HomeMy WebLinkAbout934508 6010715790 RECEIVING # 934508 BOOK: 677 PAGE: 404 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFRDAVlT 000404 I, Lannice P. Montague, being first duly swom UP9n my.,path depq§e and statD as follows: M' Ii f't?4./!..'.U4£ffl,.. ú-1Uf Ii 114'> tyu:t.- c!J 1. That I am the Successor Trustee ofthe rl7...fw~J llll(~ Trust dated ~ f",~,¿ f'Jr l(jÇ,Cj 2. That on October 30, 1969 in Book 88PR on page 363 of records of Lincoln County Clerk was recorded a Quitclaim Deed from Harold R. Papworlh and Elmina C. Papworlh to HR. Pap worth and Elmina C. Papworth as Trustees conveying the following described land: SEE A TTACHED EXHIBIT A. 3. The Quitclaim Deed conveying the properly to the trust was not properly defined as required by W.S. 34-2-122 (1977) in thatthe name of the trust and the date of the Trust was omitted. The name of th~ Trust is If Po fct'fW<1YtJ,., d. t\,,( : and, the date of the Trust is ';J;A'I'~ l~lq 1..1. #~~~ ¡? PlÀf(¡(j(j,;'. th.. Living Trust t. \ ! 4. That said H. R. Papworlh AKA Harold R. Papworlh died on the --1.!1- day of h~ b J 7 ~ and a copy of the original cerlificate of death, cerlified to as true an correct by public authority in which the original of said cerlificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "8". 5. That said Elmina C. Papworlh died on the --!i- day of I1pr>/ l'rrtnd a copy of the original cerlificate of death, cerlified to as true an correct t1y public authority in which the original of said cerlificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". 7. That by reason of deaths of said H.R. Papworlh AKA Harold R. Pap worth and of Elmina C. Papworlh and by reason of §34-2-122 W.S. (1980), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby ha~ J . jÌ¡~ vested absolutely in Lannic;€P. Montague, Successor Trustee of thet! P..~1iJ/I..'1f7J. ~'£þ...,J"--1!. ry.'41r.!!!Æ trust dated 6f¡¿J ) ~ 'f continuously since the death of the saId dece ent. *Living -b h(Ic>/'1ó Dated this 2 3 day of October, 2007. ~ State of County of C.A 'S A JJ 0/ IE(,. tJ I, Lannice P. Montague, do solemnly swear that I have read the foregoing Affidavit subscribed by me; that I know the contents thereof and verily believe the statements therein contained are t e. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Lannice P. Montague this ~ _ day of October, 2007. Witness my hand and official seal. 1l.z. ~.~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~-Il.. - I-b Exhibit A File 6010715790 Description 000405 The land referred to in this. document is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: A portion of Lot 3 of Section 1, Township 31 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a Cotton Gin Spike set at a point in the North line of Section 1, said point being 694.07 feet North 89°44'50" West along said North line, from the Spike found marking the Northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence South 0°53'36" West 1,309.50 feet to an Iron Pipe Set; thence North 89°38'53" West 314.18 feet to an Iron Pipe Set; thence North 0°54'00" East 1,308.96 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike set at a point in said North line; thence South 89°44'50" East, along said North line, 314.03 feet, to the Point of Beginning. .:; t:len )H ,~ .