HomeMy WebLinkAbout874305 r- : .r;.-~.' I' .".;.-, . ."':".'1' ..- ;~~_.',:...,. . ~ 1'-1>. 8;a ~~ bl} S r;:lO 'vU .1=) Q.) :>.. t-~ "+:1 ~ ooy."; !;......., f;;l -!~ 0 ~ ....' oll) a'3 ~ ~~J9 0_0:::1 ~ .-. ~.... ~ 00 ::1 0 Ou .~~) CCI ~$~ .,",::.: ..' ~.'{.::{"": ;:':~~Z~ ;-~;':i.'., , ":.,.'.."-, RECEIVED Ll~JCOLN COUrrry GLERI\ /'6":' 9 ., 0 BOOK '::S (I PR PAGE U 874305 WARRANTY DEED 01 JUL-3 PH 3: 21 J E A 1\)1\.1 ~=' 1 r' t, "::, j'.J E:- R l \,; 1~.. { ~. t I \.../ 1 I<EMMtf~En. \'jYOlvlING MATD..DALAKER, a single woman, AND A.C. STUDTMUELLER & COMPANY, aka A.C. STADTMUELLER & COMPANY, a partnership, A.C. STADTtwWELLER, general partner.. grantors of Etna, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and OO/lOO's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO CRAIG LAKER AND TERESA LAKER, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, grantees, whose address is P,Q. Box 74, Etna, WY 83118 the foHowing described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by -virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: A portion of the SEIASW1A of Section 3, T35N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast comer of said SEI;4SW* and running thence S 0009'57" E, along the east line of said SE~SW~, 348.54 feeti thence S 88"48'25" W, parallel to the North line of said SE~SWV-l. 250.00 feet; thence N 0009'57" W, 348..54 feet to the North line of said SE~SW~; thence N 88"48'25" E, along last said line, 250.00 feet to the point of beginning, contl1illiug 2.00 dcres of land. SUBJECT TO all easements, exceptions, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of . sight or record. ct WITNESS our hands this -L:L day of June, 2001. - - , jJZ!iL-L&l~ J~ Matilda Laker A.C. STADTMUEllER & COMPANY 4 fa bocH~ A,C. Stadtmueller, General Partner - - - - 'p~as l'~F'lj:Jo pUB prreq AlU SSClUl1:\\ '10m: '~unI JO Anp 10 / S!ttl d!qSJ~U1md TI ',\.tredlUO~) W ,;~l[:<lnunpBlS ';YV JO J~lIln:d rel~tIQ.2 'l~lI<lnunpBlS 'J'Y Aq ~m ~lOJ:;lq p",:aP;3!h\Ompr S'ell\ P~go ~Up.lnlA\ ~tr!O~;1101 ~tf.L U1 o:Jun J 0 hlunoJ 1i'1J!mot\A\ JO QllllS E' ~ 0, I s 7/ r- :s;).f!dxg aO!SSIUIWOJ AW An! ~ ~.,'"",..-.-~,,, :'11qnd ~o N __-- 3u!w~ . U\ooun , ~ IOa)RIS ID~ V t/ OnBnd AlIVION . N3SN3fVlN1O '{e.;lS FW~YJ.O ptrn prreq hm SS~OlIM . lOOZ; '~unI JO Af:P 10 / Sl1P 1~){E1 llPIW~W Aq ~UI ~uopq p~ip;jlh\otQjor SlIi\\ p~PU hlUIU.illA\ ~tr!Oil~lOJ ~t{l T06 ~~~ () f~i.l' l. 8 [) utOJun JO ~unoJ iJU1UIOAA\ )0 ;}lBlS ::}Jt::' .',/~;.~ ...,';:'.",':.. .:;". .' .. c .~.:;,. . :"Yr' "0:'.'-:.'- : ~~~~.?-~ . .:'.-:.... , ::,.~:., . ..". ~.: . . :....:;3,>.. ..,.,"::,. ,...~... . ":"!,j" . .,;~. . ". .::..~ . .:.:...',. . ":.-.", ."-....'. :,'"." . ,.~:.:.~.: . ":'--' ....:'.....:. . :: :.:;~::. ..: '~~/{: . .::1,~:.: ~ j,:"'-. . .~, . ,.. I .::;,...