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THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this ~g day of ~, , 2001,
between U.S, BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as~ustee, located
and having its principal office at 180 East Fifth Street, S1. Paul, Minnesota 55101
("lender"), and ROLAND C, WILLIS AND LINDA L. WilLIS, ("Mortgagor"), whether one
or more,
WHEREAS, Lender is the holder of a note or bond ("Note") dated September 10,
1998, for Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($900,000,00), secured by a mortgage, deed
of trust, or security deed ("Mortgage") of even date therewith on real property recorded
in the office of the Recorder of the County of lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Book 419,
Page 725, upon which Note there is unpaid the sum of $867,884.46 with interest on the
principal sum of $867,884.46 from January 1, 2001, at the rate of 7.96 per centum per
annum; and
WHEREAS, the parties hereto are desirous of modifying the Note and Mortgage
in the particulars hereinafter mentioned;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual promises
herein contained, and of the sum of One Dollar ($1,00) duly paid to Lender, it is hereby
mutually covenanted and agreed that:
1, The terms of the Note and Mortgage are hereby modified by adding the
following paragraphs as new paragraphs of the Mortgage:
CROSS DEFAULT. This Mortgage is given in connection with one (1) of three
(3) loans which Lender has made contemporaneously to Borrower, (All of the loans are
listed on Exhibit A, and are referred to herein individually as a "Loan" and collectively
as the "Loans.") Upon (a) the occurrence of a default under this Mortgage or any of the
other documents or instruments relating hereto (the "Loan Documents"), or (b) the
occurrence of a default under any mortgage or any of the other documents and
instruments relating to any other Loan (collectively, the "Other Loan Documents"),
then in any such event, Lender may declare all of the principal, interest and other sums
which may be outstanding under the Note and with respect to the other Loans
(collectively, the "Indebtedness") to be immediately due and payable without further
demand, and Lender may exercise any and all rights and remedies provided in any of
this Mortgage, the Loan Documents, or any Other Loan Document, whether or not
Lender exercises its right to accelerate the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage and
the Loan Documents, or the Indebtedness secured to Lender by any of the Other Loan
The Total Property (which shall be the "Property" as that term is defined herein,
together with the "Property," as that term is defined in the Other Loan Documents) shall
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aJe le4l sa6e6l-low a4l U! paqp:Jsap Alpewpd sueol alH lSU!e6e eleJoJd pa!ldde aq lIeLls
aJnSopaJOj 6u!llnSaJ Aue jO spaa:JoJd aLll'AlJadoJd lelOl. alH jO lie lOU lnq awos lSU!e6e
sasol:JaJO} Japual JI 'a6e6lJoV'J S!L1l U! L1lJoJ las JapJo aLll U! pue Jauuew aLll U! aloN
aLll Ol 6u!lelaJ ssaupalqapul aLll jO luaWAedaJ aLll Ol lSJ!J pa!ldde aq lIe4S aJnsoj:JaJoJ
JO luawa:JJoJua Lpns 10 spaa:JoJd aYl 'sflu!paa:JoJd IB!:J!pnfuou JO sflu!paa:JoJd IBP!pnf 10
AeM Aq Je4la4M 86ef5lJoV\l S!4l JO 8Jnsoj:JaJoJ JO lU8wa:JJoJu8 84l JO lU8A8 84l ul '
'AlJ8dOJd lelOl. aLll JO
lJed JaLllO Aue JO awes aLll oll:JadsaJ L1l!M aJaLlMaSla pa:Juawwo:J ueaq se4 6u!pea:JoJd
snoaueJodwaluo:JJO Jopd SJOW JO auo Aue le4ll:JeJ SLll Ol pJel5aJ lnOLll!M AlJadoJd lelOl.
eLll JO lJed Aue JO lie Ol alelsJ Aew s6u!paa:JoJd Y:Jns pue 'ales JO JaMod Aq JO sl-lno:J
leJapa} JO Slels U! sl5u!pea:JoJd IBP!pnf 46noJ4l eJnsopaJoJ UOnBl!W!1 ln04l!M fiu!pnpu!
'6u!psa:JoJd JO UO!PB Aue 6upq ABW JapUal 'Aluno:J JO alBls JBln:J!lJBd Aue U! JO JapJo JO
Jauuew Jeln:J!lJed Aue U! SlU8Wn:JOa ueol JaLllO a4l JO 'SlUaWn:JOa ueol aLll'af5e6lJoV'J
S!L1l Japun aAe4 Aew JapUal sa!pawaJ JO sJaMod 'Sl46p Aue aspJaxa JO a:JJoJua
Ol pss:JOJd Ol JapUal aJ!nbaJ Ol'Al!nbe JO Melle Ja4laLlM 'e^eLl Aew l! SlLl6p lie pue I\ue
SaLlS!nbu!llOu pue S8^!eM JaMOJJ08 'SluauJn:JOa ueol JaYlO eLll JO Aue JO 'sluawn:Joa
ueol aLll JO AqaJaLl peJn:Jas aloN aLll JO luewa:JJoJua aLll L1l!M uo!pauuo:J U! paJapueJ
eq Aew L10!L1M 'UOeJaLlllSaJelU! Aue L1l!M JaLlla60l'luaw6pnf Aue JO lunowe aLll UO!lel!w!I
lnOLll!M 6u!pnpu! 'JapUal Ol aMO Aew JaMOJJOS L1::>!L1M lunowe Aue JO lualllAedaJ aLll
Japual Ol aJn:Jas lIeLls a6e6lJoV'J S!L11 'luaw6pnf L1:Jns Aue OlU! pa6Jaw lOU 'JaMOJJOS JO
UO!lB5!1qo 6u!nU!luo:J B aq IIBY8 p!edun U!BWaJ IIBY8 Y:J!YM lqap Y:Jn8 10 liB pue 'luaw6pnf
L1:Jns OlU! AqaJaLl pSJn:Jas lqap aLll a6Jaw lIeLlS s6u!pas:JoJd luawa:JJoJua aJOW
JO auo Aue U! Japual Aq paU!elqo luaw6pnf ON 's6u!paaooJd leUO!l!ppe aJOw JO auo
46noJLll'Wa4l JO AUf! JO 'SlUaWnOOa ueOl J8L1l0 aLll JO 'SlUaWnOOa ueol aLll'a6e6l-loV'J
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'AlJadoJd lel01 a4Ho SlaOJed aJOW JO auo Aue lSU!e6e SluawnoOa ueol JaLllO aLlHo Aue
JO 'sluawnooa ueol aLll JO pue 'a6e6lJoV'J S!L1l JO lUaWaOJoJua aLl1. 'UO!laJOS!p alnlosqe
pue alos Sl! U! l:Jala Aew JapUal se Jauuew pue JapJo L1:Jns U! AlJedoJd lelOl. SLll
JO sla:JJed SJOW JO flUO Aue l8U!e6e SlLl6p Sl! a:JJoJus Aew Japual 'UO!laJ:JS!p alnlosqe
pue alos Sl! U! Japual Aq paU!WJalap aq Ol 'Yloq JO a^!ln:Jasuo:J 'snoaueJodwaluo:J
Ja4leLlM 's6u!paaooJd aJOW JO suo U! 'Mel JO UO!8!^oJd Aue Japuri JO 'weLll
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Japun pap!^oJd sJaMod pue salpaWeJ 'SlLl6p aLll JO lie eS!:JJaxa Ol pue 'SUOlle6!1qo aLll
JO a::>uewJojJad pue sseupelqepul eLll JO luewAed aLll eOJoJua Ol'Mel Aq pall!WJed luelxe
lSeleeJ6 eLll Ol 'paMOlle eq lIeys Jepuel 'sluewnoOa ueol JeLllO aLll JO sluawnoOa
ueol a4l 'e6e6lJoV\l S!4l JO lUaWaaJ6e JO lueuaAoo Aue JO 40eaJQ a4l uodn 'a6e6lJolI\I
S!tU U! eJS4MaSIs JSpUal Ol, pap!AoJd sa!pswsJ pue SlLl6p a4l Ol UO!l!ppe UI
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aLn JO UO!l-lod JO lJed Aue JO UOneOOlle JO lUeWUo!lJodde ln04l!M e6e6lJoV\l S!4l Aq Jepuel
Ol peJnoas aJe 4::>!4M JO lie '("suone6!1qo.. a4l 'AlaA!paIlOO) sluawnooo ueol Ja410
aLll pue SluawnOOa ueol eLll 'a6e6lJoV\l S!L1l U! 4lJoJ las slUSWaaJ6e pue SlUeUa^o:J
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the subject matter of such foreclosures on the basis of the then outstanding prinqipal
balance of such Loans. Any funds thereafter remaining shall be applied to the payment
of the Indebtedness relating to the other Loans in such order as Lender may determine,
Any release of this Mortgage with respect to anyone parcel of the Total Property
shall not in any event prevent or impair Lender from enforcing all of its rights .and
remedies with respect to any other parcel of the Total Property. Borrower shall pay
Lender's reasonable costs incurred in releasing this Mortgage.
Lender shall have the right to determine the order in which any or all of the Total
Property shall be subjected to the remedies provided in this Mortgage, any of the Loan
Documents and the Other Loan Documents or applicable law. Lender shall have the
right to determine the order in which any of the Indebtedness is satisfied from the
proceeds realized upon the exercise of such remedies. Borrower and any party who
now has or may in the future have a security or other interest in any of the Total Property
waives any and all right to require the marshaling of assets or to require that any of the
Total Property be sold in the inverse order of alienation, or that any of the Total Property
be sold in parcels, or as an entirety, or in any combination, in connection with the
exercise of any of the remedies permitted by applicable law, this Mortgage, any of the
Loan documents or any of the Other Loan Documents,
COUNTERPARTS. This Mortgage and the Assumption and Modification
Agreement (Loan No. 398120) and the Deed of Trust (Loan No. 20101118) which are
included in the Other Loan Documents are being executed in counterparts for concurrent
recording in the county in which any parcel of the Total Property which secures any of
the Loans Is located. All of the counterparts shall in all respects be deemed to be
original documents, and only one such counterpart need be deposited, produced or
introduced in making proof thereof or in any proceeding, whether judicial or nonjudicial.
where production, deposit or introduction of this Mortgage is necessary or desirable,
except to the extent that local law requires the production of the original Mortgage as a
prerequisite to the enforcement of Lender's rights thereunder.
If the lien of this Mortgage or any other of the Loan Documents or the Other Loan
Documents is invalid or unenforceable as to any parcel of the Total Property, the
unsecured or partially secured portion of the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage,
any other of the Loan Documents or any Other Loan Document shall be completely paid
prior to the payment of the remaining secured or partially secured portions of such
2. All of the provisions of the Note and Mortgage shall remain in full force
a'nd effect except as herein specifically modified and this Agreement is made upon the
express condition that the Mortgagor is vested with the fee simple title to the premises
covered by the Mortgage, And the said Mortgagor, in consideration of the granting of
this modification, further covenants and agrees to pay and comply with the terms and
conditions of the Note and Mortgage as herein modified, and nothing herein contained
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BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this .:? h 'tiL day of ,~ n e..... , 2001,
before me, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, personally
appeared G, MICHAEL SMITH, Sr. Vice President, of Lend Lease Agri-Business, Inc" a
Delaware corporation, as Attorney-in-Fact for U.S. Bank Trust National Association,
(f/kla First Trust National Association) who is personally known to me to be the said
officer of said corporation, and the same person who executed the foregoing instrument
and he duly acknowledged the execution of the same for and on behalf of and as the act
and deed of said corporation as Attorney-in-Fact for U.S,. Bank Trust National
Association, (f/kla First Trust National Association).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my. name affixed my
official seal, on the day and year last above written.
~~ /J~otary Public
My commission expires:
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St louis County
My CommIssion Expires
May 4, 2003
Be(C?re Me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State.
on this ;?gffvday .of Qa..MJ ,2001, personally appeared Roland C, Willis and Linda L.
Willis, to me known to be the IdentIcal persons who subscribed their names to the
foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same as their free
and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purpo esJI:!~rein set forth,
GIVEN under my hand and sealtoffice day a -e-' st above written.
Notary Public
My commission expires:
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Legal DClGcr1ption
Roland HIUis
r^RCI!l, 1
^ ,.rcel of 'and slh.aled III Section '. 2, '0, " and '2 'n T22N RI20W (If lhe (1111 r.M.,
Unco'n Couuty,. Wyoming described b1 mcles Rud bounds referred to IlIe ,.Ials made by the
UCllcrnl Lltud Unice of Ihe Uuilcd Slales of ^naulca uudcr dated tlf March 3', 1909, and Ihe
;,,"cl\dlllCIl13 thelcto liS follows:
Oegl.."illl!: nt Cutncr No. S {I( Resurvey Tnct No. 49 rrom whence Ihe NonhCllSt
comer uf $:lid Section '0 benrs N 16-17" R, 69.76 chlllns;
thellce Nollh 20.20 c1mill3 tu Corner No.6 of Tract No. 49;
Ihence Bast 20.00 c:hains to Corner No. 7 uf Tr,tc( Nu. 49;
thenGe North 00.(10 chains 10 Comer No.8 ofTmct No. 49;
Ihence East 20,00 chain3 to Comer No. 9 of nacl No. <19;
thence N 06-00' U. 2U.S6 d'lIins 10 Comer Nu. 10 vf "ract 49:
Ihenal &.sl 60,00 chaltl! to Corner No. J of Tfil<:l 49:
thence N 06-(xJ' n, 20.56 duuns 10 a raint; .,
thenco East 32,S" chain~ lu . IJOinlln the r:enler of Ihe chaullel lhrough which
Scar Itlver "OW!. lI~ce 011 I lIIel1l1der of Ihe cClllrallhrmd of !Jetr Rivcr
S 48 24' W, 12.96 dlllin~:
IhcllceS 15.'6' \V, 6,8" chains;
Ihellce S Ir38' H. 17.83 chl/ins;
Ihellce S 79-09' W. 8,45 chaill~;
Ihell(.'e N 4S.00' W. '.J7 chains;
Ihcnce N 23-00' W, 18.69 chnin~~
'hence S 18"26' W, 7,59 chain!:
lhence S IS.24. n, 17,:12 chains;
Ihellce S '''.07' \v, IR,IH challiS;
Ihellte N 83.5 I' W, 6,S4 chain50
'hence n "6";\8' n, 'lA.\ chain~;
IIIence S 1"-2."1. H, 3.(il challl$:
Ihente S 2.1-:.15' W, 17.2" ch:tins;
Ihenee S "2"1'" W, IO.2Cidmlns;
Ihence S 62"S.c' n, 9.4" c1'lIlns:
'hence N SI-:W Ii. (jAil chllins;
1I1ence N 7603u' f!, :'\.'" chalnl:
Ihcnce N 1I-;W n. I. 9lJ chl/in!:
thence S 25"5'" n, ".1' ('hllill~;
IhclIce S 15"',1' W, 12.79 chains;
thence N :I8-UO' w. 10,:18 chains;
Ihence S 3.1"09' W, 11.71 t.hains;
thellce S 2....2". W. 11.86 ch~ins:
IhCflce S 2'1"09' W, 6.97 chait"~ lu Ihe elld of !l/Id lIIe:llldcr, Ihe inlenl being to
deed 10 Ihe cenlet (If 5l/ld cllllnnel, liS measured mldwlIY behveen Ihe 101'
\If Ihc: Ill/Ilk C:~Cl1rl'".e"ls al normal gro\lllll levels.
