HomeMy WebLinkAbout934530 J, î J \ ({ r<1 fN t¿ 5, CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED '. 000466 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that JENKINS BUILDING SUPPLY, INe., a Wyoming corporation, P.O. Box 3009, Alpine, Wyoming 83128, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Convey and Warrant unto WYOMING INVESTMENT ENTERPRISES, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, 114 South US Highway 89, Alpine, Wyoming 83128, GRANTEE, and their successors and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest property, possession, claim and demand, as he may have or ought to have, in or to the following described property situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit: That property described in the Warranty Deed recorded in Book 640, Page 891 as Receiving No. 924663 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights of way of record or in use. This deed corrects the name of the Grantee outlined in the Warranty Deed recorded in Book 640, Page 891 as Receiving No. 924663 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming. The original Grantors, Richard L. Jenkins and Kathleen A. Jenkins, Trustees of the Richard and KatWeen Jenkins Family Trust, dated April 15, 2004, did not intend to transfer the above described property to JENKINS BUILDING SUPPLY, INe., but rather intended to transfer the property to WYOMING INVESTMENT ENTERPRISES, LLC. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES] RECEIVED 11/1/2007 at 12:54 PM RECEIVING # 934530 BOOK: 677 PAGE: 466 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY JENKINS BUILDING SUPPLY, INC. - WYOMING INVESTMENT ENTERPRISES, LLC CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED PAGEIOF2 WITNESS my hand this _ day of October, 2007. 000467 JENKINS BUILDING SUPPLY, INC. BY: BY: ~.~~ RUSSELL R. JO SON STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SSe COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 1-L{ th day of October, 2007, by DAVID S. JENKINS and RUSSELL R. JOHNSON, who acknowledged further that each individual is an Officer and Director of JENKINS BUILDING SUPPLY, INC., a Wyoming corporation, and that each signed the foregoing Corrective Deed for and on behalf of JENKINS BUILDING SUPPLY, INC. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: EMMm MAVY - NOTARY PU8UC County of .. . " State of Uncoln " Wyoming MY COMMISSION EXPIRES , ( -I'·~ APPROVED: Richard and Kathleen Jenkins Family Trust, dated April 15, 2004 ~o._~ KA LEEN A. JENKINS, TRUSTEE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SSe COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by RICHARD L. JENKINS and KATHLEEN A. JENKINS, in their capacity as Trustees of the Richard and Kathleen Jenkins Family Trust, dated April 15, 2004 on this ~ day of October, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. PENNY JONES NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY. OF .. STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MVCOMMISSION EXPIRES SEPlEMB 18 2011 ~~ NOTAR~ My Commission expires: c¡-/y. II JENKINS BUILDING SUPPLY, INC. - WYOMING INVESTMENT ENTERPRISES, LLC CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED PAGE20F2 OCT- 11 "07' 10~40FRO"",LandTlt1 8 Cö.pan, 30T-T33..sns T~S.~ep,~02/004 F"S9 ,pc r'.i1eNo.:Jí:0149 000892- 000468 WI:I.ltNXŒCQl$ED:Rlm1nNTOi Rl!C...E.IV..... E. 0'. 11121a..oo ß'. at..'.. 