HomeMy WebLinkAbout874236 - - - 01014802 ?'7~c2cB& POWER OF AT6:;1Jba.~ 6 /ij\ '"'ECr:' IVED t.:V rL ,.. L1NCOL.N COlHHY CLERK 11 " n" 10' I) \.:} o \ ..It _ - t. I~l'i . ,), 639 BOOKi~~67 PRPAGE "" ~ ' I \) C~ \!...~ /1 (" ~.,~ c' R J [/-\1\ ['h_ ,i I"J I'; L C. f" P 'I'" o~llr.,IG \(f:JMAErIC,'\. ./ I I'll; KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Ruth M. Esperance has made, constituted and appointed. and by these presents does make, constitute and appoil1t Jay T. Espcrance, trut\ 8IId lawful atto~ey for her and in ber name, place buy, convey and mortgage realty, and to execute 1'lQte, mortgillge and other ins~ents relating to realty ~ I hereby give my said attorney full power to do everything wha.tsoevei"r~quisite lWd necesSaIy to be dop,e in said'lrflI1Ssction pertaining to the purchase of the following 4escribed property: sEE EXHIBIT "A" ATIAClmD HERETO giving and granting unto wd attorney, full power and authority to do and perfonn all and every ~t and thing whatsoever, requisite and neccSSfUY to be done in and about the premises as fully to all intents and purposes, as he might or could do if personally present \'lith :full power and sl4,bstitution and l'~ocation. hereby ratifying and confinning all that my said attorney or my substitute shallla.wfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. In witness whMeofJ we have set our hands and seals this ~ay of June, 2001. ~ #' ~#%cP~ Ruth M. Esperanee (0. 22. -at State of oreev.Jn County of J CDOS I, C~l rieL J:B lantol1 . a. NotaIy Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that said Ruth M. Esperance, personally known to me to the identical person , described in the foregoing insnument, and whose ~ is subscribed thereto, appeared before this day in person, and ac).:nowledgea that she signed, sealed llOd delivered said instrument of writing as his :free and voluntary act. for the uses and purposes therein set forth. . ")'') II vi Given under my h;md and notEl,IY seal this ~ day of June, 2001. _flantm Notary Pu li My comttliTion TIires; .5 2-1 I Zto2- , - ~ OFFICIAL SEAL CARLA J BLANTON NOTARY PUBUC.OAEGON COMMISSION NO. 310293 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 21, 2002 ZOO/ZOO'd !O!9# Z€:ot !OOZ,ZZ'Nnr ...... - - - 'E661 laqW~AON ~1 p~~~p '~NIWO^M. 'A.LNIl03N'I03NI'l M.61UI Nlf.L 8l NOI.L3:!lS '1t3:S'hA\S 'YtA\SYJ:S :!lH.L NIH.LIM. S.L3Vl1.L .!IO .L V'1d H3nI ow a([Iln" P~ll!l AlunO;) U[ootl!'1jO :>{l~l;) ~quo ~~!IJ0 aql U! pam: leld aql ql!M. a~ueplO~~~ UJ rrv ~1\\S"60068S '3UJaq '1\\61 nI NZfl. '8<: uO!l~as jO ~1\\S aquo aUJI tpTIOS alp. S! AQJUTIS S!l{llOj ZlUJ.maq aseq aq.! ~l~ell paqp~sap aAoqe aquo AIlalwa pue Ivl-<:1 .ON p130lI A:j.uno;) :>{aa1;) MOl;) aqljO ApalsaM al~Ul!S ilUJaq puB '3UJA:I '8<: uo!pas PI13SjO '/THSo/i:S aqljO la~j (09) -^lx!S qlTIOS alp. SSOl~e ptm laAO ssa.t'3a pue ssa~UJjo lq'3p 13 ql1M l13H.laOO.l ~pJOoa1 jO ptm lq'3!S jO SlUatuasea olloafqns ~ssaI 10 alOW 'sa1013 96'vjO ~am tm '3UJsSBdwo~ua ~ONINNIOas: .110 .LNIOd atp ol 'n t :>{oog UJ l~1311 PIes JO all!I lsaA\ aql Zluopl 'laaj 00'099 '3:.v'LZoOOS 3:;)N3H.! ~nE :>{oog U! P~ll P!~SjO lawo~ lsaMl{lloN al.{l ql!M I~:l!lnap! 'lU!od 13 Ollaaj99'L8f '3:S"60068N 3:;)N3H.l ~lUJod ~ Ol 'a~uaj '3UJlspca ue '3noI13 'laaj ~O'OL9 '&...I'LvoO IN 3:;)N3H.l ~lU!od 13 Ol 'all!I qlTIOS P113s iJnopl 'laa1 Z~'L9Z 'A\.S'60068S '3t1!TIII!iuo~ 3DN3HL ~a~mo pres tl! pam al13~!p'lla;) UOJl13PlooalI laWO;) ptm'1 pamlla;) aqllI! pa'l!l~sap se punOj ''/T3:S'/TA\S PJ13SjO laWO:llsuaqlTIOS aql wo:g: lQa] 00'099 'A\S"60068S 'EL~ a'3tJd no l1d jO E IE ){oog: lI! aomo pms lI! plO~aljO l01311ltnlljO laUlO~ lsaMqlnos aql 1I11M pl:lJluap! ''/T3:S'/TA\S P!13S jO aUJI tpTIOS alp. no lIl!od l3 113 ONINNIOag: :SM.OrrOj Sl3 paqp::>sap 'ILv aill3d uo lId O~E :>{Oog: II! 'AlunO;) U[o~lI!'1jO :>{laI;) aq1jO a~m:o aqllI! plOOaJjO P131lll3qlJO llBd '3lI!aq ''3lI!WOA&" 'AlunO;) U[0:JlI!'1 '1\\61111 'NZE.l '8<: uO!l.:l'aSjo ~3:S'/TA\S aquo ll13d 1l31{.! "..':',,'.'''.. ".1..,..\ ...~' . ()!79 ~~~~ZV!..J10 " .......