HomeMy WebLinkAbout874238 r-U1U1415UL Return To: Cendant Mortgage Corporation '2001 Bishops Gate Blvd. Mount Laurel. NJ 08054 Prepared By: Dawn Lavoie. Cendant Mortgage Corporation 3000 Leadenhall Road Laurel. NJ 08054 , ~~~~~::::;,;:. -.;" - -. ~~ "a..E-'SE Q;....<.::~,. .C?.,' .," . i , "0" \. :'h:: "'M/ '0'- f:t t:,f;, g(::.\ 1- lS- . . ;", --:< '_/~ t~ t;rJ~l\.J.llb / C~:'l ~~- . Mount 814238 RECEIVED LlNCOU,.j COUNTY CLERK o \ JUL - 2. /!I}IIO: 38 lEANNE "i'i/\GNE.R kEMMEF{ER. WYOMING ~~ J./IlOO BOOIlAf:i7 PRPAGE 641 [Space Above This Line For Recording Data] Loan #: 0015569288 DEFINITIONS MORTGAGE Words used in multiple sections of this document are defined below and other words are defined in Sections 3, 11, 13, 18, 20 and 21. Certain rules regarding the usage of words used in this document are also provided in Section 16. (A) "Security Instrument" means this document, which is dated June 29th. 2001 together with all Riders to this document. (B) "Borrower" is Jay T Esperance. A MARRIED PERSON and Ruth M Esperance. A MARRIED PERSON Borrower is the mortgagor under this Security Instrument. (C) "Lender" is Cendant Mortgage Corporati on Lender is a Organ; zat; on organized and existing under the laws of New Jersey WYOMING-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT G -6(WY) (0005) @ Page 1 of 15 Initiel':~ a..l'r\ VMP MORIGAGE FORMS. (800)521.7291 Form 3051 1/01 Original IL ,i$;g,,: . ...: :-.~.~/)~~%.~i~.::i.~;.~.~~~:: .. ::~.. . ::/~i_k~~..::.. .);::"\!.~~:::. r ... . -:~,~.::,~ :""~. -.. . . - . :~ :.' :.,' '. ." "..- :,.i-"-- ; ~;~;)~;:". '. ':'::irlt ;-:;'::":'~ ", :\~i;:~'. " ,'~~~"'.' ,..,j~~r. ' .' ~~(~}j.> i' ,:,1j\ -.,-',1. .,"1 )~i , 'j;;:~F .' .:.:~~y," .;~;::..:';: " t:~};..:, .: ~.?i.\:~~ . ~~i_? .. . :;S!.{..~::; " "':;~:;;~>::: \ . ,".~;;!./ .' '; <:-~'~~~~/.~ '::' ,. . 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'uoHRln'lJal l3U!lUam::lldm~ SH pUt! (" b::lS ~a I09Z UO~l;)::lS ';)"S" Il Z I) PV samp::l;)OJd ~uamaIHas ::l~R~S3: {Ila'M aql SURam "V dSIDI" (0) 'luawru~suI Alym;)::lS syq~}O € UO!l;);)S lapun SlunomR AUR on snld 'a~oN ;)q~ Japun lS;)lalU! pUt! IRdpupd W JO} ;)np lunourn palnpaq;)s A{lRlnl3al aql SURam "luawABd ;J!POpad" (N) 'Ut!o"] ::lql 'UO ~lnRJaP 10 '}O ~uamARduou aqllSU!R~R lapua, jjU!PalOld a;)URmSU! SURam "a;JuB.lnsuI a:JB:Jpow" (W) 'Alladold ::lq~ }O UO!lWUO;) 10/PUR ;)nlM aql '01 SR SUO!Ss!mo 10 '}O SuopR1UaS;)ld;)lS!m (A!) 10 ~UOpRUm;)pUO;) }O n::ln U! a:JUt!AaAUO:J (~m :All::ldOJd alp }O ~.md AUR 10 IIR }O ~UptRl lalpO 10 uopRUUIapUO;) (n) ~Alladold aql '}O uop;mllsap 10 '01 ajjRmRp W :10} (~ UO!P::lS U! paqp:Jsap S::l'i3Rl::lAO;) aqllapun P!Rd sp::la;)oJd ;);)Ut!msu! Ut!qll::ltnO) A~.md Pl!q~ AUt! Aq pYRd spaa:Jold JO 'sa~Rurnp }O p.mMR 'luamalllas 'uopRsuadmo;) Atre SURaw "spaa:>o.ld snoaUBlla:>s!w" ('1) 'f: uoypas uy paqp:Jsap a.m lRql small ::lsoq~ sUt!am "swan A\o.l:>s3:" ()I) , Sl::l}SUt!ll ::lsnoql3u!.m::lp palRmo~nR ptre 'SJ::l}SURJl al!M. 'auoqdalal Aq pa~RmU~ s.Ia}SURJl 'suop:msUt!ll ::lu~q::mw l::lIP~ palRwolnR 'SJ::l}SUt!ll aIRS~}O-lU!od '01 p::JHwn ~ou s~ mq 'sapnpu! ml:ll q;)ns '~uno:J:m Ut! lwal:> 10 l!qap 01 UO!111l~lSU! [R!:>Ut!U!J R :lZpmnnR JO 'PrulSU! 'l:lplO 01 SR os adR~ :>!l:lUl3Rm 10 'J::l~ndmo:> '~uamru~su! :>!lIoqdala~ 'IRU!Wlal :>!lI01P:lya UR q~nOlql p::l~R!l!U! S! q:>!qM. 'luawrulsu! l:ldRd lRHwys JO 'URlp '){;):lq:> Aq P::llRU~~pO UO!PRSUt!.Il R uRql laqlO 'spun} }O l:l}SUt!ll AUt! SUR:lm ".laJSUBJ.L spun.!! :>!UO.lpal3:" (r) , 'UOPRZ!URl3JO .ml!W!S 10 UO!lRPOSSR Sl::lUMOawoq 'UOpRpOSSR mn!u!wopUO:> R Aq A~J::ldOJd aq~ JO JaM.011og Uo pasodw! aJR lRql S::J~.mq:> JaqlO ptre sluawss::JssR 's::J:l} 's::Jnp l{ll SUl~am "sluawssassv pUB 'saa.!! 'sana UO!lllpOSSV Al!unWWO;)" (I) , 'suo!u!do {IlP!pnf a[qRIRaddR-uou 'IRU!} a(qe;)nddR IIR SR IIaM. SR (M.RI }O l:>a]Ja aq~ aARq ~Rt.{l) sJapJo pUt! salru :lA!lRJ~S!U!mpR pUR sa:>Ut!U!plO 'SUO!lRln~al 'sa111lR1S IR:'lOI ptre ::llR1S '[Rlap::l] ::l[qR:>nddR ~UmOllUO:> lIe SURaw ..A\ll'l alqU:'l!IddV" (II) .Jap~l:l Wl:lV [A}~;)ads] (s)laql0 [!] laPRl luamARd A[){aaM.!a D lap!}! Al!urnd 17-1 D lap!'M luamdolaAaa l!lIfl P::lUUl!ld D laPRl amoH puo:>as D JapRl mn!u!mopuo;) D l:lPRl V A D lap!'M uooI{llg D JapRl alR'M :llqRlsnfpv [!] , : [:l[qR:>nddR SR xoq )[:>:lq:'l] 1:lM.0110g Aq P:lln:l:lX:l :lq 01 :l.m Sl:lP!'M ~U!M.OnOJ at.{l 'J::lM.0110g Aq p::Jln:>:lx:l are lRt{llU::lWru~suI A~pn;)::lS s~q~ 01 sJapnl IIR SUR::lm ..s.lapnI.. (-n) 'lS:l1:l~U! snld 'lU:lmru~suI AHm:>:lS syqll:lpUn :lnp smns IIR pUR ':llON :It{~ J::lpun :lnp S:l'lJ.mq:> :llRI pUR S:l~.mq:> lU:lWARd:lJd AUR 'lS:lJ::llUY snld '::llON ::It{l Aq pa:'lUap!A:llq:lp ::It.{~ SUR:lW "UllO'].. (i[) " ' Alladold :lql U! slq~rn JO J:lJStreJl.. jjU!PR::lq :lIp l::lpUn MOI:lq p::lqp:>S:lp S! lRql All:ld01d ::lq1 sUt!:lm "Al.Iado.ld.. til) n:02 . =lSI ^ lnr Ut!q1l::llRI ~ou IInJ U! lq:lp::lq1 ARd 01 ptre S~U::lWARd ;)!pOP:ld .m[n'lJ::lJ U~ lqap S!q1 ARd 01 p;lS!mOld SRII l::lMOlJOg 'lS;ll;llUY snld ( 00' 000' 022 $ "S" Il) s.mIIoa s=lua:> o.Jaz pue s.Je lloa puesnmu ^=lUaM.L pa.JpunH OM.L l:lpU::Y1 S:lM.O 1:lM.0110g lRq1 S::llR1S :llON :lql lODe . 4=l62 aunr p;llRp ptre J::lM.0110g Aq p::lU~Ys alQU A.lOSS!mOld alp streaw ..aloN.. (a) 'luamru~suI Alpn:>as S!ql1:lpUn a<lllRllllom aql S! l<lpua'l 179080 rN . la.Jnel =lunow PIWl:l l Le4uapeal OOO€ sY SS:UppR S,J:;!PU;;l"] '2 V 9 b Ir" .~'" J/t,... .e, (~; .f'\ Mr?j.-I[ri/V(.-.......C'.tlJ - - - ..... '.}, ': .:.:.^-~.~:,/:f...~:'.::.. - .......... .. .. . , ./,'\~~i.ii~~~::. ." . .:.;.: ...>~~~~~~}:\f.' .\1;: LOlL L90€ WJo:l @ (gOOO) (AM)9-_ 9L JO e a6ed '^"t; @ :Sle!IIUI S!ql JO :llON ;Jqll;JpUn lU;JWAlld Sll J;Jpu::l'1 Aq P;JAl;J:J:ll lU:lWTU1SUl1;JqlO JO )(;);Jq:J AUll ]! 'J:lA;JM.OH . A;)U;J1Jn;) 'S'D ul apllW aq !Illqs lU;JWnllSUI AlpnJ;JS srql pUll aWN ;Jql J:lpun :lnp SlU:lWAlld 'f; uOP:J;JS 01 llllmSlfid SW;JlI M.OJ:Js3: JO] spmlJ Alld oS{ll !Illqs laM.OJJog '<"IWN :lllll:lpUn :lnp S;Jjjlllll:J :lllll pUt! s;Jjjreq;) lU<"IWAlld;Jld AUt! pUt! ;JWN :ltp Aq p;J:JU:lP!A<l lq;Jp <lql 'UO lS<l1;J1U! pUt! ']0 ledpupd ;Jql <lnp U:lqM. Alld HellS J:lM.OllOg 'sa~b8q;) al8'} PU8 'saSi8q;) luawA8daJd 'swall M.O.l:Js3: 'lsa.laluI 'IBdpuPd JO lU<lUlA8d '1 :SM.OHO] se ;J;Jl1Je pue lUeUaAO;) Japua! pUl~ l:lM.OllOg 'SlNVN3:A0:J W'MO::IIND , All:ldold leaJ ::1Up:lAO:J lU;JWnllSU! Al!lfi:J;JS wJOj!un e alfilpsuOJ 01 UO!P!pspn[ Aq sUOpe!reA p<ll!W!