HomeMy WebLinkAbout932637 000558 ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT Box Y Ranch, LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Grantors," for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GRANT AND CONVEY to the Samuel Albry Young and lIa T. Young, Joint Living Trust, dated October 10, 1990, Judith Ann Erickson, Susan Walker and Loretta Dory, Successor Trustees, of 791 Scott Road, Oakland, Oregon 97462; hereinafter referred to as "Grantees", the following described perpetual right of way easement for the following purposes: 1. Purpose of Easement: This easement is for the purpose of providing a perpetual nonexclusive Forty L? \...l J I if.., (40) foot wide right of way easement for ingress and egress and all utilities to the property owned by the Grantee described in paragraph (3) hereof, including the right to construct and maintain a roadway to provide that ingress and egress and for all utilities. This easement is not for the purpose , of providing or creating a public right of way or access to any other lands. 2. Conditions of Easement: The conditions of this easement are as follows; (a) It is a nonexclusive easement and the Grantor reserves the right to grant additional easements to other parties. (b) The Grantee will be allowed to construct and maintain a road upon the easement that benefits Grantees property and the improvements to said roadway for the benefit of Grantees property shall be paid for by Grantee. (c) Grantee may only use the described easement for access and utilities to the lands described in paragraph 3 hereof. 3. Property Benefitted by Easement: This easement is for the benefit of the following described real property of the Grantees located in Lincoln County, Wyoming: The property as is more fully described in Exhibit 3 which by this reference is made a part hereof. 1 RECEIVED 8/30/2007 at 12:51 PM RECEIVING # 932637 BOOK: 670 PAGE: 558 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 4. Description of Easement: 000559 The easement is described as follows: The property as is more fully described in Exhibit 1 and 2 which by this reference is made a part hereof. 5. Binding Effect: The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and interest and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. 6. Waiver of Homestead Rights: The Grantor hereby waives and releases all rights to the described easement under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming to the extent that any such rights may interfere with the purposes of this easement. t't( IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands as of the If -day of A-vtï v s ;- ,2007 Box Y Ranch LLC {-~, rome, Operating Manager THE STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by John Frome, Operating Manager, Box Y Ranch, LLC, this 10 day of Auftts.f' .2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. County of Lincoln State of Wyoming ~oY~ Notary Public GERALD L. GOULDING· NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires May 2, 2011 2 ·ional Land Surveyors , Scha,bel legisl,alion No, 164 ¡egislmlion No, 1670 ~egislralion No. 3900 L Aeglslralien No, 6805 .. Sche,bal