HomeMy WebLinkAbout874280 ,~/, -~;~a:F.ASE ~~~ :..o'-f ' , " /,_, " "\ T~ .~ ~,..' . .:..-', ) "\. \ .'/ :5--~ _!v~'~" '\\ .' i' "-,:-;, "", J"dl i>1', ~!.e, I' ' " ''I'll' v. ,,'J>,,:, oJ' e 1 " ',}-'"'/ ~~, ~" !il1('H~A~it .} " SEE gU~~;~~ ~:;~..~:~~- . ~()" , ',', ':"'. CLAIM OF LIEN STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undecsigned NatlL')' Public, personally appeared Warrell Webb, who duly tswom :<:ays that he is the owner whose address isP_O_ Box 402, Thayne, WY 83127 and that in Ilccordancewith the agreement between 1ienor, SUbcontractor ana Contnlctor namely Triple A Construction, Blackfoot, ill, tbe servic~ of 1 Forklift was provided' foc the dales of April 16, 2001 through May 11, 2001. The seIVices were provided to the following described real property in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. Plat 01 Lot 13, Star Valley Ranches, Lincoln County, Wyoming. The total value-or One thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Five dollars ($1,875.00)ofwmcb there remains unpaid $1,875.00. As required the lienor served a copy of the Notice of Intent to Lien on the owner, namely, Larry Dunnagan and Kar,a Dunnagan on June ] I, 200], by lienor Warren Webb. /A.,J 41' I' e- ;J Lienor BY._~) C2~ Agent On ,:-j'I.J.\.t ;:) tdOO' before me, l;;U rlEf\ ~ bb , penonally appeared h'):l..'r'rt \1 l ^- 'f bh , personally kriown to me. (or proved tome on the basis. of satisfactorY evidence) to be the person( s) whose name( s) is/are subscribed to the witbin instrument and acknowledged to me t~t beishe/they executed the same in his1hec/their autborized capacity(ies), and thai by Jlis/her/their ilignature(s) 011 the instrument the pefSOll(s), Of the emit}' i1poil bebalfof wllic1f il~ person(s) acted, executed the instrument LJ~ LJ,~,-!-I-- WITNESS my .hi'l11d and official sea!. -~~~nk'rmd S.gllatute Affumt...............Know~Produced ID Type of ID.tr\\)f r:<:. \ "(\0 n.$.lL. (Seal" BRANDlE MCDONALD. Notary Public County of State of lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires February 13, 2005 814280 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK o I JUL - 3 fJ1 8: 3 I JEAN N[ \tii\CN EH KE'MMEFlEr~. 'WYOMING l~e"'''', P (.j ;) UU j{t d _" (... BOOK~_,,"_PR PAGE __ - - -