11. "'(? (.. ""a' .......... .' RECElVJNG 11924f.i83 ØOOK: 140 PAGE: 891 . .' . JEANNEWAGN$ . . . uNëolJ\l.cOVmvCLt!RK. ~M~ERER.WY :Nu.me:- ·.\dctms: ~~~ding.Supþl;Y A1tn::DavidJ~ ~;O.BoX$OO~· Al~ WY.31~8 WARRANTY DEED (IndlV'i4ual Form) ~chIu"d L. Jenkins. Trustc:o and I<mhIeen A. JenkillS and ¡heir succcssots. Trustees, fòr till: UStl$ an.d t>~O$CS.set Iþnb.ÚI,~ ~C~tlDdKathleert JQuldns, Family Tnwt ~ qrantot'$ aw.d Ttu:ltce. dawd~l SUI dayô£J\pti1, 2004, Ri~harå t.. ¡enkilll1 ém1 Kal~ A.1.~, bend:ídaries¡ .. G~O&($J;()'IJnçoJttCøwïtf!$~o:~Wyøœjl1"COlïlYEY(S)AND\V~(~)'t9 J.nJdl1Saüildb:llJ~\)AA~~~ ~W~G.Ço.tAA.ra\jon G~), Vi!lQ$I:i.llddre$sisP.();:Box 3009,Alpi.n&,wY 83128, fur thl;l &UmQ.f1'Ql Dollman4 other8QQ4aødVfl1\!ål)le~kt~on, ÙJefon,)wjIlgdo$m'bed mal~ $itµate in Lincolu County, Srate õEWyomiq¡, h~mby rél88$Ù;lgand wai'Yirlgailnghtt i.t.rId¢r.amð.Þy 'Yirtu6 Qfthe aQ.m.;:Ite;W.. E.~ption.Laws óftÌ1e__.to-wit; $ee;·æx1ù~A."'·.~ed.bcøtO $µþj!llÇt..tI'f r¢$~QmI;and:re$tijèt.i9Q.\lØl>.tåim:dîn:ThetI~States.ÞAtcnt'an4tOeuements.$ld ñPt$i<1r~ypfmoiìtQtin\lSê. . . To~e~Witba1l·írø~l;s;mdappwrteDanc<elltba:ema. WJtJ:1œsS.~ blndef said &;ratItor($) this 17th dtly ofNovembçr. 2006. ~~-~. Ri~dL.J . .... '1'~e . _k5ð..~Y-_ a... ~ Kath\r.:çnJ\. JeQÏQns. T~tec. ~TATE ø'WYOMING CO~O}rLÙ1Q01n The~otegojng wtnmu:Dt was ~1mowledged \x:fore me tm. l7th day ot'Novembcr. 2006,. by ~çbØl'dL. J~im TI'!,W=mdKathy A.Jenkínl\. TnlBtce ·thçsiP(.,ør~,wit1ùnùDtrÏuîiet1" who $1l~~'!V1~~tO:~~W.1ì~~~:rMtb~ '$~ ~S,M1~A!Itn~~CL\L$~; ~~~7 ,tz ¡ p ~/~~' FlleNItIllWrt 60729 I.41n4"'¡¡"p~ W-';Póad'-~~I} ""1\11'2: ..---..- '*---.. . ........ -. ~-_... --.. -- ...-..-- OCr;;;lJ..or ~"',~ ..... t~;~O FROIA-Land TUle Cwpany, 30T"Ta3~61a6 ß~4tif.i~, 000469' '.. ... . ' ...,~: ~.~",,"(tIIt;¡,·,...·_~~,~......;"t;. ~~ . 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ScIoJc 3e7 PRo JII!!Ø*.2OQ, I!IOIØ :I~II~C "u: 'lbf.ldalfollp\m U4 ôño. ('J) ofthl ~ai¡.ed&t HoiantS S&ll;IdlvlslOn. CQumy .Df UnIlOIn. $tale or W~~}.. . ;? .> ~. .~ .~;. .1. .. 'MD '.. ,; ^ '-'""'::-í' ~.~ !Š':I .'f '0 . t... I .' , .0 ,J.. r r . !. ',' ".,~."..........'.' :' -" " .,. ." .r"..¡. ".,\; \'~'"Iop '."tff!::~;;,. ..... .' ~.·.,f.~ .,. " ....II"! O,~"'~'# . ocr;;;n-Q.110:41 ,- FROM-LaodTillt Company a01..1U"S1iG 1-&88P.004/004 F-&9t .t..,~~~~. ", .t 1!IIW "."t, <Q~24:tU~;l 000470, J . ~ 00088(1 .. ., ""'.;._~ '..: .""'...~,_~ ..Jl!;"u.·,~;~...:~,;, ~':"" ":.".~~J",' :,.""", ,-~·~~,~~'rl,·j~· ·~l.:"~·,·u,·,,,:~- ".~.'~" ()a~Ei6JI.4 . '.466 SubJïJøttQlII~'~t)ij. .xcapdon"~'llÍcljon... metYaUon$ Md· rΡ 111. of WIIV· Qf .!lJhl~~· . eamillI. . . IIM PI'Op4l~~vt~Od \!) RJool [d I.. JonI¢ ¡).ønd KaIbIHrrA. JenlllnJ. hll$l.1and. ,1Il\d..WlflJ,by;JI!!\'iØ'c,""lhon IVJd J'-' A.M1hcn\, hU:l~rlí:lan4W1f, 11\ II . .~, Pi* øWtftllbrullty111. 19112\.[It1R.oor.dIllt'FebMlr.)l ail 1S02, In ,Bðáll¡ . 19P1't'.I?$.ltIJ,aø,~,P8(l~Jÿ~.·føllawl; . ..' ~~.f.poInt N &i'U' IS" 1\5.0 J,"'(rom, an ,.."lbQtbecfålïglé polnl ~~0I\ü;. ~bOll~'Y CGIII/1IOÐW PQIIudeB Reatvoit8i!d ",nriln8 INInCtH:~1!. =;S.fllat.lØìiO~·bOu~qne: jhanaeS21'38'i. 2t:"O '14101: "'.fIlIQII S 81.22' Wò tG2:.1i føil¡:þnCit 1'122"3a' \"I, 21t1,Oflløt:to UI. )Q n1 þf boØ¡nftlng:be!Jï...tt1*!of$eMn~; "'71'1, R1tm, $b P:.M... ~In çO\ln\Y. ~Ing.. .A\IQ.ClQQØt¡ed III T~ Dot JDI\IGlnQn 8\'OL DevllloplÍ\onI. W.Bt or ~.s.f!1QÞW1!YèO·tt.;AIp'1M. WyÒlnlng. . . "", 't.-· . ~ . . ()6.· " \' 2 / ... .-....-:-. ,,,,,.,~,,.. --_.. . _..... ,.----- .-.... ------. ...,~,,~ t·'. ., ·f:·