HomeMy WebLinkAbout932587 ~7 ......."............,."".~". WOlU< ORDER II 63868 & 63869 SEC. 8, TI4N, Rl18W PIS'1'IU»UTlON EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY 1HBSB PRESBNI'~ 000376 That t~ uncI~, WILLIAM Bl!:NRY ANDUWS ud EMILY JOAN A.NÐUWs, TkUSTE~. or their .."..ton In tn.e. ..ùr 1M ANmt»:W1I t.r\I1NC DUST. ~ Juur.r 29,1991, In" .. restated oa July 26, 1991, ad DY amlDdaacIda"Mo, ("OraDtor") for a auod end valuabJ'1 OONidlration, the nceipt of whic;h is hereby 1ICkAowI~ do blreby ¡rant, oonvey and wm:rant untl) Lower Valley EMraY. a Cooperative CQ~OII, of ÄftOll and ]tcboo, W~..,d to íUllllÇÇ4løol'$ anll ISsiam. ("Or~¡¡tce'·), a 1*'J"'U&l e~ aD4 tipt 9f way for the OOIISINCtion II.\d oontilJlle/l rnaintenaJtce, repair, .lteRbOll and repllcement nf the electric: distrib~tiM circuit" lIœl md equipment of the Grantee to be cQn.tructod Md main~d under, upon and &çfOiJ tbe pmnillt8 of Grantor in Lincoln COU;\l.Y, :;¡tatlil ofWyond,q. lions aIiDe' dc:açliWd In fbnowl. to wit: BEING XIl't1on' of Parecl 1 &. P8I'Cet 2, a~ fllfcned Ie¡ In rho d.ccd rworded in Book 632 P .~. on pa¡c: 88:1 with the of'f1Ce of the Clc:rk of Línooln County, Wyonq witbi" '''-e SWl/4SW1I4 of kilOI'! 8, T3AN, R118W, in Lincoln County, Wyornin¡ mœ parti~arly de.mbod as follows. COMMENCING at I point partìcular1y deecribed .s follows in the north liÐe of the NW1I4 of Section 17, of atid n4~, kl HI\\', said point of bc¡inoinø. beio¡ 4'7.41 feet soulb 89"39'34" east, along said 1)O{tIJ lioe, 1i:wn tbe Lloyd B. Baka PEILS 69811971 lO<:atÎm for the NW oonMr of .aid NWl/4. Thenc:e ,¡ OOO~O'37"E, 280 fUt to 8 point BalMleØt to Include. .trip of bind 20 feet in width r1.II1Dina parallel WiOl th. _It Uu. or.abo~ deKribeli p_l. . EASJ:ME.NT II, de*Cdbe4 ~. roaether With all neoetHry UJd reuonable ri¡hts of inertlS IIId tare' ~ and to excavate and refill <litobellDd tl'euchel mr the locatiOD md .i.t o( said facUlties I.nd to cut, trinl, ttpt8.y babicidea, or remove nes, shrubbery, underpowdt or other ObllnwtiOlll intel1èriu¡ witJI the repair ~ INintenance of the &ci1itiCII. The Grantor ac:knowledSeB Ulat BJeçlXic and Ma¡necic J:!ields (ßMI') arc oaturaDy oÇCWTiIl(J. in th: ItuIBnÌI$ion Of diMIMion or ele<:tricity, aDd Cbat the Grantee has h~ notified Grantor that EMP tesrin¡~ and information is available \IpOI\ request &om the Orantc:e. 'I'bi. Bucmmt by Onmtw ì, int.cnded I,) include 10 much II'~ as i. ntœJHry or .ppropri.Itt to tbe ~cc of J.1MF and fU.onable opvatiqn <)f the: Orantee', dirtribution lines. Gnlntor .~ that all poles, wire& IDd otba' làcilitia, ìntt.IJ.1C!d on (If undc;c the œlCribed laoda .ball renwll I~ ~ of the Gran.. nmovIbte in tœ IJOle dj~ oftbe Gnntee at the GranUle" U )CII1J(. 'J'he rief1t1. coodition. and provi5!Qn¡ of fbi, eueaIØIIt sball irNR to tho bœo61 of and \Ie bindina upon th ~ pllltics, !heir heirs, cuouton, a4miNtttatcn, awcesson and IlllÍlßL Grantor .hall eompeaaa1e <3raD1ee for IIJ,V dau-.¡~ to Onnaee'o fåçüiti.. ~ by <ñmt.œ;, iÞolucIiDs payment ot 0...', I1tc IJMy r... If IIttiOJt is ~n by Gnantee to eÑorco tht øommi~ cWcribed in QUs easement. Grmtot retcnte8 the ript to iqInm, ocoupy aDd use Ibi. ..emøm f.W .u puI:pOHI DOt tDiIoNiønt wí1h the c:uemeJlt ¡J1IR:. Eacb peny Iba11 haw ~ teødy Df specjfiç ¡mfon'unoc reprdinc this c:aanilDt. 111, ri¡ht:¡ ani obliptiOClS desçribe4 in tbi. ~t shall nm with tœ 1IÞ1 Thie eaemcnt is not ~çl\lli~, and Qt-.ntcr retain. .U ri¡bl$ I)Ot lpec.ificlUy erme.d b)' tN. easement. Thi. if tbe entiœ Iereemet\t of tÞe I>*rtiu TCprding thie eaacment, cJ.oept as may be let forth in writibS after the date oftJùs casement and sisned by UIe partiee. Qnnto.r hereby releu.os I1W w1Li~ III dJbu by virtl.Jo of UIe Hocn~,,"'d &cmption l.w$ (,f Wyoro.iJlS· WITNESS tN Hand of the Ormlor, rbis LLday of J u I'Ý , 2007. f r7_ -r-..' J ~,~ EMIL J ANDlUt'Ws, 'JatfSTE:t COVNTYOF f'\.r..6 COp« ) The fongoin¡ ~t was açknowie4pd Wore me by WILI..IAM HENRY ANDREWS ad EMlLW' JOAN ANDREWS, affumin¡ proper authority .. 1'ruatCICI' 1Irtd.r the ANDIr..BWS UVING TRUST, datEd Jan\WYZ9, 199IandumWedonJuly26, 1991 this I:} ,.t. day of. J~"l .20D.'1 (Seal) ..--..- DAVID M CHIMBUR NOTARY PUBlIC··ARIZO MARICOPA COUNTY My Commission Expires July 1, 2010 RECEIVED 8/29/2007 at 12:20 PM RECEIVING # 932587 BOOK: 670 PAGE: 376 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY