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File No.: 6010615Z34
F & T Investments Limited Partnership, A Utah Limited Partnership and L & V Investments Limited
Partnership, A Utah Partnership,
grantor(s) of Ogden, State of Utah, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
Consideration, In hand paid, receIpt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
John Lotshaw and Dawn Lotshaw, as Joint Tenants,
grantee(s), whose address is: 218 Villere Dr., Destrehan, LA 70047, the following described real estate, sItuate in
Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
A portion of the property as reCerred to in the Deed recorded in Book 493PR, on Page 385 and in Book 493PR, on
Page 384, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, within the North Half of Section 18, Township 33 North,
Range 118 West, of the 6tb P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming, the Metes and Bound being more particularly
described as folIo",s:
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BEGINNING at the B.L.M. Type Monument marking the LIoydB. Baker PEILS 698, 1998iocatlon for the
Southwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 18;
thence North 0°33'34" East, along thee West line of said Northwest Quarter, 721.60 feet to point in the
approximate Center line of Willow Creek.
thence Easterly, the following: North 25°03'00" East 19.12 feet, North 85°15'25" East 73.82 feet, South 64°33'32"
East 45.36 feet, South 36°44'20" East 67.61 feet, SQuth 0°02'29" West 84.60 feet, North 85°32'43" East 38.51
feet, North 17°33'18" East 74.26 feet, South 63°25'27" East 62.30 feet, South 23°59'03" East 40.65 feet, South
15°55'03" West 109.74 feet, South 57°29'37" East 51.38 feet, North 49°26'07" East 120.63 feet, North
81 °50'14" East 104.67 feet and South 71°55'46" East 29.13 feet;
thence South 0° West 1,900.28 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe marking a point In the South line oC said
North Haif;
thence North 88°41'43" West, along said South line, 891.44 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe;
thence North 0° East 1,338.14 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe marking a point in the North line of the
Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter;
thence South 89°13'10" East, along said North line, 351.99 feet, to the Point oC Beginning.
Together with the right of ingress,eg~essrand utilities described on Ekhibit A.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by vutue of the homestead exemDtion laws of the State of
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Witness my/our hand(s) this ~ day of August, 2007.
F & T Investments Lmutcd P Ip /1
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B : K. Fra dd, General Partner
L "fa
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RECEIVED 9/11/2007 at 3:31 PM
RECEIVING # 933031
BOOK: 671 PAGE: 855
lU; Ç2J
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By' VIctoria G. Redd, General Partner
State of ~1oltl
UJe~ ) ss.
County of , )
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The foregoing mstrument was aclmow1edged before me tlús~ day of August, 2007, by K. Frank Redd,
Genera) Partner of F & T Investments Limited Partnership and Lance Redd, General Partner of L & V
Investments Limited Partnership. and Victoria G. Redd.
Witness my hand and officIal seal.
My comnllssion expires: l \ \ ç' öl
~ StreamLine Deed· Warranty WY C> Rev. 813012007
Description: Willow Creek Ranch - Lot 3
A portion of the property as refe~red to in the Deed recorded in Book
493PR, on Page 385 and in Bock 493PR, on Page 384, with the Off~ce of the
Cler~ of Lincoln County, within the N1/2 of Section :8, T33N, Rl18W~ of
the 6th. P.M. Lincolc County, Wyomi~g, the Metes ¿nd Bounds oeing more
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at ~he B.L.M. Type Monumen~ marking the Lloyd B. Baker PEILS
698, 1998 location for the Southwest Corner of the NW1/4 of the NEl/4 of
sê.id Section 18; thence NO ° 33' 34 "E, along thee West line of said N1iIfl/4,
721.60 feet to point ir. the approximate Center Line of willow Creek;
thence Easterly, the following: N2So03rOOHE 19.12 fee~, N8So1S'25"E 73.82
feet, S6(033'32"E 45.36 feet, S36°44'20"E 67.61 feet, Sao02'29"W 84.60
feet, N8So32'43"E 38.51 feet, N17°33'í8"E 74.26 fee~, S63°2S'27"E.62.30
feet, S23°59'03"S 40.65 feet, S1So55'03"W 109.74 feet, S57°29'37"E 51.33
feet, N~9°26'07"~ 120.63 ~eet, N81°S0'14"E 184.67 feet and S71°SS'46"E
29.13 feet; thence SOOW 1,908.28 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe
marking a po':'nt in ::he South line of said Nl/2; thence N88 ° 41 r 4 3"vl, along
said South l~ne, 89:.44 ~eet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe; thence
NOoE 1,338.14 feet to a~ Aluminum Cay on an Iron Piye marli~g a point i~
the No~th line of the SEl/4 of the NW1/4; thence S89°13'10"E, along said
North line, 351.99 feet, ::0 the Point of Beginning, containing 35.800
Acres of land.
~OG~THER WITH: The 30 feet wide Right-of-Way Easeme~t, as referred to in
tte Affidavit Certifi~ate of Cwner, recorded in Book 460PR, on Page 738,
witn said Office.
TOGETHER WI~H: T~e 60 =eet wide Easement, as referred to in the Easenent
~ecorded in Book 493P~, on ?age 386, with said Office.
GRANTING and RESERVING: A 60 feet wide Non-Exclusive Access Road and
U::~lity Right-of-Way Ease~ent, being 15 feet Southerly and ~5 feet
Northerly 0= the following described line:
BEGINNING at a Point in the West line of the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 7, said
?oi~t of 3eginning being 738.29 feet NOo42r47"E, alocg said West line from
~he B.L.N. Type Mon~menL marking the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 1998
location fo~ the So~thwest Corner of said SWl¡~SE1/4; thence N82c34'05"E
64.11 feet.
Granting AND reserving: A 60 feet wide Right-of-Way Eê.sement, the Center
Line ~eing mere particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at· a Point i~ the Center Line of said 30 feet wide
Right-af-Way Easement, said Point being 738.29 feet NOo42'47"E, a~ong sa=-d
West line from the B.L.M. Type, Monume~t marking the Lloyd B. Ba~er PE/~S
698, 1998 location for the Southwest Corner of said S~1/4SE1/4, to the
Beginning of sê.id Center Line, and 11.08 feet N82°3~!05"S, along said
VOtJ I V V, VL..L.vtJ
Center Line, to the Point of Beginni~g;
thence S62°58'30"E 104.85 feet; thence Sou~heasterly, along a 75.00 feet
Radius Curve to the Right, through a central angle of 85°25'05" (chord
bears S20°::"S'S'8"E 101.74 feet) an arc distance of 111.81 feet; ":.hence
S22°26'3S"W, 67.80 feet; then::e S34°32'09"í\l 121.29 feet; thence
Southwesterly,' along a 170.00 feet Radius Curve to t~e Left, through a
central angle of 33°49'22" íchord bears S17°37'28"W 98.90 feet} an arc
distance of 100.35 feet; thence SOo42'47"íiI' 340.01 feet; thence SCo33'34"W
1,3El.15 feet; thence N89°13'10"W 372.07 feet to a poin~ in the West line
of the ~bove described Lot.
GRANTING and RESERVING: An 80 =eet wide access ~asernent, along Willcw
Creek, through Willow Cree~ Ranc~.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBCEC~ TO: ALL Easements, Excep~ions, Restrictions,
Reserv~tions, Rights-of-Way, Improvenents and'Condi~ions of sight and or