HomeMy WebLinkAbout932935 ._-- ----- ------- RECEIVED 9/7/2007 at 2:56 PM RECEIVING # 932935 BOOK: 671 PAGE: 4182 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COM:MON WATER WELL USE AGREEMENT "It~--r.'O 2 knd lìtle . ~C9mpðny . SINCE 1904 AUG-07-20UI TUE 10:3 ..... -.. -.. ........- .--........ -....... . (P¡L/tl 11 , :ì. ..J.' 000482 Entered ixÏto. agJ:eem~ this ? day of ~ ~ ,2007 by and between. THREE RIVERS CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC. Dorothy I. Re;nhf)rt. President. . And Ganelle B.'EdwardB, Vice px-e5idcn.t,: as Col'Porate Officers hereinafter known as, , "GRANTORS" ftIld Owne.t'S of that watè.r Well, known as ttALPIN;B STORAGE WELL. I .' as authorized by Wyonrlng State Engineers. Office assigned Permit -# UW ,153059, Water . Division 4 District 12 and located in the SW4NW4; Sec1ion 20, T37~ R119W, 611\ P.M., : Alpine, Lincoln Co"UD.ty. Wyoming, \ .~, . . SOLITUD:ij'HOLDINGS. :u.C., a Delawate Limited Liability Co. AND P AUSADBS , LAND & HOMES LtC.. å Wyoming Limited Liabili\v Co. hèreina:fter known as "GRAN1EES';. . AND WHEREAS; "GRANTORS" herein, convey, assign, and transfer ownership of above described Water Well, known as "ALPINE STORAGE W ATBR. WELL", to "ORANTEES", with the express provision. Grantees reserve continued, andpet¡Jetual use of water wen without UUser Fe.e". for the tamaiDÎtlg Alpine Storage Property. Now There:t'bl'e, All Parties herein mutua1Jy enter into this Common Water :Well 'Agreement, with the following additional provisions: 1. "GRANTOR" herein grants access (tngress & egress) across Alpine Storage Property. to the wen ~ocation including but not limited to the pUtI4þ house and well pit, jnmJ.p controls, and components ofilie wells system for maintenance and open non of described water well and for maintenance of300 feet of 2" water line, for w.hich Grantees' have reimbursed Grantors' for in5talla1Íon and matm:ial5. 2. "GRANTOR" herein agrees to m,amtain water well and pay electrical bill 'UNTIL such time as csGRANTEEsn physically connect to the 2" water line and commence drawing watCJ.·, at which time the electric service will be transfel1'ed to ""Gtantees'" fat' full responsibility and payment thereafter. . 3. "GRANTEEI> herein accepts responsibility for :security of the water system and the :firirUand reasonable access of the "Grantors" proJ>erty and to cause no harm. to the gråntor and to'limit access to authorized persons only. I . 4. uGRANTOR" and 4·GRANTBB" SHALL; Meter'115age añd pay electrical bill per KW used. All m.am.tenance and repairs will be the Grantco'5 responsibility. Should there be a thue that the GRANTOR ohanges type ofbuSin~s opeJ:ations, the water agreement will be readdressed for Grantor to share in the cost of operations maintenance and repairs., Continu.ed. AU\]-U/-,VV/ IUt IU:ij~ AM ......-. ...... ... ....,... .. ....... , 000483 . . Page 2~ COMMOM W A 'fER wntL AGREEMENT ..Three Rjve.rs Coilstruation Co., Ino.. ("GRANrOR'S~' a:o.d "GR.ANTEB"S~ SOLITUDE HOLDINGS, L.L.C., a Dclaware Limited Liability Co., and P ALISApES LAND ~ HOMES, L.L.C., . 5. This agreeme1rt shall be binding on the Heirs and Assigc.s of both parties, and shall . . becoD;1ð effective :immediately on the signing thereof. . To th~ foregoing, we set DUX hands and seals on this ? day of ~~ 2007. Oanelle B. Edwards AND Granteos: SOLITUDE HOLDINGS. LLC, a Delaware Litnited Liability Co. George Palomba, President PALISADES LAND & HOMES, LLC, a. Wyoming Limited Liability Co. R5X Doornbos, Ptasident 2 Continued: ~. UUij .þ'- ...---.--- , , , ____.._._.._ø.___..._._.______.___._.~__..... "._ M_......:-...__·..._..____.