HomeMy WebLinkAbout933088 u >-::! ~~; .~ ..~1 ;:;.: f~'; () q:? .i- f.. c:: .~?~) 0 "å) ~ ~It ..cOM ,., (h (J ·....01 V) ;:. r f-tJ 0 () ''t:j U ¡: L; e< b ~~ ~ o ""¡:1 ~ t~:: """ <IJ ~g C<1 ;.::: < ) RECEIVED 9/13/2007 at 12:58 PM RECEIVING # 933088 BOOK: 672 PAGE: 139 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY NOTICE OF INTEREST 0001.39 We, Randy Thompson and Heather Thompson, have an interest in the land described on the attached Exhibit A of the attached Agreement to Sell Real Estate. State of Wyoming) §) County of Lincoln) ~ The foregoing instrument was acJ,mowledged before me by Randy Thompson and Heather Thompson this I ~ t:h day of September, 2007. ~M~ Glo ia K. Byers My Commission Expires: 9 - /.5 - () 7 GLORIA K BYERS· NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Uncoln Wyoming My CommissIon Expires Sept. 15,2007 crø""'·· I'· j '. , Furlll It 120 AGR ITEMENT TO SELL RITA L ESTATE 000_140 l C' 0+ .:::> of=- I .e~ .- =- of Q.,~ Jh" ~').----- ___as Buyer, hereby ugree Ihallhepeller shull sell and Ihe Buyer shall huy ¡he following descrihed propcrty UPON TIlE TEIUvlS AND CONDITIONS HBRElNAFTER SET FORTH, which ~hllll 'inchllle Ihe STANDARDS FOn RllAL EST"m ","'NSACO'ONS '" roo" "" '"'''' ,,", or II"~, '"""if I. LllOAL DESCIUPTION of real eSlale located In l:4K.ou-t:?.fl-----.. Cour1ly, S\!I\C of_U 1 rn-._ . =--.~ See Exhibit I 'N I V ''ßO,"\'''-~b Äc t'-e 17.,."., ~ (::..R_r"- ~1.9 be/it) ¡~I '1:" to. (1'<I'[ Ác,/¿o~ as Seller, ami --' 2, PURCI lASE prtrca or Paymellt: 15cy D0(::J Dollars. Method \ (n) I)eposl\ 10 be held In trllst by A/{" (,\o.Ø-z., 'C'4- toe.... (11) Approx·llTlUle principlII balance of n!]II110:l:¥lIge w.!2J.ch convey.~ce fhall be , sllbjcct, If any, MOrlgage holder:...1Sr-v. ( . 'i.,....r 6t.~ ~ ¡IHeresl __ % per nlllllll1l: Method of pny lenl (c) Other: (d) Cash, cCrlilïed or local cashier's check 011 closing and delivery of deed (or such grenlcr or lesser amount u~ mny be necessary to complele payment of purchase. price aflcr credlls, adJUslmenls nnd prorations), $ ,..'<:-' 5" c.r::tJ' " , 4/../<tV' $ I.!i£ ðtY.J $-- $ (7-(.) ,$ ) 5ý)f02i2 TOTAL l pnORA TIONS: Tuxes, insurance, illleresl, rellls and other expCII~cs und revellue of suid prOPCrty ~h,,1I be proratcd usof Ihc dale of closing. 'I. RESTrUCTIONS, EASEMENTS, LIMITATIONS: Buyer sbullluke thle ~ubJecllo: (u) Zoning, rcslrlc- lions, prohibitions Il/llI requiremenls imposed by goveml11entaluUlhorlly, (b) Reslrictions and mnlters nppenrlng on Ihe pial or ComnlQIl 10 Ille subdivision, (c) Public IJlllily ensernenlS of record, provided said ensclllenlS nrc locnlecl on thc.side or rear lines of the propcrlY, (cl) Tnxes for yellr of closing, Ilssnrllcd f1 orlgngcs, und purchasc lIIoncy rllongages, if nny, (c) OilIer: --' Seller WorralllS IhollJlerc shail he no violnlio[lS of building or ¡olllllg codcs III IIIC lil11C of closing, 5, DEFAUl.:r BY BUYER; If Buyer fails to