Ihence Wesl 88,97 thl/in, 10 the 1101111 \If heglnning,
I'^nc:r-:f.. 1
^ ,nuce' of IlInd III Sn:linll 2, Sttlit/lI 3, Setli,," IU Rnd SeClion II, 1'22N IU20W or Ihe GII.
f'_M., UnC:!11" CClllllly, \YYIIIlIilll: mOle 1l1l'lh;tll;1IIy de$cribcd "' rollows:
, JJeginni"G lItlhe NO'lheaSI CtJrner \If $ldtl Secli(11l 2 and r\lllllillg
Ihellce S tX'" 10'" I" Ii, 1I di!llllllce of I:lOR.('" feet:
thellee S lJ9":lS')J" \Y, ,,!Il~;"'ee IIf 1319.87 fCl:I;
thenee S 00"23'52" \V. 1I tlist;mce (If IJU.l,85 feel;
Ihellce S 89"54'S"" W. 1I di$\lInee of 26<l1l.68 fecI:
thence S 00""'16" W, 1I di!llnllc:e ef -17'9,96 feel;
l..cr.lIl lJeserillllltfl COlltllllled
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^ pa~ocl of land situate 1A ~8Ctions 14, 1S, 22 and
23 of Township 22 Horth, RanVe 120 Hest of the 6th
Principal Meridian in Lincoln County, tf:radnq, dea-
cUbed in particular by Iletea and bounds referred
to 1n the plat made by the General Land Office of the
United States under date of M~ch 31, 1909, as follows,
Beginning at a poLnt on the Eut:em boundary of the
hOldings of LaW~ence Johnson ~ram whence the South-
east Corner of said Section 15 bears South 76. 50'
East 39.22 Chains; thence 'East 86.82 ,chains .to II
point situa.te in t:h.e Oenter of tha channel thiough
which Bear River flO'ols:- thence on a Jllea.nder at the
oentral thread of Belir River, South 18V 51'- Heat: "\
1.37 Chains, South 28v 43r West: 8.32 chains:- North _
18v 14' West, 4.90 ,chains,. South '80.,24' West 7.20
chains, South 31. 24' Bast- 6.91 chains. South 661v
02' Bast: 6.89 chains: South '40.- 29' East 5.-39 chllins;
South 27. 39' West 4.73 'chains, South 82- 36' West
7.16 chains: South 34v 19' West 7,63 chains. South
5S. 24' East 9.68 chains to the end of said meander,
the intent being- to deed to the center. of said
channel, as measured midway between the banks of
Bear River from the top of the said bank escarpments
at normal ground levels: thence West 58.53 chains
along Ule North boundary of the holdings of John
Seday: thence North 26- 20' West 19.11 chains to
the point of b.'!li.nni~CJ'
fl, G. to
i7!J {J ,
, 1'1 (fS-:;L?
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"lI'f d L1l9 'lsaM O~ ~ a1:jue~ 'lnJON GG O!L1SUMOl
'PUBI JO IroJed PIes JO sapepunoq
leU!Pnl!6UOI alU '01 lalleJBd pue 'WOJ! laaJ 0.00 ~ alenlls 6uleq aUlI
JalU80 Pies 'a6ue~ pue dlLlSUMOl Pies JO 9v lOeJl JO aUlI AJepunoq
lunas aLII Lll!M aUlI Jaluro PIES JO uOIIOaSJalu! aLll 01 laeJ O.S ~L~
