HomeMy WebLinkAbout874291 874291 . fiECEJVED LINCOLN COUNTY Cl_ERK o I II II .." 3 li')/:"'I In. " I ",-, ., .,. ~., ~n 1)'" ...',' -..., J C" ,~)'\11:\1 r:- " :'.1 ,,, (\ !"J r- fJ ~~r'\ , lL< !J"f'~\"" t. \ I<:EMI'vIEPEH. ViYOI1,11MG WARRANTY DEED i'6'~? Q4~l B90K_~_~!_YR PAGE_:'_'__~_ J ;: ,; CLARENCE L. REINHART and DOROTHY I. RBINHART, husband &ndwife Grantors of Alpine, County of Lincoln,. .Sta't,~'c"of Wyoming hereby CONVEY and W~RRANT TO: KEITH A. MCCOY and JODY M. MCCOY, husband and wife, a$ tenants by the entiratics Grantees of P.O. Box 391, Wilson, Wyoming, 63014 fer the sum at Ten Dollar:!! and oLheL' good and valuable c:onsidera'tion--------- the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: . Lot S2 Nordic Ranches Divieion No.6, Lincoln CountYr Wyoming, according to that plat filed May J.8, 1996 as Plat No. 311F in the office of the Lincoln County ~lt":!y-k. Together with an access easement for ingress 'and egress over the front thirty feet (30') of all lots in~luded in all atr@@t~ i~ Nordic Ranches, Divisions #1, #2, #3, and #4 as shown on the official plats thereof, all recorded in the Lincoln County Recorders Officej and Subj set to reservations and restrictions contained in the Unj, tad States Patent and to easements and right.s -of-way of rec:ord o:r: in Ui5e, TCgether with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. thisJ&~ay of June, A.D. 2QOl p~~;j.(~/ - :'\ t \ -\ ~. ~~-~-~j renee L. R nh~rt.oy Dorothy ~einhart, Attorney in Fact WITNESS, the h~nd of said grantors, ~~~nhf~ -------~------~~-~-~~----~~------------------~~-------------~-~-~-------~-~ STATE OF WyOMING :66 County of Lincoln On the ~8~~day of Lincoln, A.D. 2001, personally appeared before me, Dorothy t. Reinhart as Attorney in Face for Clarence L. Reinhart and Dorothy I, Reinhart, individually, known OI' identified to me to be the. persons whoee name~ are subscr~bed to the w~thin instrument, and acknowledged to me that she eXE!cuted the same. ) Montaa J. ..". NotarV PubUO CountY. . = ........ "\ - .~ COfnmlnIOn !xplre8 ~~D~ ~~QM Notary public My commission expires on \ - d-.1f - \)'d- LAND TITLE COMPANY _:l9gt.'># - t~2': E:_80 'HilL'