HomeMy WebLinkAbout874208 r- ., J fl.tJ I SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Marie P. Weston, a/k/a Marie Weston, a widow, DaleB. Weston and Pamela P. Weston, husband and wife, GRANTORS of P.O. Box 45, Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO Roland C. Willis and Linda L. Willis, husband and wife, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, GRANTEE, whose address is P.O. Box 281, Cokeville, Wyoming, the following-described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: See attached Exhibit "A." Subject to any and all restrictions, reservations, covenants, and/or easements of record. The GRANTORS hereby convey whatever interest they legally possess in any and all minerals, mineral rights, and appurtenant water rights, if any, but hereby except any warranties with respect to same. Further, Grantors do not warrant physical or legal access to the W~S~ of Lot 7 and W~N~ of Lot 8 in Section 7, T21 N, R119W, 6th P.M. WITNESS our hands this :l <l day of June, 2001. 814208 R~P~ fJuJ~ L1NCOLMar~JIA.TWEOO~R~/k1a Marie Weston 01 JUN2~aJt!sjJ ~ JE~lg.S{iweI3t5~ I<EMMERER. VrfOMING (--~ D ~-) ,.' ,,-J/-?7'-"-x4:/'. ,~-*r----,/ Pamela P. Weston BOOK 467 PR PAGE~ 1 4. 1 - - - -" - - u~~r711208 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) 55. ) 515 COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Special Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Marie P. Weston alkla Marie Weston, Dale B. Weston, and Pamela P. Weston, this ....J.'RI/vday of June, 2001.\ ../--"'" ~ /..... '. Witness my hand and official seal.' '. ~'" " . SEA L LIlA '~/}tZvJ , Notary Public My Commission EXPires:~eJv ~ bltJo:O ~....":.,.-.".,.....I'oaloo'"~'....",........,, , SlIJ!dX3 UO!SS!WWO:) At. = - j)~~ , :JI18nd AMV10N' NVWM?JN 'N \fON\fM, ~~"'~'-..."I!{~.I'1~~~_.,.....,').>>~-(.I" . ~."-''-'''''''''~ .-.. ,.' j':'~ WANDA N. NEWMAN. NOTARY PlH3L1t. COUNTY Of STATE Of UNCOlN , WYOMING " Me' , E' 3,1.A---Ip,/J. '~ y Oll)mlSSlon xplres._...~/!:",~., ~".~"'_ ,I' _ I: lP'~'" ,"', . ., ~,,"".~" '" .......... '", . 2 ......... ",.. " Ut~!'t~jL\~;OS EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description 51b Township 21 North, RanQe 119 West. 6th P,M. Section 7: W112S112 of Lot 7, W112N112 of Lot 8 Township 22 North, RanQe 119 West. 6th P.M. Section 7: Lot 32 Section 8: Lots 1,7,9,12,13,14,15,16.17.20 (or NE114SW114), 21,22,23,24 and 25, and NW114SW114 Section 9: Lots 7,9,16,17,18 and 19 Section 18: Lots 5,6,17 and 20 Excepting therefrom: A parcel of land situated within the boundaries of the public surv~y of Lot 21, 22, NW114SW114, Lot 20 and Lot 9 of Section 8, Township 22N, Rapge 119 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian; said parcel of land forming the'l right of way of Wyoming State Highway No. 30 through the aforesaid subdivis~on of the Public Survey, said parcel of land being shown, in general, upon the Plat of the survey of said highway by the Wyoming State Highway Commission and designated thereby as being F.AP. no. 193-0, said plat of said survey bing part of the official record of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, a d said parcel of land being shown in particular upon said plats of said su ey as follows: Beginning at a point situated approximately 80.0 feet West the Southeast Corner of said Lot 21 of said Section, Township, and Range, aid point being identical with the intersection of the Southerly boundary line of aid Lot 21 and the center line of the roadway of said highway, thence North 10 degrees 58 minutes East 2715.0 feet to the intersection of said center lin with the South boundary line of Tract 46 of said Township and Range, said enter line being situate 100.0 feet from, and parallel to, the longitudinal boundari s of said parcel of land, Township 22 North. RanQe 120 West. 6th P.M. Beginning at a point situated upon the West boundary of Tract ~2 from whence the Northwest Corner of said Section 27 bears NO<l12' for 2501.4 feet; thence N9rth 1269,9 feet; thence S6:f5TE, for 7453.5 feet; thence S2f5TW, for 192.0 feet along the Western Boundaries of the holdings of John Sed y and Beckwith- Quinn and Company of (Lawrence Johnson); thence N71C'J44' for 7058.7 feet to the point of beginning, all in Township 22 North, Range 120 W 51. A right of way 2 rods in width, in common with others, the South lines of which IS described as follows: Part of Section 22, Township 22 North, Ra ge 120 West of the 6th P.M. described as tollows: Beginning at a point trrm whence the : I , I _ _ i'_ - - - Ot~~(Ll~~t)8 r: 1 ") ;)... 