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RECEIVED 11/7/2007 at 12:53 F 'WI
RECEIVING # 934692
BOOK: 678 PAGE: 79
State of Iowa )
County of Black Hawk) SS...
Comes now, Mortgage Electronic Systems Inc. solely as nominee for GMAC Mortgage Corp.
acting through its undersigned officer whose office is at 3451 Hammond Ave., Waterloo, IA
50704, who being duly sworn on oath according to law, does hereby makes the following
statement of facts and affirms:
That said Bank holds the Mortgage of record in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County,
Wyoming, with Receiving Number 910848, in Book 594, on Page 163 of a mortgage dated the
Ith Day of July, 2005 and recorded the 11 th day of August, 2005 in said office, as referred to in
Kiehne Deeds recorded, with Instrument Number 874898, in Book 469PR, on Page 549, and
with Instrument Number 895363, in Book 541PR, on Page 907, within the SI/2NEl/4 of Section
27, T36N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County Wyoming.
That on behalf of said Bank the Subdivision is with our free consent and desires.
That the Name of the Subdivision shall be Horse Hills, the boundary being more particularly
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a Point in the North line of the SE1I4 of said Section 27, said Point being,
201.67 feet S89°09'39"E, along said North line from the Scott A Scherbel PLS 3889, 1990
location for the Northwest comer of said SEl/4; thence Northeasterly, roughly along an existing
fence line the following:
Nl ° 08'07"E 182.16 feet, N68°18'54"E 460.55 feet, N66°02'45"E 449.52 feet, N73°29'57"E
109.38 feet, N79°49'30"E 680.72 feet, and N86°46'05"E 447.93 feet to a Point in the Westerly
line of the State Highway Commission property, as referred to in the Deed recorded with
Instrument Number 413434, in Book 85PR, Page 418 with the said Office; thence S24°50'28"E,
along said Westerly line, 70.06 feet to Station PT 2010+ 17.32, being the Beginning of a 3,387.75
feet Radius Curve to the Right; thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a
Central Angle of2°29'49", arc length of 147.63 feet from which the radius point bears
S77°21'35"W, said curve having a chord ofS23°35'33"E 147.62 feet to the North corner of the
, Wyoming District Council of the Assemblies of God properties, as referred to in the Deeds
recorded with Receiving Number 915864, in Book 611, on Page 839, and with Receiving
Number 928276, in Book 654, on Page 65, with said Office; thence Southerly, and Westerly the
following: Soo02'15"E 305.94 feet, N89°09'39"W 365.90 feet, and Soo02'15"E 238.13 feet to a
Point in said North line of said SE1I4; thence N89°09'39"W, along said North line, 1,787.68 feet,
to the Point of Beginning, Consisting of Two Subdivision Lots, Encompassing 24.97± Acres of
7 &..
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: That portion of land, along the South line of the above
described Subdivision, lying within the 60-feet wide Right-of-Way Easement for Swimming
Pool County Road 12-108, as referred to in the Right-of-Way Easements recorded with
Instrument Number 612723, in Book 211PR, on Page 517, with Instrument Number 616098, in
Book 214PR, on Page 90, with Instrument Number 616099, in Book 214PR, Page 91, and with
Instrument Number 634863, in Book 226PR, on Page 177, the Center line being particularly
described in the Affidavit recorded with Instrument Number 614367, in Book 213PR, Page 37,
all with said Office.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: The 20 feet wide Utility Easement, along and through
the Southern portion of said Wyoming District Council of the Assemblies of God properties, for
the purpose of operating and maintaining Electric Power and Telephone, as referred to in said
Kiehne Deed.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: The 20 feet wide Utility Easement for underground
Natural Gas and Irrigation water lines, as referred to in said Kiehne Deed.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: The Right-of-Way Easement, as granted in the Affidavit
recorded with instrument Number 858720, in Book 430PR, on Page 401, with said Office.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: The Easement, as referred to in the Document recorded
with Instrument Number 169283, in Book 7MR, on Page 82, with said Office.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: ALL Easements, Exceptions, Restrictions,
Reservations, Rights-of-Way, Improvements and Conditions of sight and or record.
That the Utility Right-of Way Easements as shown on the Horse Hills Subdivision Plat, are and
shall be granted to the owners, successors and assigns of each lot created.
That this Affidavit is signed in the stead of and has the same affect as if the original Mylar Plat
of said Subdivision had been signed.
That all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming
are hereby released.
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On this -30.. day of C1-Trh>:r ("í¡%i!IIII"~007~"before me personally appeared JENNY BROUWER
by me first dully sworn, who did say he is the ASSISTANrSECFIETARV , of Mortgage Electronic
Systems Inc. solely as nominee for GMAC Mortgage Corp., Horsham, Pennsylvania, and that the
seal affixed to this instrument is the seal of said company, and that said instrument was signed
and sealed on behalf of said company as directed by it's Board of Directors and he
acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said company.
Witnessed my hand and official seal
'. 11à ; COMMISSION NO. 745496
! "',.~~i> MY corv1MISSION EXPIRES
'" w . FEBRUARY 21, 2Q10
~ 't1.AQ I m
Ñ otary Public
Sara . Lentz
My commission expires: 2-21-2010