HomeMy WebLinkAbout874195 ,- KN~W ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS.1'hllt F.' - '1 B k W t ~rst Nat~ona an - .es - . C!orpol'atlon. o. the County o' ~ertlly that . certain mortgage, Scott made and ellelluted by I' mortgalo~. to ..' mor"alee. eol:lvey~nilllertaln ~ea~ "t.le therein mentioned a. llHurlly lor the Itayment 011 4'i. 296 . 'i 0 thllrel~ 'lated. which mortgage wa. recorded In thl olllce 01 the County Clerk and t..orflclo Regl.Ier o' Deed. o' Lincoln County, State o. Wyomln.. on the 9th day 01 February ~OOO 441 01 MorIfIlS"I. at pllgll 429 , and morlJaglos thll'ulluwlnl delcrlbed r~al e.~leln eald County, to-wll Lincoln Wyoming , and Slate 01 bearlns date the 8 th day o' Ross Linford & Lark A. Linford February , dOeI herebl , A.D. ~2000 First National Ba~k - West . al In Boo" ,. All lands. described in above said mortgage. 491 BOOK,.~?~PR PAGE 814195 RECE IVED UNCOUJ COUH'TY CLERK' 01 IlDJ?O' f;H 9: 39 C,o\."I'" (_ J t, IE-All",r- ".J' I~'.!'---P '. - , 'IHH-_ \ V /'"' .J I" l:. \ I<EMMERER. V{'tOMING . . , b..wilh a notl',1lecured IllIirehy, nncllhe .Iorphlp.utluned c1p.hl,'ully fllM, .alldled. relensed, and dlscl.arg"d and'ln consideration Ihereollhe .lIid morlgllgf 'doe. hereby r"lellee and quItclaim unlo the laid mottgogor Ihe premise' thereby conveyed and mortgaged. .- . IN WrfNESS wnEREOF, th" ,First Nati'onal Bank - West has call sed lhel~I'reeenlllo be .Igned lIy h. I dO 'I . ,.., snd lis ~';J'pot~'t~;!~p,~!:icj.:~e,aUind. Ihll Slgned.~~:~I~~~11iilti~I\YW-i'~ln I~e presence 0' ".,.' "",,\ \?:J::\..: "'//1( '" , .. · 67;~;i;~;;;);:S((~ \ . , AI!,elil?st '.' : ~ :: ''"'', ;." ". ,,:. . : ;:;1 ::: . .~. ~ ... ;'/ ." .. ':;? .- Vite President 22n4: day 0' June .A.D.~l . , First Natlonal Bank West '.dlL.~-~~ y - ._---'_.....-._,":,.....,,"'-, - -- Its Vi-ce' presi,dent . Cashier ""!.,,~Nbl~/lr)l.J8'~iii'deslred lu ~l'lIerlbl' lond~ III /llloce Illefl"o" 1IIIIIlrt Ihe 'ollowlugl "Ail'lllldl deacrlbed' ill,sDI~ mortgage." J.:, ,l'jll,I"II, _ .. : I u. TilE STATE OF.WYOMINO, .'.". Liricoln County 01 On tbl. Ron Thomas 22nd do)' 0' June , )OS200;!. belore me personally af1peared to ~e periomdly known, who, being b)' me duly Iworn, dId ~a)' thai hllI. tbe F1rRt National Rank - Yp~r Vic~ President 0' a'HI thllll"e II!I.I alflxr.d tn illld lnllmmen! Ie the clPrflorale seal.., .ald I:orflorllllon, pnd thal.ald Inllruollnt wDI.lgned and ,esled on behal~ 0' !'.lIld corflorllllo~ IY oulhllrlty 0' Il!lUllnrd "' lJ'rr.c1orll nllllllnhl Cashier ' leknowll!I,iged "nld InlltrUlllenl 10 be the 'ree act and deed ol.ald c~rflorstlon. Given under m)' hand Ind notarlalse.1 thl. 22nd . day 0' June , A.D.Jt82illlll My commIssIon .Notar)' 1)..Mle. ,A. 0.*9: 7~ ) u. o'clock---1rf.. nn tha , on PIRe dty 01 I'IIE STATE OF WYOMING. ~o....ly 0' 1'hl. In.truml'nl wall lIIed 'orrer.ord al I. D. 19_i'and Iluly recorded In Book Count)' Clerk and E..Olllclo Uegialer 0' IJeed. ~. by ~