HomeMy WebLinkAbout933099 CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT RECEIVED 9/13/2007 at 1 :43 PM RECEIVING # 933099 BOOK: 672 PAGE: 153 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY THIS IS TO NOTE THE PUBLIC RECORDS, that the following described lands: STATE OF COLORADO ). ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON) 000:153 Township 37 North, Range 118 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Portion of section 30 as described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part of this Certificate of Acknowledgment. As contained in that certain Warranty Deed issued by W. P. Claypool and Ann M. Claypool to the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission dated April 1, 1942 as recorded in the public records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on April 14, 1942 in Book 22 at Page 562 originally acquired with grant funds provided by the U.S. Department ofInterior, Fish and Wildlife Service, pursuant to the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration program, for management in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws are now free and un-burdened by the U.S. Department ofInterior, Fish and Wildlife Service, pursuant to the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration program, and will be managed in accordance with applicable State law. This property may be encumbered, disposed of in any manner, or used at the discretion ofthe State without the prior written approval ofthe Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6, Denver, Colorado. day of A \oj \Æ d- , 2007. ~ V'f\Ç£C() J Dated this '24- David McGillivary, Chief Division of Federal Assistance U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service STATE OF COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, by David McGillivary, on this d J-) day of Hlt/lIS! ,,2007. My commission expires on : Nota My Commission Expires ¡,. . 2·23·2010 L" . ~ ." f ·.1 ""\'i·/ /.:;,' ~.r; \~) . ., o c."" c:_ :, ¡':.:'UBl\C,... ~ . ... - , ': : r::- :'. .~' 1 'I Ii Ii Ii 1. ,·t I,; t~ .i, 1:. (: ¡: DESCRXP~ION FOR Ii [I r ¡I r I I' ,I r ;1 0001.54 'rUE '.t'OWN OJi~ 1\I...F:XNI~ T1U\Ct¡t )) To-.Üt.: ..- That part of ·tIle 14W~SE~ of s~ctio" 30, County, Wyoming, de8cr~bed as followa: T.J7N, IU.J..ÐW, L:i.rrcc)~Ln DEG:tNNI.NG H·t S76°-J.!3.ß'E, N~·I~;¡f:..1]!.:~ ; a poi.n't 1. 2 ~)'. :,~ 3 on LhQ Palj.sades Reaßrvior Take Line# 'f(~e't fJ;'01l\ t:.h(,,} nort.hwf.'!st (:..r,)1;·no~r of: aald t:h",nct' Linl!.', c;o¡rLinu.lnq S"/6°-J.ß,FJ'F.:, 1/.:~7a99 f€let:-., ë:JllaTI,q to. a point· rHI t.he east U_ne of said N\~J:¡S¡;;\ ; sa :Ld 'l.'l.1)<.HI tl1Ql1Ce SOO~-02.9'E, 479.3-7 feet, alo11g sa~d èast liJ1e, to a point; t.hc:ncEl 1'119"-:17.0'", parall.~l ",i-\ob the nouth l.ln<a 0:1: saiel NW~SE~, 1193.41 feet to a point; thence NDdß-OO.5'W, parallel to thA west line Ðf said NW\SE~, -; 6:1.9 5 re~,t to· the POIN'I' OF lI.HGINNING; ,.,(........,,'\,', r ,,,,./ ~).,'''''''''''''''. 01,,_,,1,' :\,:,,,,"1,''''- 0"(1 ~ "'~'!'" 'Ju 1',<1. ENCOMPASSING an area of 17.00 acres, more Dr Less; t.he BASE BEAHTNG for ·this surv03Y and t!I!!It"".t'ipl;ì.on is ·I:h"" ",,,st. line of the NE~ of Section 3D, T37N, R1l~W, being NOO·-2B.0'E; each t'po.lnt.lt 1t1ark.(~.c1 by ~ 5/8t! X 2t1..11 !3t:(:~el rein.f.orc.i.ng rod wit:h a ;;!II a.luminum cap inscribø:d "SURV1:;YOR SCHI~;RBEL, l/I'D. BIG PXNEV, NYO~ PI...[.j 5360"; each "corner" Hli'\rk.e.d ,,·s d<2Gcribed in a Geri:.:i.:f'ied Land Corner ItecordatioJ' Cert:lfi.catc filoel 11, thu Office of the Clerk of Lincoln C-Ount;y j all in acco.rdance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Oj~:Cice of 1:.h", eJ.erk err: J.';.ncoln Count,y titled '''l'HE DJÜ'ÀF('l'JoIENél' ()> TRANIJÞOR'i'i\'I':tON S'l'A'I'l'; OF W~O¡'¡IHG AND 'l'HT:; T'OWN OF ALP:J:N¡:; PI"l,T C¡¡C 'l'RAC'rEi ~¡T.,)!HJ:N THE S;;. SEC'l'ION 30 w¡.s,,~ SJ¡:CTJ:ON 29 '1'37N RJ.:t8W 22 April 1992, revised 1 May ~Mt)di/k;1:\l'H]n many VJ(dY 01 tile lorcçJt)inq rlH3Grlptfon launinntm9. ;f-ll:lilHy of I~\e surv{)ynr' '~_~~~~_A~.......~...~". . 2