{ 1l1!M. SlUt!U;JAO;) wlo1!un-uou pUt! ;Jsn leuowm 10j SlUeU;JAO:J WlOj!lln S;JU!qwo:J lN3:WD'MlSNI AlmD::>3S SIHl 'PIO:J;Jl jO S;J:JUt!lqwn:JU:l AUll 01 pa[qns 'SpUt!W;Jp pue swrep Ire lSU!1~::1ll All;JdOld ;Jtp 01 :lIlP ;JIll AHlll;JUa::1 pU<"Ij<"lp IHM pUll StullmM. l;JA\OllOg 'pJO:J;JljO s:l;)ut!Jqmnju<l JOj ld;J:JX;J 'pal;JqWnJuaun sl All;JdOJd <"Illl llllll pUt! A1J:ldOJd :ll{l A<lAUOJ pUt! lUlll~ ';J::1e::1110W 01 11l::1P ;Jql Sllq pUll P:lA;JAUO:J Aq;Jlall :lllllS;J ;JllljO pas!as AHn]M.el S! l;JM.OllOg lllql SlNVN3:AO::> 'M3M.mnIOH ,,' AU:ldold.. atp SlllU;JwrulsuI Al!lfi:Jas S!lll Ul 01 p;JJJ;Jj;)l sl ::1U!O::1;JlOj ;JIll jO !IV 'lU:lWnllSUI AlpnJ<lS S!lll Aq p;Jl;JAO;) aq oSle Hlllls suo1HPpe pUt! SlU;JW;J;)eld;Jl HV . All<ldOld ;Jql jO lllld II J:llje,}J;Jll 10 M.OU S<"IlmXlj pUt! 'S:l;)UllU;Jllfidde 'slU<"IWaSll:l Hll pUll 'A1JadoJd ;JIll uo papal;J J;Jljea1all 10 MOU SlU;JW;JAOldw! <"Iql l{ll HlIM. lI3:Hl3:DOl [~PO;) d!Z] OH€8 ::1U!WOAM. ' [Al!;)] [laa1lS] jO SSaJppll alll Sllll AIlU;Jllfi;) q;)l11M. : <.. SS;JIPPV Auadold ,J NO.l.:lV 3^I~a SllIH iS3M 811 :J<lqwnN 01 P:Jred 'SdS~Wd~d Pdq~~~SdP d^OqE d41 JO dJ~~d dSE4~~nd d41 d~n~dS 01 ua^~6 a6E6l~oW Aauow aSE4~~nd E 6u~aq s~4l :4HMa.Jd4 ALsnoauElLnw~s pap~o:)a.J 5u~aq paap Aq u~a.Ja4 S~05E5l~OW a4l 01 paAa^UO~ sas~wa.Jd awes a4l 6u~a8 'Joa~a4l l~ed e apew pue 01d~a4 pa4:;JE11E UO~ld~~:)sap LE5aL E Aq paq~~:)sap AlJEln~~l~Ed a~ow 6u~a8 [uo!p!ps!Jnf gU!p,IOoa~ jO ameN] [uO!P!PS!JOf gU!lllOO;l~ jO adA.L] N10JN Il jO AiNnOJ ;JIll ul P:llll;)OI A1Jadold p;Jqp:JS:lp 1JU!A\OHOj :llll ';J{llS jO l;JM.od 1l1!M. 'SU~!SSll pIm SlOSS;J;);)ns S,l;JpU;J"l pIm l;JpU;)"] 01 AdAUO:J pIm lUt!l::1 ';J::1eilI10m Aq;JJ;Jll saop l;JM.OIIOg 'dsodmd sl11110d ';JlON ;Jtp pIm lU;JWnllSUI Alpm;JS sl111 lapun SlU;JW;J;Jl1Je pIm SlImUaAo:J s, l;JMOJJOg jO a:Junwlop:ld ;nIl (H) pIm ~:l1O N :lql jO suope;)y!pow pIm SUO!SU<llX;J 'SleM;JU;Jl He pUll 'uno! :lllljO lU;JWAlldal :llll C1) :l;JpU;)"] 01 S;JlnO;JS1U:lWnllSUI Alpn:J:lSS111l AHI3:dO'8:d 3:Hl NI SlHDm dO '8:3:dSNWl 'lU:lWnllSUI A1IJn:J:lS S!lll lO/PIm :llON aql J:lpun SUOpll~!lqO S,l:lA\OJJOg p:lwnsse sllll Alred lellllou 10 l:lql<"lqA\ 'AU:ldOld :lql 01 :l1l11 U;J){lll sellleql Alred AIm SIm:lW 1I.1;JM.O.l.log JO lsa.lalUI uf .Ioss<l;);mSII (d), f: {79 se~~'\h~J~O , ~ - - - u~~r7L\~38 644 Security Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments' due under the Note and this Security Instrument be made in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the location designated in the Note or at such other location as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notice provisions in Section 15, Lender may return any payment or partial payment if the payment or partial payments are insufficient to bring the Loan current. Lender may accept any payment or partial payment insufficient to bring the Loan current, without waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or partial payments in the future, but Lender is not obligated to apply such payments at the time such payments are accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds until Borrower makes payment to bring the Loan current. If Borrower does not do so within a reasonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. If not applied earlier, such funds will be applied to the outstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to foreclosure. No offset or claim which Borrower might have now or in the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument or performing the covenants and agreements secured by this Security Instrument. 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise described in this Section 2, all payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the following order of priority: (a) interest due under the Note; (b) principal due under the Note; (c) amounts due under Section 3. Such payments shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in the order in which it became due. Any remaining amounts shall be applied first to late charges, second to any other amounts due under this Security Instrument, and then to reduce the principal balance of the Note. If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the late charge. If more than one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received from Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments if, and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in full. To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of one or more Periodic Payments, such excess may be applied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied first to any prepayment charges and then as described in the Note. Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the Note shall nOl t:xlt:ml ur pustpune tht: due date, or change the amount, of the Periodic Payments. 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum (the "Funds") to provide for payment of amounts due for: (a) taxes and assessments and other items which can attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Property; (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) premiums for any and all insurance required by Lender under Section 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance premiums, if any, or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums in accordance with the provisions of Section 10. These items are called "Escrow Items." At origination or at any time during the term of the Loan, Lender may require that Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow Item. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this Section. Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at any time. Any such waiver may only be in writing. In the event of such waiver, Borrower shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts G -6(WY) (0005) <!l Initials: @ R{rf' paga 4 of 15 Form 3051 1/01 . ..., ~:. ...... lr.... - . ; "-;"':';:"~"~',:.::.. '. .. '.."v:.':'''. " .;:':~'<}~~,i{~~:/...." .,.~....-':~;:~~~:~~~v:~~ '. . .I,\~:.'-:,:..';.~.. - . ......, LOI L LSOe: WJo:l @ (5000) IAM)9-. 5 ~ jO 5 aBed '-'J~:Sle!l!UI oql a'U!AJ!lUoP! o;)!lOU UIM\OJlOg OAra' AUW 10pUo'l 'lUoWlUlSUI A1pmoS S!qlloAO A1POpd U!llllU UU;) q;)!qM uOH U 01 Po!qns s! A1JadOJd alp JO llud AUll1uq1 SoUIUIJa10p lapuOYJ JI "lUoWtU1SUI Alpmos s!lp 01 uan alp a'UpUuIPloqns Japu<Y]: 01 ArOl;)UJSPUS lUaW;);)la'U uu ua![ aqllo laploq oql UIOIJ S;)ln;)oS (;)) 10 ~p;)pnpUO;) al11 sa'ulpaa;)Old q;)ns Ulun AIUO 1nq 'a'u!puod am sa'UIPoo;)Old osoql oI11lM uan aIplo lUowa;)lOlua aql lUoAold 01 OlllJodo uo!u!do s ,1;;lPU;>'1 U! q;)!lIM sa'U!poo;)Old llla'oI 'U! U;;l![ oq1lo lU::IUI::I;)lOlua lSU!ll'Bn spuopp 10 'Aq ql!llJ POoa' ul uon oql SlSolUO;) (q) ~luaUIoola'll lpns a'U!UIlojlod S! 10MOII0g Sll a'uOI os AllIO lnq 'lopUo'l 01 :;l[qllld::l;);)UloUUllUI 11 ul uan :;lq1 Aq palm OS uopll'Bnqo oqllo lUoUIAlld al{1 01 'BUppM U! sa:ua'll (11) :loMOJlOg ssaIun luaUItUlsul Alpmas S!ql l::lAO A1POpd Sllq q;)!qM uon AUll oa'.rnq;)s!p AndUIOld HllqS laMOJlog '( uOlpas u1 P;;lP!AOld lauuuw aql u1 woql Alld IfIlqs l::lMOl1Og 'swall M01;)S3 ::I.rn sUIa11 ;;lS::Iqlluqlluolxo oql 0.1 "AUlll! 