HomeMy WebLinkAbout874234 - - - 81t.23l, REef: IVED LINCOLN COUi'HYCLERK 0\ Jldt, - 2 fJ'l 9: 01 ,.- \ I' ,,- r' -j\i E" R }I=' ANhl:. ';;!\\J" " I<EMMEJ<EFt VilYOMIN\;J BOOK_1~ZPR PAGE"_~~"~ Space Above This Line For Recording Data MORTGAGE DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Mortgage (Security Instrument) is May 30, 2001. The parties and their addresses are: MORTGAGOR: REUEL T CALL P 0 BO X 81 8 AFTON, Wyoming 83110 VERNA A CALL POBOX818 AFTON, Wyoming 83110 LENDER: FIRST NATIONAL BANK - WEST Organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America 1001 Main Street Evanston, Wyoming 82930 83-0162601 1. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debts and Mortgagor's performance under this Security Instrument, Mortgagor grants, bargains, conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender, with the power of sale, the following described property: PART OF SECTION 36, T32N R119W OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 36; AND, RUNNING THENCE NORTH, 111 RODS; THENCE WEST, 80 RODS; THENCE SOUTH, 111 RODS; THENCE EAST, 80 RODS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING A STRIP OF LAND ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF SAID LAND, 32 FEET WIDE AT THE SOUTH END AND 61 FEET WIDE AT THE NORTH END. LESS AND EXCEPT ALL LAND CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1974 IN BOOK 110PR ON PAGE 450 OF LINCOLN COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. LESS AND EXCEPT ALL LAND CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 6, 1985 IN BOOK 232PR ON PAGE 682 OF LINCOLN COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. LESS AND EXCEPT ALL LAND CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED JULY 14,1992 IN BOOK 312PR ON PAGE 648 OF LINCOLN COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. LESS AND EXCEPT ALL LAND CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED JULY 19, 1994 ON BOOK 354PR ON PAGE 351 OF LINCOLN COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. LESS AND EXCEPT ALL LAND CONTAINED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 IN BOOK 417PR ON PAGE 612 OF LINCOLN COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. The pr(l!::e~-,)i is located in LINCOLN County at , AFTON, Wyoming 83110. TogE:th~1 with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, crops, timber, all diversion payments or third party payments made to crop producers and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of - the real estate described (all referred to as Property); This Security Instrument will remain in effect until the Secured Debts and all underlying agreements have been terminated in writing by Lender. 2. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at anyone time will not exceed $500,020.00. This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Lender's security and to perform any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument. 3. SECURED DEBTS. This Security Instrument will secure the following Secured Debts: REUEL T CALL Wyoming Mortgage WY /4XBrendaT00505900003326011 060801 Y <1:)1996 Bankers Systems, lno" St. Cloud, MN ~ Initials Page 1 ~.-- - - - (: allBd - SIB!1!UI "~ NVII 'pnol::J '15 "oul 'SUlB1SAS ';Ja'luBS 966 ~'" ALOB090 ~ L09(:e:e:0000690900~BpUBJ8Xv/^M e6e61,olf1l 6U!UlOAM 1l'<t::J 113n3l::1 '(sasea1 se Ol paJJa~aJ lie) slUaWaaJBe 4::Jns ~o SUO!lnl!lsqns JO SUO!le::J!~!poW 'sleMauaJ 'SUO!5U9lXe Aue Bu!pnl::JU! 'A1JedoJd a4l !O UO!lJod Aue !O A::Juedn::J::Jo pue 9sn 941 JO! SlU9W99J6e leqJa^ JO uaupM Ja410 Aue pue Sa!lUeJen6 'sasua::J!1 's9se9lqns 'saseal aJn1n~ JO 6u!lS!X3 "'fI :lIe pue Aue 01 pue U! lSaJalu! pue all!:!. '14Bp a41 lie Awn::Jas leUO!l!ppe se Japual 0:J- slUeJJeM pue saBeB1JOW 'sAa^uo::J 'su!e6Jeq 'SlUeJ6 JoBe61JOV\l 'S1.N31:1 ON'fI S3S'fI31 ::10 l.N3I1\1Nm~S'fI "L L 'UO!1::JnJ1Suo::J a41 !O UO!laldwo::J Bu!pnIOU! 