lse3 Salnu!W gg sacuoap 0 ~ L1lJON aoualU 'AeMLlo!L1 PIes JO AeMpeOJ
eLll JO €lUll Jaluro aLll pue ~Z lOl Pies JO aU!I AJepunoq ^palunOS alU JO
UO!loaSJa1U! aLll L11!M IBO!lUap! ou!aq lU!od P!es laoue~ pue 'd!L1sUMOl
'uo!loes PIes JO ~z 101 PIes JO J8UJO::l lseaLl1nos all1 jO 199M 1eeJ 0"08
Alalew!xoJdde palenl!S lU!od e 1e ou!uu!6as :sMOIIOJ se Aa^-Jns PIes
JO slald PIes uodn JelrlO!lJed U! UMOllS 6u!aq puel JO I80Jed Pies pue
'6u!WOAM IAluno~ UIOOU!1 JO )fJal~ Aluno~ alU JO pJooaJ lelOYJo aLl1 JO
lJed 6u!aq A9^-Jns PIes JO laid Pies 'a-E6~ 'ou -d-V"~ 6ulaq se AqSJ9lU
.t '} \,. . '-'\. l:" .,\'. 'J
paleuolsap pue UOISSIWWO~ AeMLl6!H SlB1S Bo!woi{M aLll Aq f..eMLl6!LI
Pies jO f..aAlns aLll JO laid alll uodn 'laJEJUa6 UI 'uMOLlS 6u!aq PUel
JO I80Jed Pies 'Aa^-Jns O!lqnd aln JO SUO!SI^lpqns PleSaJOje aLl1Ll6noJLJ1
O€ 'oN f..eMlID!H SlB1S DUIWOAM jO f..eM JO lLlDP aLll OU!WJoJ puel
JO laOJed Pies ~ue!P!lall\lledIOUPd LllX!S aLll JO 1saM 6 ~ ~ a6ue~ 'NG~
d!LlSUMO.l 'g UO!lOas JO '6 101 pue O~ 101 'vHMSvHMN "G~ '~G 101
JO Aaruns o!lqnd all1 JO sapepunoq aLl1 U!L11!M pa1en1!S puel jO ISOJed e
OG pue L ~ "9 IS 5101 :g ~ uO!loas
6~ pue g~ 'L~ "9~ "6 'L SlOl :6 UO!lOas
vHMSvHMN pue egG pue VG I~G "ll I ~G
l(vHMSvH3N JO) OG "L~ 19~ 'g~ IV~ "E~ I~~ 16 'L I~ 5101 :8 UO!lOas
Z~ }01 :L UO!l:Jas
-1I'f d 1I19 '158M 6 ~ ~ aDue~ 'lIl-10N GZ d!4SUM0.1
9 101 JO GHNGHM "L 101}6 ZHS"GHM :L UO!lOes
"L^fd lI19 '158M 6 ~ ~ aDue~ 'LI:JlON ~G d!LlSUMO.l
UO!ld!losaa le5al
J f~ "'9 t., I 1:::)0
1,.."" 'l>..-. ~~~,.",
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Beginning at a point situated upon the West boundary of Tract 42 from
whence the Northwest Corner of said Section 27 bears N0012' for
2501.4 feet; thence North 1269.9 feet feet; thence S63057'E, for
7453.5 feet; thence S2057'W, for 192.0 feet along the Western
Boundaries of the holdings of John Sedey and Beckwith-Quinn and
Company of (Lawrence Johnson); thence N71044'W, for 7058.7 feet
to the point of beginning, all in Township 22 North, Range 120 West.
A right of way 2 rods in width, in common with others, the South line of
which is described as follows: Part of Section 22, Township 22 North,
Range 120 West of the 6th P.M. described as follows: Beginning 'at a
point from whence the Northwest corner of lot 24, said Section 22
bears West 314.8 feet; thence South 11053' East 794 feet; thence
South 84025' East 2906.9 feet; thence North 74020' East 1164 feet;
thence South 81038' East 636 feet to the County Road.