perfonn any of the covenanls of this contracl, all money paid pursuanl 10 this conlraCI by OUyer as aforesaid shull be relulncd lJy or for Ihe aCCOunt of the Seller us c(HISidcrulion fnr Ihe execulion of this conlrnGI alld as ngreed liquidaled dUlllllges and in full ~clllentenl of uny cluims fnr dal11nges. 6. I)EFA ULT n Y SELLER: If !lIe Sellcr foils 10 perfonn uny of the COVCIHIIIIS of 11115 conlracl, the aforesuitl nlOney pllid by Ibe /Juycr, Ullhe OPlion of the Buyer, shall be relnrned 10 the Buyer on dcmand; or Ihe Buyer shall hnve only Ihe rlghl of spcclric pcrfof/nullce, 7, TERMlTE INSPECTION: At least 15 days before closing, Buyer, al Buyer's expense, shall have Ihe right 10 Oblalll a wrlllen·repon frol11 a licensed eXlenninalor stating Ihaf Ihere Is no evidence of live lef/nile or olher wood-boring inseellnfesla!lon on sllid properly nor SllbstMlial dumage from prior infeslatlon on said properly, [ Ihere Is such evidence, Seller shall puy lip 10 Ihree (3%) percenl Oflhe pllrehnse price for Ihe Irelllrnenl required In remedy such Infestallon, Including rcpalrlng and repluclng ¡>Orllons of said Improvemenls whlchhuvc becn dll/lwged; hllllflhe COSts for such trCatmenl or repulrs exceed three (J%) percenl Oflhe purchuse price, Buyer ITIIlY ciccI 10 puy such exce~s. If Duyer clecls nOllo pay, Sellcr may pay the exces.s or clUlcelthe Contract. 8, ROOr INSPECTION: Alleasl 15 days before closing, Buyer, al Buycr's expense, shull have thc righllo olJlaill a wrillen report frOIll a licensed roofer Slallng thul·lhe roof is in a walertlghl condillon. In the cvelll repillrs ille reqlllred ellhcr 10 corr~clleuks or to replace dumuge to fucla or snfnl, Sellcr shull pay up In lhree (J'Yu) perCcnl or Ihe 1llrcllllSC price for said repairs which shllll be perforrned by IIllcclIset! rrxJf!ng cOlllrnclor; IJlII if Ihe COSIS for slleh repairs exceedlhrce (J%) percenl of Ihe purchase price, Buyer nUlY elecllO pay such excess. If l1uyer elecls uo111I PIlY, Seller may puy the cxcess of cllllcelllle conlntcl. 9. OTHER INSPECTIONS: Atleast 15 days bcfore closing, Buyer Or his agenl muy Inspect all appllunees, air condllionlng ulHI henllng syslcnlS, cleelriclIl SYSlcrm, p!u'nhlllg, muchlllery, sprinklers IInd pool syslem includcd in the sale. Scller shull PIlY for repulrs necessary 10 plllee slIeh Ilems .in workillg {1feler III IIle lime of closing. Within 48 hours before closing, Buyc:r sllull bc emilled, IIpon leusonllhle nlllice 10 Seller 10 Inspccllhe prelniscs 10 t/eeermille tlllll sllid ilcms arc in wllrkillg order. All ilCIII~ of >cr~onill propcny Included In Ilw suic ,Ililll bc IrilliSfcrrcd hy lIill of Sille willi Wilrrtnlly of lille. '",',,",- .............--.-......""'"-..--........-...-- ~VITNI2..1$: .:Æ . . ~. :-~ -- n"" .. ~.2{f?) I cç ~im~IJ7fh.,.1' ·'V. I ~Ie. &l<f1.JU :J-~ / <::roo 7 ~ µ -~-l.LJLj Buyer ~~~~~~~f .. -.------------------.