HomeMy WebLinkAbout874240 Co>' - KNQW ALL MEN OrTIIESE PRESENTS.1'hat Fir~iOrial Bank - West - . co.rporallon. of the County of T-/ "... n 1 " aertlly that a certain mbrtgage. bearing date the 8th madland executed by }jean Jenkins & Elaine .lmortgasorL. to First National <,Bank - West ..'m,orlgasetl. con"eY~iliI,certaln ~eal eltate therein mentioned a,eecurlty for thll'ayment of I ,34.105.00 therlll~ llated. which mortgalle we, recorded In thl office of the County Clerk and til.Offlclo Rellllter of Deed. of T,in...nl" Courat,. Stale 01 Wyoming. on the 15th day or Mav KK.2QQQ or Mor".,e., at pal" 585 " end mortgaslng the rollowlng delerlbed .r~el lll,ale In eald Counly. to-wll . ,. ...!.: J.., . and Slate of day of Jenkins Wvomin2' May . dOeIl he~ebl . A.D. 21,2000 . II In Book 445 All lands described in above said mortgage. . If iC'''~ . ":JlU (j PR PAGE BOOK,_,___.___ "6 "J 0". L.",.""", ""'.",.,0,'.,."".<-- " t. 8' .14 2 4 0 RECEIVED LlNCO-LN COUNTY'CLERI< 01 JUL -~~ 1\1"1 10: l~ 2 JEANNE \VJ\GNE.H I<EMMERER WYOMING , . I~. with 8 nolt' .lIeeured IIll'ireb)'. and Ihe a'nrpn!p.II,llmed debt. IlIlIy paM. lolldled. releasp.d, and IIlschugl'd and In conelderalion Ihereollhe laid morlgage 'doel her41by release ~nd qllltclalm unto l'le lQid mortgagor lbe premlslI thereby conveyed and mortSoged. " , IN WI'fNf;SSWIli!:REOF.t1u! 'Fin~t" N"t"inn::ll R""lr _ ,J.To'",t" 'Vice Preside'nt do)' 0' Tllnp , A. D. i9t2.O.O.l. , , 'First Nationai, Bank - Wp.st . ,-~. ..'.. ==='-".'-~4~'~'L.-.--~ , By: c"e~"--=:~.._'.m_ III Vice President :":";;N~i~i \li)II':i~rri~.i~~~I~cd to deHerlhl' 100118 In Illnee thert'lor. IlItlertthe followlngl "AilIRlIdl deecrlbed'ln,loldmorlgage." ',n.. . " ..' ".'\'~ ,'..' ..".."',' . . . . COUllly'O' On l"il Ron Thomas liRs~l~""" .,~,. '21nd... .J' : j.. TilE STATE OF WYOM~NG. . ,( day 01 .Ttln e .. ~ belore me peflonolly appeared 10 ~e perionally known, who. beln,b)' me duly Iworn. did ~1I)' that hell the Vic;e President o. ~;r~r N~r;nn~l R~n~ - M~~r 1I1d ,hlllllllllell.lllacd 10 inld In,trumentls Ihe Clorpor.te leal of IBid tmrl'oratlon, 'and th.luld InllrllDlent w~,.I,ned anrl Jealed on behal~ of /l1I1d corporal/un If nuthorhy or 1l1l IInnrel ,,' IJ/rr.clofll 8111'lInll. Cashier lckn~wlel,iged lIald Inllrllmenlto be lhe' Iree Ict and deed 0' laid c~rporaUon. ~~~~m ~ ay 01 )"T.\t:J, . A.D.2t92.Q.Q.l.. dDY or Notary IJublle. ,'A. D;-t~.3 l'IIE S'I'A'1'E OF WYOMING. j .. n'clock-M.. on Ihe on rlge dey o' :Ollllly 01 1'hle Inltruml'lIl was lIled ror ncor" at I. D. '9_..nd lluly recorded In Doole County Clerk and E.-OUldo Uegiater of Ueed, ...... hy