'SluOllissassy pUll 'soot! 'sana UOPllPOSSY Al!TInUIUIO;) puu 'hUll J! 'Allodold aql uo SlUol punOla' JO SlU::IUIAud PIoqasuaI 'lU::IWtU1SUI h1pn;);)s S11l1 l;)AO Alpopd U!llllll all;) q;)lqM hlladold ::Iql Ol 0lqUtnqpl1u SUO!l!SOdUI! pUll 'souIJ 'saa'.Iuq;) 'SlUoUISSoSSU 'SoXll1 IIll hUrl Iprqs laMol10g 'suan ~sa~Jtlq:J '17 "lopu:q hq ppq spunt! hUll .I;)MOllOg 01 Punl01 AIldWOJd lfl~qs 10pUOYJ 'lUaWtU1SUl AlPn;)as slql Aq pam;)as SUIns HU10 HtlJ U1 1UoWhUd uodn "SlUoUIhUd hIl{1UOUI ZI uuql alOlli OU U! lnq 'YdStnl ql!M o;)UllPIO;);)ll U! A;)UopIPP oql dn a)[llW 01 h.rnSSo;)au 1unoure aql1apu::I'l 01 hlld nllqs 1aMollog pUll 'YdS311 hq pal!nbol se l;)MOlJOg hJPOU Huqs l::lpua'l 'YdSffillopun paulJap Sll '^'t01;)So U! PI;)q spUnt! 10 A;)UoPY;)P e sl al::lqllI "SlUoUIhed hIII1UOlli ZI Ullql a10W ou U! lnq 'YdS311 q11M a;)UUp10;);,m u1 a'Belloqs aql dn ::l)[lllli 01 Aressa;)<IU lunoure <Iql1opUOYJ 01 Aed neqs 10MOJ1Og pun 'YdSffiI hq pOl!nb<ll se10Mollog AJ!lOU nuqs lapua'l 'YdS:'Hr Japun pauyap se 'M01;)So ul PIaq spunt! 10 o'Belloqs U S! aJaql Jl 'YdS311 ql!M a;)Ullp10;);)1l U! sputlJ SS::l;)X::I oql1OJ l::lMOIIOg 01 luno;);)u Huqs lapuo'l 'YdS3'M lopun paug:ap SU 'A\01;)S::l ul Plaq spunt! JO snlcims II S! ;uaql JI "Y dSffiI Aq paJ!nbOl Sll spunt! aql JO 'Bupuno;);)u IllnUUll uu 'a'B.rntp tnoql!A\ 'l::lMOllOg 01 ;;lAra' nuqs 10pUOYJ 'spunt! ::lql uo p!lld oq IfIlqs lS::lJa1U! reql 'J::lA::lMOq ''BU!l!lM Ul aa1'Bu UU;) l::lpua'l puelaMollog 'spunt! ::Iql uo s'Bulu.rna 10 lSololUl hUll l::lMOllOg hed 01 p;u1nba1 oq 10U Heqs 10pUY{ 'spunt! oIp uo p!lld aq 011So1olU1 sa.I!nb::l1 Mll'"J o{qu;)nddy1O a'U!l!lA\ U! opew sl luaw:m'Bu Ull ssoIun 'o'B.rnq;) U q;)ns o)[lllli OllopU::l'l Sl!llIlod MU'l ::l{qe;)nddy pue spunt! oql uo lSololU! laA\OJlog sAed l::lpUo'l sS::lIun 'Slli<lll A\01;)S3 oql 'BuIAJPOA 10 'lUnO;);)u M01;)SO oql 'BU!ZAlUUU AnllllUUll 'spunt! oql 'BurAlddll pUll 'BuIPloq 10J laMOJlog a'B.mq;) lOU Illlqs l;;lpua'l "YdSffill::lpun pOIJpads ::llli!l ::lql uuql1::llUI OU slliall A\01;)S3 ::ll{1 Aud 01 spunt! ::lql AIddu Heqs l::lpua'l "){Ul!g UllO'l ollioH IUJapat! AUU Ul 10 (p::lmsul os alU sl!sodap ::lsoqA\ UO!lmnSUl ue SI l::lpUo'l J! 'l::lpUY{ 'Bu!pnpu!) AmUo 10 'hllf1l1uaWtU1SUl 'A;)Uo'Be fIl1oPoJ U Aq paJnsu! ::l.rn sl!sodop ~SOqM UOnmnSU! Ull II! PIaq aq HUllS spunt! oq.1 "A\e'l olqu:)nddy ql!M ::l;)UeplO;);)U U! as!MJ::IqlO 10 swall A\OJ:)s3 almry: 10 s;um!pu::ldxo JO salellinSo 0lquuose01 pUll elep lUallll;) JO s!seq oql uo onp spunt! JO lunoure oql olemnsa Huqs lapuo'l "YdS3'M Japan al!nbal Ull;) lopual U lunOWll llinlli!Xlllli al{1 paa:)xa 01 lOU (q) pUll 'y dS'inI lopun pam;)ods oUIn oql le spunt! aql Aldde 01 lapua'll!wJad Olluop!JJns (e) 1unoum Ull U! spunt! Ploq pUll l;)oHO;) 'awp AUll le 'Aew 10pUY{ "( UOP;)oS s!lp lopun paJ!nbal uoql o.rn leql 'slunoum q;)ns U! pUll 'spun.:! He 10pUo'l 01 Aed Huqs l;;lA\OllOg 'UOne;)OAol q;)ns aodn 'pUll ~l UOn;)as ql1A\ ;;J:)ueplO;):)e U! UaA!a' a:Jnou U Aq om!l AUll le slliall M01;)S3 He 10 AUll 01 se 10A!eA\ aql a){Oh;;U Aum lapu:YJ 'lunoure q;)ns AUll lapUa'l 01 Aud~l 01 6 UO!l;)oS lopun pOlll'Bnqo aq uaIp Huqs 10MOllOg pUll lunoum q;)ns 'Aud pUll 6 uO!l;)as lapun Slqa'!l s11 oSpIoXo Aem 10pUY{ 'llioll A\01;)S3 Ull 101 onp lunowe ~ql Aud 01 sl!ll1 10MOJlOg pUll 'l~AleA\ e 01 ltiensmd 'Al1;)al!p SW~11 A\01;)S3 Aed 01 pOle'Bnqo SI JaA\Ollog 11 "6 UO!P~S U! pasn s1 .1uawaal'Bu PUlllUllUoAO;). ase.rqd oql se 'lUaWtU1SUI Al!.m;)as srql U! poU!lllUO;) luawaa1'Be pUlllUllUaAO;) U oq 01 pawa;;lp ~q sasodmd 1lll10J Heqs Sld!:l;)~l ~P!AOld 01 pUll sluaWAlld q;)ns o)[ew 01 UO!lll'Bnqo S.loMOl1Og 'al!nbal AUlli 10pUo'l se pO!lad awn q;)ns U!ql!M }UalliAud q;)ns a'U!;)UoP!Ao sld1o;)al1apUrJ 01 ~S!TIltlJ Illlqs 'sal!nb~llopUo'1 Jl 'pue JapU;n Aq poAplM uooq suq spunt! JO )UoWAlld qJrt{A\ JOl swoll M01;)S3: AUll.IOJ anp St79 ...,.."l-I \,n R l:.--tl ~....'" 'i!} ~....~ {. ~ :.~ , ~ - Uf.lt~L\~38 - - 646 lien. Within 10 days of the date on which that notice is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or' more of the actions set'forth above in this Section 4. Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for a real estate tax verification and/or reporting service used by Lender in connection with this Loan. 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage," and any other hazards including, but not limited to, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts (including deductible levels) and for tht; periods that Lender requires. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to disapprove Borrower's choice, which right shall not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Borrower to pay,' in connection with this Loan, either: (a) a one-time charge for flood zone determination, certification and tracking services; or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone determination and certification services and subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes occur which reasonably might affect such determination or certification. Borrower shall also be responsible for the payment of any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the review of any flood zone determination resulting from an objection by Borrower. If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described above, Lender may obtain insurance coverage, at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligation to purchase any particular type or amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might not protect Borrower, Borrower's equity in the Property, or the contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or liability and might provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in effect. Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the insurance coverage so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insurance that Borrower could have obtained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. All insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be subject to Lender's right to disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal certificates, If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give !o Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any form of insurance c6verage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage to, or destruction of, the Property, such policy shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties, retained by Borrower shall not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation of Borrower. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with . .6(WY) 10005) @ Paga 6 of 15 Initial~ R~ Form 3051 1/01 -., . ""..1.'" ...rIIIl ........ - - '"r .~;~T:\;:~:~1~~ft( .:. .,: ::":I.,~:.;~~,~. .', :"::~>~.5%fg~: . ':':"'!\~}}~~:~~~i.:: " :i.,~' :~;~i::~'~/~'.'~ ." '",>,i~t~r,' ,:",,:"~'::g,/<:'. . , ";;":i";~t~~::,~,', .! /-'\ J\:~~"'~i:,~}~~.~s.:.:-" :,." "',"::'::,:,;:,=:::: ....:-.:.~.:}:.<:: ',....-..:.:,-;.;..: . ....:>~~~;~~~~;;:-. !~I;! . ":. .....:..?tt~~?~~... :";".,.:~;"::}:. ."' .'~'~:P~/::'::. 66/t ~SOt lUJO:l (j> W"(170661 (AMlg._ '\.u't;:t @Slell!UI g ~ jO L aOed ~lQRUOSRal ifuIked (J) pUR ~llnOJ U! il'upRaddR (q) ~1uaUlrulsur An1nJas S!t{l laAO AlpOI1d SRq qJIqM uaH R Aq p;;llnJ;;lS smns AU-e il'uIARd (R) :01 P;;llIW!! lOU am lnq ':)pnpu! URJ SUOpJR S,l;;lpua'l "Alladold aql ~UPIRd~110/PUR ~upnJ:)S pu-e 'Auadold ;;lql JO an{1.!A aql ifu!SSaSSR 10/PUR il'U!lJalOld ~u!pnpuI 'lU;;lWIU1Sur Alpm;;lS SIIp lapun Slqil'p pUR Alladold aql UI lS;;ll;;JIU! S,lapua'l 1JalOld 01 ;;Jl-epdolddR 10 alQRUOSRal S! l;;lA;;ll-eqM 10J ARd pIm op ARUl lapU;;l'l uaql 'Alladold ;Jq1 paUOpImqR SRq laM0110g (J) 10 '(suoIl-e\nil'al 10 Sl\\l1l aJloJUa 01 10 luaUlIU1SUI Alpmas sIql laAO AlIlO!ld UIRllR ARW qJIqM U;;J!! R JO lUaW;;lJloJua 10J '::unlIaJlOJ 10 UO!lRUUlapUOJ 10J 'alRqold 'AJldTill{ll"l1q U! ~u!paaJold R SR qJns) lU;JWIU1SUI AlpnJ;JS S!ql lapun Slqil'p 10/PIm Alladold aql UI lS;Jl;JlUI s,lapua'l panR AllURJ!J!uilIS lqi/IW lRql ilUIP;J;J;)Old rei/al R S! ;:)1:)q1 (q) 'luaWIU1SUr A1PnJ;JS S!ql U! paUIRIUOJ Slu;;lwaalil'R pUl! SlImUaAO;) ;;lq1 uuopad 01 slIRJ 1;JM0110g (R) JI 'luawn.l1SUI AlJ.JnJas S!q1 .Iapufl Slqil!lI PUtl Al.lado.y: aq1 U! lS;).I;)lUI S,.I;)pua'l jO UO!pa10.y: '6 "aJU;;lp!Sal I-ed!;)upd s,lal\\ol1og Sl! Alladold aql JO A;)URdnJJO s.laMo11og 'SuIIIlaJUO;) SUO!lRIUaSaldaJ '01 palIWH 10U am 1nq 'apnpu! SUOIIRIuaSald;;lJ Il!p;;lll!W 'UllO"l aq1 qlIM UOIlJauuOO U! (UOpRUlIOJU! IRp:~m!Ul qlIM lapu;:yy apIAOld 01 paUl!J 10) lapua"l 01 sluaUlalRls 10 UO!lRW1OJuI all!Jn;);)l!U! 10 'lluIPl!aIs!W 'as!RJ Anl!palRUl aAl!ll 1UaSUO;) 10 allpaIMOU)[ S,laMOl.log qHM 10 laMo11og JO UO!l;):llW aq1 lR ~UpJ-e sappua 10 suoslad AUB 10 l;JM0110g 'ssaJold UOPR;)HddB Ul!O"l ;;lql 'SU!lnp 'J! lInRJdp IT! ;;lq n-eqs laMOl.log 'uo!J1t.lUddV UtlO'] s,.IaA\o.l.log 'S 'aSURJ alql!UOSl!~ll q;)ns 'Su!AJpads uO!lJadsuI JOpalU! Im qJns 01 "wpd JO JO aUl!l aql1B aJ!lou lal\\ol1og ;;lA!~ IJl!qs lapua"l . Alladold ;;lIp UO slU:)UlaAOldUl! ;;lql JO 10palU! aIp1;)adsUI Al!W l;;lpua"l 'asnl!J alql!UOSRal sBq 1!1I "Alladold aql JO suopJadsu! pIm uodn saplua aIQBuosRal a)[RUl ARW lUa~l! Sl! 10 lapua"l .. 'UO!lRIOlsal JO l!Bdal q;)ns JO UO!l:)IdWOJ :)qllOJ UO!ll!gHqo S ,1;;lMOllOg JO paAaIlal 10U S! 1aMo11og 'Alladold aql ;JI01S;;lJ 10 lIRdal 01 lU:)!JIJJns 10U are spaaJold UO!ll!UUl~PUO;) 10 :)JImlnsu! aq1 11 "palaldUloJ S! )[1OM aq1 Sl! SlU:)UlAl!d ssalgOld JO sapas l! UI 10 1uawAl!d algU!S l! 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L "IOIIUOJ S,laMo11og pUOA:)q are qJ!qM lSIxa Sa;)UR1SUlnJlp 'SU!lBnUa1xa ssalun 10 'PlaqI[HM AJql!UOSBalUn aq 10U nl!qs lUaSuOJ qJIqM 'llUppl\\ uI Sa;;lJ'Sl1 as!1\\laqlO lapu:)"l ss:)yrrn 'AJImdfi;)JO JO all!p a1[l l:)lJ-e .rn:)A auo lSR;;lI lR 10J :)ouap!Sal redpupd s, l;;lMOllOg SR Auadold aql AdUJJO 01 anupuoJ nBqs pIm luaUlIUlsuI Alpnaas S!q1 JO uopnJaxa aqllalJl! SAl!p AlX!S U!ql!M aJUapISal IRdpupd s,laMollog SB All;;ldold ;Jql asn pIm 'qsHql!lsa 'AdnJJO lreqs laMo11og 'AJutldnJ;lO '9 "anp uaqllOu 10 Jaql;;lq1\\ 'lU:)WilllSUr A1I1UOJS S!ql JO :)lON aq1lapun PIRdun Slunom-e A-ed 01 10 A1Jadold aql alolsallo l!Rdal OllaIp!a spadJoJd aJImmSUI aql ;;lsn A-eWl;JpUa"l . Alladold aIp JO all-el;;JAOJ aql 01 aJqRJHddR am Slqllp qJns Sl! .rnJOSU! 'Alladold aIp 'SU!laAO;) sapHod aJURmsuI Ire lapun (l;;l1\\OlJOg Aq p!Rd swnIWald paumaun JO punJ;;lJ AUB 01 lqifp aq1 Imql laqlO) slqil'!l s,laMo11og JO laqlO AIm (q) pUl! 'luaUlIUlsul AlpnJaS SIllllO alON aqllapun PIRdun SlunOWB aq1 paaJxa 01 10U lunOUll! Im uI spaa;)old a:lURJnSU! AIm 01 slq'Sp S ,Jal\\ol1og (R) lapua"l 01 SUllISSl! Aqalaq la1\\Ol1og ';Js!h\Jat{lo 10 ZZ uOIpas lapun A1ladoJd :)q1 s:)l!nbJR lapua"l JI 10 'luaAa laIpp ur "uaAIll SI a;)!lou ;;lql uaql\\ uI'Saq IHM popgd Al!P-Ot: aq.L "UlIRIJ aIp alllas pIm a1R!l0'Sau Al!UllapUa"l uaql 'W!l!p '11 alllas 01 p~llanO SBq lap.rn;) a;)Ul!lnSU! :)q11Rq1l;;lPU;;l"l WOIJ ;;l;)110U '11 01 SA-ep at: UIll1!M pUOdS;JllOU saop laMollog JI 'Slalll!W pa1RI;JJ pUR wrep a;)ul!msuI alq~IreAB AIm ;Jlll;JS pIm all!!lo'Sau 'arY hl!W l;;lPU;:YY 'Al1adold aql SUOpImqR l;;l1\\OJlOg JI 'Z UOIlJaS UI 10J P;;lP!AOld l:)p1O :)Ill U! p:mddl! aq W::qs Sp;;la;)Old aJURlnSU! qJns 'laMollog 01 p!-ed 'AUR J! 'ssd;):l(a aqJ I. ~ 9 ~~~ :'7.ih~ f-'; n - - - U \: "'~~1 '. ",,l> ""ll to.:} '(':~ , LitN.....a 648 attorneys' fees to protect its interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including' its secured position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Property includes, but is not limited to, eIitering the Property to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drain water from pipes, eliminate building or other code violations or dangerous conditions, and have utilities turned on or off. Although Lender may take' action under this Section 9, Lender does not have to do so and is not under any duty or obligation to do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any or all actions authorized under this Section 9. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. ,. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. 