6 Narthwest corner af Lat 24, said Section 22 bears West 314.8 fe~t; thence South 11053' East 794 feet; thence Sauth 84"25' East 2906.9 feet; the~ce North 74'20' East 1164 feet; thence South 81"38' East 636 feet to the County [Road. A parcel of land situate in Section 13,14,23,24,25 and 26 desfribed by metes and bounds as fallaws: Beginning at Corner No.. 4 of Resurvey llract No.. 74 from whence the Southwest corner of said Section 24 bears South 50 degrees 54 minutes West 23.22 chains, thence South 20.20 chains to. Corn,~r No., 3 of Tract 74, thence West 0.24 chains, thence South 11.39 chains, t1ence Sauth 89 degrees 59 minutes West 19.99 chains, thence North 20.00 chai s, thence Narth 89 degrees 59 minutes West 19.77 chains, thence Sauth 28.8 chains, thence East 20.00 chains to Corner No. 1 af Tract 40, thence Sout 20.30 chains, flows, thence meandering the central thread af the channel of ear River North 67 degrees 07 minutes East 4.88 chains, thence Narth 20 deg ees 33 minutes East 4.27 chains, thence Narth 09 degrees 23 minutes East 12.2(3 chains, thence North 27 degrees 48 minutes East 8.37 chains, thence Narth! 21 degrees 09 minutes West 3.32 chains, thence Narth 28 degrees 24 min~tes East 12.62 chains, thence Narth 06 degrees 57 minutes East 4.13 chains, thence Narth 48 degrees 27 minutes West 5,88 chains, thence Sauth 75 deg~ees 27 minutes West 10.74 chains, thence North 80 degrees 21 minutes W~~t 10.75 chains, thence Narth 21 degrees 27 minutes West 9.03 chains, thence ,,!arth 20 degrees 53 minutes East 8.13 chains, thence Narth 87 degrees 20 mi.r.utes East 8.61 chains, thence North 80 degrees 02 minutes East 9.24 chains, ~~ence South 79 degrees 11 minutes East 3.77 chains, thence Narth 21 degrees 5 minutes East 5.79 chains, thence Narth 31 degrees 28 minutes East 7.86 chai s, thence Narth 15 degrees 25 minutes East 3,01 chains, thence North 16 deg ees 06 minutes West 14.78 chains, thence North 71 degrees 50 minutes We t 13.16 chains, thence Narth 10 degrees 29 minutes East 2.03 chains, thence orth 34 degrees 37 minutes West 9.68 chains, thence North 34 degrees 19 mi utes East 7.63 chains, thence Narth 82 degrees 36 minutes East 7.76 chains, hence North 27 degrees 39 minutes East 4,73 chains, thence Narth 40 degreeS~9 minutes West 5.39 chains, thence Narth 00 degrees 02 minutes West 6.8 chains, thence North 31 degrees 24 minutes West 6,91 chains, thence North 80 degrees 24 minutes East 7.20 chains, thence South 78 degrees 14 mil')utes East 4.90 chains, thence North 28 degrees 43 minutes East 8.32 chains, thence North 18 degrees 57 minutes East 7.08 chains, thence North 06 degrees ~3 minutes West 5,84 chains, thence Narth 14 degrees 25 minutes West 3.6f chains, thence North 33 degrees 11 minutes East 6.21 chains, thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes East 4.67 chains, thence North 47 degrees 01 min tes East 12.03 chains, thence North 27 degrees 13 minutes East 3.94 chains, hence North 26 degrees 06 minutes West 5.46 chains, thence Narth 36 degr as 18 minutes West 6.08 chains, thence North 62 degrees 33 minutes East 8. 1 chains, to. the end of said meander, the intent being to. deed to the center of aid channel as measured midway between the banks of Bear RivE3r from the ap of the bank escarpments at normal ground levels, thence East 52.52 chains along the South ..... ~ J""" ~ U874t208 518 boundary of the holdings of Leo Telford, thence South 02 deg~1 ees 14 minutes West 125.74 chains along the Western boundary of the holdings of John Dayton, to a point on the South boundary of Tract 44, thence West 14. 8 chains to the point of beginning (Except the following: a tract of land situa:ted in Lot 15 of Section 24, in Township 22 North, Range 120 West of the 9th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, which is part of Tract 44 in Township and ~ange aforesaid, the boundaries of which are described as follows: Beginning at r point 1810 feet North and 1077 feet East, more or less, from the SouthweSt corner of Said Section 24, thence North 14 degrees 41 minutes East 100 feet; ,thence North 75 degrees 19 minutes West 100 feet, thence South 14 degrees 41 minutes West 100. fe,et, thence South 75 degrees 19 minutes East 100 feet to point of beginning) i , i The South half of Tract 40, a fractional part of Tract 41, a fracti9nal part of Tract 39, all in Township 22 North, Range 120 West of the Sixth Pqncipal Meridian, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at aI point which is S 20 degrees 41 minutes East 4,249 feet of the Northwest Corner ~Corner No.6) of Tract 41 of said Township and Range, thence East 3,780.5 fejet thence South 4,316,6 feet, thence N 72 degrees 25 minutes West 3,950 feet to a point on the West bank of the Bear River Channel, thence in a Northeasterly direction along the West bank of the Bear River Channel to the point of beginnin~. I Section 25: All of Lot 6,7,10,14 and 15 and SE1/4 of the NW1/4i And the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 Section 26: Lots 1 and 13 An undivided interest in the followinq described lands: W1/2SE1/4, Section 20, Township 22 N, R 118 W, 6th P.M.,; N1/2SE1/4, Section 29, TownShip 22 N, Range 118 W, 6th P.M, Tract 45, Township 22N, Range 119 W 6th P.M.. I Also a right of way and the right to travel over all road anb rights of way I heretofore used and now established over any lands heretofore qr now owned by Beckwith-Quinn and Company, for the purpose of ingress and egress to the above described lands. 1/2NE1/4 and '- - -