____..._·_..__~_____________ ._J.~~~.07.-tQ~~JU~. 1,0:35 AM p. 004 , . 00'0484 PAGE 3M 'COMMON WATER WELL AGREEMENT- Threè RivðJ:5 Construction Co., Inc., Grantors' And Solitude Holdings, LLC. And Palisades'Land & Homes LtC., . Grantees' » STATE OF COUNTY OF s.s. On this day of ' . 2007. personally appeared before me, A Notmy'Publio. . known'to me or whom did present pXQper and authentic identification to my satisfaction. and whom did place then- hands and seal in my presence and of 1:b.cir own free will, I . wi1ness thereto: . (Seal) NQtaxy Public . My commission "pires ____ STATE OF COUNTY OF 8.S. ,On this ~ of ' .2007, personally ap);'eared before Me, A Notary Public, known to me or whom did present propðl' and authentic identification to my satisfaction, and whom did place their hands and sea11n my presencc and of their own ftee will. I wi't:11.ess thereto. (Soal) Notary Public. My commission expÚ'es __ __ STATE OF IÁ )·~o m i "l d 8.8. COUNTY OF L .., ( () I "1 (Seal) On this ~ ~ day of ~ ~; . 2007. personally appeared before Me, aNot~P:ub1ic. ~rt') '( ..:nhGtl"t CllfI.J' (}, '8', C-,Aw.....--J.j, knQ'WX1 t~ me oX' whom did presellt proper and authentic id011ti:fication to my satisfaction, ~:~~~~ondseolinmy-TI~~":~wiII,I . ': DjAI\A MERRIT ~,¡\ 0li\r:Y ?U9U·:~, Notary Public .' County of '" State c1 My oommissi~n expires ...!3.b 1£2- f llncoln ~ WI,,,,.,,ln1 ~~~~~~E~:ec; 3~~~~~ìql 07 COMMON WATER WELL USE AGREEMENT 000485 Entered iIÍto agreement tlùs t'-- day of , 2007 by and between. THREE RIVERS CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC. rothy 1. Reinhart. President, And Ganelle B. Edwards, Vice pJ:esident, as Corporate Officers hereinafter knO'WD. as, "GRANTORS" and Owners of that Water Well, known as "ALPINE STORAGE WELL" as authorized by Wyoming State Engineers' Office assigned Permit # UW 153059, Water Division 4 District 12 and located in the SW4NW4, Section 20. T37, Rll9W, 6th P-M., Alpine, Lincoln County, Wyoming, AN1b SOLITUDE HOLDINGS, LLC.. a Delaware Litnited Liability Co. AND PALISADES LAND & HOMES LLC.. a Wyoming Limited Liability Co. hereinafter known as "GRANTEES'; , ' AND WHEREAS; "GRANTORS" herein, convey, assign, and transfer ownership of above described Water Well, known as "ALPINE STORAGE WATER WELL", to "GRANTEES", with the express provision, Grantees reserve continued, and perpetual use of water well without "User Fee", for the remaining Alpine Storage Property. Now Therefore, All Parties herein mutually enter into this Common Water Well Agreement, with the following additional provisions: 1. "GRANTOR" herein grants access (ingress & egress) across Alpine Storage Property, to the well location including but not limited to the pump house and well pit, pump controls, and components of the wells system for maintenance and operation of described water well and for maintenance of300 feet of2" water line, for which Grantees' have reimbursed Grantors' for installation and materials. 2. "GRANTOR" herein agrees to maintain water well and pay electrical bill 'UNTIL such time as "GRANTEES" physically connect to the 2" water line and commence drawing water~ at wbich time the electric service will be transferred to "Grantees'" for full responsibility and payment thereafter. 3. "GRANTEE" herein accepts responsibility for security of the water system and the fair and reasonable access of the "Grantors" property and to cause no hann to the gråntor and to limit access to authorized persons only. 4. "GRANTOR" and "GRANTEE" SHALL; Meter usage and pay electrical bill per KW used. All maintenance and repairs will be the Grantee's responsibility. Should there be a time that the GRANTOR changes type ofbusin~ss operations, the water agreement will be readdressed for Grantor to share in the cost of operations maintenance and repairs. Continued. !