10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the Mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer that previously provided such insurance and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If substantially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall continue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designated payments that were due when the insurance coverage ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer require loss reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amount and for the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer selected by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non-refundable loss reserve, until Lender's requirement for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender providing for such termination or until termination is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Section 10 affects Borrower's obligation to pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may incur if Borrowcr docs not rcpay the Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage. Insurance. ' Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk on all such insurance in force from time to time, and may enter into agreements with other parties that share or modify their risk, or reduce losses. These agreements are on terms and conditions that are satisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other party (or parties) to these agreements. These agreements may require the mortgage insurer to make payments using any source of funds that the mortgage insurer may have available (which may include funds obtained from Mortgage , Insurance premiums), As a result of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, any other entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may receive (directly or indirectly) amounts that derive from (or might be characterized as) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for sharing or modifying the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreement provides that an affiliate of Lender takes a share of the insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the premiums paid to the insurer, the arrangement is often termed "captive reinsurance." Further: (a) Any such agreements will not affect the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Such agreements will not increase the amount Borrower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they will not entitle Borrower to any refund. .. -6(WY) (00051 @ Ini'i.l~ R.lW"l Page 8 of 15 Form 3051 1/01 ...olIII lll..... - ,: '" .. '-:~; , : . , ....- ;'1 ..;j~I;, (,-,._",..... . . ~~; ;~~:.-r.'.. . > .::.:~.~~;t~~it. ~{I/ .\"g'lJ{' .. LOlL L90E UHO:l (j) 190001 lAMI9- CD \,o(j@e!I!U1 9 l )0 6 afled 'Z Uop:las U! 10] pap!AOld laplO ~l{1 U! panddR aq URqS A1I~dold aq1 JO l!Rdal 10 UOpU101sal 01 panddR lOll ~lU lH!P spa~oold snoaURIIaos!w UV "lapua'1 01 p!Rd aq URqS pUR paug!SSR "q;;llal{ alU A1I;;ldOJd ;;Il{l U! lS;;Il;;llU! S ,lapu;)'"} JO wawl!Rdw! al{l 01 aIqRlnqpnll am lRql sagllUIRp 10] W!llP 10 plRMR AUR JO sp~~:)Old aq~ 'lU~WllilSUJ Al!ln:las S!l{llapun slqap 10 Au~dold al{l U! lS~lalU! s,lapua'1 JO lUaWl!Rduq IRpa1RW laqlO 10 Auadold atp JO almpJlOJ sapnpald 'luawgpnf s,lapua'1 U! 'lRql aUHUl R q1!M pass~s!p aq 01 aU1paaooJd JO UOpOR aql gU1snRo Aq '61 uopoas U! pap1AOJd SR alR1SU!;;Jl 'pallnO:lO SRl{ uOpRlaI;;JoOR J! 'pUR lInR]ap R qons amo rre:) laMollog "tUaWllilSUJ Al!Jno~s S!q1lapun Stl{g!l 10 A1Jadold aqt U1 lsalalu1 S,lapua'1Jo 1UaWl!Rdw! [Ilpa1RW latpO 10 A1J<ldOJd al{l JO amlppo] u1 Hnsal PlnO:l 'luawapnf S,lapua'1 U! 'lRq1 unaaq S! 'IRU~PO 10 HAP 1~q1aqM 'au!paaoold 10 UO!l:lll AUR J! lInR]ap U! aq IIRqs laMollog 'spaaoold snoaURHaos!w 01 plUaal U! U0110R JO lqg!l II suq laMollog WOqM lSU!RaU AllUd aqt 10 spaaooJd snoarrenaOS!W laJ\\ollog saMO lllq1 "und Pl!l{l al{l streaw "Al1Ud Su!soddO.. 'anp ual{llou 10 lal{laqM 'lUaWtl.llSUI AlpnoaS S!ljl Aq paluoas smns aql 01 10 Auadold aql JO 11Rd;U 10 UOpll.l01Sal 01 .Ial{l!a spaaoold snoaullII;;lOS!W alll A(ddu prm loauoo 01 pazpOlltn-e S1 lapU<l'1 'uaA1a S1 ;;lO!lOU <lql <llllp <llll lalJU SA-ep Of u1Ql!M J<lpu;)'"} 01 puodS;;IJ 01 SUllJ l<lMOllOg 'saallWUp 10] lli!ll(:l II ~lnas 01 plRMR Ull ~)[Ilw 01 slaJJo (<lOUa1U;;lS lX<lU ~ql u1 p<lu!Jap su) Almd aU1soddO alll lUl{l l<lMOllOg 01 l<lpU<l'1 Aq <lo!lou l<llJll 'J! 10 '.I~MOllOg Aq p<lUoprmqu S! A1l<ldOld al{t 11 "<lnp U<lqt <lm swns <ltp 10U 10 .IaqlaqM 1uaWlUlsuI Atpnoas S!ql Aq paIn:laS swns ~q1 01 p<lnddR <lq Huqs spa<lOOld snO<lURH;;IOS1W ;;Illl 'aU!lPM U! aalaR ;;IS!Mlatpo l;;lPU;;I'1 pUu laMollog sS;;Iyun ';;InlllA U! SSOl 10 'UO!l:l1U1Sap 'aUPIU1 lllplUd aq1 ;;I10];Jq A1;;11R!paWW! P;;lln:l;;lS swns ;;Iq1]0 1unoUIR ;;Iql URqt ssal S1 anlllA u1 SSOllO 'UO!lOIU1S;;IP 'aUPlll1 Ill1Ulld alp ;;I10];;Iq AI;;I1U1paWW! Al.ladold aq1]0 anlRA t;;l)[lRW l!ll] ~l{1 tP1qM u1 A1Jad01d al{l]O anlllA u1 SSOllO 'UO!lOUllSap 'aupret [Il!Ulld U JO 1UaA<l aq1 UJ "l;;lMOllOg Ot p!lld aq nUlls aotrelRq AUV "anluA u!SsOI 10 'UO!lOtl.llSap 'aUPIRt[ll!Ulld aqt alO]aq A(a1ll!p;;lWW! A1ladold aql ]0 ~n[llA 1a)[lUW l!llJ aql (q) Aq pap!A!? an[llA u1 SSOl 10 'UO!lOlli1Sap 'gU!)[Ill [Il!llUd alp alOJaq Alalll!paWW1 pamoas swns ~ql JO lunoUIR IUlol ;;lq1 (R) :UO!lOlll] gU!MOUOJ aqt Aq pandmnw spaao01d snoarmuaos!w aLll JO 1unOWll aq1 Aq paonpal ;Jq UllqS luawlli1SUJ Al!moas S!lp Aq pamoas swns <ll{l 'au!lpM u1 aalgu as!MlaqlO lapUa'1 prm laMollog ssalun 'an[llA U! SSOI 10 'UO!lOIU1Sap 'aU!)[Rl [Il!llUd aql alOJaq AlalU!paWW1 1uaWlUtSUI A1Pn:laS Sllp Aq palnoas swns allt ]0 lunoUIR alp Ulll{l l;;lluala .lOOt Iunba S! anlRA U1 SSOI 10 'UO!101U1Sap 'gUPlll1 1R!llRd alp aJoJaq AP1R!paWW! A:uadold aql]O an1RA ta)(lllW l!RJ aql qJ1qM U! A1Jadold aql JO anluA U! 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UO!lU10lsal puu Sl!lldal alllloJ Alld Allw lapu;)'") . AndwOld ua)[llllapun aq URqS uO!lJadsu! Lpns lllql pap!AOld 'U011ORJS!lRS S ,lapua'l 01 pa1aIdwoJ uaaq SRq )[10M aql amsua Ot A:uadold qJns lOadsu! 01 At!llnuoddo Ull pllq SRq lapUa'l mun spaaJold snoaURHaJS!W qJns Ploq Olll.J:a'P ;;Jl{l aAllq UllqS lapU;)'"} 'popad UO!lll101S~1 pUR l!Rdal q:lns aupna "pauassal 10U S! A1pn:laS S ,lapua'l pUR ayq!SRa] AueJ!Wouo:)a S! l!Rdal 10 UO!llllOlsal aql]! 'Alladold alp 10 l!edallO UO!llllOlSal 01 pandde ~q Ueqs spaaoold snoauuITaJs!w qJns 'paa'uwep S! Au~dold aq11l 'l~pua'l 01 p!Rd aq neqs pUll 01 paUa!SSll Aqalaq alU spaa:lold snoauuUaJs!w UV '~JnnaJJo!l ~spaaJo.Jd snoaU8IIaJsIW JO luawU~ISSV . 1 1 'uoJl8U!WJ;)1 JO UOH811;)JU8J qJns JO awn aqll8 p;nU8aun a.laM l8ql swn!waJd ;)JUBJns1l( a~8~J.lOW AU8 JO punJaJ 8 ;)AlaJaJ 01 JO/PU8 'AIIBJ!18IDOln8 pa18uIIDJal ;)JU8.1ns1I( a~8~J.lOW aql aA8q 01 'aJu8JnsuI a~8~lJOW aql JO UOI1811;);)U8J U!81qo pUB lsanba.l Ol 'sa.lnsopsIP UI8J.1aJ aAla;)aJ 01 lq~IJ aql apnpuI A8w Slq~IJ asaq.L . M81 Jaqlo AU8 JO 8661 JO PV UO!palOld SJaUMoawog aql Japun aJu8JnsuI a~e~pow aql Ol padsaJ qllM - Aue J! - S8q JaMOJJog: slq~J.I aql l;);)JJ8 10U IHM sluaWa;)J~8 qJns AUV (q) 6179 ~f..""'t. .,' \.Jf'\. .,.' :J:,..,'j\. ~\ {. P . ;11111l ,JII - lH'..r742~i8 - - 65(J 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to Borrower or any Successor in Interest of .Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of B~rrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any Successor in Interest of Borrower or to refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy including, without limitation, Lender's acceptance of payments from third persons, entities or Successors in Interest of Borrower or in amounts less than the amount then due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants and agrees that Borrower's obligations and liability shall be joint and several. However, any Borrower who co-signs this Security Instrument but does not exe~ute the Note (a "co-signer"): (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey the co-signer's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lenqer and any other Borrower can agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without the co-signer's consent. Subject to the provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's obligations under this Security Instrument in writing, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain all of Borrower's rights and benefits under this Security Instrument. Borrower shall not be released from Borrower's obligations and liability under this Security Instrument unless Lender agrees to such release in writing, The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind (except as provided in Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for services performed in connection with Borrower's default, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees. In regard to any other fees, the absence of express authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specific fee to Borrower shall not be construed as a prohibition on the charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees that are expressly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law. If the Loan is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the Loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without an)'! prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for under the Note). Borrower's acceptance of any such refund made by direct payment to Borrower will constitute a waiver of any right of action Borrower might have arising out of such overcharge. 15. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender in connection with this Security Instrument must be in writing. Any notice to Borrower in connection with this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower when mailed by first class mail or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice address if sent by other means. Notice to anyone Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applicable Law expressly requires otherwise. The notice address shall be the Property Address unless Borrower has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of Borrower's change of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of address, then Borrower shall only report a change of address through that specified procedure. There may be only one designated notice address under this Security Instrument at anyone time. Any notice to Lender shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address stated herein unless Lender has designated another address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in connection with this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received by Lender. If any notice required by this Security Instrument is also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security Instrument. .. -6(WYI (0005) @ Pag" 10 01 1 5 Inltlal5~ Form 3051 1/01 ...... lIlrr..... 'l'i""" - ". 1.:- \ ':<":"'::;::'::/+:~'<:" . . ,~.:",;.'.\~;~'~{~3~;.~~::.:', ..'~"; ..., .'-:;::~,,:}~\~;~':::"'.' .' ',:/.i.':':""'-,',.' . "" /~:?~;~~:\,~., : ~".' -:~~r. . :".:..~i::!~,:' . ;""", . ",x,t!,i '. '.,,- . :I'!~~~:;}:.>. . :. '-', '.\~:./:<.~ .::"':': .>~.~~f}..~; .." /~>:?J~~:::~;' " .-..~~::,,':r'/?>~~;~ -.. ,fili' LOlL L90E WJo::l <i> (gOOOI (AMI9' is) \).l'?J ~'I.!l'UI g L )0 l L e6e.j YdS311 U011~UIlOjU! laqlO Atm pu~ apllm aq PInoqs sluamA~d q::l1l{A\ 01 ssalpp~ a'ljl 'la::l!^las u~o'l Mau aq1 JO ssalpp~ ptm amllU aql al~ls II!A\ q:>!qM a~u~q:> aql JO a::l!lOU UallpA\ UaA!~ dQ II!A\ laMOllog 'la:>!i\laS tmo'l ;)ql JO a~ullq::l II s1 ala'ljl JI 'alON aql JO aIlls II 01 pal~Ialun la::l1Alas UBO'l aql JO sagu~lp alOm 10 auo aq lqg1ID OSIll alaq.L 'Mll'l aIQll::lHddy pU~ 'luamrulSUI AlpnO;}S S1ql 'alON alplapUn suo!lllilnqo ilUp!i\l;}S UllOI ailllilllOm lalpO suuoJlad puu lUamn.l1sul A1!lmas S!'lj1 ptm aloN aql lapun anp sluamAlld ::I!P011ad spanoo lllql (.l;)O!i\laS tmo'l.. aql S~ UMOID{) Al!lua a'ljl U! ailullq::l II U! lInsal lqil!m aIllS V 'laMolloH 01 aO!lou lopd tnOlp1M saw!l alom lO auo PIos aq Ull::l (luamrulsul Alpn:>;)s S!lp ql!A\ laqlailol) aWN aql u11salalU! Ill!lllld II 10 alON aq.L 'a;)UllA<lpD JO <I::IJloN ~.I<1;)!A.Ias UllO'J JO a~lI11q:) ~aloN JO alllS 'OZ: '8 I uO!l::las lapun uO!l~lalao::lll JO' aSll::l alp U! Aldd~ lOU lIuqs allllSU!al 01 lqilp S1l!1 'laAaMOH 'palmO::lO pllq UO!llllap:>::m OU J1 Sll aA!loaJP AnnJ U!llmal HllqS Aqcllaq palmas suo!lllil1lqo pUllluamWlsul Al!lm<lS S1tll 'l<lMOllOg Aq lU<lmal~lSu!al uodn 'laJSU~lJ. spund 01uoll::lara: (p) 10 : Al!lUa lO Aln~tuamnllSU! 'Aou<lilll Illlap<lJ II Aq p<lmsu! al~ sl!sodap asoqM uO!lnl!lSU1 tm uodn UMlllp S! )(::Iaq::l q::lns AUll pap!AOld ')(::Iaq::l S ,l<l!qSll::l 10 )[oaq::l S ,1alnSllall ')(::Ialp )(truq ')(O<lq::l paY!ll<l::l (::l) :laplO Aauom (q) :l{Sll::l (ll) :lapU;)'l Aq P:l1;};)PS Sl! 'SlUlOJ :3U!MOIIOJ aql JO ~lOlU 10 ~Uo U! s~su~dx;) pUll sWns lUamall11SUFll q::lns A~d JaMOl1OH lUlp al!nb;)l Allm lapud} 'pa~u~lpun anupUO:J IIllqs 'luamnllSUI Anm::las slql Aq pam:>as swnsalp A~d 01 UO!ll!~![qo S,laA\Ollog pUll 'lUalUnllSUI AHln::las S!qllapun Slq~p pUll Alladold ::It{l U! lSal;)lU1 S ,lapU;)'l lllql alnssu Ol al!nbaJ Alq~UOSll;)l A~m J;}pua'l S~ UOp::lll tl::lns sa)(lll (p) pUll :luaWn.llSUI Alpn::las SIt{llapun Slq'3p pu~ Alladold aql U! lSalalU! S,l<lPUd} '3U!PalOld JO asodlnd aql 10J palln::lu1 saaJ lal{lO pUll 'saaJ UO!lllnl~^ pUll UO!l::l<ldSU1 AlladOld 'saaJ ,SAaUlOll~ a[Qlluos~al 'Ol P<ll1IDH 10U Inq 'iluWnpul 'luamrulSUI Alpnoas s1ql iluplOJua u1 p;}lln::lu1 sasuadxa IIll sA~d (::I) :SlU;}lUaalilll 10 SltmuaAO:> l;)t{lO Atm JO Iln~jap Atru Saln::l (q) :palln::l::lO p~q uopulaya::l:J~ ou J! Sll alON ;)ql ptru 1u;)mn.llSUI Al!lfi;)aS S!l{l lapun anp aq p[nOM ual{l 'lj::l1qM smns Hll lapud} SAlld (ll) :l;)MOllOg lllql aJ~ suo!l!PUO::l asol{.L 'lU;)mnllSul Alpn::l;)S s1ql ~uploJua lU:)lUilpnf l! JO Allua (::I) 10 :allllsupl 01 lqilp s,laMOllog JO UOPllU!Wl;)l aql 10J AJpads lqil1m A\ll'l a[Q~oHddy Sll popad lalpO qons (q) :lualUnllsul Al!ln::las S!lP U1 P~U!lllUO::l a[us JO laMod AUll ollullnSlnd Allado.Id <lql JO all!S alopq SAl!p a^y (ll) :Jo lSa![llla at{l OllOpd am!l AUll l~ panupUO::ls!P luamWlsul Al!lmas s1ql JO lU;)Wa::lloJua :)Al!q 01 lqilp :)ql aA~t{ lIl!qs laMollog 'SUO!l!PUO::l U!