A parcel of land situate in Section 13, 14, 23, 24, 25 and 26 described
by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 4 of
Resurvey Tract No. 74 from whence the Southwest corner of said
Section 24 bears South 50 degrees 54 minutes West 23.22 chains,
thence South 20.20 chains to Corner No. 3 of Tract 74, thence West
0.24 chains, thence South 11.39 chains, thence South 89 degrees 59
minutes West 19.99 chains, thence North 20.00 chains, thence North
89 degrees 59 minutes West 19.77 chains, thence South 28.81
chains, thence East 20.00 chains to Corner No.1 of Tract 40, thence
South 20.30 chains, thence West 44.15 chains to the center of the
channel through which Bear River flows, thence meandering the
central thread of the channel of Bear River North 67 degrees 07
minutes East 4.88 chains, thence North 20 degrees 33 minutes East
4.27 chains, thence North 09 degrees 23 minutes East 12.26 chains,
thence North 27 degrees 48 minutes East 8.37 chains, thence North
21 degrees 09 minutes West 3.32 chains, thence North 28 degrees 24
minutes East 12.62 chains, thence North 06 degrees 57 minutes East
4.13 chains, thence North 48 degrees 27 minutes West 5.88 chains,
thence South 75 degrees 27 minutes West 10.74 chains, thence North
80 degrees 21 minutes West 10.75 chains, thence North 21 degrees
27 minutes West 9.03 chains, thence North 20 degrees 53 minutes
East 8.13 chains, thence North 87 degrees 20 minutes East 8.61
-.,?-' /) /
(71..~~ (t. -
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r'7 .? 'Jj)
lseM SelnU!W ~v seeJBep v~ lIlnog oouelll 'l6l6lj oo~ lS8M SGlnU!w
6 ~ saaJ6ap 9L 4lJON aoua4l 'leal 00 ~ lse3 Salnu!w ~ V saaJ6ap
v~ lUJON OOU9111 'v~ uO!loag PIes jO JGUJOO lsaMlIlnos alll WOJj
'ssel JO alOW 'lse3 laal LLO ~ pue 4lJON laal 0 ~ 8 ~ lU!od e le 6u!uu!6as
:SMOIIOj se paqposap aJe 1I0!lIM jO sapepunoq aliI 'P!eseJOje aBue~
pue d!4SUMO.l U! vv lOeJ.110 lJed e S! 40!4M '6u!woAM 'Aluno:) UIOOU!l
"V\I.d lIl9 aliI jO 15aM O~~ a6ue~ 'lIl.ION ~~ d!lISUMoJ. U! '17l uo!peg
10 S ~ lOl U! palenl!S puello lOeJl e :6U!MOIIOj a4lldaox3) 6u!uu!6aq
jO lU!od aliI 01 SU!ellO 86.17~ 158M aoualll'17v lOBJJ. jO ~epunoq 1I1nOS
a4l uo lU!od e Ol 'uolAea U40r 10 s6u!P104 allllo ,{Jepunoq wals8M
alll 6uole SU!Btp vL9l~ 158M S8lnU!W v~ s8aJ5ep ZO 4lnoS aoua4l
'pJOJla.l oal10 s6u!PIOll aliI JO ,{Jepunoq 1IInOS a4l Buole SU!e40 Z9.Z9
lse3 aoua4l'Sla^al punoJ5 leWJOU le SluawdJeosa )jueq a4l JO dOl a4I
WOll la^!~ Jeas JO s)jueq a41 uaaMtaq AeMp!W paJnseaw sa lauue40
PIes 10 Ja1uao a4l 01 paap 01 ou!aq 1ualU! alll'Japueaw Pies 10 pua
a4l Ol 'SU!a40 ~ ~.8 lsa3 Sa1nu!w €~ saaJ6ap 2:9 4lJON aoua4l 'SU!e40
BO"9 lsaM SalnU!W 8 ~ saaJ6ap 9€ lI1JON aoua41 'SU!ellO 9v.S lsaM
SalnU!W 90 saaJ6ap 9l lI1JON ooua1l1 'SU!ellO vS.& lS83 SalnU!W ~ ~