- .V-________ I "J7 ,b",,-- Seller IJS P~_. <- ~ r' C ~ () I" ;;:7 t7'-' 2(Q.) 0 So'7~226 ~529G 'r , I .I '10. U.iASES! Seller, nOlless Ihlln 15 <lnys before closing, shllll furnish 10 Ouyer copies of 1111 wrillcn lellses IIlId eSloppellellers rrom eneh lemull s[1eclrylllg Ihe III\lure nnd durUlion or Ihe lellmll'S OCCUPUIICY, renllll rnles IIncl mJvnllced relll Ulld securlly deposlls paid by lelllll\l. Ir Sellcr 1.1 ullable 10 ohlnin such IClters frorn Icnnnls, Sellcr sin111 rurnlsh ¡JIC SlIlIIe InrorrnullolllO Buyer Wllhhl said lime period Illlhe rOrrl1 o·r Ii seller's arnduvil, IInd Buyer may eonlllc.llcnanls IhereQ[¡cr 10 eOllnrl1l30ch Inrormn\lon, AI closing, seller shull deliver and assign all original lenses ID lIuyer, II, !\Ĺ’CIIAN1CS LlIZNS: Seller'shall rurnish 10 Buyer an arndavlllhnllhere hnve been no Irnpravcmcnls 10 Ille suhjerl properly ror 90 dnys Irnlnedlnlely preceding Ihe dale nr closlllg, and 110 nnanG\ng slatelllenls, clllhns or lien or ¡x)lellllnl Ileuors kllown 10 Seller. If Ille pro[)Cny has been Improved wllhln Ihnl lillie, Seller shull deliver releases or wulvers or alll11echnlllcs liens as e,ccllled hy geneml enlnraelors, sllheoolracllHs, sllppllers and 111ll1erlnllllel1, 111 IIclclliloll 10 Ihe seller's Ilell nrnl1nvll, sellll1g rorlh Ihe l1ill1les.o\ 1111 genernl conlrnclors, SIIIICOlllrnClcH.l, sllppllers nlld inllLerinlmen IInd recllll1g Ihlll all bills ror work 10 Ihe sllhJ~CI properly which could ~ervcns hasls ror n1echanlcs Ilcns Ilave been paid or will be puiu al closing, : I 12. PLACE 01' CLpSINO: ClosllIB sllall be held nllhe ornce or Ihe Seller's allonle;y or liS olherwlse ngreetl IIpOI1. /f/lrf/I.,?'! '~r/(..... . t I 1:1. TI~'IE IS OFTIIE nSSßNcrl! Time Is orlhe essellee orlhls SlIlelll1l1l'lIrelulse Agreel11elll. I '1. IH1Cll~H!NTS FOJ~ CLOSINCJ: Seller's nllorncy shall [HCpnre deed, nole, morlgnge, Seller's nrndavll, nilY corretllve 11I51"lIl1enl' required for perrecill1g Ihe lille, alJ(l clllslllg slnlel11enl and submll copies or SUllie 10 Buyer's IIlIorney, and copy or closing slalemenllo the broker, alleasllwo duys prior 10 scheduled closing dale. I.~. EXPENSES: Slalc docul11elllllry slnmps required 011 Ihe IIISl.rUl11e1l1 or COl1veynllce 11m] Ihe cnsl or recordillg tlllY cnrrecllve II1Sl.rl1l11el1lS shall be paid by Ihe Seil-er. Docul11enlary slnnlps 10 be nf!ïxed 10 Ihc IUlle sr.cured hy Ihe purchase I1lOney 111011 g-II ge, inlnl1glhlc IU, Ollllw ITlOllgnge, nlld Ih.e COSI orrecording Ihe deed and I'lIrcha.lil1·8 money nlOrlgage SIIIlJl l>c paid by Ihe !Juyer. I G. INSUI{ANCIJ: If Insurllllce is In he proraled, Ihe Seller sllall on or berore Ihe closll1g dale, rurnlSh 10 lIuyer 1I1I11l.1~lrlll1ce policies nr copies thereor: 17. HISK OF LOSS: Ir the Il1lprnVel11elll.1 lire dllmnBed hy rire or clIsunlly berore delivery or Ihe dcelllll1d call I)e reSlored In sUhSliUllilllly ¡hu same condillon us IIOW Wllhlllll perlnd or GO (lilY~·lllerenrlcr, Stller slrilll 50 