HomeMy WebLinkAbout874254 ,- - - SSe 814254 HEcr~IVED LlNC01.J',J COUNTY CLERf< n I jl n ') f"ll "). ") ~ U ",,,,:.. -(, "L- ,:JJ state of Wyoming county of Lincoln BQOK 467 PR PAGE 701 ,JEpl!\ll\JE \'//\::;NER I(EMMEHEH. \NYOMING I, Leah M. Kulinsky, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, ,. depose and state: AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP That under the date of September 9, 1991, for valuable consideration, William P. Tully and Alice H. Tully, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on September 23, 1991, in Book 301 of Photostatic 'Records on Page 484, conveyed to Carl P. Kulinsky and Leah M. Kulinsky, husband and wife as tenants by the entireties, the following described property, to-wit: Lot 5 of Block 5 of the Lincoln Heights 4th Subdivision to the City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming according to the official plat thereof That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Carl P. Kulinsky, Husband and Wife, became the owners of the above described land, and title thereto vested in them continuously from the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of Carl P. Kulinsky, on the 22nd day of January, 1999. That by reason of and upon the death of Carl P. Kulinsky, also known as Carl Paul Kulinsky, title to the above described real property vested absolutely in Affiant, Leah M. Kulinsky, as surviving spouse. Affiant avers and certifies that Carl P. Kulinsky, is the identical party named with the Affiant in the aforementioned deed whose death terminated his interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. DATED this :1- day of July, 2001. :J l ~i cm,~ h M. Kulin y Subscribed and sworn to before me and in my presence by Leah M. Kulinsky, this ,-~,JJ?- day of July, 2001. WITNESS my hand and official seal. :\\\\ \ ,\l III" IIII//; ~\\'\ ~?t\Ne 't ~/~ ~ .~' ....... 0 ~ ~ .4,," ... ... IS' ~ ' ff ~ l~.OTAII~J-(p~ == I COUNTY OF IJNC(ltM :: : m\My Commi ~~n Expires: % ...... \.PUBL\Ci.... ~ f '::' -")1" ". ... _~ ~ ~ /~ .......... O~. ~ ~ '" 0 ..,,"-C ::$' "//1. F 11 ~ :\\,.... 1'1/111/ 11111\\\\\\'\ N~:t~~bfl.,'1'h70A "~,JlC'l' +~1.2 I C} ":rr.r- ~ \L-l.':...\C' - ~". __ ,- .- .Ie I ...... ~ ~ I ~. I ~ ~ i I i~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ !~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ Oil ',~, . . . '.fIiI,Illl!S~lI OI~'VlS ~il1d~a ;qrjo ",Jnleu8'!S PUllI'll~S ':;i'lp ';I~ 9u!.<lI'ldi'!p J~pJoq P:;'AV.r9U:; Uti 1.J1~ J3dud uo p3J'IIdOJd !isoJU" P~f'lA lOU !!I:! .(dCl~ s~t.(i,:: JBJISI6a1:l alBlS Alndaa ~~:;~:O:~~ 6661 (~- 8::U :03nSSI31.VO '6u!woJiM 'SUU8AeLl:) 'S83!1\.J8S SpJO:JB}::t IBM jO aOIjjO a\.fl uJ al~ uo luawnoop 941jO uOllOnpoJd9J IOBX9 pUB en'l B S! $!4.l v16L80 .. , . . . . . , . , ." . .." , ". ., :. .,... ., ,.. . ... . ::'. ':",. l..-.a 'UIa.l . Alto 'J-,UYH ~ ...~ R ~ put '''sl Mol.lYOO1 "toE: '. .Vi~J t\lf1> ., 68'(: l:lA """"- pllUlW'~. "p.t~D (_I........'A"""'IIfO 'A~ .~. 'Uu., ~ 1'f&AttOf'Nl.:tO aow-w .ooc " ...... i)'?,. . ......... ";; :"0:"; "'-0 ""'...... ,.,.".,.. .! .:;. .. faiu jq" - A:iF*lsJ 1.)IUC)M 1.1/ AUnl'Nl "=01: Hlvaa .<<J tfiJNHYn -01,- (_"''''"''''''''1 ^1lIl~1 ~o 3.L'ftl ''''B IoIlnI'NI ' .:to 3nU."q(tt oillllll1000 AllnlTl MOIl 3lll~:lS30 'pac .. oN ''';''''''_1, ..."'..;. o~' .. UlINO""" I1L 03ll~3"U """".S'tM -ij. _j,AlidW.rn> 'to '1.1.tNd \l1:U1M18 ~ ~ ~ JW plq 'fJ*tIp ail &ltfllq'JI~ ~lIpwO~S'~OlJ.lCltroO .1~l:IlNtM9 If ". JJN:I.: 'p J.ft" I",UP UlIlI",... tluIM ""!WI ..... ....., '" .......1.0.....,; ""iA.'WMHR~:;I ....,.:1 .~lot DuJpt"'M II" '1UCIIIFUOCI' _, ~"'IU1rit8g redO 3ON3rlb3SNbO v BY t:IO) o.L ::loa I I I I I I ...11,. ~ Yd 1\ : ,...... .: 'I.Irfto ~..I-..o r ~-=,=I :CdO 3:>N3noaGINOO v SV \101 01. i1no '. . .~ . T--~ ~ ("atoP III flUl." ~, .'. - .. -. TJ U JWUf...:=~=:: _ -IlIUM ~. W nnr" IW ~IW __n -tII,.w. "'''''1 "g ~ '.e.w ~.KlI~o.. 10 'n ,~'.. .-w-. t~.QQ '..., pnrl~ ~ MJaI JO.......~ '.H....P ~I ~ ,'I ,UlW 866L ~ Ur'~r(j !l3~^" 30 .. LOLE8,,; I~' . ,,<.. I II.;. ~ is II'! ~. . II I I .~ I ;] ~,j I . .N (_I <ff30 O..oNnoNOlld .... " fIlY30 ,ro .~no~ .... .6U!WQ M 3.lYJ,$ UIO::lUIl t-1.L.Y~ ;;to AJ.NI'KY.) 'Pi 8L6.1 tEl lsn nV; llOOIOtml 3i1S, S~NI ~.. IN. ,.,.,. l:~~~ 1NUd lio 3dAl ZZLE-ZL-OZS I'M 'oIIg' 666 L .ZZ .. .. .. " )ot.lJ::lIUJ031VCI:' .1Imuer ---.. 01 " alew tf:lSnnN AIR:ln:J~S lVlOOS -. ::> n 'OS (, WIU 'vrrJ I-U.V3CI dO 3.lVQ 'S -.-; """""N 31"1 ;uYa. .X39.'"1'. 1"." 3'100.. 1S~.:t rNN- N~a~o~o'~ tf~nnN :r11.:J lYOO1 HJ.V30 ,:jO 3.1.V:JI:U.l1:l3:J l:U1Y3H :10 lN3"l1tYcf30 DtillWOAM :I0'3J.\flS bOOL Hll\f3H:JO.l.N3WUI\fd3a , .. . . .. . .- . :E>NIWOAM :10 31\flS .....