HomeMy WebLinkAbout874278 - - -.'ED L1NCOL~'nY CLERI< O! I'll - ':1t:'."1. 0: 'i ~j i ~. !". ..J 1'.1 l.\ (... '1 (l "1 --./r"'j ;:J BOOK.~b if pR PAGE__- 8111218 WARRANTY DEED JEANl'JE V,i/\GI"~F:R I<EMMEf~EH. WYOMING KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that EAGLE ROCK RANCH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ofP,O. Box 4151, Bedford, Wyoming 83112, Grantor, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to CYNTHIA BERGSTROM and RAYMOND BERGSTROM, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirties, of P.o. Box 1044, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, the following described real estate situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: Land more particularly . described on EXIllBIT A, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Together with all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments, and all other things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Subject, however, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations, and restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. WITNESS my hand this~ day of June, 2001. EAGLE ROCK RANCH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 10 By: .-rlAY'U STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) 11'" SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, this 29 -- day of June, 2001, by Ann Sorenson" General Partner of EAGLE ROCK RANCH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, who, under oath, acknowledged that she executed the abov~ Warranty Deed for and on behalf of said Limited Partnership. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Yo KEVIN VOYLES. NOTARY PUBUC COUnty of . State of Uncoln W~omlnll My CommI88Ion Expires July 16. 2003 My Commission expires: _flit b J 03 ..... - - - v .LIIDHX:tl ~I'--I--I""'~ TeT-aT prlOH 1uno.] r[7.,WN T{;)UfJlI OilT-ilT P-eoH A1-Uno,J J{:JfJ.l;) 1807 ~ .OO?6Zl 6/.9f:.6f1N ,Of M/Y ~fr-Yd69J .6n~ + SJl/J'( ~(J/.'O .99'fJ()1; M.61.gr,6fIN 9l 1UfJWfJSllg ",' AtJj(-Jo-1T{l1TH I I ~ I~ ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I l ~ f'g - YdfiLf' S3Y:J'v' 000'; Y [fJ;J.ll'1rl ~ ~~ tIj... E;;t "~~~ ... fil;:St; "':""Pi 'I " ~ ~, ~G: i~ F1 _ii (""'fo. "',"' s l g "" .6~Yt~ M.or.OO.99V ~ ~; ~ ~ .f'9 - Ydr;Lr S3Y:J'I H[; El [90.ll'1rl ~ ~ J91;9 .9;;{(}9 3.&.fIr.69S ,00'[[ l.t;,tZ.ON ;>;7 .9B"!iZ 3..6UJf.6BS 11 jS!a H 6WB H l;/fqf1.j; fJu!7 JOUIlZ1 ~.6o.6r.6f1S . 'E9 aSed uo lId~LE )foog 11! p:)plOnal paaa alll tq Ol p~Ul:;JJal All:;JdOld aql Ol snonllYluo:J gq OllU:mIlSnfpv mpunog e St! paAaAUO:J lltqag .pUUI10 Sal:JV 9ZI.0 S1I!ll!elUO:J '1JlI!lIU!1JagJo l1l!0d aql Ol 'lagJ L6'9(;t i\\.1I8(;.LtoES :;J:JUat{l ~laaJ ~8'~(; H1I61.8Eo68S aOUg-ql ~laa] 0(;'9(;17 'a1l!I lsai\\. pyes SuoIU 'HII(;I.6Io0N a:Jualp ~6 uOHoas p!t!sJo lawO~ lSah\qlnos aqllOJ uO!lunoI 'E(;61 aO!DO puul ItU~)UaD 's .n aql Su:py.1t!UllumunuoW ~dAl'W'Tg aql wo.y: tllllI.6100N lag] E~Z: Stqaq ltqod PIuS 't/li\\St/li\\.S pyllS JO a1l!I lSgi\\ aqllI! llI!od e le DNlNNI03:H :Sh\OrrOJ st! pgqposap A{l13Inoyllt!d glOW ZJuygq spunoq pUt! salaw ;;,ql 'ih,qUIOAi\\. kluno;) U{o:Jll!l "W'd 'l{l9 ;;,qlJo '1\\61 III 'N17E.L '6 uoypgSJo 17/IM.StllM.S ;;'l{llI!l{l!M '~L17 aii13d uo lIdt9E )foog uy papIonal p:)aa aqllI! 01 panaJ;;'l Alladold ;;'l{lJo UO!llodV S;JJav 9~rO - Juaw.Jsnfpv wO.l.Js~b;JH - uO!.Jd!.IaS3(J C'1 , ~t, ; \:") Jf) C'J'~-~~. (';"',,1\\. RGI. ..oIlIll