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RECEIVING # 932903
BOOK: 671 PAGE: 391
ROSS D. JACKSON, being fIrst duly sworn upon oath, deposes and affirms that the
following information is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief:
1. That I am of the age of 87 years and have been a resident of Rich County, State
of Utah, my entire life.
2. That my father's name was Frank Jackson, now deceased, and our family has
been engaged in the cattle business as long as I can remember and own and control lands in Rich
County, State of Utah, where our Ranch Headquarters is located and where our cattle are fed
bay in the winter and lands in Uinta and Lincoln Counties, State of Wyoming, where our cattle
graze during the summer grazing season about May 1 through October 15.
3. That I am familiar with Uinta Land & Grazing Company, a Corporation organized
in about the year 1908, under the laws of the State of Wyoming and was qualified to do business
in the State of Utah.
4. That said Uinta Land & Grazing Company owned and during its existence
continued to acquire suqstantial acreage in Uinta and Lincoln Counties, Wyoming, including
lands owned by M.J. Hatch hereinafter referred to, where the shareholders of Uinta Land &
Grazing Company grazed their cattle during each summer grazing season about May 1 through
October 15 of each year.
5. That said Frank Jackson, prior to his death on December 6, 1969, was President
of Uinta Land & Grazing Company for many years and I worked closely with him during his
tenure as such President beginning about 1939, and continuing to about 1958.
6. That I was elected a Director of Uinta Land & Grazing Company in about 1965
and in such capacity was familiar with it's books and records. In 1985, I was elected Secretary
of Uinta Land & Grazing Company and in 1986 said Company was restructured into Bell Butte
Grazing Partnership, a Wyoming Limited Partnership, and I was elected an Assistant Managing
Partner in Bell Butte Grazing Partnership and still serve as such Assistant Managing Partner at
this time.
7. That on or about April 3, 1941, Joseph E. Hatch and Katie Hatch, his wife,
conveyed by Warranty Deed, certain lands in Lincoln County, Wyoming, including lands
described as the NEl/4NWl/4, NEl/4 and El/2 of the SEl/4 of Section 30, Township 19
North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., to their son, M.J. Hatch of Randolph, Utah, and said Deed
was recorded December 18, 1975, in Book 162PR, Page 426, records of the Lincoln County
Recorder at Kemmerer, Wyoming. A copy of said Deed marked Exhibit "A" is annexed hereto
and by this reference made a part hereof.
8. That ¥.J. Hatch also owned certain land in Lincoln and Uinta Counties,
Wyoming, and in the spring of 1941, sold all of the real property owned by him, including the
property conveyed to him by said Joseph E. Hatch and Katie Hatch, his wife, under Paragraph
7, above to said Uinta Land & Grazing Company under an Agreement of Sale and Purchase and
Uinta Land & Grazing Company paid said M.J. Hatch a valuable consideration for the land and
properties and said M.L Hatch and Delora B. Hatch, his wife, conveyed the property to Uinta
Land & Grazing Company by Warranty Deed dated May 23, 1941, which was recorded on June
9, 1941, in Book 22 of Deeds, Page 428, records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. A copy of said
Deed marked Exhibit "B" is also annexed hereto and by reference made a part hereof.
9. That said Deed from M.J. Hatch dated May 23, 1941, erroneously described
certain of the lands as being theNWl/4 oftheNWl/4 of Section 30, Township 19 North, Range
119 West, 6th Principal Meridian instead of the NEl/4 of the NWl/4 of said Section 30,
described in the said Deed dated April 3, 1941, from Joseph E. Hatch and Katie Hatch, his
wife, to said M.J. Hatch.
10. That said Warranty Deed from Joseph E. Hatch and Katie Hatch to M.J. Hatch
contained a typing strike-over which indicated the "NE1I4 of the NWl/4" could possibly be read
as the "NWl/4 of the NWl/4". This confusion created by the typing strike-over was the cause
of the error in the Warranty Deed dated May 23, 1941, from M.J. Hatch and Delora B. Hatch,
who conveyed title to all of the real property in Lincoln County, Wyoming, by Warranty Deed
to Uinta Land & Grazing Company.