'AlJ9doJd a41 U! lSaJ91U! Awn::Jas s,JapUall:::JalOJd 01 AJessa::Jau sdals lie a"el Aew Japual 'Jauuew alqeuoseaJ e U! uo papJe:::J 10U JO panurj.uo::JS!P S! AlJ,adoJd a41 uo UO!pnJ1Suo::J Aue!1 'lUaWnJ1SuI Awn:::Jas S!41 JO Mel a41 Japun Sl46p Ja410 s,Japw:ll ~o Aue Bu!s!::JJaxa WOJ~ J9pual apnlOaJd lOU II!M wJopad 01 aJnI!e! s,Japu91 pue 'wJopad Ol UO!le6!1qo ue a1-eaJ::J 10U II!M J06e61-JoV\l JO! wJol-Jad 01- 1-46!J s,Jepual 'a::JuewJoped JOl- AJessa::Jau lunowe Aue Aed JO aweu s,J06e6:J.JolI\I uB!s 01- pe! U! AauJOue se Japua1 SlU!odde J06e6lJOII\I 'pawJo!Jad aq 01 wa4:J- asm~::l JO wJo~Jad 'a::l!lOU ln04l!M 'Aew Japual 'lUaWnJ1SUI Awn::las S!4l U! pau!e:J.uo:::J s:J.ueua^o::J a41- ~o Aue JO A:J.np Aue wJo~Jad Ol sl!el- JoBe61JOII\Il-1 "1AI1:10::l1:l3d 01. Alll:lOH1.n'fl 'OL 'uo!padsu! s,Japual uo AlaJ AeM ou U! II!M J06eB1JoII\I pue mauaq s,JapUal JOl- AlaJ!1-ua aq II!M A:j.JadoJd a4l ~o uO!l::Jadsu! Au\:;! 'uo!:J.o9dsu! 941 JO~ asodJnd alqeuoseaJ e 6u!Al-pads uo!padsu! ue aJOJaq JO ,1.0 9W!1 941 le a::l!lOU JoBeB1JOII\I a^!B II!M Japual 'AlJadoJd a41 6u!1::ladsu! ,1.0 asodJnd a41 JO,l. aW!l 91qeuoseeJ Aue le A1JadoJd 941 JelU9 'UO!ldo S ,Japual le 'Aew slw:JBe s ,Jepua1 JO Jepuel 'lUeSUO::l uaupM Jopd s,Japual :J.n041!M A:uadoJd a41- ap!^!pqns JO uO!l!lJed :J.ou lI!M JoBeB1JoII\I 'lUeWnJlsul Awn::Jas S!41 Aq pa1-eaJ::J lSaJalU! Al!Jn::Jes e4l Ol pa!qns pawaap eq II!M AlJadoJd leuosJad JO luawa::JeldaJ 4::Jns '9::JueJqwn::Jua Ja410 JO lUaWaaJBe Awn::Jas 'a::J!^ap UO!lUalaJ all!l Aue WOJJ 8aJ~ ' A1JadoJd leUOsJad pa::JeldaJ a41 Ol anle^ U! lenba lseal le AlJedoJd leUOsJed Je410 4l!M pa::JeldaJ S! A1JadoJd leUOsJed 4::Jns le41 pep!^oJd 'alatOsqo JO UJOM swo::Jeq le4l A1-JadoJd a4l JO lJed e 6u!spdwo::J AlJadoJd leuosJad JO swa1-! a^owaJ Ol l46p a4:J. se4 JoBe61JOII\I le41 lda::Jxa luasuo::J uaupM JOpd s,Japualln04l1M paJalle Allepalew JO pa4s!lowap 'pa^oweJ aq II!M A1JedoJd e4l JO UO!lJod ON 'AlJadoJd a4l Ol aflewep JO ssol Aue JO pue 'JOBe6lJOII\I lSU!e6e SUO!l::Je pue 'sw!el::J 'sBu!pea::JoJd 'spuewep lie JO Jepual AmOU II!M JoBeBlJOIN 'luasuo:::J uaupM Jopd s,Japua1ln041!M 1LJawaSee JO 1ueue^0:.l a^!l:.lplSaJ 'asue::J!! Aue U! e6ue4:J Aue :J-!wJad lOU II!M JoBeB1JoV\l 'luesuo::J uaupM Jopd s,Japual ln04l!M a6ue4::J Alle!lUelsqns lOU II!M esn pue A::Juedn::J::Jo e4l JO aJnleu a4l le4l saaJ6e JoBeBlJOV\l 'sasseJB pue spaaM sno!XOu JO aeJJ AlJadOJd a4l dee" II!M JoBeBlJolI\I 'A1JadoJd 94l l-o uO!leJOpelep JO 'lUeWJ!edw! 'elseM Aue MOlle JO l!wwo::J lOU II!M JoBe61JoII\I 'AJessa::Jeu AlqeuoseaJ 9Je le4l SJ!ed9J lie a"ew pue UO!l!PUO::J po06 U! AlJadoJd a4l daa" II!M J06e6lJOII\I 'NOll:)3dSNI ON'fI SNOll 'fI1:I3l l'fl 'NOI1.IONO:) All:J3dOl:Jd "6 '^lJed e S! JoBeB:J.JolI\I 4::J!4M O:J. JO JOBeB:J.JOV\l 6u!uJa^06 luaweeJBe Aue alelo!^ lOU II!M :i-uewnJ:i-sul A:J.pnoes S!4l JO AJa^!lep pue UO!ln::Jaxe a41 'luawnJ:j.sul Al!Jn::Jes S!4:J. OlU! JalUa Ol A1-p04lne pue l46p a4l se4 J06e61-JOII\I "SNOI1.'fI1.N3S31:1d31:1 ON" S3IlN'fI1:I1:I'fIM "8 'elqe::J!ldde se 'sMel aleS-UO-anp ale:J.S JO uO!:J.dweaJd 941- flu!uJa^06 Mel leJapal- Aq p9S0dw! SUO!PP:J.saJ 94l Ol :J.::Je!qns S! l4Bp S!41. 'AlJedoJd a4l JO ales JO Ja,l.sueJ:J. e 'JO UO!leaJ::J a4l JOJ peJluo::J JO 'JO UO!leaJ::J a4l uodn alqeAed pue anp Ale:J.elpaWW! aq Ol slqaa peJn:.las a4l JO aoueleq aJ!:J.ua a4l aJeloap 'UO!ldo Sl! le 'Aew Jepual "31'flS NO 3no 'L "AlJadoJd a4l a^oJdw! JO u!elU!ew Ol sle!Jelew JO Joqel Alddns 04M se!:J.Jed lSU!e6e a^e4 Aew J06e6lJOIN sasual-ap JO sw!el::J 'Sl4B!J Aue 'JapU91 Aq pa:J.senbaJ se 'Japual Ol uB!sse O:J. saaJBe JOBe61JOII\I 'luawnJ:j.sul Al!Jn::Jas S!4l JO US!I e41 J!edw! PlnoM le4l sw!el::J Aue lsuleBe A:J.JadoJd a4:J. O:J. all!l puaJap II!M JoBeB:J.JolI\I 'luewAed s,J06e6lJOIN 6u!::Juap!^a Sld!90aJ 941 pue enp aJe slunowe 4::Jns le4:J. sa::J!lOU lie ,1.0 sa!do::J Japual Ol ep!