-IUIJ-U¡-C.UU¡ '''~ "";C.O !-1M ~. U 11 00048'6 Page 2- COMMOM WATER WELL AGREEMENT -Three Rivers Construction Co., Inc., ("GRANTOR'S" and "GRANTEE"S, SOLITUDE HOLDINGS, L.L.C., a Delaware Limited Liability Co., and PALISADES LAND & HOMES, L.L.C., 5. This agreement shall be binding on the Heirs and Assigns of both parties, and shall become effective immediately on the sìgning thereof To the foregoing, we set our hands and seals on this day of 2007. Grantors: THREE RIVERS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Dorothy 1. Reinhart, President Ganelle B. Edwards AND LC, a Delaware Limited Liability Co. ........ e e om a, PT~~id8ftt -1fl f'~(J' ' PALISADES LAND & HOMES, LLC, a Wyomìng Limited Liability Co. Rex Doornbos, President 2 Continued: 000487 PAGE 3~ COMMON WATER WELL AGREEMENT- Three Rivers Construction Co., Inc., Grantors' And Solitude Holdìngs~ LLC. And Palisades Land & Homes LLC., Grantees' , STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA S.S. COUNTY OF DELAWARE On this 22nd day of August ,2007, personally appeared before me, A Notary Public, GEORGE;,PALOI1BA , known to me or whom did present proper and authentic identification to my satisfê:lction, and whom d'" wv.ü:rR~'A.~my presence and of their own free will, I witness the eto: NoIarlalSeaI CO.M ~ Donna M Grayson, Notary Public -- ~ 1 . \ MedIa Boro, Delaware Counly . , (Seal) MyCommlislon ExpIres Mar. 29, 2008 Notary Public Member, Penneylvenje Association Of Not.rIeI My commission expires ~ --':9 _ ~O 8 STATE OF S.S. COUNTY OF On this day of , 2007, personally appeared before Me, A Notary Public, ~ known to me or whom did present proper and authentic identification to my satisfaction, and whom did place their hands and seal in my presence and of their own free will. I witness thereto. (Seal) Notary Public My commission expires _ _ __ STATE OF 8.S, COUNTY OF On this day of , 2007, personally appeared before Me, a Notary Public, , known to me or whom did present proper and authentic identification to my satisfaction, áD.d whom id place their hands and seal in my presence and of their own free will, I witness thereto. (Seal) Notary Public My commission expires _ _ __ 3. AUG-07-200J TUE 10:3~ AM ,........ -.........._._....___....... ... MO'. ...., .. . . . I COMMON WATER WELL USE AGREEMENT , , 000488 Entered h1to agreem~t this Lf day o~5q->k~l' ~ ' 2007 by ~d between. THREE RIVERS CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC. Dorot4y 1. RciDhart. P1"esídent. , And Ganelle B.·Edwards~ Vice p;te5iden~' as Corporate Officers hereiDaftcr known BSt , "GRANTORS" and OWJ¡~ of that Watér Well, known as "ALP~ STORAGE WELL" .' as a.uthorized by Wyoming State Engineers' Office assigned Pennit# UW.153059, Wate1" ' Division 4 District 12 and located in the SW4NW4; Section 20, T37. Rl19W~ 6th P.M., " Alpine, Lincoln County, Wyoming~ \ . 'AN[¿ . SOLITUDE'HOLDINGS. LLC.. a Delawæ.e Limited Liability Co. AND P AU~ES . LAND & HOMES liC.. a WyomiT1q: L1mited Liabili1¡y Co. hj,reina:fter mown _ "GRANTEES~ . AND WHEREAs; ClGRANTORS~' herein, convey, assign, and transfer ownership of above desoribed Water We1l, known as "ALPINE STORAGE WATER WELL", to uGRANTEES~', with the express provision. Grantees reserve contlnued, and perpetual use of water well without "Use.r Fee". for the remaining Alpine Storage Property. Now Theretore, All Parties herein!Ilutua11y enter into this Common Water :Well . Agreement, with