11. That the NWl/ 4NWl/ 4 of said Section 30, was and is Federal land and was never
owned by Joseph E. Hatch and Katie Hatch and therefore they could not have legally conveyed
the title to this property to M.J. Hatch.
12. That it was the intent and purpose of Joseph E. Hatch and Katie Hatch to convey
and they did convey the NEl/4NWl/4 and not the NWl/4NW1I4 of said Section 30, Township
19 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., to said M.L Hatch.
13. That Uinta Land & Grazing Company has paid all of the taxes assessed against
the NEl/4 of the NWl/4 of said Section 30, to the date of this Affidavit.
14. That the NEl/4NWl/4 of said Section 30, has been claimed and owned by Uinta
Land & Grazing Company and it's successor in interest, Bell Butte Grazing Partnership a
Limited Partnership, all. of the many years since 1941 and no other party or parties have ever
claimed any ownership interest in the said NE1I4 of the NWl/4 of said Section 30.
15. That pursuant to Section 34-11-101 of the Wyoming Code, t1ùs affidavit is
recorded in order to.. clarify and correct the ambiguity created by the strike-over in the said
Warranty Deeds from Joseph E. Hatch and Katie Hatch to M.J. Hatch and the Warranty Deed
from M.J. Hatch to Uinta Land & Grazing Company so it is clear on the records that Uinta
Land & Grazing Company was and is the rightful and lawful owner of the NEl/4 of the NW1/4
of said Section 30, Township 19 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming.
That further Affiant sayeth not.
Dated t1ùs ~ day of J.Mga9t, 2007.
k f?5 CLvk,
-Ross D. JACKSON(!
L.¡( ~;: ~a--
On t1ùs ~ day of t, 2007, personally appeared before me Ross D. Jackson,
to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did say, that the foregoing Affidavit was
signed by him of his own free will and that he acknowledged to me that the facts set forth
therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
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Joseph E Hatoh and Ií.aUe Hatch hiB wire
of Randolph, , Cl1umy uf Rich
~rnl\f\'r. II
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U.J. Ha.tch
RandOlph, k1ch C:c\\nty, Utah
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One Dollar ILDd other valua'ble consideration.
the £ollo\\';n¡¡ olo!Kril'cd trnct 1)( I~nd Irt Linoølu
St~tr: ('If 11t.H \'\toming.
South_est qUArter SectiOD, 17, ITor'th_est q'tULt'tel' Section 20, Hoj¡1;h...halt ot
Sou.th-eas't quarter Section 20, Sou:l:h-balr ot tlo:rth-east quarter Section 20,
Sou.th-wesi: q\\azo1lex' South-east quarter Seotion 20, riorth-eut quarter of the
South-west quarter and South-halt or the ~uth-"e8t 'quarh:t' Sêotion 20.
All above in Township lTineteen North Range One Hundred fmd Ð'inoteen. 'o"Iest of
Sixth Principal Ueridián. Contain1ng 640 aores.
North-\7ea1: quarter of lrorth~eaøt quarter , 5outh..half oE Zlorth-B.s~ qUllrhr
auA Soutb.-eaet q'llarter oJ: North-we$1I quarter , East-half' ot Soutb.-''Te8t Q,uarter
and South-east Q&U1"ter of Section l1ineteen r ~orth-westquarhr ot SQuth-V/est
quarter Section 'rwanty, ZTorth-1MIJt quarter ot Borth_at quarter. and North-
.kat 01UU'ter Section :30 All above in To\'m.ship. Bin.hen 1Io:r:th, of IIatlse 119
west of: S:trth Principal l!ex'idiNl. Area 640 acres.
