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RECEIVED 9/6/2007 at 12:54 PM
RECEIVING # 932888
BOOK: 671 PAGE: 320
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Steven R. Wolf, a single person grantor......, of Lincoln County, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of
Ten Dollars (10.00)
in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO National Residential
Nominee Services Inc.
grantee......., whose address is 16000 Dallas Parkway, 4th Floor Dallas, TX 75248
the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving
all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit:
See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof.
~....:!l.'!..jJ"""''''''''' hand .......~~........... this ......5........ day of ....44¿æ.i.r~·7....¿;,4.Ç!...Þ:.......,
Steven R. Wolf r
I ì i
State of Wyoming
County of Li V\C.II \'"
,'01 0 0 """ 4
'>J 1\,,)""'..11..
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Steven R. Wolf
Sì~l; ~;(,St1Y\1 B(~vt~ (fiIIinmaritalstatus)this
( I{ , ;).CJ() Î
day of
Witness my hand and official seal.
Q~....Rr. . m. 8.QJ\o~l7J<.
~.k.., VV1ÚM4~
Title of Officer
My Commission Expires: '/- (, "... ::l.oO-¡
State of Wyoming
County of
Paula M. FeI8ntchøIc_ NaIIry... ~
::1U1II 1>. . sri" of
~ · Wvomlnø
~~ Commission Expires 11/16/2007
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by
(fiII in marital status) this
day of
Witness my hand and official seal.
Title of Officer
My Commission Expires:
File 6010715616 DfJilcrtption
The land refcmd to in this: document is situated ìri the Sta.te of Wyoming. County of Lincoln, and is
desmocd as follows:
Pllrcel1 - Leigh cabIn ~roperty
A parcel of lend located In the NW1/4 of Section 5 of the Resurvey of T21 N
R115W of the eU' P.M., tin coin County, Wyoming and saId parcel being a portion
of a parcel known as P,8rœ118 of Aspen Springs Treats and said parcel being
that portion of said Parœl18 Iylog East of the main access roadway, to wit:
Commencing at the nòrthwest cornEtt of said Section 5 and running thence
SB2"SS'03"E, 1844.19 ftiet to the True Point of BÐginning;
thence N61"29'41"E, ~,11 feet to a point:
thence S37"09'4ErE, 571,77 feet to a point;
thence S5S"20'18"W, 399.19 feet to a point on the centerline of said main acce88
thence N12"34'3¡;-W, 14.76 feet to a point on the beginning of a curve;
thence along a QUM'I tcs,'tho left havIng $ radius of 602.51 feet and a long ohord
bearing N23"16'14'W, 385.41 feet to the end of said ClINe;
thence N37"09'42"W, f91.43 feet to the point of beginning
Parcel 2 . '.
A parcel of laod ~ng ~art of Parcel 24 Of the map of the Aspen Springs Tracts
on file In the Lincoln ~nty Clerk's Office in Kemmerer, Wyoming. Said parcel
24 of the Aspen Sp~ Tracts being also that particular parcel of land conveyed
from PBL ManBgerneQt. ø Califomla corporation, to Wayne H. Carlisle as
recorded in Book 273~ on page 137 01'1 fila in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office
In Kemmerer, Wyoming. Said parcel of land also bein.g part of the NW1/4 of
Section 5 of the R'µrvey of T21N R115W of the 6th P.M.. Lincoln County,
Wyoming and being mGir. particularly descnbed as follows:
Commencing at thlit nOdhwest carner of said Section 5 of said T21 N R115W and
running thence S82"58fOS"E a distance of 1844.19 feet to the point of beginning
of a parcel known .,Ulgh Cabin parcel, Said Leigh Cabin parcel being that
portion of Parcel 18 of, ~ Aspen Springs Tracts east of the centerline of the 60
foot roadway easement, centernoe ps65ing through Parcel 18;
thence NI:W29'41 "E,.{AIOng the northarty boundary line of said PBrœl1S and said
Leigh Cabin parcel,to the tn.Ie point of beginning of this descriptloo. Said point of
beginning also being the northwest comer of said Parcel 18 of the Aspen Springs
then~ continuing Nß"~.29'41·E, ø disjanœ of 166 feet more or less tD a point on
the northerly boundary}JIfIe of said Section 5;
thence easterly along the north boundary line of said Section 5, 390 feet more or
leu to the N114 comer:Of Hid Section 5;
thence South 416.8 feet:
thence S58"20'16'W.'·226.3 feet to the southeast comer of said Parcel 16 and
said Leigh Cabin P8~:
thence N37"09'48-w, ¡along the easterly boundary line Df said Parcel 16 saId
Leigh Cabin percel, a distance of 571.77 feet to the poInt of beginning
~ogeth8!" with all b~i~lng$, i rovements and appurteJ:lánCEr.i thereon situ t
In anyw¡se appertaining ther(3 a e or
R8$ervlng unto the. gra ra, tholr heinl, .UC~Qt8 and assigns In
Inte':ht. 8 non exclusive rlgh of way easement for Ing~ and egreas sixty (60)
~t m width along ASFM:n. Sp Ings Road, as ~Id r~d is',deplcted on the Aspen
prlngs Saoond SubdIvIsion lat filed 4-5-1989 IiII i~ment number 700397
~~ 0641'1 .th:. Ao6Pmen Sprl09S. raots plat f1led 5-30-1989, 88 Instrument number
'9 In U Ie ce of the Uo In County Clerk
Subject to any easements, "Nations, restrictIons Or-right'o(-wa~ of record
of sIght or in lISe. ' I" 1