saaJBap LZ 4lJON aoua41'SU!e40 €O.Z~ lse3 S8lnu!w ~O saaJ6ap Lv
lIlJON aoua4l 'SU!ellO L9'v lse3 S8lnu!w 00 saaJBap 9Y 4JJON aouaUl
'SU!BlP ~l.9 lse3 SalnU!w ~ ~ sa8J6ap €€ 4lJON aoua4l 'SU!elp ~9"E:
IsaM Salnu!w SZ saaJ6ap Y~ UlJON aouaUl'SU!ellO vS"S lsaM Sa1nu!w
8S saaJ6ap 90 4lJON aoua41 'SU!ellO BO"L lse3 Sa1nU!W LS saaJ6ap
B ~ lUJON aoua1l1 'SU!ellO Z~.B 1se3 Sa1nU!w ~17 saaJ6ap BZ lIl.1oN
aoua41'Su!e40 OS.v Ise3 Sa1nu!w v~ saaJ6ap BL 1I1nOS aoua41'su!e40
OZ"L lse3 Sa1nu!w vl sa~:uB8p OS lIlJON OOU8l11 'SU!ell:l ~6"9 '158M
SalnU!w VZ saaJBap ~~ lIlJON aoua1l1 'SU!e40 68"9 lsaM Sa1nu!w ZO
'sa€u6ap 00 41.10N oou841 'SU!ellO 6&"S 15aM salnu!w 6Z saaJ6ap 017
lIlJON aou8111 'SU!ellO 81"17 lse3 salnu!w 6E: saeu6ap LZ lIlJON aoualll
'sU!ellO 91" L lse3 Salnu!w 9€ 5aaJ6ap Z8 lIl.ION aou8l1l 'SU!ellO &9" L
lse3 Sa1nU!w 6 ~ saaJ6ap 178 4lJON aOU8111 'SU!ellO B9'6 lS8M S8lnU!W
L~ sa~u6ap v& 1I1.10N aoualll'su!ellO &O"l lse3 Se1nu!w 6Z seaJ6ap 0 ~
LUJON aoualll'SU!ellO 9 ~ "~~ lS8M Sa1nU!W OS saaJBap ~L 4lJON aoua1l1
'SU!ellO BL.17~ lsaM salnulw 90 saaJ6ap 9~ lIlJON aouelll'su!ello ~O"&
lse3 sa1nulw 9Z saaJ6ap S~ 4lJON aouSlIl'su!ellO 98.L lse3 Salnu!w
Be: saaJBap ~~ lIlJON aoualll 'SU!BlIO 6L9 lSB3 58lnU!W 9 ~ seaJ6ep
~l lIlJON aou8l11 'SU!ellO LL"f; lse3 Salnu!w ~ ~ saaJBap 6L 4lnoS
eoualll'su!etp 17l"6 lSB3 Salnu!W GO saaJfiap OS lIlJON aou841 'SU!e40
I C'" "''11'4-1' P r~) ()
r,." 'c... .f" ~ ~".~ ~'"'j
o t3 ~~? 4~;':: :} '";J
100 feet, thence South 75 degrees 19 minutes East 100 feet to point
of beginning.
The South half of Tract 40, a fractional part of Tract 41, a fractional
part of Tract 39, all in Township 22 North, Range 120 West of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, more particularly described as
follows: Beginning at a point which is 5 20 degrees 41 minutes East
4,249 feet of the Northwest Corner (Corner No.6) of Tract 41 of 'said
Township and Range; thence East 3,780.5 feet, thence South 4,316.6
feet, thence N 72 degrees 25 minutes West 3,950 feet to a poir1t on
the West bank of the Bear River Channel, thence in a Northeasterly
direction along the West bank of the Bear River Channel to the point
of beginning.
Section 25: All of Lot 6, 7, 10, 14 and 15 and SE1/4 of the NW1/4
and the NE1/4 of the SW1/4
Section 26: Lots 1 and 13
an undivided interest in the followina described lands:
W1/2SE1/4, Section 20, Township 22 N, R 118 W, 6th P.M.;
W1/2NE1/4 and N1/2SE1/4, Section 29, Township 22 N, Range 118
W, 6th P.M.
Tract 45, Township 22 N, Range 119 W 6th P.M.
Also a right of way and the right to travel over all roads and rights of
way heretofore used and now established over any lands heretofore or
now owned by Beckwith-Quinn and Company, for the purpose of
ingress and egress to the above described lands.
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