¡ STATE FILE NUMBER IA. NAME OF DECEDENT-FIAST (GIVEN) HAROLD liB. MIDDLE 1 RAY , 8. HrsPANlc-SPKCIPV LOCAL RI!GISt""TtON DISTRICT AND CaRTlflICAT. NUMBI!" 2A. DATE OP DEATH-MO. D..Y. VA,.2B. HO,,", 3. SEM February 191 1993 10130 M Cauc. . October 12, I,. UND." 2" HOU"S Houns MINUTES I ')en ~~ U 'JH ~> ~~ ~~ en en ·U H ~ en ..~H 19 TO 19 J IliA. U.U~L OCCU~ATION A~ . .... Business Mana er p.. . I8A. RUIDIINC. STRUT AND NUM".II OR LOCATION ~ 36 West 4th Ave. i~' :~§;C~'H ~ 190. STREBT ADDRESS IIT".ET "NO NUMII.R 0" LOCAnON 6682. Hu'~.son Pl. B. STATE OF 9. CITIZEN OF WHAT BIRTH COUNTRY WY USA Osborne Tavener 7. AGE IN II' UNO." I vaAII "1/!fRS ' MONTHII DAYII tJ/· I I I lOB. STAT. OF 11A. FULL MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER I I BIRTH ' Papworth: UT Grace Christy Couey 11 B. STAT. O~ I BI"T" : UT 4. RACE .þ:: ~H ~~ ~þ:: ~~ }O ~ ) . )H ~p.. ~ ~A ) )0 1C:!J ~ )H ~A } ~~ A ~ en ~ ~ H )~ H O~ ~ ~~ H ~ en ~ ..:!U ~< 0 )H A U ~ t;: ~z ~~ ~o H ') c.,:¡ ~H )þ::~ )HO ~ ~ c.,:¡ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t:Q ~ ~ ~ HO U 18. SOCIAL SIICUIIITY NO. 14. MA"'T"L STATUII lB. N~ME OF SURVIVING·SPOUSE ~~ WIP.. EN18" MAID.N N"MSI 520-34-9002 Widowed ,-- ,; I II1B. USUAL KIND OP BUSIN..S 011 INDUST"Y : School District , 1 IIC. USUAL EMPLOYE" : Lincoln County 1.IBD. VEA"S IN I - ~CCUI'AnON I .,4 ISB. CITY - " I 17. EDUCATION-VEA"S COMPLnED 16 Afton ISC. ZIP COD. I 83110 19B. IF HOSPITAL. SPECII'Y IIIC. COUNTY : ONE' IP. ER/OP. DOA : San Die 0 ~O. NAM" RELA TIONIIHI~. MAlLIN. ADORE" AND ZIP COD. OF INFO"MANT 'Lannice Montague, daug. ,6682 Húdson Pl. San Die 0, CA 92119 ,IBE. NUMSER OF v....". ,IBF. STATE 0" FO".,GN C.OUNT"Y 1 IN THIs COUNTY , 82 WY 22. w.o. DBA,... R.I'O"T8D TO CO"ON.'" ".nR"AL NllMlli!II r-'"1 ,ŒJ ".1193-02-333 U NO 23. WA. BIOP.1 P.A.PO"MEDT D Vis ~O I . 24A. WA. AIITO~.1 PE"PO"MED1 ~:30D'y~. ~. , I " ,. ~¡B.WÃè-';:Ü..ÕiÑDøT"'-MñõiÑ.ë¡üi. ...... ',' Dot' D.AT>lb" ,... I' YEB· NO 2S., W.o. O~I !"ATION P...FORMED I'OR ANY. CONDlnON IN IT.M 21 OR 2S1 IF va.. LIST TYP..O~ OP.RATION AND DATI!. , ~"""-Ð I C.RTI" THAT TO ,.... BRST QF M1 KNOWLEDG. DEATH 278. .UJ~URI AND DE..REI OR TITL& OF CE"TlFIE" 27C. CIRn"'E"·. LIC.NII. NUM..... OCCUR"ED AT TH. HOUR. OAT. AND PLACE STATED F"OM TH.1 -' ,-.., ~I G ~ -'2 6· CAU...S1ATED. , ~ ~ 2.. ~ ~ ,- "<:J' 27A. DECEDENT ATTINDID IINC.' DECIOINT LAST SEEN ALlV. I MONTH. 0,01. VEAR : MONTH. DAY V.AR , 27E. TYPE AlTENDING PHYSICIAN'S NAME AND ADDRESS ~ /2.1 (90 I 11116/ r:¡ z. I David L. Lorenz, M.D., 1240 Broadway, E1 Cajon, CA I I DE. CITY I San Diego, CENTHR ONL V ONE CAUSE! PER LINE FOR A. B. AND C, TIM. INT."VAL "&TWEEN ONs "ND,.DIIATH " IMMEDIATI! CAUSB 'A' '~:',"f .~ Dl/e TO eB, ¡ !/I;i~;D f"1 0'\ 0'\ .-t .. DUE TO ICI 25. OTH'" SION1"'CA~O",!,TIONI CONT",.unNG TO.D.AT" BUT NOT RIlLATED TO CAU" GIVEN IN 21 ... ,. (f~-""re- '-~--...Þ_ t..c: () H ~r I CE"TlFY THAT IN M1 O~INION DEATH OCCUR"ED AT TH. HOUR. DATI AND PLACE STATIO F"OM THI CAUSES STA18D. 2SA. SI.NATu"a AND TITLe Of' CO"ONER OR DEPUTY CO"ONER I 28B. OAT. SIGNED I I I 30B. INJUR1 AT WO"K , 3OC. DATE OF INJUR1 31. Ho,,", I D D ' MONTH. 