HomeMy WebLinkAbout932986 ;JU 6010616¿ll RECEIVED 9/10/2007 at 4:10 PM VED 8/20/2007 at 4:49 PM RECEIVING # 932986 REC VING # 932308 BOOK: 671 PAGE: . . BOOK: 66 PAGE: 404 JEANNE WAGNER 1oB:3 JEAN AGNER _INCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WYLlNCOLN COUNTY CLER, MERER, WY SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED 000683 FOR VALUE RECEIVED 000404 Northcom 17, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company the grantor(s), do(es) hereby grant, bargalll, sell and convey unto Gerald L. Brown and Tamara C. Brown, Husband and Wife, with right of survivorship whose current address IS P.O. Box 3686, Logan, Utah 84323 the grantee(s), the followmg described premIses, III Lmcoln County, Wyomlllg, TO WIT: , 7 { v (0 n That part of SectIOn 17, T31N Rl19W of the 61h P.M., Lincoln County described on attached Exhibit "A" prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbellabeled "Lon-ain J. Bagley and Geraldine R. Bagley Revocable Tmst dated 21 November 1995, and Vance Bagley and Karen Lynn Bagley, Tract "A" dated 12 January 2007. NOTE: THIS IS BEING RECORDED AGAIN TO ATTACH EXHIBIT "B" THE DESCRIPTHION OF THE ND. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances Ullto the said Grantee, hem and assIgns forever. And the said Grantor does hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee(s), that (s)l1e Is/are the owner(s) in fee simple of said premises, that no encumbrances were mitiated dUl1ng the ownership of the undersIgned nor is the undersigned aware of any such. And that (s)he wí1l wanant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Dated: _~O1- NO~LL a Utah Limited Liability Company Brett Broadhead, Exc ange Coordmator State of t.c...r~u } }ss County of C~ } On thIs I () T II day of August, 2007, before me, a Notary PublIc in and for said state, personally appeared Brett Broadhead, Exchange Coordmat 0 Northcom17, LLC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han year 111 this certificate first above written. am ..... IIBIa IirimII It:ra ØiŒ'.m ~ U~ IG:ôII'i!I IR"Q3 1IiÐirI~ ~III RS2 S .",~';"'~ Notary Public "'II · ¡,W£-!!~)~Ä IJ/WIO B. FFlEEMAr~ g 9 i:J~:I'C"'l~. ';,1 11 West Center Street ~Itt .1\" ~ L ~ ~, '\,¡¿""":?J ;j ogan. Utah 84321 U g ~.. ~::~~/ My Commission Expires ~,. ,.' January 1. 2008 H fb, ..... w:m ::::. ..." ."... =.. §,!,\3te Ofr. Ut~h State of Utah County of Cache } ss: ~, \ 000684 // On the 7th day of September, 2007:personally appeared before me Brett Broad~ who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Expires: 1-1-08 Residing: Logan, UT ..---...-___ØIØI...~--~, "'''ÓF TI{ Notary Public I ~{~'~.~T"ìj"'~:'.\ DAVID B., FRHMMJ ., I J 'œ' ,"Y. ,'" c 11 West Center Street II :¡ " x~~~;; Logan, Utah 04321 U D "~ '..' ,.."Í My Commission Expires ß a '" J. D ¡;/.;.., January 1, 2000 U A -"I" State of Utah . L':I !ðIDII œr.:rI'3 IDæI aø Ð1&iII "œr;¡¡a tnWliI r.s:œ I!i3ii!II WG;I mD l'ii1Et 1'.1 ~rol"'lon~ ,."II 411'''''"'' PI\IIH.IlIlftI/'b.1 ~D. A"I"I'aIktUJo, 1"4 Idaho RoøJ."c!.l ØD Nø. :1880 ~:~1:~::~=N::.~~OI SoonA. SUI""., ~, "tAll"'U"" No. :Ul8U Idlft. neÞlsrral1Cln tfo. toea Ulan ".øllhlfon No.1I1I!I11 M.ltøW·A..~1 wt-. "1O~1nC "" Ne. bill "'~t)'o' $eJI"M~ LTÞ. Mðn.W"'m~Q 1ItIPJft'ly,W~ltIrI U JatJ<.o.n.Wy_ ~"VII HoIlptlnp, l(Þho MONOAbl, l¡þho --.31/2eø7 16:57 4357523Ja.44 BRO\\I 'I PAGE 04/84 .O}i;SCRIPTION FOR .LORAIN J. BAGLEY AND G.ERALDINE R. BAGLEY REVOCAaLE TRUST, DATED :Z:Z NOVEMBER 1993 000685 NO-BUU...D AREA 000405 To-wit: - - That part of the NE1/4 of Section 17, T,31N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, bei1îg pa.1i of that tract of record in tbo Office of the Clork of Lincoln County in Book 344 of Photostatjc Records on pagl'J 479, de6cT.ibed as follows. BEGINNING at a spike, on the centerll11e of Crow Croek County Rond No. 12-141, N8's"- 45'-56"W, 1617.29 feet, fi'om the southoast comer of said NE1/4j thence N2Go-32'-56"B, 30.00 feet, to a point on the northerly tight-of-way .line öf said County Road; thence N41"-52' -OTE, 350.38 feet, to a point; thencc SOO"-52'.09"E, 3Q4.08 feet, to a spike on said centerlinc; thence westerly, 259.22 feet, along said centerline, along the arc of a non-tangent eìn::ular ourve to the right through a central angle of 45"-41 '-56" with a radiug of 325.0Q feet and a chord bea.riug N8GQ-18' -02"W 252.40 feet, to tho SPIKE OF BEG1NNTNG ENCOMP ASSlNO ¡m area of 1.01 acres, more 01'1055; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the east line of the NE1/4 of Section 17, T31N Rl19W, being SOoo-58' -OO"W; eR.ch "comer'" fOllud as described in the Comer Reoord filed or to be HIed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Cou.nty; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel rCInforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap il1sctibed" "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropnate details; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" X 24" steel. reinforclng rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed., "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL L TD AITON wY .'PLS 5368", with appropriate details; alt in aceor.dance w.ith the plat p,epared to be filed In the Office of the C.lerk of Ll1Jcoln Oounty titled, "PLAT OF TRACT LORAIN J. BAGLEY AN.D GERALDINE R. BAGLEY .R:EYOCABLE TRUST DATED 22 NOVEMBER 1993 AND vANCS BAGLEY WITHIN THE NEl/4 S 1'1 17 T31N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WY ", dateG" 20 No revis cL "MOdification In any way of the forsgolng description terminates liability of tl19 $urveyor" P"'utJo"..1 LII..... 8U1Wyon "''''N.II~I4",1 ~.""'IIIoI\Ho.IU 141t\f"-vlllraflMfto.U'O UI..hA"ltlt.lIDn"'-.ttrt "*"cliAtQ..Ir.alIWlW....D6 aa..A..8c1m11.. ~. "evI.""" toe. )". III.,. "'Ollhllon N.. tU' Ul.thA.t!tWIIIMNo.GU111 ""___A. 1m",", Wp. "-oJ,It,llIft Nil. I~. IwwYtr 8çhtlCHl~ LTD. All..... \'Ir9f1Wn, aro '1n1tY, WyuIM\a "oN", wy,.,,,, u¥.HoI".....,Id"'- Mun~"".III'MQ .-.~..~..._____~..........~ ........... ... _....". .N.....'_ DESCRII'TION FOR LORAIN J. BAGLEY AND GERALDINE R. BAGLEY REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED 22 NOVEMBER 1993, AND VANCE BAGLEY AND KAREN LYNN BAGLEY 000686 "EXHIBIT B" To wit: - - That part of the NE~ of Section 17, T31N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of those tracts of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 344 of Photostatic Records on page 479 and in Book 505 of Photostatic Records on page 301, described as fonows: BEGINNING at a witness comer, N89°·01 '-23"W, 439.26 feet, from the northeast comeT of said NEy..; thence S53°-48'-22"B, 415.32 feet; toa point; thence SOoo-58'-OO"W, 230.81 feet, along a line parallel to and one-hundred (100) feet westerly ofthe east line of said NEY.; to a point; thence S3so-25'-40"W, 265.66 feet, to a point; thence S28°-30'-59"E, 198.62 feet, to a pomt; thence S41°-52'-07"W, 2196.02 feet, to a pomt on the northerly right-of-way line of Crow Creek County Road No. 12-141; thence S26°-32' -56"W, 30.00 feet, to a spike on the centcrHn~ of said Crow Creek County Road; thence N63°-27'-04"W, 229.48 feet, along said centerline, to a spike at the begirming of a circular curve to the left; thence westerly, 342.58 feet, along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 32°.33'- 06" with a radius of 603.00 feet and a chord bearing ofN79°-43 '-37"W 337.99 feet, to a spike and leave said centerline; thence N06°-00'-10"W, 30.00 feet, to a point on said northerly rJght-of-wayline; thence continuing N06°·00' -1 O"W, 170.83 feet, to a point; : thence N39°·27'-57"E, 2795,.65 feet, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMP AS SING a total area of 43.60 acres, more or less; SUBJECT to an easement for Crow Creelc County Road No. 12-141; TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress over and across an access easement area described as foHows: BEGINNING at the northeast comer of said NEl/4; "Modlllcallon In any way of the foregoing descrlplion terminates liability ollhe surveyor" rfGf...lontJ lIIi'Id Surwyvn ...ulN.Sd'te,b.! Wto. ft.".no"No. U. NfllM Rtt!.hllvn No. "10 UahR'III."'tlb" No. 1110 HerteR "-"k~allo" No, AU SœllA. &C'lfbll Wtt. RIOI.It,UOI'~. 38111 ~fhtlt~No. '021 UI.""."&lU...O.:l72111 MMdw.A.leII""'l 'Ñ)'O.~" kmNo.s:JI. ~~r:'~L'D. Dit ,In.,. WyGm/tIg .........- L.&vaHoIJPfIno..ldlho Molt"''''" 1INh, ."F:XHH\T'T' 1='." -~.-,...~.._~... ~- ....~......~~_.......... DESCRIPTION FOR LORAIN J. BAGLEY AND GERALDINE R. BAGLEY VANCE BAGLEY AND KAREN BAGLEY BAGLEY TRACf PAGE TWO "-"...1. 000687 thence SOoo-58'-00"W, 310.10 feet, along the east line of saId NE1/4, to a point; thence N53°-48'-22"W, ]22.42 feet, to the northern most northeasterly pomt, of the above described tract; thence continuing N53°-48'-22"W, 4]5.32 feet, along a northerly line of said tract, to the northern most comer thereof, on the north line of said NEV.; thence S89°-01'-23"E, 439.26 feel, along said north line, to the CORNER OF BEGINNINGj The BASE BEARING for this survey is the east line of the NEl/4 of Section] 7, T3lN R119W, being SOoo-58'-OO"W; each "comet" found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcmg rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD wrON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" stee] spike referenced by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS'5368", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF TRACf LORAIN J. BAGLEY AND GERALDINE R. BAGLEY REVOCABLE TRUST DATED' 22 NOVEMBER 1993 AND VANCE BAGLEY WITHW THE NE 4 SECTION 17 T31N R119W LWCOLN COUNTY, ", dated 20 Q.y' 006, as revised. ' at "Modlllcallon in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"