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RECEIVl._ /2007 at 9:39 AM
RECEIVING # 933250
BOOK: 672 PAGE: 717
Salt River Hereford Ranch, a Wyoming corporation, having its principal place of business
at Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, (mailing address: 3142 Harrison, Eureka, CA 95503),
grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00), the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration, CONVEYS and
QUITCLAIMS to Hale Family LLC,a Washington limited liability company, of PO Box 634, Thayne,
WY 83127, grantee, the following described real estate, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of
Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
A portion of the Salt River Hereford Ranch property, as referred to in the Deed
recorded in Book 308PR, on Page 601, with the Office of the Cleík of Lincoln
County, Wyoming, S1/2S1/20f Section 23, T34N, R119W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, the boundary being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a Point in the South line of the N1/2SW1/4 of said Section 23, said
Point of Beginning being 263.76 feet N88°47'54"W, along said South line, from the
Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1986 location for the Southeast Corner of said
thence SooOO'25"E 279.75 feet; .
thencéN88°27'51"W 520.00 feet;
thence NooOO'35"W.276.71 feet to a Point in said South line;
thence S88°47'54"E, along said South line, 519.95 feet, to the Point of Beginning,
Encompassing 3.32± Acres of land.
Access Easement to and from U.S. Hiahwav 89
GRANTING and RESERVING: A 60.00 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement for
Ingress, Egress and Utilities, to U.S. Highway 89, the Center Line being more
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a Point in the East line of the above described Parcel, said Point of
beginning being 39.18 feet SooOO'25"E, along said East line from the Northeast
corner thereof;
thence S88°41'09"E 506.28 feet to the Beginning of a 110.00 feet Radius Curve to
the Right;
thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, th~~ugh a Central Angle of
36°11'23", an arc length of 69.48 feet, said curve having a chord of S70035'27"E
68.33 feet:' ..
thence S52°29'46"E 89.78 feet to the Beginning of a 500.00 feet Radius Curve to
the Right;
thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Left, through a Central Angle of
5°10'49", an arc length of 45.21 feet, said curve having a chord of S5po05'10"E
45.19 feet;
thence S57°40'35"E 115.09 feet to the Beginning of a 650.00 feet Radius Curve to
the Right;
thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of
10°37'02", an arc length of 120.45 feet, said curve having a chord of S52°22'04"E
120.27 feet;
thence S4r03'34"E 0.75 feet to the Beginning of a 140.00 feet Radius Curve to the
thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of
19°25'09", an arc length of 47.45 feet, said curve having a chord of S3r20'59"E
47.22 feet;
thence S2r38'24"E 76.71 feet to the Beginning of a 47.04 feet Radius Curve to the
thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Left, through a Central Angle of
73°20'10", an arc length of 60.21 feet, said curve having a chord of S64°18'30"E
56.18 feet to a Point in the Westerly Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway 89.
Access to West Portion of Property
TOGETHER WITH and GRANTING the following described 30-foot wide easement
for ingress and egress and all utilities, which easement is perpetual, non-exclusive,
private and shall benefit and run with the above-described land, is binding on and
inures to the benefit of the grantor and grantee herein and their respective heirs,
successors and assigns, and includes the rights to inspect, improve, operate, and
maintain such easement:
30 feet immediately south of the south boundary of the above-described property
from its southeast corner to the east bank of Flat Creek, also being 15 feet on either
side of a line that is the centerline of an existing ranch access road running generally
along the south side and just south of the south boundary of the above-described
property to its intersection with the east bank of Flat Creek, thence following the
centerline of said road south 500 feet, more or less, thence west across Flat Creek
on a culvert bridge to the west bank of Flat Creek, thence north 15 feet on either
side of a centerline located 15 feet west of the west bank of Flat Creek and along
said west bank of Flat Creek 500 feet, more or less, to the south boundary of the
above-described property.
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that both of the above-described easements are subject to
the following terms and conditions:
1. Grantee assumes all risk for the use, improvement, operation, and
maintenance of the easements and hereby agrees to indemnify and
hold grantor harmless from any and all liability in connection
therewith. This provision applies to grantee and its guests, invitees,
and all other third parties allowed or requested by grantee to use,
improve, operate, or maintain the easements.
2. Grantee assumes all responsibility and liability for the improvement,
operation, and maintenance of the easements.
3. The easements may not be fenced without grantor's prior written
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has caused these presents to be signed by its duly
authorized officer as of the C\. Ï"'- day of 'So,\'Jít;VIAblf, 2007.
Salt River Hereford Ranch,
a Wyoming corporation
On this err'\.- day of ~'Qíc.lM-b12007, before me personally appeared Nelson J.
Hemmert, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the President of
Salt River Hereford Ranch, a Wyoming corporation, described in and which executed the foregoing
instrument; that said instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of
Directors; and said Nelson J. Hemmert acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed
of said corporation.
Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written in this certificate.
My commission expires:
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