~lla::l Sl<l<lm laA\OllOH JI 'UO!lll.l<lI;););)" .I<1UY ;)llllSII!<llI 01 lq~rn S,.IaMO.l.log: '61 'laA\Ollog uo pUllmap 10 a::l!lou lat{llllJ 1noql!M lUaWnllSUI Al!lfi;)aS S!t{l Aq pamml;)d sa1pamal AUll a)(OAU1 Aum lapua'l 'popad S!lp JO U011111!dX<I alp 01 lopd swns asaql Alld 01 SY!llJ laMollog JI 'luamrulSUI Alpfi;)aS S!ql Aq paln::l<ls smns Ire Alld lsnm laMol1Og t{::l!qM U!l{l!M !;I uO!l::las lp!A\ a::lUUp1Oo:J~ U! uaA1il S! d::lpOU at{l al~p <lql mOlJ SAllp OE trul{l SS;)IIOU JO popad ~ aP!AOld IIllqs a:Jpou ;)q.1 'uon~lala::l::ll! JO a:>pou l;)MOllOg ;)A1il YIllt{s .I:)pud} 'UO}ldo S!t{l saSplaX<l lapu;q 11 . A\u'l a[Q~::l![ddy Aq p<ll1Q1l{Old S! asplaxa lions J! lapua'l Aq paSplaX;) dQ 10U l[Ilqs U011do S1q1 'laAaA\OH 'lUaWnllSUI Alpnoas S!ql Aq palfi;);:Js SlUns nil 10 HIlJ U! luaUIAlld alll!palUm1 a11nbal Allm lapua'l 'luasuo::l uanp^" 10pd s,lapU<l'llnot{l!A\ (p;)l.IaJsu~lllO PIoS S! laMol1Og U! lSal<llU1I~PY<lU<lq l! ptru uoslad I~lmllU II lOU s1 laA\Ollog J110) pallaJstrulllO PloS s1 Auadold aql u11salaluI Atru 10 All;)dOld al{l JO l.rnd AU~ 10 Hll JI 'las~qolnd II 01 all!p alnlllJ 1l11l1;)A\OllOg Aq aUll JO laJstrull alp S! t{::I!qM JO lUalU! alp 'lualUaal'3ll M01::lS;) lO PllllUO:) saIlls luamnlllSU! 'paap 101 Pll,IIUO::l 'pa<lp 10J puoq u U! pallaJsuull slSalalU! ll!pyauaq asoql '01 panW![ 10U Inq ''3u!pnpu! 'All;)dOld aql U! lS<llalU1Yllp!puaq 10 1~l3;)I Atru struam "Alladold aql U11sal:)lUI" '81 UOnO;}S s1ql 01 pasn sy '.1;)1\\0.1.100: II! lsa.laluI IBPuauao: II .10 A:J.IadO.Jd <llIl JO .IaJsIIB.I.1 '81 'lU;}WnllSUI Alpn:>;)s s1qljo pUll ;)lON aqljO Ado::l auo U:)A!l3 ;'lq IIlll{s l;}MOllOg . Ado:) S,.I<l1\\O.l.loo: . LI 'UOp::lll Atru a)(lll 01 UOplll3!Iqo AUll moq11M u01lal:>S!P ;)IOS SaA!l3 .Aum.. plOM atp (::I) ptru :llSl;)A a::l1A pUll yumyd ;}ql apnpu! ptru u~aw nllqs lllynilu!s aq1 U! SplOA\ (q) :lapuail au!u::maJ alp JO SplOA\ 10 SplOt<< lamau l1U!pUOdSallO::l apnpu! ptru truam n~qs lapuail aU!ImSl!lU atll JO SplOM (ll) :luamnllSUI AIPfi;)aS S1l{l U! pasn sy 'UO!S!AOld ilU1pmUO::l <lqllnOl{l!M paJJa u;)A!il aq U~::l q::l1t{A\ aloN alplO luamnllSUI Alpnoas S!ql JO SUO!S!AOld laqlO P<lJJl! lOU H~l{S l::lmuo:> tl::lns 'M~'l ayqllonddy q11M SlOmUO::l alON arlllo lUamtU1SUI Alpnoas S!ql JO asn~l::110 U01S1AOld AUll l~ql 1U;)Aa ::lql uI 'P~llUO::l Aq lUama;}lilll lSU!~~~ UO!l!q1qOld ~ Sl! pan.llSUO::l ;'lq lOU I[Ill{S a::lU;)I!S l{:>ns mq 'lU;;lHS dQ lql1!m 11 10 PllllUO:> Aq aal'3l! 01 sa!Ulld ;;lql MOHI1 AllPHdm! 10 A1l1::1Hdxa lq'3!m M~'l a[Qll::l![ddy . A\ll'1 aIq~o!Iddy JO Suo!ll!l!mn ptru sluama11nb<:l1 Atru 01 l::l;}fqns alll lUalUnllSUI Alpn::las S!lp U! pau1~lUO::l SUO!llll1![qo ptru slq'3p HY 'pa1l!::lOY S1 Alladold al{l l{::l!qM U! UO!l::l!pspnf aqljO Ml!Y alp pUll Ml!Y Illlap;}J Aq pauJ;)Aoil ;)q I[Ill{8 1U;)mn.llSUI Alpmas S!l{.1 'UO!PlU1SIIO:) JO salDlI ~Almqll.l<lA;)S ~1\\1l'I 2tU!U.laAof) '91 IS9 C)..-.""'-l., , C),f) N to;. t(.,.!.i. ~:......~" - - - ul~r~(4'238 652 requires in connection with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is' serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser. Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this Security Instrument or that alleges that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Instrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such notice given in compliance with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable'Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain action can be taken, that time period will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and opportunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this Section 20. 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or environmental protection; (c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial action, or removal action, as defined in Environmental Law; and (d) an "Environmental Condition" means a condition that "can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property (a) that is in violation of any Environmental Law, (b) which creates an Environmental Condition, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely affects the value of the Property. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property (including, but not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer products).' Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of (a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Environmental Condition, including but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law, Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup. .. -6IWYII00061 <!l l"ilialID €\~ Page 12 of 16 Form 3051 1/01 ..... ....... . ',.."/~/,;;:.y:: - - "i'~"1 :; .,:':~~:~~~1~~fJ~.:..' '. ..: '.," :':;:i.~={~~:Y~: ';' . .' ":.' ~. .\~.~1}j}.:.. ;;;;}1fg![ ...... ; ";;i,.3;'.;;!;;;~f1~;;<'''i'' . ,,"":')~~t,:'/' .".::' J'),if./~~~':i. ';;fl~; ~OIL L90e: WJo:j @ 19000) (AM)9-_ ~ f!)SI8!l!U1 9 I jO E I .~ed 'j3U!WOAM 10 SMuI uopdw:lx:l pU:l1S:lWoq aq1 JO ;nl111A Aq pUU l:lpUn Slq'3!l IIU S:lA1UM pue S:lSU:lJ;ll l:lMOllOg 'S.laAIBM. 'I:>Z . MU'1 :llqu01Iddy 1apun pau!w1ad S1 ;;I;}J aql JO j3ul'31UIIJ ;}ql pUll pa1apua1 SaO!A,ms 101 Allud p1~1 U 01 Pled S1 :l:lJ alp 11 AIUO lnq 'lll:lW1ll1SUI A1!lnO;;lS 81111 j3u1suaI;;I1 10J aa] R 1aMo11og a'ii'.reqo ARW 1apua'1 'SlSOO UOpRp100al Aue Aud IIRqs laMollog 'lUaWnl1SlII AHlm;}s SlIp asuapl IIRqs 1apua'l 'lUaWnllSUI Alpmas slq1 Aq palm;}S swns IIR JO luawAud uodn 'asBalall 'fZ 'J! 01 palmua Allu~al suos.lad .10 uos.lad aql 01 ssa;Jxa AUB (;J) pUB lluamn.llsuI Al!.In;Jas slql Aq pa.lnJas smns liB 01 (q) lsaaJ .SAaU.lo>>B alqBuosua.l '01 p:}}.!wn 109 lnq' '~ulpnpU! 'alBs aql JO sasuadxa 1113 01 (B) :.Iap.lo ~uIMoIIOJ aql U! panddu aq IIBqs alBs aql JO spaa;Jo.ld aqJ, 'alBs AUB lU Al.Iado.ld aql aSBq;J.lnd ABm aao~lsap sn .10 .Iapua'} . M.u'} alqmnddV Aq paql.l;Jsa.ld .Iauuum aql uI PloS aq lIuqs Al.Iado.ld aql pUB 'alBS JO aJ!lOO aql qs!(qnd lIuqs .Iapua'} 'S! oO!l;Jas uI papIAo.ld .Iauuum aql uI .IaMo.l.log 01 alus aql JO a;J!lou aAI~ IIBqs .Iapua'} 'MU'} alqmnddV ql!M a;JUBp.lOa;m uI 'lua.laJjIP JI 'Al.Iado.ld aqlJO uOIssassod uI uos.lad aql 01 pUB .IaMo.uog 01 aSOlaa.lOj OllualU! JO aa!lOU aA!