen P. Campbell a life estate in said property. The property is described as follows: Part of Section 30, T32N Rl18W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln 'County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: -' - -.;'.' , , , .."Beginhingata point on the Easfedge ·ofU.S. Highway 89, which is 70 fëet North from· the Northwest corner ofBloèk 5 of the Afton Townsite. and running thence East along the North edge of First A venue of said Town of Afton, 844 feet, more or less, to the South bank ofthe Swift Creek; thence meandering along said bank of Swift Creek, west and northerly, to the point of intersection with the East edge of said U.S. Highway 89; thence South 220 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. "':þ .....1 Subject to all easements, reservations, covenants, exceptions and restrictions presently of record, in sight, or in use, in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming. 2 That on the 11th day of July, 2007, said Ellen P. Campbell died in Salt Lake City, County of Salt Lake, Utah, and was on that date a resident of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Acertified death certificate of said decedent is attached hereto. 3. That pursuant to the. deathi of Ellen P. Campbell; sole title to'theaboÿe-described property is vested in SCOTT CARLISLE and CHERIE CARLISLE, HusbåÚd and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties. 4. This Affidavit is made pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 2-9-102 and shall be recorded in the records of the County Clerk wherein the deceased owned real property and a certified copy thereof shall have the same force and effect as an original. Further the affiant sayeth not. Dated thi£ day of August, 2007. ' ~ é ~.J Su C. Pauling 0 Page 1 of2 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. ) 000072 COUNTY OF ALBANY Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, by Suzan C. Pauling, on thisdl day of August, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. L~/ Q. ~/Lav~~~ a . XxJ otary Public My commission expires: çj &-_ ~_. ~æ () SHARON A. DAVIS-NOTARY PUBLIC County of .. State of AlbJny . Wyoming My Commlsalon expires Feb. 2. 2008 2of2 CERTIFICATE F DEATH I State File Number: 2007007734' Ellen Campbell DECEDENTINFORMA TION Date of Death:_ City ofDeath: . Age: Place of Birth: Armed Services: Spouse'~Name: Industry/Business: Residence: 'Mother's Name: Facility or Address:' July 11,2007 Salt Lake City 93 Lincoln, Idaho No / í Education Afton, Wyoming Rpsalind Glover OareSource \ \ Time of Death: County of Death: Date of Birth: Sex: Marital Status: Usual Occupation: Education: Father's Name: Facility Type: 01:45 Salt Lake Jun~14, 1914 Female . Widowed School Tèacher' Bachelor's Degree Lennert Pearson -N ursingHome( Assisted Li,ving ') INFORMANTlNFORMA TION Name: Susan Pauling',,' ,ii; Relationship: Mailing Address: 11 Bobcat ~~reet.,Laramie;Wyol)'ling82.o72 ' I; ~. V'-'" ';1'. 'ÔåÛ~hter .. DISPOSIT~ON INFORMATION Method of Disposition: Burial . .' ....,.'. ," Place of Disposition: .'A~9n}Cemete~..Afton, Wyorning' "1 ·."'0, Date otDisposition: J,ul)' 14, 2b07 "":;~.'~';"~ FUNERAL HOME INFORMATION" ,;.. Funeral Home:ØoffMoryLJary. ....'/' Address: ,8'090's6ÎJtIÏState, Midvale, Utan,84047. Funeral Director:\Oel Ballard, / MEDICAL CERTIFICATION I ," .,....... Certifying Physician:Crys~al D bwens.16~4Eåsf4500South,Salt :'-.-,,1-, -.:.- (' :~~::::~;' ,";:i,[y:,.)..,~-_. ~ t .,- J ,,' CAUSE OF DEATH "', !;", '" Acute cerebrovascular ac:¢Jdent ,,'" Tobacco Use: Non"user'.: ., Medical Examiner Contacted: No Autopsy Perforl'J' ed: \Jo / DATE ISSUED: July 11, 2007 '-, This Is an exact reproduction of the document registered in the State Offlè::~of Vltal'Ståtistlcs;; Security features of this otflcialdocument include: Intaglio Border,V & R Images In top cyclolds¡ ultra violet fibers and hologram image of a hawk over the word valid, This document displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar and the County/District HealthOtficer. Updated Utah State Seal replaces hawk over valid for authentic~ty. . I /J-..¡êH \ \ 1IIIUIIIHlllllm ~~~ Barry E. Nangle, State Registrar * 0 6 ~ 2--6 8 85 ~ * Director/Health Officer . . Office of Vital Statistics ì CountylDlstrict Health Department