HomeMy WebLinkAbout932908 ;¡JOù41.7 Due to a scribner's error in the previously recorded promissory note in Book 667 Page 779 on August 3, 2007, Receiving #931846, this Corrective Promissory Note is to be recorded and replace said note. *******CORRECfIVE PROMISSORY NOTE******* AMOUNT: DATE OF LOAN: MATURITY DATE: BORROWER(S): NOTEHOLDER(S): $47,000.00 April_, 2007 12 years from date of Loan Val E. Astle, Helen Astle Chad Cazier RECITALS FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned VAL E. ASTLE and HELEN ASTLE, P.O. Box 804, Afton,Wyoming 83110 (hereafter "Borrower") promises to pay Chad Cazier, of 8185 Hwy 238, Mon, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, (hereafter "Noteholder") or order the principal sum of FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($47,000.00), payable to Chad Cazier (hereafter "Noteholder") in the following manner: TERMS A. Upon the execution of this Promissory Note ("Note") and Mortgage of even date, the Borrower agrees and states that the Borrower owes the Noteholder the amount of FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($47,000.00), and will pay the Noteholder this amount plus interest, late charges and penalties, pursuant to the terms of this Note and Mortgage of even date. B. The principal amount of FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($47,000.00), shall accrue interest at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum, beginning on January 1st, 2013, until paid in full to the Noteholder. No interest shall accrue until January 1st, 2013. C. Dúring the term of this loan, the Borrower will pay to the Noteholder, monthlypaymeI'1ts in the amount of SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS, over a six (6) year period and at the end of the six (6) year period, all the principal, interest, penalties and late charges will be due and payable in full. All rights to the use a/this document reserved by: Bowers Law Firm, PC . Post Office Box 1550 Afton, WY 83110-1550 307-885-1000 D. The Borrower shall make monthly payments, beginning on January 1st, 2013, based upon the six (6) year amortization schedule, which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and made part of this document by reference and incorporation. The estimated RECEIVED 9/7/2007 at 9:43 AM RECEIVING # 932908 BOOK: 671 PAGE: 417 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Page 1 of 6 u00418 monthly payments will be SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND NINETY THREE CENTS($778.93) with the final estimated payment being SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND NINETY THREE CENTS ($778.93). E. The Borrower may prepay the principal amount in whole or in part at any time without penalty. Any partial prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding and shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent annual installments or change the amounts of such installments, unless the Noteholder shall agree in writing. F. If c;¡.ny payment is made more than thirty (30) days after the date due, the Borrower shall pay an additional one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) in the form of a late payment charge and penalty to the Noteholder. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS Each payment I make on this note will first reduce the amount I owe you for charges which are neither interest nor principal. The remainder of each payment will then reduce accrued unpaid ¡interest, and then unpaid principal. If you and I agree to a different , application of payments, we will describe our agreement on this note. I may prepay a part of, or the entire balance of this loan without penalty, unless we specify to the contrary on this note. Any partial prepayment will not excuse or reduce any later scheduled payment until this note is paid in full (unless, when I make the prepayment, you and I agree in writing to the cdntrary) . DEFAULT I will be in default if anyone or more of the following occur: (1) I fail to make a payment on time or in the amount due; (2) I fail to keep the property insured, if required; (3) I fail to pay, br keep any promise, on any debt or agreement I have with you; (4) any other creditor of mine attempts to collect any debt I owe him through court proceedings; (5) I die, am declared incompetent, make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or become insolvent (either because my liabilities exceed my assets or I am unable to pay my debts as they become due); (6) I make any written statement or provide any financial information that is untrue or inaccurate at the time it was provided; (7) I do or fail to do something which causes you to believe that you will have difficulty collecting the amount I owe you; (8) a*y collateral securing this note is used in a manner or for a purpose which threatens confistation by a legal authority; (9) I change my name or assume an additional name without first notifying you before making such a change. If I default on this note entire principal amount outstanding and accrued interest thereon shall at once become due and payable at the option of the Noteholder. The date specified shall not be less than thirty (30) days from the date such notice is mailed. The All rights to the use a/this document reserved by: Bowers Law Firm, PC Post Office Box 1550 Afton, WY 83110-1550 307-885-1000 Page 2 of 6 , ·J00419 N oteholder may exercise this option to accelerate during any default by Borrower regardless of any prior forbearance. If suit is brought to collect this note, the Noteholder shall be entitled to collect all reasonable costs and expenses of suit, including, but not limited to, reasonable attor.ney's fees. ~i REMEDIES If I am in default on this note you have, but are not limited to, the following remedies: (1) You may demand immediate payment of all I owe you under this note (principal, accrued unpaid interest and other accrued charges). (2) You may demand security, additional security, or additional parties to be obligated to pay this