South-east quarter ot Horth-west q,uarter , }tOl'~-halr ot Sou.th-west qU3rtæ
Sectio~ 28, lforth-halt 01' South-es.s~ quarter, ~uthoo\'est q)UU'te:z: 01' South-
East QUarter, South-west quarter, of Section 211 , ßas1:-!:uùr or Southooeast
!tu.e.rter Section 30, iluJt-halt ot lIorth-eut quarter Section 31. 1f}1f.7.} Section 32
Area 640 acres. Ail aboTe situated in Il'oftsh1r Nineteen North of' lULn,s:ra U9
West or Si:rlh PriD,cipal l1eX'idbn.
EaBt-halt or Soutb.-east ,qu!\rter . Section Sevlan. North-half' or Nor~h-._t
It u.arter ot Seotion ::tghteen, North-half. w Sou.th-easl; q\ta1'ter , 59cUon
'Sevcnhen, All in 'l'o\mshi:¡ lTineteen ¡;orth of' 3a.n.;e II9 ',18St ot Sixth
Principal ~eridis.n, Ares. 640 aCres.
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To~Qther ~tÀ all improvments and a~gurtenanoø8 thereto bel~nging.
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County of Rich
On the 3rd
day of
, A. b. 1941
p~nonally appeared before ¡TIe
Joseph E Hatch and Katie Hatch his wife
tliè'slgnc't oE the within Instrument, who duly acknowledge
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J{ARJtAm DDD II. 1. ~a It \IX. 1'0 1WI'r_ AIiD Qlli.Z:UiO co,\:PAJIl 11&-4 "%3/101
;;~coT\led II.t ~. "1Uu' or O:ran~e luae 9th. A..D, 19~ .., I., 1II1.llto. PII.D' ):00 o'oloOIc P....,
lu BoO~ 22 or .0.04. .Pas. 1,28.
11" -'111110'. H,oDnU' Lincoln CDWI',.. 1170. B7 Ict. ~llQIaII. ~pV.t7 12.00
:Ii. ;r. Batch au( I)e10~ /tatob hi. ,,11'.. p'IU1tol' at lIao401ph. CoWl'" or Rhh. Stah at Utooh.
J:~1"!Y COtlVE!!' AUI) 1I.tIJŒIAX'r to TII. Ui.D~ LaIlCl 8.l1li Oraziq OOlllpqy 8"lItIee 01' EnIl8~Otl, Ubta
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ducrlb"Jd t.raot., 61' laa 1A ~DVola Ooun':r, 8~te. 01' "70111118
Sou'ti/l·,.,ell'ti «¡uartU' Sut,loa 17, IIortll-..., «¡ulI.rhr BeaUon 20. Ho~h-1la11' 01' ~b_IJ' quaneI'
S..<:t1011 20. So~"-brslt 01' lIonh-..' c¡,urt..,. 8"1;108 ~. So,"b-weet. qllUt..r at 801lI:b-....'
~1.Z=ter 01' Sea~OIl 20. JlDrToII-~" 1J.U&1't.r or &:I1ñh-n., qllU'tel' IUI4 Bouth-hß11' at South-weB1I
,\MIrtOI' 01' Sect! on :10. All allon tn '1'owneb1p 1flD.1IotGD JlOX'1;h BMfrIt Oft'! HIII'Idro4 all4 IIlnet.ØÞA
·~eat. or t.h. sJ.iI:1ItI .PI'1nc1pall.ler141I111. Coutal111M 61.0 A.02'1l..
¡ortll-~..on 1uert~r ot lIortll-&u&, lJ.Uerter. Sout.h-hAlt or Xor'h-uat qUIU".r aD4 601l'h-II..'' quer--
\.,1' o't'lIort.h-west; quarter. !IuIt.-bctU ot ~b-"8t; quan.r .'" ~...n qw¡rter ot Sttcs1ollo
~b.t..." No1'tb-.., q\l8rtet' of Soutlll-_t. 'I_Mer 'IIIIat:1oll 'L'went.:r. Borth-.... 111111"11111' o! H~-
_:n 1\1an91'. aM Nort.h-..n i:I~ rt notion 3Oc\ All. abcrnt 1n T0I<IW11P iliA. ..... JIcrt 0
.n;:a ],1.'1 ·"a.' at S1xt.h pl'1l1C1 P _1111" ClllUh . I\nIa 40 nOl'Oa. .
