HomeMy WebLinkAbout874229 ...1 (" ELAlNE'c;1OooARO bry PubIc. Mammb~. tAr Ctmmt!~OI1 ExJN Au;. 2!, m (f -/ ~~j-~-<--<- / i ,;'. -"' dO //~ J...(, \. (~/i:< ,..:I (J. '.I -Xl P bI' . '\', _" 1'1 U IC , /',)/ ' \ C. \ " .! ;~~.J3, \.. My Commission expires: _IDJRSCRIBED, SWORN TO, AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me this /f T// day of --V'iA.'i.- ,2001, by MARY R. HARRIS. Witness my hand and official seal. /} ,11'- /11~~~J~ , - .."1 MARYR.H S ......~ , 2001. ~ DATED this ~ day of 4. This Affidavit is filed for the purpose of establishing the fact of the death of said ALBERT J. HARRIS, who was the owner with MARY R. HARRIS of an estate by the entireties in the above- described property, and to make an official record on the termination ofthe interests of ALBERT J. HARRIS in and to said property and the vesting of the same in MARY R. HARRIS, his surviving spouse, whose address is 48856 Oak Arbor Court, Shelby Township, Michigan 48317, all pursuant to the provisions ofW.S. ~ 2-9-102. Township 24 North, Range 114 West ofthe 6th P.M., Sec. 3: Lots 10 and 11 4. W-01902 Township 24 North, Range 114 West ofthe 6th P.M., Resurvey Tract 50: West 3/4 Resurvey Tract 55: All Resurvey Tract 49: West 40 acres Township 24 North, Range 114 West ofthe 6th P.M., Sec. 3: L 12, 13, EV4 of Tract 50 2. Arnold A. Larsen, et ux (Pat.) 3. Edgar F. Herschler, et ux (Pat.) Township 24 North, Range 114 West ofthe 6th P.M., Sec. 2: Part of Resurvey Tract 48, originally SWV4SWV4; Resurvey Tract 46B, originally SEV4SWV4; L-16, 39.10 ac; L-17, 5.71 ac; L-18, 6.48 ac L-16, 39.10 ac; L-17, 5.71 ac; L-18, 6.48 ac Sec. 3: Part of Resurvey Tract 48, originally E~SEV4, SEV4NEV4; The most easterly V4 of Resurvey Tract 50, originally SWV4NEV4; The most easterly 80 acre parcel of Resurvey Tract 49, originally W~SEV4; L-12, 22.51 ac; L-13, 20.35 ac; L-14, 17.84 ac; L-18, 17.84 ac Sec. 10: Part ofthe most westerly 2/3 of Resurvey Tract 45, originally NEV4NEV4 Sec. 11: Part of the most westerly 2/3 of Resurvey Tract 45, originally NWV4NWV4 1. Arnold A. Larsen, et ux (Pat.) DESCRIPTION IN LINCQLNCQUNIY. WYOMING LEASE NO. 1. Affiant is the surviving spouse and the surviving tenant of a tenancy by the entireties with respect to ALBERT J. HARRIS, deceased, and, therefore, has an interest in the mineral property which is the subject matter of this Affidavit. 2. Affiant states that ALBERT J. HARRIS died on May 30,2001, in Oakland County, Michigan, the facts of said death more fully appearing on the duly certified Certificate of Death attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 3. During the marriage of ALBERT J. HARRIS and his spouse, MARY R. HARRIS, Affiant herein, said ALBERT J. HARRIS and Affiant acquired as tenants by the entirety certain mineral property by Mineral Quitclaim Deed from Albert J. Harris, which Mineral Quitclaim Deed was recorded in the office ofthe County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, on July 12, 2000, in Book 448, Page 465, which property is more particularly described as follows: MARY R. HARRIS, being first duly sworn, states as follows: RECEIVED UNCOL,N COUNTY CLERK O I Ill! ,-? /: ii' o. e"G., " ." ,., ,- H, l)' ,..! JEA~JI'I'- " ",.. r'F'! ' · ;'" ,: Co, '\r ," '. - ".... 'h.Jhl.- \ !(EMMEi'?CF:. \VYOMING 11 (,:; r-J BOOK_..:j,t~::'._PR PAGE 6 1 9 AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP 874229 ) : ss. ) COUNTY OF /7/./1 t! :.'1'1 (f STATE OF MICHIGAN - - - US74~Z9 LF 2.00/- o3/q TYPE/PRINT IN PERMANENT BLACK INK z g i? a 1; ~15 UJz 8~ Uiii UJ> ail: u.