^oJd Ol J06e6lJOII\I aJ!nbeJ Aew Japua1 'anp ua4M Al-JadoJd a4:J. Ol 6u!lelaJ sa6Je4::J Ja4l0 pue 'Sa!l!l!ln 'SlUaJ punoJB 'S!UaWAed 9seel 'se::JueJqwn::Jua 'sua!l 'sluawssasse 'saxel lie Aed II!M J06e6:J.JolI\I '31ll1. lSNI"E>'fI SIAII"l:) '9 'luasuO::J uaupM JO!Jd s,JapUalln04l!M luawn::Jop uan a4l Aq paJn::Jas lUaWaaJBe JO alOU Aue Japun sa::Jue^pe eJn:J.nJ Aue lSenbaJ O:J. JOU '!O uO!Sualxa JO uO!leO!l-!poW Aue MOlle O:J. :J.oN "0 'JapI04 a4l WOJJ sa^!a::JaJ JoBeBlJOII\I :J.e4l sa::J!lOu Aue Japua1 Ol Ja^!Iep AlldwOJd 01 'S "Slueua^OO lie 4l!M Aldwo:::J JO wJol-Jad Ol pue anp ua4M sluawAed lie a"ew 01 ''fI :seaJ6e J06e6lJOV\l 'A:i-JadoJd a4l uo 9::JueJqwnoue JO :J.seJalU! Al!Jn::Jes Jopd e peleeJ::J le4:J. luawn::Jop ua!l Ja4l0 JO luewaaJ6e Awn::Jas ':J.snJ:J. ~o paap 'a6e6lJOW Ja4l0 Aue Ol pJe6aJ 4l!M .SlS3t:13lNI Allt:ln03S t:lOlt:ld "S "lUaWnJlSul Awn::Jas S!4:i- pue Slqaa paJn::Jas a4llo SWJal a4:J. 4l!M a::JuepJOo::Je U! pue anp ue4M Pled aq II!M slqea paJn::Jes a4l Japun sluawAed lie le4l saaJfle JoBeBlJolI\I "SlN3I1\1A"d"v ':J,uewnJlsul Al!Jn::Jes S!4:J. l-o SWJal a4l Japun Jepual Aq paJJn::Ju! sasuadxa pue pa::Jue^pe swns II\:;! 'paoue^p'fl swns "0 "sa!l!Jn::J9S 6u!uJa^06 Mel leJapal Aq paJ!nbaJ pue pau!l-ap se ,,'asodJnd JO lUawa!elS.. e U!elqo lOU saop Japual pue ,,"::JOlS u!6Jew" U! peleaJ::J S! lSaJa:J.U! Al!Jn::Jes e 4::J!4M JOJ lqap Aue aJn::J9S lOU II!M lUaWnJlSul Al!Jnoas sl41 'sa::J!peJd :J.!paJ:.l a^!ldaoap pue J!e~un Bu!uJa^06 MelleJapeJ Aq paU!Jap aJe SWJal es04l se ,,'ueol Jawnsuo::J" e 4l!M UO!l::Jauuo::J U! "spo06 P104esn04.. U! paleeJ:J S! lSeJalU! A:J.!Jn:.les Aauow ese4::JJnd-uOu 'AJOssassod-uou e 4::J!4^^ JOl- lqep Aue :aJn::Jas lOU II!M lUawnJlSul Alpn::Jas S!41 'luawnJ:j.sul Awn:::Jas S!4l Aq paleeJ::J S! le4l 6u!llaMp led!oupd s,JoBe6lJOII\I 94:J. U! lSeJelU! Alpnoas luanbesqns Aue Sa^!eM Japual 'UO!ss!::JsaJ JO l46p a4:J. JO ao!:J.OU ep!^oJd 0:J. sl!eJ Jepuel :J.e4:J. lUa^a a4l ul '6U!l!JM U! 9q lsnw luaW:J.!WWO::J 4::Jns Au'f;f 'sa::Jue^pe JO sueol aJnln,l. JO leUO!l!ppe a"ew OllUeWl!WWO::J e Salnl!lSuo::J lUaWnJlSu\ Alpn::Jas S!4:J. U! 6u!4l0N 'lUeWnJlSul A:J.pn::Jas S!4l uB!s :J.ou Aew 04M SJa4l0 4:J.!M JO Allenp!^!pu! Ja4l!e paJJn::JU! slqap aJnoas II!M l! l-e4l saaJ6e 4::Jea 'lUaWnJlSUI Al!Jn::Jas S!4l SuB!s uosJad auo ue4:J. eJOW JI 'lqap S!4l ue4l adAl :J.ueJeu!p e JO JO Ol paleleJun S! lqap aJnln! a4l l! JO 'paouaJa!aJ Alle::J!!!oads lOU S! lUawnJ1SuI Awn::Jas S!4l l! ueA8 'JepUa1 O:i- 11'1:> 1. 13n38 WOJJ slqap eJnlnl pue 1-uasaJd 11'1 'S1-qaO 1I'f1 'S '00'OZO'009$ JO :J.unowe ueol e 41-!M 'Jepue1 Ol (JeMOJJ08) 11'1:> 113n38 WOJJ 'LOOl '08 Ael/\l pe:J.ep '9-8890 L- LL 'oN 'a1-ou AJoss!wOJd V 's:i-UaWaOeldaJ pue SUO!le::J!,ppoW 'sflu!::Jueu!,l.aJ 'sleMaUaJ 'SUO!SUalXa lie pue slqap BU!MOIIO,l. a4.L 'Slqaa ::J!,I.!::JadS ."" ;:; t q i]r-:;:~i/l,f~O ..... - - - l' aBed slelllul "~ NV'l 'pnolO 'lS "cuI 'SWB1SAS sJa'luea 9SIH", A Loa09o L L09<:€€OOOOS909001.epuBJ8X1'1 AM 96..611011\1 Bu!woAM ll'tO 1. 13n3l:J 'S9SU9dx9 pue S9!:j.leU9d 'S:j.SOO UO!1.e!paUJ9J pue 9suodS9J 'dnue910 'saBewep 'Sa!1.!I!qe!l 'spueW9p 'SW!elO 'S9SS01 lie :j.su!eBe pue WOJ~ sssIWJB4 suB!sse JO SJossaoons S,JSPU9l pue J9pU9l Pl04 pue A~!UW9PU! II!M J06eB:uoV\l I L) 'UO!1.09S S!lj1. U! 9pew 9s!wOJd JO A1.UeJJeM 'uo!1.e1.uas9Jd9J Aue ~o ljoeaJq Aue ~o 90u9nb9suoo e s'rJ '}I 'esuedX9 S ,JoBe61.JoV\l 1.e UO!109S S!lj1. J9pUn suo!1.eB!lqo s,JoBe61.JoV\l ~o Aue WJo~J9d 01. 'UO!1.eB!lqo 9lj1. 1.OU 1.nq '1.lj6p elj1. selj Jepuel T 'le^oJdde s,Japuel 01. loe[qns S! :j.!pne ljons wJo~Jed II!M OljM Jeau!Bua le:j.u9WUOJ!^U9 9lj:j. ~o 90!OljO 9lj.1 'J9pual O:j. :j.!pne ljons ~o s:j.lnS9J elj:j. :j.!wqns O:j. pue AlJ9doJd 9lj:j. ~o l!pne lelu9UJuOJ!^U9 ue 9Jed3Jd O:j. Ja3u!6u9 lelU9WUOJ!^U9 p9!~!lenb e sBeBu9 Ol '9SU9dx9 s,J06eB:uoV\l le 'S99J6e J06e6lJoV\l 'ew!:j. Aue :j.e pue :j.sanbaJ S,J9PUQl uodn '1 'MellelU9WUOJ!^U3 9lqeO!ldde ljl!M aoue!ldwoo U! eJe lueU9:j. Aue pue JOBe6uoV\l lOU JO J9lj:j.94M IE) JO ~A:j.J9doJd 94:j. :j.noqe JO J9pUn 'UO p9Se919J U99q se4 le4l 90ue:j.sqns snopJezeH Aue ~o 9pn:j.!u6ew pue '9mieu 'UO!:j.eool '90U9lS!X9 94l Il) :AlJ9dOJd 94l :j.noqe JO J3pUn 'uo 30uelsqns snopJezeH Aue ~O emleu pue UO!leool '30U3lS!Xe 34l I L) au!wJalap Ol 3wI:j. alqeuoSe3J Aue le SpJ003J lie M3!^3J pue Alledold 94:!. pedsu! pue Je:j.ua Ol ;J-us6e s,lspuSl 10 lspuSl 'l!W1Sd Ol lueuel Aue esneo JO 'l!WJad II!M 106e6:uoV\l 'H 'lj:j.!M pa!ldwoo pue pSU!elqo SJe Mel lelUSWU01!^U3 slqeo!ldde Aue Aq pSl!nbsl Sle^Oldde 10 sasueo!l 'Sl!WJsd lie le4l Wl!lUOO pue 'AlJadold aljl uo suo!:j.eJado pue SS!l!