Scut.h-II~U ~\Jarf¡,," ...1' lIortb-~8t 'Iwu·'ltl'. Nortb-halt 01' SoIlÜ-.."n' 'uartor aeot.loa ~8, North-;
!:aH or Sout./I-.¡oat.".l\l&rtor. Boa1lb-wee1l q~el' at' Sou1I/I-...1I ,\lIlI.rter. $out.b-"..1I !(llllrtel' 01' .
&.et.l~D 29. Jast.-~ot ~.h-!lB1I Qllar~ot Seotloa ~ Ea..-holr or Korth-w." ~v.&rtel' ot
Seo~lon 31. NOl'1II1- or BOnA ~ ~ or uelt~oa . AU. abcrn- e1t.1àI1I1Ml In ~lp ,
nina1l..aa Borth or Hanp 1.19 W.'1I OC IID;lI ~lIo1pa1. J(IF1IUaa. Area ~ UretI " :
ùn.h.lr ot Sololl;h-eut q~.,., 81IOUou IIn_.!. lIIørth-~f at lort.h ..., qUlrtel' of ,eot10D
el¡;11l;ellll. JIortb baJ.r. ao4 Soalòla-etUll q1ll.2'to4Ir or ,eo'ian Say.n1l1lllD AU 18 1'0I11III111, lIlaae'..a
lIorth at R.... 119 IV.." or S1xcJl Pr1aaolptil Kerl41l1A, Ana 640 aQ:t'H.
~o;¡nlMtr w1~b aU hI¡IZ'OTill.eJl.'. aJIII. 4pp~__.. tile_to ~aslns_
waD.... t.b. l1«li4 of Hid. sÞD~n. \Ik1. %~ ~ ot ..,.. A.Ð. 19'u.
SI¡DIt4 lD u.. preelllloe ot M. t. .a...oh
I.)'11D KcltlDIIQn De10n B. Øa,t.oh I
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UItO\lU~ t;hll 11811111. ,
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nœ: ST.r.1'.E 01 WIOII1ÏÏo.) ~a In,'"*'~ "". 1'11114. tor :reeo" ., ,. DO Ô' do~1c P.M. I on 'Ibe ¡
'ea. lltb. ot.ay or lIoID. ¡91,1 alld 4ul7 reoor'41e\1 1n ~oot 22 of 1.1.811. OD I
CO\lllt7 at 1.1nooll ) laþ J,~. !
.... B.1iU.... Count:r . Clerk &JII4 .I:It..ofthlo Jlec1.kzo at Daad.e.
7ee., $1.60 B:r Ida la_a. Þeputt C1eñ. .
1WIRAlt'1'r PUD la'll ØJ.IoABK 1)1' IIOlUS'l'EI.g "I ,
Á. Ca:l!t7le ~d,e aud 1.110_ IItd.. hllBbQd u4 wtre. ~. ot AIWtmi;, L1DoalD CoIIDC7.
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~" J>e,.... 1*14f. "..1pC. 'fill_I' 1:0 -J:'fIb7 e.O~IIdpIi. CDIIntt AIIÐ 'IAUAId ,2Q Le.ll. 411:r"d.
graDt~e, or ineola 0cNut:r .1>4 Stlkt. ot ~ 1Ihe ,h11.owf.Jls 4..ft01""';"i'M.1 _"'ato... alr\là".
1a L1acol11 CoIat.7 -- &\Ate or'~. uI"Itll7 n1...1J\B alld w.ITlac ~1 i-1sh~. WIder and "1 ¡
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