HomeMy WebLinkAbout933875 File No.: 6010715947 WARRANTY DEED Sidney B. Stoor and Heidi A. Stoor, Husband and Wife, 000067 grantor(s) of Afton, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To Paul M. Dalpino and Savanna N. Dalpino, Husband and Wife grantee(s), whose address is: PO Box 1636 Afton, WY, 83110 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: Part of Lot 4 of Block 17 to the Town of ACton, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which is 6.5 rods North of the Southeast Corner of said Lot 4 and running thence West 6 rods; thence North 3.5 rods; thence East 6 rods; thence South 3.5 rods to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO All the land in Lot 4 of Block 17 of the Townsite of ACton, Lincoln County, lying and being situate South of the following described portion of the South boundary line of the William I. Baetge tract (subsequently conveyed to Robert L. Stumpp and Michelle F. Stumpp by instrument recorded July 11, 1984 in Book 215PR on page 670 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk) as shown on a plat thereof prepared by Paul N. Scherbel, Land Surveyor (No. 164) as of 26 June 1984, said South boundary line segment of said Baetge tract being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point which is North 01°45'56" East, 214.50 feet,; thence North 87°58.0' West, 49.50 feet from the Ivan L. Call (Registered Land Surveyor No. 217) Mueller water cap with hexagon bolt at the approximate intersection of Adams Street and Fourth Avenue (said beginning point also being a Southeast corner of said Baetge tract, as shown on the said plat of 26 JUne 1984 and running thence North 87°58.0' West, 99 feet, along said South boundary line, to the Northeast corner of the Phillip R. GrosJean tract (as shown on said plat and recorded August 8, 1977 in Book 138PR on page 306 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk). Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. day of ðc+óbe't ,206? . ~·_¡j{¿jc:f) a<~~ Heidi A. Stoor . Witness my/our hand(s) this 4 ¿~I5~¿J State of Wyoming ) ) ss. ) RECEIVED 10/9/2007 at 3:40 PM RECEIVING # 933875 BOOK: 675 PAGE: 67 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4th day of October 2007, by Sidney B. Stoor and Heidi A. Stoor. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 9 - /5 - ) J ,Af~c;¿/ I,) ~ Notary Public ~ StreamLine Deed - Warranty WY © Rev. 6/8/2006 County of Lincoln NOTARY PUBLIC State of Wyoming M Commission Expires September 15, 2011