~ Huqs .Iapoa'} 'alBS JO JaMod aql sa'loAU! .Iapua'} n 'OlaUap!Aa aml JO Slsoa pUB saaj ,SAaUJOnB alqBuosU<J.I '01 pallmn 109 lnq '~ulpnpUI '" uOlpaS slql uI pap!Ao.ld salpam<J.I aql ~u,ns.lndu!pa.l.lOR~1 sasuadxa liB pallO;J 01 pall!lua aq IIBqs .Iapua'} 'MB'} alqB;J!lddV Aq panlm.lad salpama.l .Iaqlo AUU 'PUB 'alBs JO .la.l\od aql a'loAoI ABm puu puumap .Iaql.lnj lnoqllM luawn.llsuI A:JpnJas Slql Aq pa.ln;Jas smns liB JO IInJ UI luamABd alBlpOlmm! a.llnba.l Aum uO!ldo sll 18 .IapoOY} 'Olanou aql U! pagp<Jds alBp aql aJoJaq .10 Uo pa.lna 10U sl nnBJap aql JI 'aIBS pUB uOllu.lala;J;Ju 01 .IaMo.l.log JO asuaJap .Iaqlo AUB .10 nnuJap B JO aJua1Slxa-uou <Jqll.laSSB 01 UOIPB l.Inoa B ~upq ollq~p aql pUB UOnB.lalaaJU .IalJB <J1B1SU!a.l Ollq~l.I aql JO .IaMOJJog m.loJuI .Iaql.lnJ IIBqs aJllOU aqJ, . Al.Iado.ld aql JO alBs pUB luawn.llsuI A:JI.lnaas slql Aq pa.lnoas smns aql JO UOI1U.lal<JaoB uI nnsa.l ABm <Jo!lou aql U! pamJads alllp <Jql aJoJaq .10 uo llnBJap aql a.lno 01 aJnUBj luql (p) pUB lpaJna aq lsnm nnuJap aql qalqM Aq 'Ja&\o.l.lOO: 01 uaAI~ sl a;J!lou aql alBp aql mO.lJ SABp Of uBql ssallou 'alBp B (a) lnnuJap aql a.lna 01 pa.l!nb,lJ UO!PU <Jql (q) lnneJap aql (B) :AJpads IIBqs aanou aqJ, '(aSIMJaqlo sapIAO.Jd Me'} alqeanddv ssalun 81 uOlpaS .lOJpun UOlleJalaaaB 01 Jopd 109 lnq) luamn.llsuI Al!Jnaas slql uI luam<J<lJ~B .10 lUlluaAoa AUB JO qJuaJq s,JaA!o.lJog ~UIMolloJ uO!lB.lalaaJ8 01 JOI.ld .IaMO.l.log 01 a;J!lou aAI~ IIBqs JOJpua'} 'salpamall lUOnB.lalaa;)V 'ZZ :SMOnOj su ;};}liit! pUll1Ut!UOJAOO l;}IplTlJ l;JpU<J'l pUR laMollog .S~NYN3:AOJ W}IOdINn-NON ES9 DIf".~:.t-...IIl-;-)n 1~1;1" ~;..... "'r....<\.":\:~J - - - Ot-:f'd'L\Z;iS 654 BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this' Security Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with it. Witnesses: p7 fif''-- Ja T Espe ance (Seal) -Borrower ~ ih. ~ ;" I'4r b :,7. u__ Atfor'7(seal) ~11 M sper'Sre -Bo=~, (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -Borrower (Seal) -Borrower G-6IWYI (00051 @ Pogo 14 of 15 Form 3051 1/01 ': :~., "' ....... - - - O~r;1jl~~j8 655 STATE OF WYOMING, ~ Teton County ss: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this June 29th. 2001 by . Jay T Esperance.~ individually and tfi: Jay T. Esperance, as attorney in fact for Ruth M. Esperance My Commission Expires: 9/12/03 ~ ~ Notary Public .. -6(WYI (0005),01 i!> Initial~~tY'\... Form 3051 1/01 Page 16 of 1 5 ...... - - - L6lL-Ll9(QOB} - 511\11::10:1 38'<tD1I::I01I\I dll\l^ 'M(j ~ :SII!!l!UI V ~O L@a~l!d LOlL L L LE UlJo:l (BODO) I:!ZZ8'. II\II:!'V Z-9Iz-9IZ-17 aew a!uue:l lN3Wnl:!lSNI WI:!O:lINn :Jew 9!ppa~:llaew 9!UUI!:I -AIIWI!::f alnU!S- Z-g WI:!'V . 1:!301l:! 31 'VI:! 319'<t lsnrOV 31 '<t lSlllnW .. "::lllJa ::l~UEq:J.. E p:lHE:> S! :l~m1:p PIrro:> ;;IllJJ lS:}J:}lU1 All q:>lqM. uo :llEP q:>Et[ "J;;IlJlJ;;IJ:}ql qlUOW qlZl AJ:}A::l AEP lEql uo pm 8002 '^ Ln(' JO AEP lSJ!] ;;Iql UO :}~UlJq;) AlJW AEd lHM. I :llEJ lS:lJ:llUI :lq.L S:llBa aSueq;) (V) S3DNVH:) J.N3WAVcI A.'IH.LNOW: <INV 3J..VlI J,S3lI3.LNI.t JOJ S:lp!AOJd :llON :lqJ. "% 529' 9 :SMOnOJ SlJ SlU:}WAlJd AIqlUOtll :lql pue :llEJ lS:lJ:llU! :lql U! S::l~uuq:> JO :}llJJ lS:}J::llUI1uPIuI UE JOJ S:lPIAOJd :llON :lq.L S3DNVH:) .LN3WA V d A. 'IHJ.NOW: UNV 3.1 VlI J.s3ll3.LNI 'V :SM.OnOJ SlJ :l::lJ~lJ pm lIreU:lAO:> l:lqlJ[lJ l:lPU:li pUll1;;lM.OJJOg 'lu:}tllUJlsUI AlIln:>:lS :lql UI :lpEtll SiU:ltll:l:lJ~E PUE SlUEU:lAO:> :lql Ol UO!HPPE uI 'SJ.NVN3AO;) 'IVNOI.LIaaV "AVd .1snll\l ij3Mmn:IOB 3H.1 3.1Vij II\Im~IIXVII\I 3H.1 aNV 3WI.1 3NO ANV .1V 39NVHO NVO 3.1Vij .1S3ij3.lNI S.ij3MOl::ll::lOB 3H1. 1.NnOIl\lV 3H1. S1.IWI1 31.0N 3H1. . .1N3WA Vd A lH1.N 0 1/\1 3H.l aNV 31. Vij .lS3ij31.NI 3H.1 NI S39NVHO ijO.:l 9NIMOll" SNOISI^Oijd SNIV1.NOO 3.l0N 3H1. [ssa~ppv 4IadoldJ OIl€8 AM 'NO.l.:lV 3^I~a SllIH .lS3M 811 :lP. p:lllJ:>O[ pUll lU:lWUJlsuI Al!ln:l;;lS :lql uI p:lq!l:>S::lp Al1:ldoJd ::lql ~U1J::lAO:> PUlJ :lllJp :lWlJS :}ql JO (..l:lPUYI.. :lIp) uo q.eJodJo:> a5e5+Jow +uepua:> Ol (..::llON.. :}ql) :llON :llUH :l[ql1lsrrfpV S,1:lM.0110g ::lln:>;;IS Ol (..l::lM.OJJOg" ;;Iql) P:lU~ISJ:lpUn ::lql Aq U::lA!~ ::lllJp :}WlJS ;;Iql JO ("lU::lWUJlsUI AlIln:>:lS" :lIp) p:l:lQ Alpn:>::lS 10 'lSnJ.L JO p::l::la ';;I~U~lJOW ::lql lU:ltll:llddns PUE PU::lWU Ol P;;lW::l:}P :}q Heqs pm OlUI P:llEJOdJOJuI s1 PUlJ 1002 'aun(' JO AUP 4+62 Slql ::lpllW S1 H'ilam 'illYH 'iligYlsnraV SIHl BBl69SS!OO :# ueo~ (sde;:> "lB'H: - xapuI ,unse3.1J. .183 A I) "M3GI"M 3~V"M 31:HV~SnfGV ~'J S 9 8e~i/~8f) ..... - - - 657 u~r74~38 (B) The Index Beginning with the first Change Date, my interest rate will be based on an Index. The "Index" is the weekly average yield on United States Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of one year, as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recent Index figure available as of the date 45 days before each Change Date is caIled the "Current Index." If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder wiIl choose a new index which is based upon comparable information. The Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. (C) Calculation of Changes Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate Illy llew interest rate by adding Two and Seventy- Fi ve / Hundredths percentage points ( 2.7500 %) to the Current Index. The Note Holder will then round the result of this addition to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point (0.125%). Subject to the limits stated in Section 4(D) below, this rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next Change Date. The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay the unpaid principal that I am expected to owe at the Change Date in full on the maturity date at my new interest rate in substantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment. (D) Limits on Interest Rate Changes The interest rate I am required to pay at the first Change Date will not be greater than 11.625 % or less than 2.750 %. Thereafter, my interest rate will never be increased or decreased on any single Change Date by more than two percentage points (2.0%) from the rate of interest I have been paying for the preceding 12 months. My interest rate will never be greater than 11.625 %. (E) Effective Date of Changes My new interest rate will become effective on each Change Date. I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the first monthly payment date after the Change Date until the amount of my monthly payment changes again. ..822R (0008) (!> Page 2 of 4 Initials:~ ~Y"t' Form 3111 1 101 ........ - - - LOlL L L L E wJO:I 17 !O f: aBed @ (8000) YZZ8-0 ~@Sle!l!UI '1~M.0J10g UO puum~p 10 ~:JpOU IJql1tlJ lnoqHM. lu~mtulSUI Alpn:JJS S!ql Aq paWUIIJd s~!p~mJl AUU ~:>yOAU! Aum IJpU~'1 'popJd Srql JO uopul!dxa ~lp 01 10pd smns ~S~lp Alld 01 sHllJ 1~M.OllOH .H 'lUJmtu1SuI A1pn:J~S srql ,(q p~In:J~S smns Ull Alld lsnm 1~M.OllOH q:JrqM. 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