^!lOe a4:j. 10:j.!UOW 'A:usd01d a4:j. lOadsu! Apeln6al II!M 106e6l10V\l 'D '6u!l!JM U! s:j.uesuoo lSJ!~ lapual ssalun pappe aq IIlM lIaM 10 dwnp '}jue:j. ljons ou pue AlladoJd a4l lspun 10 UO pSleOOr slIaM uado 10 sdwnp ale^pd 's}juel eBelols punolBmpun ou ale alaljl 'lapual O:j. BU!:j.pM U! paBpalMou}joe pue pasolOs!p AISnO!^ald se 1.daOx3 ':1 'Mel ,e:j.uewuol!^U3 elqeo!ldde Aue ljl!M aoue!ldUJoo IInl U! U!eWel 111M pue ele 'uaaq SMlj lueual A1SM pue J06e6l10V\l 'lSPuel. Ol BU!l!JM U! paBpslMOU}joe pue paSOlos!P AISnO!Mld se ldaox3 '3 's6ulpeeoold 40ns Ol BUI:j.elsl slu9wnoop Aue 10 seldoo e^!eOSl Ol llj611 a4:j. 6UIPnIOU! 6u!paeOOld 40ns Aue U! eled!o!:ued Ol 'uoqeB!lqo S4l lOU lnq 'l46p a4l se4 lepuel ':j.USM ue 40ns ul '6U!PSSOOld 10 'WlelO 'UO!le6!lS9^U! psuelee14l 10 6u!pued ljons Aue S! 91e4l 9^9119q Ol UoseaJ se4 lOBe6l10V\l se UOOS se BUrl-pM U! lepuel A1!lOU Alele!peWW! 111M 10Be51.10V\l 'Mel lelUeWU01!^U3 Aue 10 lueus:j. Aue 10 lOBeBuoV\l Aq uO!lelo!^ Aue Il) 10 :A:j.1Sdold a4llnoqe 10 lapun 'UO peleool eouelsqns snoplezeH Aue I L) 01. 6u!lelel pUPI Aue 10 6u!peaOOld 10 'W!eIO 'UOlle6!lSlMU! peue:j.eelljl 10 Bu!puad Aue S! a1a4l a^a!laq Ol UOSBeJ 10 10 e6p8lMou)j ou se4 106e6:j.l0V\l 'Japual O:j. 6u!l!lM U! pa6pelMou}joe pue pasolos!P Alsno!^ald se ldaox3 '0 'MellelUaWU01!^U3 4l-!M eouepJoooe U! UO!lOe le!peweJ AJessaoau lie e)jel II!M 10Be61JoV\l 'lUe^a ue 40ns ul 'Al13doJd e4l 6U!UleOUOo Mel lelUSWU01!^U3 Aue ~o uO!lelo!^ B 5! all;uH Iz) JO :A1JadOJd AqJl'!9U UIOJj. 911;U6!uJ Ol SU9lR9JLH JO Sa1eJB!w JO A1JadoJd a41 1noqe JO lapun 'UO smooo eouBlsqns srioplezeH 10 asea,al p3uelee14:). 10 aSBalaJ elL) ~! J3puel A~!lOU Ala:j.e!pawUJ! II!M 106e6l10V\l '0 'Al-Jadold a4l uo aouelsqns snoplezeH Aue 10 3Se31eJ 34ll!Wled JO 'Ol 3lnqp:j.uoo 'esneo lOU 111M pue lOU selj 106eBlJOII\I 'lepuel Ol 6U!lPM U! pe6palMOU}joe pue pesOIOS!P Alsno!^eld se l-deox3 '8 'MBl )eluewuoJ!^U3 alqeo!ldde 1112 4:j.!M aOUe!ldwoo :j.O!l:j.S U! pue sseu!snq ~o 3S1000 AJeu!pJo e4l U! ldaoxa 'A:j.JsdoJd elj:j. lnoqe 10 Jspun 'uo uosJed Aue Aq pelpue4 JO 'peU!~el 'pa:j.eel:j. 'pe1O:j.oelnuew 'pa:j.lodsuell 'paleool eq II!M 10 'Sf 'uaeq selj eouelsqns snopJezeH ou 'lepuel 0:). 6u!lPM U! pe6pelMou}joe pue pesolos!P AlsnO!^eld se ldaox3 "'tf :le4:j. sse16e pue S:j.UBlJeM 's:j.uasaldal J06e6:j.JolI\I 'Mel le:j.uewU01!^U3 Aue lepun "eoue:).sqns peleln5al" JO ,,'30uelsqns snopJezelj" ,,'elseM snopJeze4" ,,'eouelsqns 0!X01" ,,'Ieps:j.ew snopJeze4" se p3u!~ep seoue:j.sqns Aue 'UO!le:j.!w!I :j.n04:j.!M 'sepnlou! Wla:j. a4.1 ':j.uaWU01!^Ua JO a1ell8M 'Alales '4:j.lee4 o!lqnd S4l Ol snole6uep Alle!lUalOd JO snoJa6uep aoue:j.sqns a4:j. Japuel 4:l!4M soqspetoeJe40 se4 40!4M lueu!weluOO JO luelnllod 'elseM 'le!Jalew snopJBze4 10 3^!lOeO!peJ 'O!XOl Aue sueew eouelsqns snopJezeH III pue :aouelsqns snoplezelj e JO lUeWUOJ!^ue 'ele~leM 'Ale~es 'ljlleSlj o!lqnd e4:j. 6U!UlaOUOo Slanel a^!:j.eldla:j.U! 10 suo!u!do IBJeueB Aeul0ne 'sleplo l1000 'saOUeU!pl0 'SuO!le,n6el 'SMBI leOOI pue ele:).s 'leJepa~ Jelj:j.o lie 'l'rJl:JH3:J) :j.o'rJ A:j.!lIqen pue UO!leSuedwo:J 'eSUOdS3l:llelUeWU01!^U3 s^!sueljaldUJo:J a4:j. 'uoqel!W!I :j.n04:j.!M 'sueaw MellelUaWUOJ!^U3 ILl 'uo!pas S!4l U! pesn S'rJ 'S30N".1sans snOOH'tfZ'tfH ON'tf SM'tfll'tf.lN3WNOHI^N3 '9L 'SpO:J AOldnJ}juea e4:j. Japun UO!p!pspn! 6u!s!oJaxa l1000 Aue Aq papleMe se S:j.qaa pa100as a4lpelloo Ol S1oOU! JapU31 saal ,sAaUlone alqeuose91 94l- Aed Ol saa16e J06e6l10V\l 'epo:J AO:j.dnl}juea sa:j.e:j.S pa:j.!Un elj:j. Aq pan!wlad :j.ua:j.xe e4l 0.1 'Slqea pemoss aljllo SUJJa:j. aLll U! 101 pap!^old SP. l:JaHa U! eleJ lSa1alU! lSa46!4 eljlle IIn~ U! Pied IIlun luewAed 10 alep 34l WOJ! l-salalU! Jeaq II!M sesuedxe eselj:). 'Alele!peWW! pied lOU 11 'Ala:j.e!paww! alqeAed pue snp Sle sasuedxe esa4.1 'sesuedxa le6al 1a4:j.0 pue S:j.SOO :j.1000 'saa! ,sAaUlone 'ol P3l!W!I lOU ale :j.nq 'epnIOU! sasuadx3 'luawnllsul A:j.!1OOes S!4:j. WOJl A:j.ladold a4l 5u!Sealel 10 SlSOO UO!:j.BpJ003J Aue 10~ pue A:j.JadoJd eljl 3^JeS3Jd pue pedsu! 