HomeMy WebLinkAbout932635 ØS/26/2BÐ7 B9:29 2353 PAGE el I ! !! I RECEIVED 8/3012007 at 12:43 PM RECEIVING # 932635 BOOK: 670 PAGE: 551 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WH£:'II RECORDED Ib':TuRN To: Kenneth W. Crittenden Shauna Lee Crittenden i PO Box 1013 ;1 Thuyne. WyolTÚng 83127 !i I 000551 WARRANT\' DEED HENRY Q, BLAF.T1'LER and SHARON LEE BLAEITLER~ trust,ees of the Blacttler ¡ Family Trust dated P~"ruary I8? 1999, G.rantors, ofSt.'Ir Valley Ranch: Wyoming. hereby grant, I sell, oonvey 8I').d W3f.X'ÐJ1J to KENNETJi W. CRITTENDEN and SHAUNA LEE CRITTENDEN, I a$ joint tenants, Grantees, for good and vaJullbJe consjderation, aU of their right, title and interest r in that certain tract, lot, p~ece, .and parcel of laod located in the County of Lincoln, State Qf I WyominQ, hereby releasin þ and waiving a11 rights uo.d~r and by virtue of the homestead e"emption laws of the State, to wit: , " ,¡ 'I :1 :1 !I " 1/ Dated this _ day of August, 2007. ~~Æ7TCE 'I' NR . LAE LER I, Trustee of the Blaettle:r f'a.mUy Tru$t !I dated Febroary 18, 1999 II Ii State of ~ ~... Ii COUll\)' of~) ,; On t1\i$ lb.!!;J$.... da.y Qf August, 2007, personally appeared before roe HENRY G. 'I BLAETTLBR and. SHARON tEE BLAETTLER, Trustees oftbe Btaeuler Family Trust dated !, February 18, 1999, whose identities are pe~UL\Uy mQvvn to n:\e or have been proven on t})e I basi$ of satisfactory évidønce! and being first duly swom, acknowledged that they signed the foregoing instrument of their own vo~untary act, Lot 71 of STAR V ALLEY RANCH RV ,PARK PLAT 1 e platted and recorded in the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Subject to an declaratìoJ:15 of covcnant$, con.dJtjoJ:l.$ and re~trict.jons of rèt~Of.d, l II! /) ~~7T~e SHARON LEE BLAETTLER Trustee of the Blaettler Family Trust ~ated February 18, 1999 Ac~nowh:dgeJJ,1eQt .j II I, II .."':,:;;~";;..;-;,.;;.;:;'-;;;,~;,;,::;;:;;:~~"::,~ ;:' !,UANN EPpu.:n,. NOTARY PUBLIC :; COUNTY OF STATE OF !( LINCOLN WYOMING " " ,,,!,.",~~!~."~!."!~~~~ ".~!...... ¡ .~ .r. _.þ'..............~................._-.,_...___.......______.._......._~... ~A1 If¡;A~/ OW)' Public il I.