note as a condition for not using any other remedy. (3) You may use any remedy you have under state or federal law. ) By selecting anyone or more of these remedies you do not give up your right to later use any otJ;ier remedy. By waiving your right to declare an event to be a default, you do not waive your right to later consider the event as a default if it continues or happens agam. WAIVER I give up my rights to require you to do certain things. I will not require you to: (1) de~and payment of amounts due (presentment); (2) obtain official certification of nonpayment (protest); or , ~. (3) givé notice that amounts due have not been paid (notice of dishonor). I waive any defenses I have based on suretyship or impairment of collateral. I agree that presentment, notice of dishonor, and protests are hereby waived by all makers, sureties, guarantors, and endorsers hereof. This note shall be the joint and several obligation of alrmakers, sureties, guarantors, and endorsers, and shall be binding upon them and their successors and assigns. NOTICE Any notice to Borrower provided for in this note shall be given by mailing such notice by regular U.S. mail, postage prepaid, addressed to Borrower at the address stated below, or to such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to the Noteholder. , All rights to the use of this document reserved by: Bowers Law Firm, PC Post Office Box 1550 Afton, WY 83110-1550 307-885-1000 c Page 3 of 6 nooð. <?:1() Any notice to the Noteholder shall be given by mailing such notice by ~~guIãr1t~. mail, postage prepaid, to the N oteholder at the address stated in the first paragraph of this note, or at such other addr-ess as may have been designated by notice to Borrower. Notices are deemed given on the date placed in the u.s. mail, postage prepaid. BORROWERS Val E. Astle & Helen Astle P.O. Box 804 Afton, WY 8;3110 NOTEHOLDER Chad Cazier . P.O. Box 1751 Afton, WY 83110 MORTGAGE OF EVEN DATE This debt evidenced by this Note is secured by a Mortgage of even date and reference is made to the Mortgage for additional rights as to acceleration of the indebtedness evidenced by this note. The terms of the Mortgage, of even date, executed by the undersigned are incorporated into this document by reference and incorporation as if fully set forth herein. COLLECTION COSTS AND ATTORNEY'S FEES I agreè to pay all costs of collection, replevin or any other or similar type of cost if I am in defaul~. In addition, if you hire an attorney to collect this note, I also agree to pay any fee you incur with such attorney plus court costs. To the extent permitted by the United States Bankruptcy Code, I also agree to pay the reasonable attorney's fees and costs you incur to collect this debt as awarded by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy C01e. OBLIGATIONS INDEPENDENT I understand that I must pay this note even if someone else has also agreed to pay it (by, for example, signing this form or a separate guarantee or endorsement). You may sue me alone, or anyone else who is obligated on this note, or any number of us together, to collect this note. You may do so without any notice that it has not been paid (notice of dishonor). You Ìnay without notice release any party to this agreement without releasing any other party; If you give up any of your rights, with or without notice, it will not affect my duty to pay this note. Any extension of new credit to any of us, or renewal of this note ! t , i All rights to the use a/this docun¡ent reserved by: Bowers Law Firm, PC Post Office Box 1550 Afton, WY 83110-1550 307-885-1000 Page 4 of 6 f" ,~11 0' A' .,...;<~ 'UV . ":t~J_ by all or less than all of us will not release me from my duty to pay it. (Of course, you are entitled to only çme payment in full) I agree that you may at your option extend this note or the debt repr~sented by this note, or any portion of the note or debt, from time to time without limit or::notice and for any term without affecting my liability for payment of the note. I will not assign my obligation under this agreement without your prior written approval. ' SAVING CLAUSE AND CHOICE OF LAW If any provision, or any part of any provision of this Note is invalid under the laws of Wyoming, the provision in part thereof shall be ineffective to the extent of it's invalidity, under the applicable law without invalidating the remainder of the provision or other provisions of this Note. This Note has been made and delivered in the State of Wyoming and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Wyoming. I AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS NOTE I have received a copy this note on today's date and have read it and agree to the terms of this note evidenced by my signature. By signing this document I fully understand and agree to the terms of this note and state that I owe the debt evidenced by this note. I DATED this :J:J day of August, 2007. J (/ J ¿ oJ;!; VAL E. ASTLE I ~ ,I stfu ·lkt7MÆ'~ ,. . HELEN AS1i { " All rights to the use of this document reserved by: Bowers Law Firm, PC Post Office Box 1550 Afton, WY 83110-1550 307-885-1000 Page 5 of 6 STATE OF WYOMING " >"0' .. ,t"">1i") \.." IJ.... " ':1:,,(; ;w;:,. ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me by VAL E. ASTLE, this ~d11Y of August, 2007; ~~¿. ~ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: () -S 0 9 WITNESS my hand and official seal. HEIDI BROWN· NOTARY PUBUO County of . State of Uncoln Wyoming My CommIssion expires August 5, 2009 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTI OF LINCOLN ) . ~ The foregoing was acknowledged before me by HELEN ASTLE, this ¿5i) 1 day of August, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. , / I _ Ý ~(cL, ~Mfi ; NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: '0"'5",09 HEIDI BROWN· NOTARY PUBUC State of County of Wyoming Uncoln My Commission Expires August 5, 2009 All rights to the use of this document reserved by: Bowers Law Firm, PC ' Post Office Box 1550 Afton, WY 83110-1550 307-885-1000 Page 6 of 6