HomeMy WebLinkAbout933880 AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSIDP FOR THE ESTATES OF LAPREAL BISHOP ANDERSON AND KENNETH ANTON ANDERSON 000079 COME NOW Sharon A. Marsh, Paul A. Anderson, and David M. Anderson, the heirs at law of Kenneth Anton Anderson, who with Kenneth Anton Anderson were the heirs at law of LaPreal Bishop Anderson, being duly sworn and under oath, hereby stating as follows: 1. That our mother, LaPreal Bishop Anderson died in Ogden, Utah, on February 24, 2000. An original copy of the Certificate of Death issued for LaPreal Bishop Anderson is attached hereto. 2. That at the time of her death, LaPreal Bishop Anderson owned personal property, specifically a mobile home, in Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Joint Tenant with her husband, Kenneth Anton Anderson. 3. That at the time of her death, title to said property became vested under Wyoming law in Kenneth Anton Anderson, her husband, and in our names as the children of LaPreal Bishop Anderson. 4. That our father, Kenneth Anton Anderson died in Ogden, Utah, on March 28, 2007. An original copy of the Certificate of Death issued for Kenneth Anton Anderson is attached hereto. AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP FOR THE EST A TES OF LAPREAL BISHOP ANDERSON AND KENNETH ANTON ANDERSON PAGE 1 OF5 RECEIVED 10/9/2007 at 4:00 PM RECEIVING # 933880 BOOK: 675 PAGE: 79 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000080 5. That pursuant to Wyoming Statutes § 2-4-101(c)((ii), we are the heirs at law of Kenneth Anton Anderson There are no other persons having any right to the personal property of Kenneth Anton Anderson under probate proceedings in the State of Wyoming. 6. That the value of the estate of Kenneth Anton Anderson, wherever located, does not exceed One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00). 7. That more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the death of Kenneth Anton Anderson 8. That no application for appointment of a personal representative for the Estate of Kenneth Anton Anderson is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 9. That at the time of his death, Kenneth Anton Anderson owned the following property: a 1998 Cavco Mobile Home, VIN No. 46NPB3537W6003113. 10. That we hereby request that title to the 1998 Cavco Mobile Home be hereby vested jointly in the following names: (a) 1/3 interest in "Robert George Marsh and Sharon A. Marsh, Trustees of the Robert George Marsh Trust dated October 23, 1990"; (b) 1/3 interest in "Paul A. Anderson"; and (c) 1/3 interest in "David M: Anderson". 11. That this Affidavit of Survivorship for the Estate of Kenneth Anton Anderson is made pursuant to Wyoming Statutes §§ 2-1-201 et seq. DATED this 27~ day of September, 2007. AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP roR THE ESTATES OF LAPREAL BISHOP ANDERSON AND KENNETH ANTON ANDERSON PAGE20F5 000081. '7 ~j~ /,?,j c:2 /;;1/ æ-,,- ;( SHARON A. MARSH ---- STATE OF [111 /1 COUNTYOF~~2P;r- ) ) SSe ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by Sliaron A. Marsh this ;;£Jßv day of September, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. N:J:¡¿~r My Commission expires: ~ '2 filCf NOTARY PUBLIC KATIe BERGESON 1344 W..t4815 South RIv~rde", Ur.h '4405 My "ommIukin expire. Alllual t, 200t STATE;OF'UTAH AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP FOR THE EST A TES OF LAPREAL BISHOP ANDERSON AND KENNETH ANTON ANDERSON PAGE 3 OF 5 000082 ~ ~M PAUL A. ANDERSON STATE OF -Utílh COUNTYOF~ ) ) SSe ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by Paul A. Anderson this ,;;2--rJIG day of September, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: ~cO q NOTARY PUBLIC