HomeMy WebLinkAbout874193 - KN~W ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS.1'hat Fir~tiohal Bank - West - Lincoln . corporation. of the Counly of . and Slate of Wvom in Q: cerllfy that a certain mortgage, bearing date Ihe 24 th day of November made and executed by Scott Ross Linford & Lark A. Linford , dOes he~ebl , A.D. ~OOO aamortgagor.jL,IO FirRt National flank - West 8. mortgagee, eonvey~nB cerll,ln ~lIa~ IIltalll therein mentioned .. Helurlty for the payment of . therein llated. which mortgage wa, recorded In the olllce of the County Clerk and tx.Offlclo Rell,ter of Deed, of . Lincoln "29th Novmeber County. State 01 WyomIng, on the dBy of 351 , , and morta..ln. tha'lollowlng delcrlbed r!lal ,.\Ste In said Count" to-wll 35,908.93 . ., I~OOO In Boolr 456 of Mortgagee, II pagl .. All lands described in above sa~d mortgage. 489 BOOK467 PR PAGE ,81 4 \ 9 3 RECEIVED .' UNCOLN COUNTY CLERK 01 "HIH 29 M~I 9: 37 .JEANNE \,i}:\GNER \'~EMMER[[l WYOMING. .. I~. witl~ a nol, .!lecured Iluirehy, nnlll". alor..n,p.II~loned dehl, f;.lIy flald. IRlldled. rdrpar.d, find lllael;argrd pndln con~lderatlon thereof the eald mortgage 'dOlI! hereby releaae' and CJllltcla.im linto the laid mottgagor the premise. thereby conveyed and mortgaged, : IN Wl'rNESSWIIEREOF,thll First National Bank - West has cail8ed thele f'rellentl to be lllgned hy Ita ". :,'.-;:\:,:;~'.<" ."... j fifij . .and:h~'ri~~~~+\~~e~~1~~f~ _Waed, thll . Slgned~~~.~jJ.'lI..q:i~~:il~, In t~e ('relence' o' ..,' ," . ?' ::"/ 'l.'~':',;~/'ql!t~\\t::.'. '~,:, y,. S"EAl ; ~" l,,'! " . }~;~i?;jl3/ . Vice President . 22nd day 0' June , A. D.Jttl2ilill.. . . First National Bank - West ~"'--B'-" ~~;~;;;;;;~,_..,-,""..". " ' It I 1Ti,,; P.,.",,,dr'l,,,n-t Hfal1mX Nolll: ,If II Is nol dellred III ~ellcrlb, land.. In RllOce therpfor, huert the followIngs "Ail landl deacrlbed'ln, 8al~ morlgase." : j... . ,.l,-2 00 1. belore me penonall)' appeared TilE STATE OF WYOMING. Linc'oln Counly'o' On tbl. ROIl Thomas 22nd da, o' June 10 me perionally known. who. beln, by me duly Iworn. dId ~a)' Ihat hilI Ille F1rRt Nation~l Bank - West n'lllthatllle Rr.al afllud to Rnld In~lrllment III the corporste leal elf laid torporstlon. 'aDd that 'aId Inltrllnlent we'II,ned al1d ,ealed on behalf 01 laid corporatlun I)' nlllhllrlly 01 IIll n,lOrd "' IJlrr.t:lo".<<ulIllInhl Cashier ' ." lcknowlr.t)ged !laid InRlrllnlent to be the free act snd deed of laId ct!rporatJon. GIven under . , A.D. ~2001. Vice President 01 \l'il..~y'~,*j8~ My cllmmI8ltlDU.,~)llf.l!fI'1J1I'hc"""""c" ~'j~,. "';= 1'lIE STATE OF WYOMING, dny 0' ,d,p'J .Notary .'"blle. .A.D.~2~ I... ~Ollllty of l'hll IlIllrum..nt wall flied forrer-ord .t \. D. 19~,--and duly recorded In Book o'cloc"~., on tlte on Page da)' 01 , . County Clerk and Ell-ortlclo .!legisler 0' lJeeds by .....IIIl