reslore Ihe illll'rovellle11ls ilmHhe closing dnle IInd dale or delivery nr possession hcrelnherore provided shall b~ e'lell(led necordillgly. Ir Seiler ruils 10110 so, the Buyer shnll have Ihe opllon or (I) IlIklng ille propcrly as Is, Ingelller Willi IlIsl(rance proceeds, Ir ally, or (2) clIl1cellillg IIle cOlllracl, Dnd ull deposlls shali he rOrlhwilh relllrr1ellln ¡he Bnyer nnd 1111 pilJlies shullbo released or ally and all ohllgnllons nnd lIuhllilY. Ifl. MAINTEN^NCE: IJctweel1lhe ¡laic crlhe cOlllrllCI illld Ihe dille orclosllIg, Ihe properly, including IlIwn, sll/llbber)' ulld pool, ir IIny, shull be 111111111nined hy Ihe Seller IlIlhe cOllditioll II.I II e, ISled ~s or Ihe dale 01 Ihe COllllacl, n·lllillnry we!" 111111 leur exc:eplet!. IV. CLOSIr;.s:¡ DATr'/)! TII s cnlllraCI shnllbe closet! nlld Ihe deed ulld possession shallbe,t!ellvered on or !Jerore lire '2 t(¡:. (illY or /:..1 ¡"13/ ,8"., l!,!llfss extended by oilier [1rovlslon5 or Ihls conlrilcl. .7 '1:/o-1.J I 20. TYI'EWRIlTEN OJ~ IIANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS·: TypewrlLlen (ir hllndwrlllell provisions Insened In lhls IÜrl1l shall conlrol nil prinled [1rovlslolls ill COllmclllierewllh. 21, Cnll ER ^ 0 REE~I ENTS: No ugreell1elllS or repreSel1\luIOIlS, ul/less IlIcorporllled 11/ Ihl.HonlnlCI, Shulll)c bindil/g npOllnlly or Ihe pUrlics. 22. SPECIAL CLAUSES: CnI1I/JlÍ,\siOI1 10 Broker: ' 'lic Seller hereby reenBni7.e5 __.. _~ ___________.__.___..__ ----------.---.--------- rlS Ihe IJroker Inïï¢J~~oclIon, and IIgree~ 10 ¡JllY. liS conl/l1lssion --------__,yv or Ihe gross sllles prlce,.llie S\lIl1 or ----- Dollnrs (.$~___) or olle·hair or the deposllll1 Case same Is rorreiled hy the Buyer thro\lgh rull\lIe 10 perrnrm, us eompcnsnllon lor services rendered, provided surne does not exceed Ihe lull amO\lnl of llie commission. . () f:·7; '-'R·I r""".. nd"" y"" v,. l¡'iJ r""II, ,,-,,I II. filii" .11 bl."". .",1 '".k, wl.."." .,I ""'R " or. "....."y 1o yo,,, 1'",1""" "",,,"i,,,,. e""",I, . iJ wy" if y"" d""""h, r'"m ',11111'" rvr Y"'" PU'I"'" ,"01 'OJ,. II. Z \.'1'11'",,", ""J rl" ,.,.11" m ok, no "1""."" 11<", '" w""",)', "1"'" "' I'''I,JI,". wll" "'11<" I" Ih, olUe".",."II/,y 01 Ihl, .10'''' ru, or, I"""d,d 0'. IIr 1""rolO. I P~)/ ~ üOO~41 51?/' -{-- 1;Y'-e J' , r ('<:1 g..c>...,ý of q c^---'(/- Sö /. OJ) C (d';' I...· p P çJ(? ç- I ~ ,/, ~- ~~_. CJyJ,*~ f1 ,)sJ./ 10 ku 10JlCe \ GkJj\~.c¡,d U'P S-t~ I / -hh. (ù;(K5 <Dk,~. Exhibit A 000142 The land referred to in this document is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as Jollows: Parcell Lot 5 of Barco Acres Subdivision, Lincoln County, ~'yoming as described on the oftìcial plat No. 25l-E filed on August 14, 2003 as instrument No. 892465 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ' r' "--:"-""-'-'~ .... .... -r'I··.·"~...~. _~._,.___.."._ '-,a ,'.. ,,,,,~,.. ...........,.__._.......,.................---.._.-.......__.