KATIE BERGESON 1344 West 4675 South Riverclal., Utah 84405 , My C~mml"lon Expires , Þ,ugúlt e. ~DDe STATE\OF>UTAH AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP FOR THE ESTATES OF LAPREAL BISHOP ANDEJJ.SON AND KENNETH ANTON ANDERSON PAGE40F5 000083 (~o.;L~~ DAVID M. ANDERSON STATE OF ~ COUNTY OF ~~ ) ) SSe ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by David M. Anderson this ;;t;l~ day of September, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission exp~s: ~,2-0 ô9 NOTARY PUBLIC KATIE BERGESON 1344 _t .875 South ~, u.." , , ,u.. 84405 My~ . .. . ~Ulu.t., ~ STATE-lOF:·UTAH- AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP FOR THE ESTATES OF LAPREAL BISHOP ANDERSON AND KENNETH ANTON ANDERSON PAGE 5 OF5 DECEDENT INFORMANT DISPDsmON CERTIFIER REGISTRAR Sequentially ~I condlliØÍls, U any, leeding 10ImmedieW:''''i cause, Enter UNDERLYING', CAUSE (disease or Injury I~âi initiated events resulting in .~,:;:. death) LAST b. . ':"'-,: c/" DUE TO (OR AS A CQNSEOUENCE OF): ;rd;f ,-, ~~~Ir~~:~ S,"I{Jn~~~;'=':~.~~~~~ri~··lh St.Îiv:.c:o/fINd //, MAY 2 2 2007 This is ~nexactr.e"r~duction of the document registered In the State Office of:VitarStatistiés :,.:",' Security featurl!s of, this o,fficial ~ocument include: Intaglio Border, V & R Image!òJntop cycloid~, ult!:a vloleUlbers ~ndþologram Image of a hawk over the wor~ valid. This documentdlsplays the date, seal ar;ldslgnatureof the State Registrar and the County/PistrictHealth Officer,' .':" Updated Utah State Seal replaces hawk over valid for authenticity. " .,' ~1~4; . Illnl~nU~llml tJ.~~~ < Barry E. Nangle, State Registrar * 0 6 1. 3 9' 1. 2 2 6 * ry ',', . ' , Office of Vital Statistics ", DlrectorlHealthOfflcer" , " '" County/DlstrlctHealth,Departri1ent '~~~,_. " ~"~~'~~~""",,»,~"'r~. ,~~~~ .' " ',. _ ,,",,,,, ,.,,"'" ,m¡ ~~" .,~;~~'t~~mf'Wmmmmmti\~~..,." "'~, I , __ ,~:;~ ~ \ J CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: 2007003728 DECEDENT INFORMATION Date of Death: March 28{:200T City of Death:Ogden.i Social Security Number: Date of Birth: Sex: Marital Status: Usúal Occupation: Edu(:éttion: Fathers Name: ,'Place of Death Type: Kenneth Anton Anderson " December 14,1921 Male Widowed Lt.CoIUSAir Fprce BachelOr's t)9gree' Rpy CAridersoll " ,', Nursing Hpme/Assisted:Uving· ,;,~~. ., . ~ - :~. '." INFORMANT INFORMATION ,c.,;' "" Name:- PaulA And~rsen,::"\,,:, /~' Relatipnsh~p:" Mailing Address: 5820 ~outh 1100, East, South Ogden, Utah 84405' ' Method of Disposition: Place of Di~osition: q, "f F~NERAL HOME INFORMAtiON'''::'':''';::;;;, ~ -Funeral Home: "'---:,Lindquist Mgrtuary:'::,Ogden' '. " '" ' , ~ Address:, ",,'3408 vvashingto?'BoUlevard, Ogden,lJtah 1\4401 E Funeral Director: ' StévenT~arkerii'i' ';Co""; , t E t þ I , " ;.-::'<', " .. !_~. ;,- ¡,~:, . ~... ..,. " '," CAUSE OF DEATH Dehyoration/malnutrition Dysphagia , _ MUlti-infarct deméntia PVD ----- Tobacco Use:' Noneu ;!er, ,'..,.".,,,;,, , Medical Examiner Contacted: NÒ'\;:f.l.itôpsy Perfprmeq: No .'-.'" \ " April.2, 2007 DATE ISSUED: ~'e~"""."" ." . -. ,J , .:.'... ','." ",';". ' Barry E. Nangle, State Registrar Office of Vital Statistics This Is al1exaétrèproductionof the document registered In the State OfflC:EI.ofVitârStatlstiés;;·' Security features otthls official d,ocument Include: Intaglio Border,V & R irr(àge~,ln t~p cyclolds, ultra violet fibers and hologram image of a hawk over the word valid. This dpcument displays tl:le date, seal and signature of the State Registrar aJ:ld the County/Distrlc:tHealth ()fficer. , . Updated Utah State Seal replaces hawk over valid"for authenticity. ,'...,..' . ',.. . IIDm~næl.llìl á~~ ;à6 * c:Y6 ~,3 8 2 8 3 5 * Director/Health Officer County/DIstrict HeàlthDepartrtlent