HomeMy WebLinkAbout874287 ,..- ......~ KNOW ALL MEN BYTIlESE PRE5ENT9.1'~a,r First National Bank - West . corporBtlon. o' the Count)' o' ~ertlfy ,h., . certain mortgBge. m.de and elllJCuted hy _____ Lincoln . and Slale 01 Wyoming bearln. data the 7th day o' October Jody W. Shumway & RaNell Shumway . dOe. he~ebl . A.D. 19-9.L IImortgIlRor-S... to 1<'; r<::t- N..ti nn.<ll R..nk .i.' morlgllg_. eol1'\1ey~nilel!r'lIln ~..~ .",'e therein mentioned .. Heurhy lor lhe payment 011 . al therein ltated. which mortgage "al recorded In tha DUlce o' .he County Clerk and l!:ll-Ofllclo Relleler o' Deede d' . Lincoln County. s.... 01' Wy~mlnl, on the 23rd day 01 Nov.meber t9~ In Boo!.: 471 0' Mortgegee. It pege 643 . . and mortgaging the"ollowlng delcrlbed r!!alll~te In laid Count)'. to-wit PARTIAL RELEASE ... ,",'// Lots 80, 81, 82 Nordic Ranches Division No. 6, Lincoln County, Wyoming. a,ccordiq,g'to t.haL plat tiled May 18. 1996 as Plat No. 311F in the Uffice of the Lincoln County Clerk. B;OK_.4~7PR PAGE 3 ~~" *. '814281- F~ECEIVED L1NCOU,! cOUtHY CLERf< o I JUt - 3 fd'l 8: 4 1 ,J EA N NEVi /-\ f~ N S. R I\EMMERc:n, \VYOMll'JG , . Ill. whh a nolp -'lecured t1llirp.li)'. and Ihe alorf'n~I!II,llIned dehl. '"l1y flaM. 11l11.lled. releul!d, And dllWharlJl'd and In conelderalfon .hereol .he laid morlgogc 'does hereby releafte' and tJullclllim unto the ..Id morlgagor Ihe premlae. Ihereby i:onreyed .nd morlgaged. .' . ..,II'J,.,~:r~E5S WIIEnEOF. dllt First National Bank - West h~~'~~".se~'W~Ji~ 'rlTe)!enll '0 belllgned hy 118 V i'c e pr e S i den t "'.~\'P.II:\~' t~!, (I ~~II\,t!P~~~~.;;:~.fIQ,~b!t affixed. .hl. 28 ~h' . day of .:Slg;rc-ii~'i$JiI'~il\:~;rici 'D~j!y~ed In .he prmnce 01 ,,?~t~~~~:f~~~) '.' . June . A. D. 1f}i200l. , . First National Bqnk - West L2,~.."u.L.L... . . .. 14'./--~+'~ ,~----_.,-,.,-'--' III .1. . 'U;ro&:.a" -PT~~itl~nr ~iblf. ,..i~IJ;,)I'lIll1 nut dellred lu ~ellcrlbp londilln .,.oce Illerl'lor I III1Iert the lollowlllll II AillRlldl delcribed ill. 8oi~ morlgalle. II TilE STATE OF WYOMING. Lincoln Coun.y'o' On .hll Ron . ..j... 7.Rth Thomas dB)' of June . ..~l2001. belore me personally apfleared lo~. periooall)' known. who. beln, by me dul)' Iworn. dId ~.)' that he I. .he Vice President 01 ~;TCT N~r~nn~l R~nk ~ Wp~r ..:"i ihsi Ihe lleaJaffb:e.! Ir;:! ;old h:~!!'llm.,n~ I.. the corpora Ie leal "' .Illd l:orrorol1on, 'and .ha' .ald Inllrumenl wsil.igned and "ealed on bella" ol.ald corrorellulI I)' olllhllrhy 0' Itllll.,ord f1llJlrr.clorillllllllloltl Cashier . ' Icknowlllc.iglld liPid /ndrumen. ... be tho' 'ree lIet and deed o'lIold e~rror81/oh. GIven u II)' 0' .Tli.ne A D tA,-'){){) 1 .----- . ' . .-.~. \. D. 19_. ,and lluly recorded In Book I... o'c/ock----M.. 00 th., tin PIge M)' commlssloll eX/llrell on Ihe ) ";rA-- . doy 01 ,'A.D,~~~ ['HE STATE OF WYOMING. :Ollllly of 1'hl. In"run1Pn. wall ru.d lor'rer.ord III da, ul Counl)' Clerk and Ex-OUlelo lIelllller 0' lJeesl. - .y u_,