0:). Jepuel JO~ sesuedxe Aed Ol seelJ6e J06e6uoV\l ':j.uawnJ:j.sul Awnoas S!4l1epUn se!paWal pue S:j.46P s,lepuel 10 UO!lOelOld JO :j.US,weoJolua 'uo!:j.oalloo 10 sasuedxa liB ABd Ol SeeJ6B J06e6uoV\l 'Mel Aq p3n!W13d luelxe e4:j. ol ':j.lnelaa Ja:j.JB 10 uO "S33::! ,SA3Nl:lOl.1" ON'tf S3SN3dX3 NOI1031l00 ''l7L 'u!e6e sU3ddelj JO senuquoo :).Ine~ap a4:j. l! S3!peWeJ Aue esn O:j. pue llne~ep e lUe^3 e4l Jep!suoo lslel O:j. :j.45p s,lepual S^!eM lOU saop lepuel 'ApeWSJ Aue esn OllOU 6u!lOelS AS 'ApawaJ e asn Ol- lOU 5a50040 Japual1! l-Inelep e a^!eM lOU saop Japual 'ApawaJ JS4:j.0 Aue asn o:j. :j.46p s,lapusl dn s^!6 :j.ou saop Japual sa!paWal eseljl ~o el0W 10 auo Aue 6u!sooljO AS ':j.lne~ep 6u!lS!Xe Aue ~o e100 eleldwoo el!nbeJ Olllj6p s,lepu31 ~o JS^!eM e e:j.nl!lSUOO lOU II!M pelll alB sBu!peaOOld a1OSOIOelo~ le:j.Je 10 pSleJeleoOB S! 10 snp S! eoueleq eljl la:j.Je slqea pamoas aljl- UO luawAed le!:j.Jed 10 luawAed U! wns Aue ~o lepu31 Aq eoueldeooe elj.1 "4lJOl l3S Alsseldxe lOU 10 JSljle4M 'A:j.!nba JO MBI.le pep!^old sa!pawaJ lie o:j. pal:j.!:j.ua S! lapual e4l pue 'e^!snloxe :j.ou pue a^!:j.elnwno ':j.OU!lS!P ale sa!pawaJ IIV' 'u!eJa4:j. 4110~ les slOeJ- e4:j. 10 aouep!^a e!oe~ ewpd eq II!M eoueAe^uoo ~o peep Aue U! Slel!OeJ elj.1 'AlJedoJd eljl eseljo1Od Aew lepuel '10:j.UBJ8 O:j. 'Aue ~! 'SnldlOs eljl 6u!Aed 's:j.qsa pe100as alj:j. uo lSeJalU! pue ledpupd aljl pue 'uoaJalj:j. :j.SSJSlU! pue saouelqwnoue 10pd pue s:j.uewssesse 'SUe!1 'aouelOsu! 'saxel 'sJ!edaJ 10~ p30ue^pe sAauow lie J3pual O:j. Aed II!M 'SlSOO pue seBJeljo 'seel lie BU!ABd lSJ!! JalJ-B pue 'JesB40md e4:j. O:j. ell!l alnlosqe sAa^uoo 40!4M PI os Al-Jedold a4l O:j. paap e JlM!lep pUB e'lBW II!M eEll-Snl,). I Mel Aq pal!ql40Jd lOU lualxa a4:j. o:j. pue AlladoJd a4:j. J-O ales uodn brg , " ~p~~'RO ," G.. II f~~ I{ .do " ~~ . ~ ....... U~7~~ .' .. _ 633 B. Rents, issues and profits (all referred to as Rents), including but not limited to security deposits, minimum rent, percentage rent, additional rent, common area maintenance charges, parking charges, real estate taxes, other applicable taxes, insurance premium contributions, liquidated damages following default, cancellation premiums, "loss of rents" insurance, guest receipts, revenues, royalties, proceeds, bonuses, accounts, contract rights, general intangibles, and all rights and claims which Mortgagor may have that in any way pertain to or are on account of the use or occupancy of the whole or any part of the Property. In the event any item listed as Leases or Rents is determined to be personal property, this Security Instrument will also be regarded as a security agreement. Mortgagor will promptly provide Lender with true and correct copies of all existing and future Leases. Mortgagor may collect, receive, enjoy and use the Rents so long as Mortgagor is not in default. Except for one lease period's rent, Mortgagor will not collect in advance any future Rents without Lender's prior written consent. Upon default, Mortgagor will receive Rents in trust for Lender and Mortgagor will not commingle the Rents with any other funds. Amounts collected will be applied at Lender's discretion to payments on the. Secured Debts as therein provided, to costs of managing. protecting and preserving the Property and to any other necessary related expenses including Lender's attorneys' fees and court costs. Mortgagor agrees that this assignment is immediately effective between the parties to this Security Instrument and effective as to third parties on Mortgagor's default when lender takes an affirmative action as prescribed by the law of the state where the Property is located. This assignment will remain effective during any period of redemption until the Secured Debts are satisfied. Unless otherwise provided by state law, Mortgagor agrees that Lender may take actual possession of the Property without commencing any legal action or proceeding. Actual possession of the Property is deemed to occur when Lender notifies Mortgagor of Mortgagor's default and demands that Mortgagor and Mortgagor's tenants pay all Rents due or to become due directly to .Lender. On receiving the notice of default, Mortgagor will endorse and deliver