HomeMy WebLinkAbout932624 WARRANTY DEED 000492. CLEALON D. HYDE and ELAINE HYDE, Trustees of the CLEALON D. HYDE AND ELAINE HYDE FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED SEPTEMBER 18,1997, grantors of the County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to JESS BLAIR HURD and ELLEN HURD, husband and wife, grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead '1 .r¡ J ,f) , I exemption laws of the State, to-wit: See description contained in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference if set forth fully within. "c" ",' Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situated:or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, re~trictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. WITNESS my hand this _.2.'j~_day of August, 2007. -~~~- Clealon D.Hyde as Truste~rthe= Clealon D. Hyde and Elaine Hyde Family Revocable Trust, dated September 18, 1997 t~·, -------------~------ Elaine Hyde as Trustee for the Clealon D. Hyde and Elaine Hyde Family Revocable Trust, dated September 18, 1997 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) SS. ) , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Clealon D. Hyde and Elaine Hyde, Trustees for the Clealon D. Hyde and Elaine Hyde Family Revocable Trust, dated September 18, 1997 , dated this ~day of August, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seaL. My Com~r ExPires: (Q ?..D\O , '·~d(ìtt"·~4~Jl:tt','i..1I."¡.....,.....t«"-';. JAMIE DECORA - NOTARY PUBLIC ;'~"'*;".~"'It_~ 1 of 1 RECEIVED 8/30/2007 at 9:13 AM RECEIVING # 932624 BOOK: 670 PAGE: 492 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~ , \ County of State of i Lincoln Wyoming ': My Commission Expires June 27, 2010 Pa ~/2667 68:48 3678859869 ~:.¡¡ 16/2887 18: 58 13878773lßj Ii :ß )J..!! ¡.;. .¡~! !il ~~. RVEYOR SCHERBEL _...NCOLN CCJ.J-ITV a£:RK rAGE 01/81 ,-..../ \..,./ RECF.:IV~D .INr,C\! I' !':(1'I'IT" r, When Reco~dad RetUrn øy Mail ~o: CIøBion b. & Ilaina Hyde G27 Toms CBnYOn ~o.d Auburn, KY. &3111 ,8 6 4 9 8 7 00 K^R 29 Iii 2' 3 ~E~~NN;': i,;II;'~f, " ,~M£RER. WYOAflN 1IOO1I;44~ PI\ PACI~ PSlIÐ AND SELLM' S ASSIIiIKKBN'l' DP QAt. BS'l'ATtI CORDAC'.t' ~ GftA~RS, Ray L. Hyde and Mary J. Hyde, Tru8t~c8 of the Rey ~. Hyd~ and M~ry J. Hyðe Family Tru8t( dated r.hruary 27, 1997, re8!dinV ~t 4173 Hi,hway 241, A£ton, WY., 83110, to~ v~lue ~ncQ1v.d convey and ,rant with covenAnts of ,enaral wArr~nty to Clealon'D. Hyde Qnd tlBin. HYde, T~U5tO~B of thB CIealon b. HYde and Elaine Hyd. F~milY Rovocable T~U.t, dated S8ptember 18, 199', re~idinq at 627 Tnma CnnyoD Road, Auburn, WY. 83111, TBB ~S, the followini de.cribed teal ß~tate situat.d in the County o~ LinoOln, State .ot Wyoming, inolud~hq any intA~Aøt th8~.in which ,qranto~ m.y hereafter agqui~è' £*NwtSE~ of Section )4, T33N R'I~W o~ the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, wyomlng All ct Ihe N~tsEt of Soctlon 31, T33M R119W of the 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly ~.!Cribed aD foUo",r" Bmqlnninq at . Bra,. C.p monumont .ot 1324,691 ront N 0'00' 16"W trom A Beau Cap monument found marklhljl the Southœl1ot cornat of ..lq Soctlon 311 Ihlnce S eg'!,',,"W, 'J'9.7S~ feet, Ihonc' N O'OS' 4 S"E, 1 323. ð 14 teet¡ Ihent. N B9'S4'~'''E, 1315.287 feet to 0 our~eyo~', t09 on . cor"~r rlnol pOlt marklnq tho North..lt oorner of .aid 51, of SIe-tion J4: ~nenOQ S O'OO'16"!, along the rast 11nl of ..id Scot ion 34. '37,4,6~' feet to,the pOint of beginning. and do.s htrlby assign, tr.n~fer nnd ,et OVer to tho grantee that certain rell estate Agreement Of Sale dated May 3, 1996 bltw..n Ray L. Ky~. and Mary Hyde, hu~b.nd and wife, Ii gell~ri and :". BlaIr Hurd and tlle~ Kurd; þu.blnd end wIf, as rurchasers, II ro~orded en Augu.t 14, 1998 In Sook J871'R.,'.t P'*I 1iJ Reoorda of LIncoln COUMY, Statl of "'yo"'~n9, for the 11111 1\ iJ purohau' of the .b004 d'!Cr¡be~ real cstota. ~hO qrontor her. by cov~n~n~ø th_t th.~. 1. now unp.1d on tn. pr~neJø.i of ,aid eontrl~t thl Sum of 1117,220.16 (approX1~ltely). DeclaratIon ot con,ldaratJon Or. v.~~o, the Qr.nto~. h.~~ln d.o1ar~ that the ~on.ld.r.tlon paid tor thl proparty hsraby conveyed I' S'I~.OOO.OO DATED' thJ'~d.y Or~4I.Á.2000 ~~A-.~~~ RAY . Y e, ru .. ~~-Æ' ~7i'w'~ '''';'1 . y, . e. . ~ \.-- .r;- )CNZ&E:T PAGE 000493 ~4:j fR ~B~ A 1.