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Affidavit Affecting Title
We. Andrew C. Burg and 6rian A. Burg. certify the following:
That under deeds dulY filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on
August 11, 2003. in 8poK 530PR at Page 358 and on November 18, 2003 in Book
541PR on Page 850. lands were conveyed to Burg Enterprise, LLC, a Wyoming Limited
Liability Company, described as follows: =-
A parcel of land situate within portions of Tracts 62 and 63 of the resurvey of
Seclion 12. T.21 N R116W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and
described by metes and bounds as follows:
COMMENCING at the northwest corner of the Willow Addition to the Town of
Kemmerer, Wyoming;
thenc;e N 4"31'15" E, 250.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
thence S &5"28'46" 5, 200.0 feet;
thence N 4°31'15" E, 361,6 feet;
thence N 69"56'21" W, 200.6 feet;
thence S 4~31'15~ W. 346.2 feet to the POINT OF 6EGINNING.
ALSO, a parcel o'f land situated within Tract 63 of the Resurvey of Section 12.
T21N R116W of the 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming, and being
particularly described as follows:
COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of the Willow Addition to the Town of
Kammerer, LIncoln County, Wyoming and running thence N 4"31'15" E,
250 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
thence N 85°28'46" WI 70 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the
easterly right of way of U.S. Highway 1 89; ~
thence along said right of way along a curve to the left having a radius of 2009.85
feet for a distance of 180 feet more or less to a polht of intersection with
tangent right of way;
thence northerly 170 feet more or less to a point being the Northwest corner of
the Cassidy property as dascribed in the Lincoln County Clerks Office in
Book 276PR on page 194;
thence S 4D31'15" W, 346.2 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,
Lot 37 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 15, Lincoln County, Wyoming
That the name of the grantee on aforesaid conveyances was incorrect.
That we are the Managing Members of the Limited liability Company.
That 'he name of the grantee is Burg Enterprise!, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability
That this affidavit is filed for the purpose of correcting such of public record.
Witness our signatures this ~ day of ()c.-fÐh.e.,<,,: ,2007.
RECEIVED 10/12/2007 at 4:53 PM
RECEIVING # 934022
BOOK: 675 PAGE: 477
Andre , . eurg
Man~gjng Membe
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11 A. Burg
Man gl"g Member
state of W ~f) rY\ lh ~ ----1
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County of L'\ \i\ ( D \ V\ )
The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said
County and State. by Andrew C. Burg and Brian A. Burg, Managing Members of Burg
Enterprises, LLC, a Wyoming Limited liability Company, this 5' day of
Oc.,-h,fo~y- ,2007.
Witness my hand and official seal,
~t¡Ä ~-
r Paula M. Ferenlchak ' NoIary hbllc
County of Þe 01
UallU Wyomlli(l
\ _~.o~SSIon E;plres 11/1612007
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Notary Publíc
My Commission Expires:
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REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY from any and all loss arIsing from claims
for labor or material furnished.
Burg Enterprises, LLC
a Wyoming Limìted Liability Company
ß~p'Lcr:ð:::¿/ t:;Æ:..é·'-:-~
. Managing Miínber
Ma ng Member
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2- day of ðck be-r'" . I 2007. 000479
ç;;..JJ.Mu.J ¡IJ~ &JIJuAJ¿AlL0
Notary Public
Paula M. fer8nidIak Notary Publi&
Coody II salll 01
I.JuIcoIil Wyoming
Commission Expires 11/1612007.
Slate of
W 'f0 m:L~
Notary Public
My Commission I:xpiree:
II-I~ - ;;;"00'7