HomeMy WebLinkAbout874209 - - - jUM 15 01 09:20a Lut.hi .. VOl:lles 13079837889 p.2 FiE CE I\lED ',-I NC01,J! COUNTY CLERK I" t.) of" 8 7 I. 2 0 9 OJ JUlJ29 PH I: /7 J c' ~\ f" I, -' r- '!','" .--, t J r- n C , V I '; C, 't,: ,:,\ tJ " C. r\ f<EMMEHE'R, \!,/'(OMING ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PIVOT tOeA TION BOOK_ ,~l~7PR PAGE 5! 9 AND WAIVER CLAIM OF ADVERSE POSSESSION THIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT is hereby executed by and between Roland and Linda Willis, husband and wife, (hereinafter "Willis"), and Evan and Dottie Io Pope, husband and wife, (hereinafter "Pope"), on the date V\'Titten below. WIlBREAS, Lhe, S1llitU plvol kislulled by lhe weston Kanch 10 199M is located on State lease lands as well as .Iands6~ed by'Pope and Pope wishes to acknowledge the location of the pivot and memonalize the fact that they have consented to said pivot remaining on those lands; and WHEREAS, Willis and Pope wish to acknowledge that one center pivot sprinkler is presently located on lands in Township 22~, Range now, Tract 58, and Township 22N, Range l19W, Section 31, (hereinafter "said lands"), Said lands are more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. In consideration for the mutual acknowledgments contained herein, Pope hereby acknowledges that Willis' pivot is located on said lands in Lincoln County, W)'oming, lying inside the existing ~nce line currently under center pivot sprinkler irrigation WIder the smaller pivot located south and east ofall existing pivots on the Weston Ranch. 2. Pope hereby grants Willis permission for the pivot to continue to be located on said lands, effective immediately upon signing and continuing until November 1,2006. Permission shall be renewed automatically for an additional five (5) year period unless otherwise expressly terminated by either party one month before the tenn expires. Willis agrees that use of said lands within the existing fence line has been consensual in nature and is owned and will continue to be owned by Pope. 3. This ACknowledgment shall not be modified except by a writing signed by both parties and U.S. Bank Trust This Acknowledgment shall run with the land and be binding upon the parties' heirs, executors, representatives, and assigns. This Acknowledgment constitute3 the entire agreement between the parties. .li-' n ~ DATED this 10""'- day of \~' .2001. tR~ uJdL Roland Willis WlIIWP/Jpl:! Agreement Pag6 1 of 3 l ....... r ~ ~un 15 01 08;218 Luthi .. Vo~le5 , 130?BB3?BBS O~j~'1~.<I~09 d~~ Linda Willis fA)~ ~ Dottie Jo Pope ~\'f"'l ':S> STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) On this J5T!: day of June, 2001. the aoove and furegoing Acknowledgment was b Roland Willis. NaDene Dana. Notary Public O~unty of State f Llnl'Ol 0 - n Wyoming Mt ~OIMli$$ion &Piles <~.J0'- /) 5' ~ iI~ At d.-Yt I'l..- NO' ARY PUBLIC My Conunission Expires: 1i7, ,~tJ/. ~Oc>;r STATE OF WYOMING ) ) S5. COUNTY OF LtNCOLN ) On this l!J"!!::- day of June, 2001, the above and foregoing Acknowledgment was acknowledged before me by Linda Willis. NaDene Dana - Notary Public County of State of Lincoln Wyoming .t) S- ~a/~ ~ NO ARY PUBLIC ma:J .J, /), dD" S- WU/is/Pope Agreement Page :J of 3 - - ""'Ill \ 520 p.3 - - - Jun 15 01 09;218 Lut.hi iL VO::l1e!!I 1307BB37BBS Otj~;J(1203 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) 55. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) do> On this I;; ......... day of June, 2001, the above and foregoing Acknowledgment was acknowledged before me by Evan Pope. NaDene Dana. Notary Public County of State of Lincoln Wyoming .$- d-L>~ 6 ~s- ~A.--MZ-v ~a.;t.a./ NO' Y PUBLIC My /n~ ~)/ ~()D5" STATE OF WYOMING ) ) 5S. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ~ On this );},/ day of June, 2001, the above and foregoing Acknowledgment was acknowledged before me by Dottie Joe Pope. NaDene Dana - Notary Public County of Lincoln Noe~~~L16J Ah-#2~ State at Wyoming My Commission Expires 5- ell) - t> S My Commission Expires: :ztJ'1 ~,()! r9-DI)~ WillWPopt Agreement pagt 3 of 3 ..... - p.4 521 ~ ~ ., 06/25/2001 14:29 FAX 3078776351 CRANK COMPANIES ~02 OS?Ll~09 r: 2 ') ;) " EXHIBIT A A DESCRJPTJON OF LANDS UNDER BQ CENrnR PIVOT ONE: Areas belonging to the STDtc ofWyomin. m:l Ewo and Dotty Jo Pope located by tile independellt resurveys of section 36 of the of Township 22 Nonh, Range 120 West and semon 31 Township 12 North, Range 119 West ofrhe 6dl Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming more partiJ;Ularly dcsat1x:d as follows; PIVOT Blo 1~ A FUll CIRCLE. wrrn A DIAMETER 1330 FEET WNO. AND AN AREA OF 127.5 ACRES, MORE OR UtSS THE CENTER PIVOT POINT OF WHICH IS LOCATED N ,. 07' IS" W. 28S7 Fr. FROM THE SE CORNEll OF SECTION 36 OF SAID TOWNSHIP, SAID CORNER BEING A STONE WELL MARKED AND SET. LANDS BELONGING TO BV AN AND DOTIY JO POPE: THOSE PARTS OF RESURVEYED LOTS 9,10 AND 11, S~CTlON 31, T 22 N, R 119 W, BOUNDED ON TIIE EAST BY THE EASTERLY ARC OF TIlE PIVOT SAID ARC CONCAVE TO THE WEST. ON mE WEST BY TlIE EAST LINE OF TRACT 51, SECf10N 36, T22 N. AN AREA Of' 35.6 ACRES, MORE OR. LESS. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: J William M. RosewBme B liansed surwyor ofKl!ID.IDlilfCI', WyomiDg did perfurm a survey oftbe..eas desaibed herein during the months ofM.-dI and April 2001. ~ ~ #V~--_. -<~~~~ <- William M, Rosewame Wyoming L.S. 558 !,',:, . ''4j: " EXHIBIT . I -1\ - - -