0,01. VEA I VE. NO I 33. D..CR... HOw INJURY OCC,,""IID "V.N'. WHICH "..UL TaD IN INJURY) 29. MANNE" OF DBAT..-1 IIdtJ !lilt: nal".." accident. .. . 1IIiddI. 1IaowIddt, ........ 1nm1'.1ioo If coutd 1101 IN dolermlned A ~ 32. LOCATION '.TR.IIT AND NUM"." 0" LOCAnoN "NO CITV' en en t-f 34A. DISPOSITIONIS! STATE REGISTRAR A. B. C. I 34C. OAT. 311A. IGNATII". OP EM"ALMER I 311B. LICENSE I 2/ ~/m YEA" '?1~~~: 6854BER 3B. REGISTRATION DATE FEB 2 0 1 · · .. · H ~ I~ Þ I ~ ) H I :t4BliPLAC~ OI\./,'N",,_ DIS~OIlITION-NAME AND ADD"ESS ~ I ;,c WaD rlOr1;uary, PO Box 1121 ~ I A 311A. NAME OF PUHB"AL DI"eCTOII fO" ~ER.ON ACTING ... .UCH) I 38B. LICENSE NO. Featheringi11 Mortuary I 1083 1 TR/BU '0 , "AK" NO l!"A!!OI.'....9. WWIT"nIJT!I.IOR OTHER ALTERATION9 Q) .. E 1 .. oS t> ] Q) p,. û õô ~ '" <- lÓ I/) '" Q en u ~ .~ Q .¡:j rn oJ I/) Q) 0 " ..., .. .. ~ 0 Q) u It: 0 Q oJ a: ~ Z Š =' ...... ..8 ÇQ ~ ~ "" "" 0 Q ¡: ~ u :E 0 .~ ... ¡¡ ¡;,;: Q ..., ;> rn Q) ~ ¡¡¡ .§, ~ u =ö '" rn Q) f)à Q .Q :æ Q) ... " oJ Z c " to: ...... III i 0 .c ~ - Q) ¡¡¡ " < Q =s :x: - 0 c 0 iii '> õ VR 2-78 8182 10M - Exhibit "e" STATE OF WYOMING 000')01- TYPE OR PRINT IN PEAMANENT INK FOA INSTAucnONS SEE HANOBOOK LOCAL FILE NUMBER DECEDENT -NAME FIRST DIVISION OF HEALTH AND _DICAL SERVICES CERTIFICATE OF DEATH MIOOlE LAST STATE FilE NUMBER DATEOFDEATHtMo..Day, Yr.} 40. 1904 COUNTY OF DEATH IF DEATH OCCURREO IN INSTITUTION. see HANDBOOK REGAADING COMPlETION OF RESIOEN~ STATE OF BIATH(lfnoÆin U.S.A.. Uta h..m.coUftlryl U.S.A. .. 9. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 7.. Aft 0 n , SURVIVING SPOUSE (/fw;ft. .,1Ir meaide" norrw) 7d.Li n col n WAS OECEDENT EVER IN u.S. ARMED FORCES? (SPft'f{\J')~ or NoJ 12. KINO OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY 11~arol d Papworth 520-34-9003 13. RESIOENCE-STATE COUNTY Education 140. CITY. TOWN OR LOCATION 15b~in co 1 n MIDDLE 15.. Af ton LAST 36 w. 4th FIRST FIRST MIDDLE Frederick Campbell Le t tl e Dewey INFORMANT -NAME (Type or Prin.t} MAILING ADDRESS CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP 18b. box 14 CEMETERY OR CREMA TORY-NAME Afton, WY LOCATION 83110 CITY OR TOWN STATE PM !'.. lë J!0 ~ 80 1;!!i OU .. 22.. PRONOUNCED OEADrHourl HOUR OF DEATH 22b. PRONOUNCED DEAO (Mo.. Da.v. Yr. 22d. ON 220. AT I InllHVal between onset and de: I n onsel and del (e) PART IZT SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS-Condillons conlributing 10 dealh II C '. ACC.. SUICIDE, HaM.. UNDET., OR PENDING INVEST. (Sp«ify NO INJURY AT WORK' Specify Ytt. , orNoJ 28b. 28.. PLACE OF INJURY-At home, rarm, atreel, 'aclory, office building, .tc.(S~cifyJ STATE M 28d. LOCATION STREET OR R.F.O. No. CITY OR TOWN 281. 28g. ',--,.. .-.\. ',~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this reproduction is a true copy of a record on file in Wyoming Vital Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. If this copy does not bear a raised seal and the signature of the Deputy State Registrar is not in RED, this is not an official certified copy. Da te Issued ;; .' ~f~&--.s) ~~-Z__ Deputy State Registrar April 16, 1987 ..:..