to Lender any payments of Rents. Mortgagor warrants that no default exists under the Leases or any applicable landlord law. Mortgagor also agrees to maintain, and to require the tenants to comply with, the Leases and any applicable law. Mortgagor will promptly notify Lender of any noncompliance. If Mortgagor neglects or refuses to enforce compliance with the terms of the Leases, then Lender may opt to enforce compliance, Mortgagor will obtain Lender's written authorization before Mortgagor consents to sublet, modify, cancel, or otherwise alter the Leases, to accept the surrender of the Property covered by such Leases (unless the Leases so require), or to assign, compromise or encumber the Leases or any future Rents. If lender acts to manage, protect and preserve the Property, lender does not assume or become liable for its maintenance, depreciation, or other losses or damages, except those due to Lender's gross negligence or intentional torts. Otherwise, Mortgagor will hold Lender harmless and indemnify Lender for any and all liability, loss or damage that Lender may incur as a consequence of the assignment under this section. 12. DEFAULT. Mortgagor will be in default if any of the following occur: A. Payments. Mortgagor fails to make a payment in full when due. B. Insolvency. Mortgagor makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or becomes insolvent, either because Mortgagor's liabilities exceed Mortgagor's assets or Mortgagor is unable to pay Mortgagor's debts as they become due. . C. Death or Incompetency. Mortgagor dies or is declared legally incompetent. D. Failure to Perform. Mortgagor fails to perform any condition or to keep any promise or covenant of this Security Instrument. E. Other Documents. A default occurs under the terms of any other transaction document. F. Other Agreements. Mortgagor is in default on any other debt or agreement Mortgagor has with Lender. G. Misrepresentation. Mortgagor makes any verbal or written statement or provides any financial information that is untrue, inaccurate, or conceals a material fact at the time it is made or provided. H. Judgment. Mortgagor fails to satisfy or appeal any judgment against Mortgagor. I. Forfeiture. The Property is used in a manner or for a purpose that threatens confiscation by a legal authority. J. Name Change. Mortgagor changes Mortgagor's name or assumes an additional name without notifying Lender before making such a change. K. Property Transfer. Mortgagor transfers all or a substantial part of Mortgagor's money or property. This condition of default, as it relates to the transfer of the Property, is subject to the restrictions contained in the DUE ON SALE section. L. Property Value. The value of the Property declines or is impaired. M. Insecurity. Lender reasonably believes that Lender is insecure. 13. REMEDIES. Lender may use any and all remedies Lender has under state or federal law or in any instrument evidencing or pertaining to the Secured Debts, including, without limitation, the power to sell the Property. Any amounts advanced on Mortgagor's behalf will be immediately due and may be added to the balance owing under the Secured Debts. Lender may make a claim for any and all insurance benefits or refunds that may be available on Mortgagor's default. Subject to any right to cure, required time schedules or other notice rights Mortgagor may have under federal and state law, Lender may make all or any part of the amount owing by the terms of the Secured Debts immediately due and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law upon the occurrence of a default or anytime thereafter. If there is a default, Trustee will, in addition to any other permitted remedy, at the request o'f the Lender, advertise and sell the Property as a whole or in separate parcels at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and convey absolute title free and clear of all right, title and interest of Grantor at such time and place as Trustee designates. Trustee will give notice of sale including the time, terms and place of sale and a description of the Property to be sold as required by the applicable law in effect at the time of the proposed sale. REUEL T CALL Wyoming Mortgege WY 14XBrendaT00505900003326011 060801 Y . C>1996 Bankers Systems. In(:,. 