I.gislralion No, 3889 1egis',alion No, 8026 egislfAlion No, 372111 )WE A. SCHEABEL agislra lion No, 5368 "Scheibel, LTD, Vyoming 'y, Wyoming 1, Wyoming " Sprlnos, Idaho lier, idaho DESCRIPTION FOR ~S1-A- SAMUEL ALBRY YOUNG AND ILA T. YOUNG JOINT LIVING TRUST, DATED 10 OCTOBER 1990 ACCESS EASEMENT To-wit: - - ((~\\ ,,~ (Ö) Iè5' \\ ,..., '". d! ~ )/' A strip of land forty (40) feet in width, within Homestead Entry Survey No. 115, T34N R 116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book: 457 of Photostatic Records on page 302, with the westerly line described as [o]]ows: BEGINNING at the southeast point o[Parcel No.1 of record in said office in Book 310 of Photostatic Records on page 128, being S72°-01 '-OO"W, 40.50 feet from Corner No.8 of said Survey; thence N39°-08' -03"W, 535.26 feet, along the east line of said parcel, to the northeast point thereof; the BASE BEARING for this survey is a west line of HES No. 115, T34N Rl 19W, being S18°-35'-00"E; the easterly line of the above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to create a continuous easement with a minimum width of forty (40) feet to meet an easterly extension of the southerly line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 310 ofPhotostalic Records on page 128, and an 'easterly extension of the northerly tine of said tract; that this easement to be appurtenant to that Parcel No. 1 of record 111 Book 310 of Photostatic Records on page 128. each "point" marked by a 2" X 30" galvanized steel pipe with a brass cap inscribed: "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS 164 BIG PlNEY, WYOMING 1971", with appropriate details; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; all in accordance with the attached exhibit titled, "EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY ACCESS EASEMENT DESCRIPTION FOR SAMUEL ALBREY YOUNG AND ILA T. YOUNG JOINt LIVlNG TRUST DATED 10 OCTOBER 1990 WITHIN HES NO, 115 IN T34N ~' /ß., Ll o~r CO¿' NT , ,T ~"...~~c1ated 03 December 2004, ;/ /," "., t\¡:.)~ ,4.¡It' "- . ."", -. ,,' ~":\ ,I , ", ',". ~~J. \. ;11:".oJ '" "Î.-.: .:J,., '\ .;.;.. '\ ! ,,~,,' ,l ~.. J;~ co":! f.ft.... t.. .,..¡~: ; ~....\ 'ì, o ecember 2004 r,.:,(",,'!¥ ...".:!t~,CI ;'(\~" ,"".,:, \ T.ot:"i.. If !~. ',Ii-\. \ {:) ~ ... · ~ fJ7 ~r&>¡ , \~'5,\ .' / ,', \ f'l. \J I~ \ /; ,~ , ,~,'1,1{>' ,-r....,l ,'/ J \ '''.'' '-tú)'h Oc.í . ,E.Clo'-( \<:;,',i.:;~':~;:',:;¿: ,..,/ . .0"'" ;tú~;~f;i' "}ij:A&r II . ."'J I I,. ~:!...,",~ '. '. !~~¡,~i,t,,,,; '" ...'.....,.,.._,.....__ .___-......, \TR\34'-116-20\Sulll Young "MocJification in any way of tile foregoing description terminates liability of the surv~.._..II - ---.. V'v' .->-' V'~ O. . -> 0.<.1'. \J1':!l ~ ;..> CP -'\ '3 CP·V ~'b ~(J'- Jill v~ c> J f'\ O. f'\ V'~ (J>v> V'~ o·....! '0.-1.. 1. LIt F.o,Ø~02 ) ÐO~4r1 PF.Ño. 115 (HE.S, O':';::\ (IU'~~\\ LIS) "\\\v~/ v' . "~ IJ r.·... ,... '.,' ,,-../. Ii ~ '~o os.) ~t, A",o"mol. o.o..rllo. /I ~ 1i' l¡i\ec) 'of existing road \: V ~gß. I l(e' -I- 'ð,ß''Ñ 4,00.0 /' '\ \ 40' access easement /' ~+~apPurtenant to Parcel No.1 -I- 1- \ In document 310 PR 128 /' 1-cf.~. '9.0-" , 0..)"" ,,+: ýO'lJ,1tg ,;8f~ ~ \...."" 