> 0" w ~~ ~e I' I ., CF 'j$' ~ 620 STATE OF MICHIGAN OEPARIMENI OF COMMUNIIY HEALIH STATE FILE NUMBER CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 1493393 1 DECEDENT'S NAME (Fus', Middle. Lasl) ALBERT HARRIS 3 OAT[ OF Of A TH (Month Day. Ye.J') May 30, 2001 J. 4a AGE - Las! BIrthday (Years) (Month, D..y, Ye.r) 59 4c UNDER 1 DAY HOURS I MINUTES I 7. LOCATION OF DEATH (Enter plac. allicially pronounced dead In 7a, 7b. 7c.) HOSPITAL OR OTHER INSTITUTION ~ Name (fI not In .,ther, BIV' SIr." ,nd numb,,) CITY. VILLAGE, OR TOWNSHIP OF DEATH William Beaumont 8 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ital - Tro Troy 98. USUAL qCCUPATION (Give kind 0' work don. durin, most of 9b BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY workln' Ide. Do not use retired) Quality Control Inspector Automotive 362-38-7301 lOa CURRENT RESJDENCE: - lOb COUNTY STATE lOc. LOCALITY (Ch'ck on, bcn Ind sPfCify) o INSIDE CITY DR VILLAGE Of o TWP, Of Pontiac lOd STREET AND NUMBER Michigan IDe ZIP CODE Oakland 38 East Rutgers 13 SURVIVING SPOUSE (If wife. give fl,ml! belor. fllst maffled) 14 WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U S ARMED FORCES? (Sf>("(I'Y Yt'$ 01 No) NO 48340 Hary Deicheldor 17. DECEDENT'S EDUCATION (Specify only "_'6"" compleled) 15 ANCESTRY - MexJcan, Puerto Rican. Cuba , Central or South Amencan. Chicano, olher HIspanic, Afro-American. Arab, English. F/t'nch. FinnISh, etc. (Specify below) Helsh/German Hhite ElementarylSecondary (0-12) 12 College (14 or 5+) 18 FATHER'S NAME (rust. Middle, Lasl) 19 MOTHER'S NAME (rllst. MIddle. Surnjme before hrsl mdffled) Albert J. Harris Geraldine Harding 20a,' INFORMANT'S NAME (Type/Print) 20b. MAILING A.DDRESS (Street and Number or Rural Route Number, City or Vill"e, St,t" liP Code) 3e East Rut ers, Pontiac, Michigan 48340 22a PLACE OF DISPOSITION (I./.m. of Cemetery, Crematory, or other place) 22b. lOCATION - City or Village, State Perr Mount Park Cemeter Pontiac, tUchi an 24 LICENSE NUMBER (of L,censee) 25 NAME AND ADDRESS OF FACILITY Huntoon Funeral Home, Inc. 48340 79 Oakland Avenue, Pontiac, Hichigan 5336 26 PART I Enter the diseases. lnJurJes. or compllcallons that caused the death Do.!!Q! enler the mode of dyme, such as cardIac or respIratory arrest. shock. or heart failure LIst onty one tause on each line I tn':~~~~;m~~~ween I Onset and Death I c~) I I~J I I~~/ I IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final disease or conditIon -----. /esu1lmg In dealh) 1;(~1!:l{f:A CO~~~f) ~ J'f--t~A'~ C~ ~tT~~R ~ M~[Q~~~~ eXA 'J(be <-, i:?~ ~/uJh-~r ~'v1.-1.'~5 DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE Ofl SeQuentially lisl conditIons. {b IF ANYlleadmg to Immediate cause nter UNDERLYING CAUSE (Disease or Inlury Ihal initialed events resulting In death) LAST PART It Olher SignIficant conditions contnbulmg 10 death but nol resulting In the underlYing cause given In Part I 27. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERfORMED? (Yes or No) 27b WERE AUTOPSy fINDINGS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CAUSE Of DEATH' (Yes 01 No) 1-10 r~o 28 31;ClleCM 0 The case reviewed and determined nol 10 be a medical examiners case ~~7r) 0 ~t t~hee :f';~~ ~fa~eka:i~a~~~eanadn3fd~:e~~g~~I:nC~~S~~)O~~~O/lm~~~~hr ~~~~f <.?Z ~< ~~ ~> ~l (5, nature and Title) ~ ~.~ 31b DATE SIGNED (Mo _ Day Yr) 31e CASE NUMBER uZ 6~ w< ~ ~ 31d PRDNOUN~EO DEAD (Mo, Day. Yr) 31e TIME or DEATH ON M P M 32a NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON WHO COMPLETED CAUSE OF DEATH (ITEM 26) (Type or Print) ~oq~ (tJ4-1. 'L ESCRIBE HOW INJURV OCCURRED 32b UCENSE NUMBER (~/e: Ci '( 0 i { 2- """'~~.( ( 33c TtME OF INJURY 33d M 33e INJURY AT WORK (Specdy Yes or ND) 331 PLACE OF INJURY ~ AI home, farm. streef. faclory office bUilding. ele (Specdy) 33g LOCATION - Slreel 01 R F D No City. Village Ot Twp Slale ~4' REGISTRAR~Of~ I ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE OF MICHIGAN ) COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) ~ I, Tonni L. Bartholomew, Clerk of the City of Troy, Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the record now remaining in my office. ~'?71,~ . Tonni L. Bartholomew, City Clerk City ofTroy, Michigan This copy Is not valid unless displaying embossed seal and registrar signature. WARNINGllt Is Illegal to duplicate this copy by Photostat or photograph. VALID ONLY WITH IMPRESSED SEAL. - - -