5t, Cloud, MN ~ Initials Page 3 ...... ~ U ~3 71i11i111i11i: . 6 3 J includil~ut limitation all costs of litigation a.rneys' fees, which Lender and Len.ccessors or assigns may sustain; and (2) at Lender's discretion, Lender may release this Security Instrument and in return Mortgagor will provide Lender with collateral of at least equal value to the Property secured by this Security Instrument without prejudice to any of Lend,er's rights under this Security Instrument. L. Notwithstanding any of the language contained in this Security Instrument to the contrary, the terms of this sectio'n will survive any foreclosure or satisfaction of this Security Instrument regardless of any passage of title to Lender or any disposition by Lender of any or all of the Property. Any claims and defenses to the contrary are hereby waived. 16. CONDEMNATION. Mortgagor will give Lender prompt notice of any pending or threatened action by private or public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent domain, or any other means. Mortgagor authorizes Lender to intervene in Mortgagor's name in any of the above described actions or claims, Mortgagor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property, Such proceeds will be considered payments and will be applied as provided in this Security Instrument, This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document. 17. INSURANCE. Mortgagor agrees to keep the Property insured against the risks reasonably associated with the Property, Mortgagor will maintain this insurance in the amounts Lender requires. This insurance will last until the Property is released from this Security Instrument. Mortgagor may choose the insurance company, subject to Lender's approval, which will not be unreasonably withheld. All insurance policies and renewals will include a standard "mortgage clause" and, where applicable, "loss payee clause." If required by Lender. Mortgagor agrees to maintain comprehensive general liability insurance and rental loSs or business interruption insurance in amounts and under policies acceptable to Lender. The comprehensive general liability insurance must name Lender as an additional insured. The rental loss or business interruption insurance must be in an amount equal to at least coverage of one year's debt service, and required escrow account deposits (if agreed to separately in writing.) Mortgagor will give Lender and the insurance company immediate notice of any loss. All insurance proceeds will be applied to restoration or repair of the Property or to the Secured Debts, at Lender's option. If Lender acquires the Property in damaged condition, Mortgagor's rights to any insurance policies and proceeds will pass to Lender to the extent of the Secured Debts. Mortgagor will immediately notify Lender of cancellation or termination of insurance. If Mortgagor fails to keep the Property insured Lender may obtain insurance to protect Lender's interest in the Property. This insurance may include coverages not originally required of Mortgagor, may be written by a company other than one Mortgagor would choose, and may be written at a higher rate than Mortgagor could obtain if Mortgagor purchased the insurance. 18. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. As provided in a separate agreement, Mortgagor agrees to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. 19. CO-SIGNERS. If Mortgagor signs this Security Instrument but does not sign the Secured Debts, Mortgagor does so only to mortgage Mortgagor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the Secured Debts and Mortgagor does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debts. If this Security Instrument secures a guaranty between Lender and Mortgagor, Mortgagor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from bringing any action or claim against Mortgagor or any party indebted under the obligation. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any anti-deficiency or one-action laws. 20. WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Mortgagor waives all homestead exemption rights relating to the Property. 21. APPLICABLE LAW. This Security Instrument is governed by the laws of Wyoming, except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located. and the United States of America, 22. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY AND SUCCESSORS. Each Mortgagor's obligations under this Security Instrument are independent of the obligations of any other Mortgagor. Lender may sue each Mortgagor individually or together with any other Mortgagor. Lender may release any part of the Property and Mortgagor will still be obligated under this Security Instrument for 'the remaining Property. The duties and benefits of this Security Instrument will bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Mortgagor. 23. AMENDMENT, INTEGRATION AND SEVERABILITY. This Security Instrument may not be amended or modified by oral agreement. No amendment or modification of this Security Instrument is effective unless made in writing and executed by Mortgagor and Lender, This Security Instrument is the complete and final expression of the agreement. If any provision of this Security Instrument is unenforceable, then the unenforceable provision will be severed and the remaining provisions will still be enforceable. 24. INTERPRETATION. Whenever used, the ~ingular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. The section headings are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the terms of this Security Instrument. I. 25. NOTICE, FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice will he given by delivering it or mailing it by first class mail to the appropriate party's address listed in the DATE AND PARTIES section. or to any other address designated in writing. Notice to one party will be deemed to be notice to all parties. Mortgagor will inform Lender in writing of any change in Mortgagor's name. address or other application information. Mortgagor will provide Lender any financial statements or information Lender requests. All financial statements and information Mortgagor gives Lender will be correct and complete, Mortgagor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any additional documents or certifications that Lender may consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Mortgagor's obligations under this Security Instrument and to confirm Lender's lien status on any Property. Time is of the essence. REUEL T CALL Wyoming Mortgage WY /4XBrendaT005059000033260 11 060601 Y ill1996 Bankers Systems, In..,. St. Cloud, MN ~" Initials Page 5 ~ ~ - - - 9 "lied -Sle!~!UI "~ NV'l 'pnol:l .~S ""ul '''w''~,,^S "''''1ue8 966 LIl> A L 08090 L L 09<: 8800006<;0<;001 epu"'8Xvl AM ,,6,,6~'oll\l flu!wohM llV':J l13n3!:f Aq tOOZ 'II AJlnulr S8J!dlJ UOISSIWW03 An eNWtCWA . Y.LNJn ~ 3J.VlS IJ At.NOOO :l119nd AWION * NOSclWOHl ., VON3H9 ~'lqndAJelON) . % :saJldxa UOISSIWWO:l AII\I ~ .' ~ J,N:cl.U1S:cl.ad:"'a81ll. 'aU1NaS 'N3.SNV-tl.')i )i'H'\fW 'lsaM - 'lues leuO!leN lSJ!:l !O ~~R~ I o:rt? · . . ~l 1:;-'\2'4' .w .'OJ.~'OO SOM ,u.wn"su!s!4.l 'ss :lO ~' , (Y):lO ~y . ....,..- IJ iluawfipalMOU>I:>V Japual) (:l!lqnd AJelON) :saJ!dxa UO!SS!WWO:l AII\I Aq !o Aep 'lTv'::> 'v' 'v'NH3^ S!4l aw aJo!aq pef3pelMompe seM lUeWnJlSU! S!41 ::10 'ss ::10 (Ilmp!^!pul) ._~ u#:I-7~ (:l!lqnd AJelON) Q,;Lpu ~ o AII\I ." Qo-( .., ...... I(;'.c !O Aep ..,e.-$ t' ~ .. 'ss '1/.JV9/l/f!:lO '11\1'::> .1 13n3l:1 S!4l ew aJo!eq pe6peIMou)j::Je seM lueWJ1nSU! S!4.l <a.r-4flif' l( 7QJII.'7::10 .A-j-J.o')a;; lIenp!^!pUI) . .lN3WE)a31MON>I:)V LN3.UISaRa-3.8IA ROINaS 'NaSNVH .~ XHVW ~~ .... .~ ~. . ,UOS 10UO"ON J!~../ :l:I3aN31 Aq / ~ rP"l1 -4Y )./~j ~~~~~~ V'-'';j ~ 'lueWnJlSUI A1!Jn::Jas S!41 !O Ado:J e !Old!eoeJ se6peIMOU'I:Je oSle Jo6eBlJOII\I 'lUeWnJ1SuI A1!Jnoes S!41 U! peU!R:j.uoO s:j.ueue^O:l pUe SWJ9:j. 94:j. Ol s9aJBR J06ef31JOII\I 'f3u!uf3!s ^S 'S3l:1n.lVNE)IS :t]r.":"......~ ~.J(} if __" ~ Ai "~.;4:('~ '\ lrrr........ {) (' n ~