HomeMy WebLinkAbout932889 ,( t) .J \,{ \ '1,:1 1;1 fìpl~1' 6010715676 543717 200704976 RECEIVED 9/6/2007 at 12:54 PM RECEIVING # 932889 BOOK: 671 PAGE: 323 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000323 SPECIAL CORPORATE WARRANTY DEED ......... THIS INDENTURE, made the 13 day of August, 2007 by and between the National Residential Nominee Services Inc., a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware, with an office and principal place of business at 16000 Dallas Parkway, 4th Floor, Dallas, TX 75248, the GRANTOR. and Joe.M}~ Hill and Sally Hill, Husband and Wife, as tenants by theentireti~s whose address is 2586 Aspen Springs Road, Kemmerer, WY 83101 the GRANTEE, WITNESSETH: '-' That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars Dollars ($ 10.00 ) in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does, by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, CONVEY AND WARRANT unto the said grantee~, all that certain tract, lot, piece and parcel ofland situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and described as follows, to-wit: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. SAID GRANTOR HEREBY COVENANTS WITH THE SAID GRANTEES AND THEIR HEIRS OR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OR GRANTEES ONLY, THAT GRANTOR WILL WARRANT THE TITLE THERETO AGAINST THE LAWFUL CLAIMS OF ALL PERSONS CLAIMING THE SAME OR ANY PART THEREOF, BY, THROUGH, OR UNDER GRANTOR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officer, the day and year first above written. By Title: Printed Name: Sherri Fowler THE STATE OF jUA!J County of -p(j)JßiJ tss. .ì1if\03"'" It (iV'"· ,<:I'"t On this JOÐ1 , before me pe...onally ap;¡eared ti¡Ø-aJj~ fl. Ii .eÃlaJ'j known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he/slìe is the Sherri Fowler of National Residential Nominee Services Inc., and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said Vice President acknowledged said instrument to be 13 day of ~ to me personally the :tree act and deed of said corporation. My commission expires on the Given under my hand and notarial seal this day of ~ . , A.D:c9c1J1. ''5 day of ~ ,A.D.()(}f1 ~ ().~ v /." I .. U f'-.^ .I Å 1\ Notary Public -LA1~ rr-.. --j(~ Printed Name ...J 18 Seal - , - ~ - :¡m :~ ~ ~ ELIZABETH A TRENARY My Commission Expires October 29, 2008 ~ ~ File 6010715616 Description I The land refc:rred to in this; document is situated iri the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is desc:nbcd as follows: P.rcel 1 - Leigh cabIn ~roperty A parœl of rand locateC! In the NW1/4 of Section 5 of the FtesuNey of T21 N R115W of the eIh P.M."f:.!ncoln County, Wyoming and saId parcel being a portion of a parcel known a8 P.arœl 18 of Aspen Sprtngs Tracts and said parcel being that portion of said Pan:,118 lying East of the main access roadway. to wit: Commencing at the nòrthwest comer of said Section 5 and running thence SS2"5S·03"E, 1844.19 tOet to the True Point of Beginning; thence N61"29'41"E. ~.11 feetto a point; thence S37·09'4frE. 571.17 feet to a point; thence S5S"20'18W, 399.19 feet to a point on the centerline of said main access road: thence N12"34'35"W, 14.76 feet to a point on the beginning of a curve; thence along a OUNf tq'the left having a radius of 602.61 feet and a long ol1ord bearing N23"16'14'W, 386.41 feet to the end of said QUNe; thence N37"09'42"W, f91.43 feet to the poInt of beginning Parcel 2 - '. A parcel of land ~ng p,art Qf Parcel 24 Of the map at 1h$ Aspen Springs Tracts on file In the Lincoln ~nty Clerk's OffIce in Kemmerer, Wyoming. Said parcel 24 of the Aspen Sp~ Tracts being also that particular parcel of land çQfweyed from PBL ManagerneQt, ø Callfomla corporation, to Wayne H. CarllElla as recorded in Book 273~ on paga 137 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk'" Office In Kemmerer, WyomIng. Said parcel of land also bej~ part of the NW1/4 of Section 5 of the R88Úrvey of T21N R115W of the 6th P.M., llncoln County, Wyoming and being m,e particularly descnbed as foll9WS: . Commencing at the nOi\hwest comer of said Section 5 of said T21N R115W and running thence SB2Að8fOS"E a dIStance of 1644.19 feet to the point of beginning of a parc:el known .,1..elgh Cabin parcel. Said Leigh Cabin parcel being that portion of Parcel 18 of, ~ Aspen Springs Tracts east of tl1e centertine of the 60 foot roadway easement, centerline paasing through Parcel 18; thence N61·29'41"E,,~ng the northarty boundary line of said Parœl18 and said Leigh Cabin parcel,to the troe point of beginning of this de&criptlon. Said point of beginning also being the northwest comer of said Parcel 18 of the Aspen Springs Tracts; I thence continuing N&'·~.29'41·E, a dÏSÞ1nce of 166 feet ",ore or less to a point on the northerly bounclary.'Jioo of Baid Section 5; thence easterty along the north boundary line of said Sectìoo 5, 390 feet more or Ie$$ to the N1/4 comer:Of said Section 5; thence South 416.8 feet; I thence S5S"20'18'W,'·226.3 feet to thE! southeast com~r of said Parcel1B and said Leigh Cabin pø~: r thence N37·09'4e-w, :atong the easterly boundary lîn~ of said Parcel 16 said I.eigh Cabl~ parcel, ,a dl&tan~Of 571.77 feet to the POlrjt of beginning ~ogeth8!' WIth a/l b~I~lngs, I rovements and appurte~nC8$ thereon situate or In anyw¡se appertaining therp I R..ervlng unto the, gra !'ft, thtIr hel..., .u~Ote and asalgna In Inte':Mt. 8 l'Ion exclu~lIve rlgh of way easement far n9~ anC egreas sixty (60) ~t In width along As~n. Sp fogs Road. 8S said road ~'.deplcted on the Aspen pr\ng8 Seoond SubdivIsion lat filed 4-5-1989 as in~. ment number 700397 ~2964on .'ththe AoGPmen S¡:Irlngs. racts plat flIed 5-3Q.19Bi: 88 Instrument number In e ce of the Un In County Cieri< Subject to any easements, !Jervations, restrictions 0 'right-of-ways of record of sIght or in lIGe. I ~ '~,f~O ' -'- U~v3~~