HomeMy WebLinkAbout932641 000569 AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) RECEIVED 8/30/2007 at 1 :02 PM RECEIVING # 932641 BOOK: 670 PAGE: sse;} JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY LYNN R. JOHNSON, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and say: 1. That LYNN R. JOHNSON is of adult age and is the surviving husband of Shirley S. Johnson, who died July 11 th, 2007, in Afton, Wyoming, as hereinafter more fully appears. 2. That by a Quitclaim Deed dated March 11,2002, and recorded March 21, 2002, in the office ofthe Lincoln County Clerk in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Book 485 PR, Page 743, F. Dean Brown and Esther Mae Brown, Trustees ofthe F. Dean Brown and Esther Mae Brown Revocable Trust, dated May 23, 1995 conveyed to Lynn R. Johnson and Shirley Johnson, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, of3230 State Hwy. 238, Auburn, Wyoming 83111, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to-wit: J ,/' 4 I / Township 33 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, Section 27: SE~SE~, Section 26: SW~SW~ excepting a tract of land beginning at a point 225 feet West of the Southeast Corner of the SW~SW~; thence running West 125 feet; thence North 100 feet; thence East 125 feet; thence South 100 feet to the point of beginning. ) 3. That by a Warranty Deed dated October 24, 1988, and recorded October 26, 1988, in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Book 266 PR, Page 574, LaVon Hemmert (aka LaVon Johnson Hemmert, previously known as LaVon Johnson), conveyed to Lynn R. Johnson and Shirley Johnson, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, of3230 State Hwy. 238, Auburn, Wyoming 83111, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to- wit: NW~SE~ and N%SW~ of Section 26; NE~SE~ of Section 27; and the North 22 rods of the East 22 rods of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW~SE~) of Section 26' all in T33N, R119W of the 6th P.M. containing 163 acres, more or less, according to government survey. TOGETHER WITH all water, water rights, ditches and ditch rights and other appurtenances thereunto belonging. (AOS) 000570 4. That by a Quitclaim Deed dated August 19, 1993, and recorded August 20, 1993, in the office ofthe Lincoln County Clerk in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Book 334 PR, Page 103, Lynn R. Johnson aka Lynn Johnson and Shirley S. Johnson, conveyed to Lynn R. Johnson and Shirley Johnson, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, of3230 State Hwy. 238, Auburn, Wyoming 83111, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to-wit: East 834.84 Feet of the North 450 feet except the North 208.71 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW%NE%) of Section Thirty- five (35), Township Thirty-three (33) North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming. Together with water but not including subsurface minerals. 5. That Shirley S. J~hnson died on the 11 th day ofJuly, 2007, in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, and thereupon, the certificate of her death was duly filed with the State of Wyoming and made a matter of record in said office, and a certified copy of said certificate is attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit. 6. That upon the death of Shirley S. Johnson, as aforesaid, the joint tenancy created by the aforesaid deeds were tenninated, and Lynn R. Johnson, surviving husband, became vested with all of his right, title and estate in the above property. DATED this 29th day of August, 2007. 1 /Î / ,-,~ :....._.~~ . 1 J / ,. I / C.7:",,/~:¿;;pþ1/ /\ " '1Lk/~~ ILy,t1Í1 R. Johnson",? t/ f/ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me by Lynn R. Johnson this 29th day of August, 2007. County 01 Lincoln State of Wyoming BECKY BARBER· NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires August 31,2010 2 if STA fE'oF. W*6.MING" rb~rÄ~T~E~r 'OFtiEÄLJ'H\ ., . , .. -, P' . .. ,. '-:. ','." . ," ',', .. " ",", .... , . Dêcedent: Name: Gender: "".. Dat~ of B~rth: .DEATHCERTlFICATE. " J~a;~~~le ~U~ber:!20oAodko~6 SoçialS~curityNLmÞer: ',,',' .'. , Age~~!h~.}"ifheþfDe~th: 72¥èar~., ",.,. .. Shirleh S. Johnson ',"", Fem'a e·:· ".','", .. . ." "' . . . .. ., . . ... <Ja~µary 2~,/19~5"·..·.· Dat,eanc;l PIª,ce,otDeath:, ","','. Qate qf Death: \ 4uly 11,20Qi Cîty ofOéath: ,),.Afton ',,' ',' .,qºÚ~ty9fQeath:ljnc9IrÏ\ ',.::.:.-,',:..::'; :::,,-.-,,,,-,,' ':':-"",' ,'" \~_.(,.', '''':.;;.- .:-: -.:; ......,... ,,<{i<'h"."'? Additional'D.ecedenHnformatio!1:""", , ' Plaè!e of Birt6:"Aftqn, WYQming, ,:;1 " \,," ~~:~7~~~i~s:'" ,~~~~~~,WYOmlhg '. I"" ";t;~~[.11~,åf$ýrViYiri9§p6use: '~ynnR,Johl1~OQ Nai'neórfatÞer~{$tanleYSteed/, ' ,",."', .' "'/ ~~~~~,~~me OfM~~~~r~~~~~~~~nVV,eäveh"""i ~'el~Ü~~shiP:H~s~~n~ . , . , . . , . Dispositibn:,></ Method ofDispósition: Place of Dispositioh: ,..-'.... .'". ",,- . ".:.:, BÜt'lar" .. ':'-'".'¡':_':»(;:'., . _,,~ Auburn C,emetery,:Auburn;Wyomirig '" -,' ;.....'..:', /'.:~-.-.... ',¡'.'. ,- ,; -' : ,.:...'- - :,;,' "',.:....'. - - - .....'.., . ...... ...... -."'., ......., ,....'.".. ... .' .' ....- '.' .... .. .... ,. .. .. ,. ," ," .. ':-: : ..:. <. ,--.'. :': '. .. .. .. , CauséofDÊìath:'>\" ".,,:'i ,/\, ,,' ',:/ "...)" "i The immediate cause is listed on thefirstlin~followedbyanY'underlYing causes. (a) M~t~st~tic q~rcin9rTl;a U,tw~~ to..çungs,:,:.;..,., ..;:,,' ::",:' Ofh!1!r SlgnlfiçanLCon9Itlons:\Not~eqprqedJ ,: "'.",t.' ~ ::::.;".., Interval: 2, Y e.ar!' .... -,-' ,....','...... Manner of Death: Natural Death .'.' ". ,,' ','.. ... , .. . '.' " :.' .. ,. .- " CedifÎer:{ Name: Address: Date Filed: & .:,:',.' :::,' ~ ., "OrsonD: Perkes,M.o.tC; . 1'1pHospité!J' Lfl".AftQP ¡'I¥yprning .. ... .... ... .... .. . "', " .. ." , .... '.', ',' .' ..' . ..... .... . \34.$086 This is a true certification of the document on file In the office of Vital Rec,ords Services. Cheyenne, Wyoming, .. ..... ....... ,. '" -.... · .. . " .... · , . .. .. · - . .- ',' . " , .. ... . " ., .. '. .. . . . ... DATE ISSUED:' ..... ... ,.. ':::'- ':;.' .;;::: ":' ..;:.' -.::;:: .. .' '.. ,'. .... / July 23, 2QP?