the following additional provisions: 1. "GRANTOR" herein grants access (ingress & egress) actOSS Alpine Storage Property. to the, well ~ocation including but not linrited to the PUD:lP house and well pit, pump controls~ and components of the wells system for roaintenancc and operanon of dcsclibed water well and for maintenance of 300 feet of 2" water line~ for .which Grantees' have reimbursed Grantors' for installation and material:s. 2. "GRANTOR" herem agrees to m.amtain water well and pay electrical bill TJNTIT.. such time-as "GRANTEES" physically connect to the 2" water line and commence drawing water, at which time the electric service will be transfened to "Grantees'" fot full responsibility and payment thereafter. . 3. "GRANTEE,t herein accepts responsibility for security of the water S)'5tem and the :fuir and reasonable access of the "Grantors" property and to cause no h.a.nn to the grantor and to' limit a.ccess to authorized persons only. - 4. "GRANTOR" and <CGRANTEB'~ SßALL; Metel' 'usag~ md pay electrical bill per KW used. All maintenance and repair::; will be th~ ~antee's X'Csponsibility. Should there be a tnlle that the GRANTOR changes type of business operations, the watm: agreement will be readdro55cd for Grantor to I3harc: in the cost of operations maintenance and repairs., Continu.ed. p. 002 AUb-U/-lUU/ IUt IU;ù~ AM I' v vv '''4'_þ _ ... .... . ,_,.... " ...... 000489 Page :2.. COMMOM WATER WE;LL AGREEMENT ..Three Rivers ConBtrl.Wt:ion Co.t Inc., (CCORANTOR"S~" aJ;ld ccORANTEE"S~ SOLITUDE HOLDINGS, L.L.C., a Delaware Lùmted Liability Co.t and P AI:JSADES LAND 4t HOMES, L.L.C.) . 5. This agreement &ball be binding on tha Heirs and Assigns of both p81i:Ìes, and shall . . become effective immecnate1y on the signing thereof. . To th~ foregoÍ11g, we set our hands and sea1.$ on this ~ /~ .-- day of ~/f{ 2007. Grantors: THREE RIVERs CONSTRUCTION CO,) INC. Dorothy L Reiq.b.art. President I. Ganelle B. Edwaxds AND Gtantces; SOLITUDE HOLDINGS. LtC, a Delaware Limited Liability Co, George Palomba, President . 'tad Liability Co. 2 Continued: , . ...... ---~--_._-_._.__.~---. ,.-----...-.--...:-.......--.--------.-.. .....w. .,.... AUG~07-2001 IUt 10:35 AM . ..._". ..... P. 004 , ' 000490 PAGE 3- 'COM:MON WATER WELL AGREEMENT-Three RiveX'$ ConstJ.'uction Co., Jnc.~ Grantors' And Solitude Holdings, LtC. And Palisades' Land & Homes LLC.t ' Grantees\ STATE OF /l..)cr. o 17//!.V'-C ';.;., s.s. COUNTY OF [.,(,1,) t.:, AU t11Ìs (,f 't~'-,- day of, ~<)" ' '1U1-1h~ .2007t PeJ.'S?na11y ap~ear~d before me. A Notary'Public, Re'¡C Jbe~txJs . PV¿"5t~-IT. . , known'to me ot whom did present p.J:opex and authentic identification to my satisfáction) ;f;J /' ~d whom did place tb.eiJ: han~ and seal in my presence and of their own :free will) I V _ , ' Wltt1e$S thereto:' , . , -'I P.w~5~ 4-t+t>~ Ll-C-- ~.~ (Seal)' Notary Public , -- ~ . KAREN 1. WYUE· NOTARY PUBUO STATE OF County of ~ State ,of Lincoln ~ Wyoming COUNTY OF 5.S. My co~~~~~~~ . On this day of . . 2007, pe¡sonally ap}?eared before Me. A Notaly Public, known to me or whom did present proper and authentic identification to my satisfaction, and whom did plaoe their hands and seal in my presence and of their own free will, I witness thereto. (Seal) Notaly Public, My commission expÍIes ____ STATE OF COUNTY OF s.s. On this day of . . 2007, personaiIy appeared before Me, a Notary p,ublic, . known to me or whom did preBðnt proper and a'W:hentic identification to my satisfaction, and whom id place their hands and .seal in my pJ:C3ence and of their own free will, I ' witness thereto. , (Soal) Notaxy Public My commissi~n exp.ÎIes ___'_ 3.