HomeMy WebLinkAbout874194 r-- ., .KNOW ALL MEN BYTJlESE PRESENTS,1'~at First National Bank - West . cO,rporatlon, 0' the County 01 cerlll)' lhal I certain mortgagl, be.rlns date the d d .-..lb Scott Ross Linford ilia II an execuwu )' Lincoln . and Slate 01 8th day 0' & Lark A. Linford Wyoming February , dOeI hereb) " A.D. ~OOO , ..mortgaBor~. 10 First National B~nk - West a.' mortgagee, I!Onvey~ni eertaln ~III~ elt.tllher!!ln mentioned a'lHurlty lor the payment 01 S 125 .000000 . a' therel,! llated. which mortgage wal recorded In the olllell o. the County Clerk and tlloOfflclo Regl.ter 01 Deed. 01 T,inC'oln County. Slate 01 Wyomln" on lhe 9th d.y d. Febr:uary ~OOO In Bool.: 441 d. Mor".gll. at p.gl 424 . . and morlaaglng thelollowlnS de.crlbed r~.1 e.l,ate In .ald Count)'. to-wIt ,. All lands described in above said mortgage. BOOK467 PH. PAGE 4 9 0 " . 8 7 4 ,. 9' 4 RECE lVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 01 1111.,iZq, r"~'':l 9' 38 '.... ...' l , ..... '] ~ ' , .' JEAI\Jf\!'- .,'.-' f'~J'-R _ , Ii C. Ii ;h:q' tt- 1.<EMMEf,Ef{ WYOMING b. with e not, ,,,ecured tllrirelly. nnd the .'orl'num,hmed dehl. 'ul/y palll. lallBfled. rcleASed, Rnd c1f~charlJ"d and In conllderallon Ihereolthe ..Id morlgogl! 'doea hereby rele'8e' ~nd quitclaim unto ,he a.id morlgalor Ibe prem/sea Ihereby conveyed and morIBa,ed. :.. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF.lh., Fi TRt National RAnk We.st . V:i:ce P+,esident hua call~ed '~.e.'!e.J~f~l!e"ISlo be eJgned by It. . ::", .;~\:'..:I.. ': ' , . and Its c~t~~r.,afi\W6J'l~'bll".lIhred. Ihl. -. ,. 1 \ ... ../" ,,- .. Slgned/~~~\~~'D~UNJre~;.tn,t~e presence o. ./ ~~/",t;:; ..:o..\~~~\ '. ~ I-~. <::..... AT' ! "i ": , ~- ~ ~ 0 C J"1i., .:.<.J ,; ~.~l ~ AUe~f 1; , .' ~'i ,. :~. \\..... ... .. ~'1/' ,,'" ~~.... . .. ~: 22'nd day 01 June . A. D.J!IX)200l,. , , ,First NationaL Ba~k - West L'_"~'m.~ 1Jf;~~~~..- "., . III 'Vi C'p 'p'ypd np;'r Cashier ." \. , Nol~:,If'llIR mil deelred Iu dtscrlbl' land;' In Allnee Iherl'lor, Inserllhe 'ollowlnlJl ~'Ai'landa descrlbed"n eald lIIorlgagll." '. '. . ,... . day 01 I u. June . '. lJ.x200hefo~1l me personally appellred TilE STATJ;; OF WYOMING. . Lincoln Counly'o': Onlhla 22nd Ron Thomas 10 m. peraonally known. who. be'Il' by me duly Iworn. dId ~.y Ihat hllI. Ibe First National Ban~ - West Vice President 01 1"~llhall"e lIl!alaUlxl!1l 10 8Rld Inslrument Iii Ii" corporale .eal of laId torflorallon. 'and Ihelsaldlnlllr"ntenl w~allgneii and ,e.'ed on behalf o'eald corflorallon If alllhnrlty of lis Uoard ,,' IJlrr.c1orR "",llIahl Cashier . ", . lckn~wleciged IIald'n r nl I' of eald c~or.tlon. GIven under m 22nd ay 01 . June . A.D.~OOl . My comm/sslon ClI,,/re. on Ihe , J,r 74- . .Iay o. .A.D....~ , . \. D. 19_.-'llnd duly recorded In Book ) N. o'cIDC~.. on lbe on rlRe dl)' 0' mE STATE OF WYOMING. :Ollllly flf Thla Inelruml'nlwl. flied 'orrer-ord III . ., Counl)' Clerk Ilnd Ell-orilclo Ilegialer 0' Ileede - .. ..."....,.._u