HomeMy WebLinkAbout932487 When m:orded mail to: LAURA MIZNER P.O. BOX 1478 THAYNE. WY 83127 QUIT CLAIM DEED {)00079 W. CURTIS MIZNER, LAURA MIZNER AND SUSAN M. MIZNER,TRUSTBE OP THE SUSAN M. MIZNER. UVlNG TRUST DATED JUNE 30, 2005, grantors of LINCOLN, WY hereby Quit CllÚml to LA'I1kA MIZNER AND SUSAN M. MIZNER, TRUSTEE OF THE SUSAN M. MIZNERLMNO TRUST DATED JUNE 30,.2005, AS TltNANTS IN COMMON, WITH AN UNDVlDEJ) ONE HALF INTEREST EACH. grantees of AFTON WYOMING for the SuM ofTEN DOLLARS AND OTHER OooD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the following described tract of1and in LINCOLN COUD~, StJlfeotWYOMINO,heroby releasing and waiving all rights under and by v/.rtu.eof the l1omesteadC1Ceinption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: LOT 40 OF 5T AI{ V ALLEY RANCH PLAT 21, .LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THB OFFICIAL PLA TFlLEDON OCTOBER 22, 1982 AS JNSTRUMBNT NO, 586332 OF DiE RECORDS OF'THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained In, the United States Patent, current taxes and reservations, easements, rights of way .I covenimta, conditions, restrictions, zoningmattera liens, and encumbrances and all othor matters ofrooord or enforceable In law or equity, The Grantor specifically reserves all minerals, coal carbons, hydrocarbons, olI,'gas, chemical elements and compounds, whether in solid, liquid or gasoline form, and all sœam and other forms of thermahnergy on, In or under the above-deacribed land provided thatGrøntor does not reseNe thcrigh! to use the subject property of extract mineralaor other substances 1Ì'Om the subJect. property above a depth of SOO feet, nor does tho Orantorreserve the right to use the surface of the subject property In connection with the rl~ reserved herein... . SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO ALL RBSERV ATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, PROTEèTIVE COVENANTS, BXCE.PTIONS, BASEMENTS AND RIO}fI'S OF WAY OF RECORD, IN SIGHT ~R IN ~SE. s Id grantors, q þ~ /<J 7 . 2007, . \ RECEIVED 8/27/2007 at 11 :28 AM RECEIVING # 932487 BOOK: 670 PAGE: 79 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY j~ ~~~R~ ~ Z '^-~ c, -- . r,¿ ...-..'¿I/ / _ c-..J ~ /' SUSAN M. MIZNER. TRU I State of ~CI_' ... c... '} County of L,..a c.... ,-..:I }ss: On Â"''''''T z.'3;~crso~ally appeared befor" ,"c' W.CURTIS MIZNER .. '" who duly acknowledged to me that he eKeçuted the same. . .;.'./7 . . . ~~2?~' Notary Public Residing: .APTo..l, V Y . Expires: Sc.p+<.......b<..r I<e., "ZOI a R. NICK BAIRD _ NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires September 18, 2010 PAGE 1 of 2 - " ....,- _....~.._..~.. .._- _. ......---. .-..---......". -"- '-"-'-.---,... ._... .. .--..-. ·---0·Ò0080 Statoof 6ì2..t..&(}ÝÌ "} , Coumyof\.'1j~tf:IYI~\~s: '. ~ . '. ·'1 FeJ1d' On 'Z' 20· 21)07 . pc:rsona.lly appeared befoT9 me (IIlQ y/ ee... . LA~ MIZNER who duly acknowledged to me that he exec.uted the same. . ¡J A ::l . . . ( ,[Út4uUL. ~.L:!Zt4~ "-..-/ Nota,ry Public Resl.ding: II ie.' hc<...- Oí "¿P-d,¡--"'¡ ExpIres: (3 1;(.7 ) 2C:x/'; __<:~S'9.C~.,"i:"::è:.·. , OFFICIAL SEAL 'd (., t.' MARILEE FETTERMAN ~ NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 372012 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 27, 2007 , '''T' ...-......-..-..---...... .- .._--... ...........' ...-...--.-................. , ...".._._,_.',.~---_....--- , Statoof \00_''''<' 0} . Countyof ç '-C09"'~ . }S5: On e· "Z. '3 - "Z.OOì. personally appeared befor~ mC" . . SUSAN M, MIZNER who duly acknowledged to me that he e¡¡ecuted the sam". . . /":) " '. "~g~' ~r~~ Publio Residing: Ac:rTc;r,.J, \.-/.../o-.....c., . Expires: SaP'T~-"!.I!\t. I ß, ,0\0 J:.··- Ct\·~·~IRD _ NOTARY PUBLIC .'J I ~ County of State of 1! Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires September 18, 2010 PAGE 2 of 2