HomeMy WebLinkAbout874212 r-- .., "'"."- QUIT CUlM DEED KNOWN ALL MEN~J.s~kJE~S, That EECEIVEO ~INCOL-N 'COUNTY CLERK O \ \\ 1,'"",11 ? ') rn ,: t,.l ........ ,-,1. l_ , ' J16t'";1 S3,b , ....Jot' (j PR P AGE____~---. BOOK_,-- , ,j,..J TROY A. JANSEN AN}) KlMBERLEE A. JANSEN, lhl.'lband and Wife, J E "\ N \\l E ",ti i~. G N E. 11 I\E-MMERE~~. iN IOhHNG ..;.... .".r... of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in considwltion of 1'~n and OO/100's ($10,00) lIDd other good a.nd YlIltn\ble consideration (0 thcm in hand paid by Troy A. Jansen who~e address is P,O- Box 5262, Etna, WY 83118 The rece,ipt whereof is hereby confessed and :lckDowllldge4, have remised, released, c0nvcy and forever quitclaimed and by these preSent5 do for my heirs, executQn and administrators, remise, n:Jl:iIW and forever quitclaim W'lto thll said, TROY A. JANSiN, a Married Person heirs and a~jgr.u, forever, all such rig!lt, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as we bave, ought to have in or to all the following de!lcribed premlses, to-wit~ Lot 60 of Nordic Ranches Division No, 5, Lincoln County, Wyoming 8S described on the official plat thereof. Hereby releasing and waiving all tights 'I1n\h:r lIll.d by virtue of lbe homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said 'premises unto the said Troy A, JI\IlSCO heirs and aS4illlle, tQ hisllIld their own property u.~e and behoofforn'Cf_ So tbat neiUltr we nor any other. person in my Dame ot beh&lf shllll or'wlll hereafter claim OT demand any right to title TO the premises" or' any part thereof, but they ,md ~eryonc of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred, Dt\ted tbis .,22- day of June, 200J, '-;;' no.',;. .~ - ~;'. ,~ Pl. ~h- ~roy A,' Jansen .(; rnbLt D QQ . ~;1 Vl~ .Kimberlee A, JanSlm STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF UNCOIl-' The foregoing instn.'lllellt was acknowledged before mll by Troy A, Jansen und Kimbedee A, Jansen this ~~...~ day of Junc. 2001. Witness my hand and off1cial seal. ~"-' r,~~ My Conunisslol\ Expires; I. - ~ ~ - C) ~ Monica J..., -NolIIy Publ&t County tI . 8tafIt" UncGIn , .., ~ Commlssfoft Expires - - I) - - -