HomeMy WebLinkAbout933771 6010715832 POW!R 0' ATrOUIY 000644 øew .iLL MEN BY THES! PRESENTS' 'that Braglev G. Jacobson of t~e County of Uinta State, of Wyoming reposin¡ .peeial trust and cotf1danca Itn Linda L Jacobson of the County of; Uinta State'of .. Wyoming , h.V8 mad., conatituted'aQd'apP01nte4 .Linda L Jacobson , ~ true and i.."ful attorn.ey f~r me an~ :Is -.!!!! . _, place and 'gtead, for my .ole use and benefit to &~ant, b·atøa1p., 1.11, :colNey, encumber,' purchase or cODtract.fo~ .ale, release and vaiver of the b~.t...~ rights of the. State of ~òmina:. of the fOllowiDg deacribed real :1Itatel. . Lots 101 and 102 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 6, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat filed on June 30, 1971 as instrument No. 431710 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Sdd attorney in fact is hereby .mpowered and authorb,ed to arant, bar.a1n. :8811. convey, encumber or to çontra~t for the purchase, sale. conveyance b~ .nc~rance of al¡ øf the above described real estat., and tg r.¡ea~e and waive' all rights under I the bomscead exempt10Q laws of the State of WyomiDs, of all of the above dl~cr1bed real estate. and in my, nama to collect sUéh,~n1e. as -., become due me fro. the .al., conveyance, enc:umbranc'e or purchase thereof, and to make, execute, acbowle4se and deliver contracts of sal., good and sufficient deeds of conveyance, prOmiasory note., . I .teed. of tru.t, aortgegee', and any otllar in.thunt. in nit.1ng, of any k1~ and nature, includins but not: lia1ted to 8ala aad.clos1Ðg statements ç~nta1ntD8:.uch téxma 811d condition. ~r1 such W'arrantiu and covenants as -.!L at~orney in fact .y ~eem necessary and cODven1ent in connection with the sale, ~onveranc8. pure".. or enc:1ØIbrano.o of aa1d real estate. , I Hereby g1v1uS and Ir~tin~ unto ~ ~aid attorney full power a~:authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whataoavar requiste and neceøsary to be dODe in aad about the premises, as fully cO,a11 inteutB and purpDse. II -I- miJht or could do . . if personally present, .With full povar.of lubstitution and ~«vocationl, bereby ratifyiDa Brtd confirmin¡ all that ~ said atto~n8Y or'~ substitnte .ball lawfully do or caus. to b. done by virtue ·hereof. IN WITN£SS mRBOI~ -L bave b,reuuto; se.t -!2X.. hand_ and sla1_ chis -22- day of Sept. J :f9C20Q7 - RECEIVED 10/4/2007 at 3:57 PM RECEIVING # 933771 BOOK: 674 PAGE: 644 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STAr! OF LÙ~(')m\'t)5 :~ 8. OJUNTY OP Lll.V\--ttl.- ') Qkûl The for~C01D~ nøtru:..nt was acJp:l,bwled¡ed befou .. thú ~ da.,. of <::!t7rrl-/Jh'1/;..tr" . ~, b. , *Bradley G. Ja~obson a~. Jacobson . . Witnus Jay' hand and official 88~r.1I. [kJ,fOJII )~ otlU')" Pub io My Cammi.aion Expires: ~\(\ 031> aO\D ANDREA WWi" AAY PlØ.1C COUN:rvOF STAT! OF UINTA WYQMtIG MY COMMISSION ExPtÆ6.W1 os. 81'0 '1,-...,. .'-"':'---:~--'-' ..~~. H',',,',' . .. . ..-......:- r