1)£t AL~ ó't<f~ \ ~ ~+ ' so,1fL T ýO'lJ,~~t90 '.9.ð'. \"~ ~~ ¡Lo, Li'IJi1t9 b(fr 19 rß.>l'> \~ ~ ~$ Joiftt 10 oc~o 128 ~b)'\!':.J '\ i- ~g:~~: ~~~~~)s.) 9.. . do,ted 310 p =5 ~~ .J) ~3 J~ 'IJ) J i Existing a'ccess rood '\..-J across usJ4 (Bridger- \\ \ L-Teton No tibn 01 Forest) \\ \ \ eels. , ¡,; l({\ eOS.'/ ß1 0 . l¡i\ '\ ':). 7..1.511" l(ec,/ . i'OO"£. óó~ß.37.. \\1'L? g't:. ~1Î ':) 0' 200' '~ SCALE: 400 ' - t 600 . -..J .f" ::= 200 I LBGBND o indicates a Corner Record filed or to be file'd in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County. III indicates a 2" x 30" galvanized steel pipe Jith a brass cap inscribed: "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 BIG PINEY WYOMING 1971", with ¡ appropriate details, found. ' - indicates centerline of road. -------, indicates an easement line. EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY ACCESS EASEMENT DESCRIPTION FOR SAMUEL ALBREY YOUNG AND !LA T. YOUNG JOINT LIVING TRUST DATED 10 OCTOBER 1990 WITHIN HES NO. 115 IN T34N Rl16W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING ~ SUR v::BYOR SC-HERBEL, L~ :LJ. Drawn By: Christine A. orte~10ffSSlav~1' £ilVf: ~!f!E~~QN(; 8JffJ--TEl£Pf{~E J07-276'-..u~7 Field Book: ZQ-70 pp.1-6 BOX 7.15 An¡;¡v, H"I'DIIIN(; 8JIIO--lElEPHQyE J07-69S-9JI9 F'I S Y F II E h'blt ,.uæSa'i H"I'DII1NC--TElÐ'HCWE J07-7JJ-S9tJJ I e: om oung am y x I .pro LAVA, IOAHO--TElEPHcWE 208-776'-59JO Plot Dote: 03 December 2004 cOP>"9ht © 200~ by 5orvoyor Sch",bol LTD. All right. r..erved. "f' I;, "".\oI'''''¡~, ~ it ,!'P:~~;Ii .c;<. 3. ill"i ~;~:J;.......a..I~_\_(............",'4'; ~" "',he -- -,' /(>llí)\-,"¡h¡; ,le,;cJ,-jhø;:i :;-P,iL "S~,,¡;,:;, ;,\r.l:rm:(; ij],__,___..__.... .._...... ..,... _ _..~,;~JjE~_c¿b.'l'~_.____ ......___....,_:::.:~.... ...... ........,...... .,., .........' Gaullt,y ;!,¡W ,:i\:,u;e (oj: ,i·('J"()ni.l'!Jg:, heJ:<:.1)j" ::'ÚIJHsi"li,;' '!D':¡ ;,;r,(Ú\,'Ì11£; al1l'i¡;;,l'l\:S ,Ü:J,ié;: '~l)c\ by yil'~·I.!e- of ¡:h~) home¡;Ü,a¿ e";':.ernpti<m [¡),ViS, 0:: th¡; Str.t:e, -['O-WLt:: I.~:hat pí:.'~.r':; of l· Oil1l~stea¿ Entry Su;:·vey No. l15 o~.: T :~.~¡. N ¡.~ 116 W, I,;:L?"lco1n COUi'1tjr, V.J:yoli1i~l.g) àesc!':Lbed a's follows: 000561 F3eginnir!g at Corner' No. ~ ~)f sa:id !-iES 115 viÌl.ere fOl;lnd· a 2" J~éì.1vC:\ni:~ed-steeJ.. iJiDe with, brass ca¡J in.5C'.l"'ibed "!·jES :LIS 9 1962"; then~e- N 71°59 'E, the- base bearing for" this sU.rve~"~ 58ß.O feë:t alen.g. the'Solr.th line of t;he said ¡·IE::. 115 to a DO:i.1""lt: the11ce Pi 39°071 \\i., 535.9 teet 'to a point; thence- S 71659! WJ 400.0 feet ~arallel to said SOU't~1 line ·to a .point on the Westline of said HES 1:i.~); ·the.nc:e S 18o~~5 E, :,00.0 feet ~ì.long th.e said West li:ïl¿ tC) tlle corner of begj.Tlnin.g; each POil1."l': oeirlg n1ar},;::ed boY· ~ 2!1 ã&lvani.zec1 s·teel. pipe; 39'1 ~L."ong, "'Iith brass cap :~,lli:;Cl"ib<i!d "PAüi, N. SCl-iEHBEL RLSJ.64 BIG PINEY WYOj\1ING :L9'ì:L" anÔ apPr'o¡,').j.atE~ deta:LJs; encompassing an ë\l"ea o:f 5.570 acr,?,s; HP.J.1'''e ox' less. t:~(~" '/ ::; . '\ --, ,'~.... :';1, .,,~ ~ ,.....··-~I\'~·...·J;;..·.. .''I.,,?'¡;,=,Jb!~,_..''---'"'''''''''' ......¡¡:~. '\\ ¡: ,¡ j~ ìj \! !i ii Ii \1 ¡i ;j H I' Ii I¡ it