HomeMy WebLinkAbout874289 II""" " .. ", ,'::-'. J {/;~ :.:~(> I ,::-;~(., '. >-;p: .< .1:',.. 01014813 (i) RECEIVED L1NCOU,1 COUNTY CLERK l}ti? " 8 4 fj BOOK_...:-_,""__PR PAGE_--'-..-- f' 7.</d?9 814 ~iTGAGE (') I H n -3 (,;:' 1[1: '? 9 , ,_," ~.., .... ~ t.~ ~ (",.. SPRIG ENTERPRISES, INC., a Nevada Corporation J ,-- P' [I J ' ."~ '"'' .'~ I J ,.. R j- \ · j ;'" ,'" ',/', , i~, 1,-' " t'" '" _"\ i: ,,_ I,U I, _I ~- \, ~(EMMEF\EFL WYOMING Mortgagor Lu Vegas, County of Las V ega~State of Nevada, he~by mortgage to LESTER K. JEPPERSON and VICKIE JEPPERSON. husband and wife Mortgagees of PO Box 312, Thayne, WY 83127 tor the sum ofFORTY-BIOHT rnOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND NO/loo the following described trllt:t ofland in Lincoln County, State ofWyorning, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue oftbc homestead exemption laws of the State, to wit: Lot 2 of the Jepperson Subdivision, according to that plat recorded March 22. 1995 as Insmunent No. 799432, Plat No. 354. - This mortgage is given to secure the following indebte4ness: One note of even date herewith for $48,600.00 made payable at the times and place and at the rate of interest specified in the note. This mon;/l&l> is i_ded 10 <;OV~ tho m>CS Md pmfiu; of:!Bid properly, IUId consenll. weby givelI aftu ddlwll, (or rhe appoinlll\Onl of .. .,,=ivet by lIB)' compeWll 0000 Illld \he r<:(:Ci"", is ~ 1IUIborUed 10 _me tloid ptOfl"'lY IIBd \lPply IlIll proGl\lld$ on \his obliJalion. The MongagjllS lIIfllO 10 keop the b;..ildinp now on sai4 p,emls<:5 Or bctoUw o,oC1C4 liIet....n fully iNutcd asoinslloss by fire In - Ji", iaslll'allOll company approved by \hll mOll!","" willi loss. if m)' p.ylobk 10 'I\OrtJ'l3"O. "~rin&, me lifo ofllli. ""'''8''ZO, The Mongag0t5 IIlIlO qm: \0 pay a1ll1XCS &A4 ~~IS on said pmNsos. including any assasmenrs chat mil)' be I......icd on WlIW' r1liiblll or s1wes of.1QG\I: IISlld i4 eonncdion hllrewilh, Dr helll lIS eoll~Ie,.! wilh rhe above no<<:; llIso any w< thai mll)I be ""..1ge4 by reuon oflhU mangage o. the deb! JlCCUllld \hereby, Il/ld .-able 1llIOI1lC)". fees In ~ ort<>=IOSlll'c. or Ihe eo~1 of wy k:pl protcl:dings fm: forecloS1ll'1! ofllle Slime. &Ad sailllll'Offl'lY'~ 1_ ohdl ~ oddod.... the .....,"1l d.... OD lIIis mo..gage. and JI\1Ido alilll1 on the pn:mi$es dualbcd lIeroln. In GUc of defi\llllln \be pIIY""lIl of any <um co._led 10 M Jl*id. oilllCl' thi: principal or inUlmlll ",heft Ihe sun<: shall becQIIIO due Illld payabla, or in C1ISC of det'aulllnlbc pl\lformll'cc of lllIY CQytnl.lllllQ.,m COlIIained, lhe wbola amoUlll of \hiS il\dcbksdncss solall'ed bercin 11111)' be irnroedlllltly decllIll4 due lIlId pa)'&bIc, ...,.s 10 bear incemlll \hCl dIG of I 0 ~'" per NIII\Jm Will \hCl dale oC:such ddlwll. llIl4 lllb , moRPllC fO(CClosed 1II me apliol> ot IIIc IcpI bO~. (ft 1110 ","onl ot d.dal>'" Mongog<lls gtUl to ~ a PowerofS.lc 10 forcc:losc on...d sell sllidptQperty lIS publio IWClIDII purSuanl10 34+101", scq. Wyo. $lal-, 19n, Dr its SIICCeSSOr. WITNESS the hand of said mOrtgagor, this ;2ff'4ay ofJune A.D. 2001 Siped in the presence of ~7nterprises. Inc. ~~/ '.<, Lamont A. King, pr~ ' ~ ~ l' Uv: /'/ State of LiT. } County of WfBlil\l On the 0l.'3'fh day ofJUY1 E:.. A.D. 2001, personally appeared before me, LamontA. . King, President of Sprig Enterprises, Inc. the signer of the within ill$trutnent. who duly ~\ulowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of said corporati . ~I I I . ~cAl...~ Commission expires: ?f - J q -0 <j SHERRYL A HUTCHINGS NOrAH( PUBLIC . STAlE Ii UTAH P A NGfJEN ur 84401 couu;exe 09-18-2004 Residing in: OG-Dtf\1 \ UI,- LAND T - no 1600' d HZ.# - -_Oz.LZ'Nnt