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RECEIVED 11/7/2007 at 2:48 PM
RECEIVING # 934696
BOOK: 678 PAGE: 99
address is c/o The Orvis Company, Inc., 178 Conservation Way, Sunderland, Vermont 05250-
4465, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable
considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has remised,
released, conveyed and quitclaimed and by these presents does for his heirs, executors and
administrators, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto P.O.O.P. LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company, whose address is c/o The Orvis Company, Inc., 178 Conservation Way,
Sunderland, Vermont 05250-4465, all such right, title interest, property, possession, claim and
demand, as he has or ought to have, in and to the real property described on Exhibit A attached
hereto and made a part hereof.
Subject to an existing mortgage securing a promissory note in the original amount of
$448,350.00, recorded by the Lincoln County Clerk on February 25, 2003, in Book 513, P.R.
Page 564.
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Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption
laws of the State of Wyoming.
In witness whereof, Leigh H. Perkins, Jr., has hereunto set his signature this 9th day of
July, 2007.
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gh H. Perkins, Jr.
State of OYlW
County of C1L~CtYID[0-
) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said
County and State by Leigh H. Perkins, Jr., this 9th day of July, 2007.
Witness my hand and official seal.
tbUJj¿~ Q . méU&
SH:llÞ. A. MAlO, r',:ot::!.ry Pu!~,L ~
My Commission Expires: STATE OF OHIO, C'JY.\iiOGf\ CQI~)N I Y
My Commission I::XplfOS Oct. 17, ,-010
Notary Public
(J10634, 000002,101793738.1, Etna, WY Quitclaim Deed (Laker Parcel)
Legal Description
: A pòrtlon of the property, as referred to In the Deed recorded In Book 509PR, on Page 383, with
, the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SE%SE% of Section 4, the S%SW~
of Section 3 and N%NW~ of Seotlon 10 all In T35N, R119W, of the 61h P.M., Uncoln County.
Wyoming, the metes and bounds b.elng more partlcularty described 8S follows:
BEGfNNING at the a.L.M. Type Monument markIng the Scott Scherbel PLS 3889, 1991 location
for the Southeast Corner of said SE~SE~;
thence N 88'41'21" W, along the South line 1,322.52 feet to the B.L.M. Type MonuqiBnt marking
the Lloyd B. Baker PEIlS 698, 2003 looatfon for the' Southwest Comer of said SE%SEY4:
thence N 1"10'16" E, along the West line of said SE%SE%, 1,322.33 feet to the a.L.M. Typo
Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 2003 location for the Northwest Comer
of said SE~SE%;
thence S BO'47'4~tI E, along the North line of saId SE~SE%, 1,326.90 feet to the a.L.M. Type
Monument marking the Scott .Soherbel PlS 3889, 1990 location for the Northwest Corner of
said S%SW~;
thence S 89'33'26" E, along the North line of said SYáSW%, 1,358.40 feet to an AlumInum Cap on
an Iron PIpe;
thence S 0" E, 448.63 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron PIpe;' .
thence S 89-33'26" E, parallel with said North line, 486.49 .t to an AlumInum Cap on an Iron
Pipe; .
thence N 0' E 448.63 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron PIpe marking a point In 8ald North line;
thence S 89-33'26" E, along said North line, 551.01 feet to an Iron Pipe marking the Northwest
comèr of the laker property, as referred to In the Deed recorded In Book 467PR, on Page
900, with said office; .
thence S 8"04'19" E 407.43 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe;
thence S 89\>33'26" E 182.46 feet to an.Alumlnum Cap on an Iron Pipe marking a point In the East
line of said S~SW~;
thence S 1·28'06" W, along said East line. 896,46 feet to the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 1994
location for the Nòrtheast Comer of said N%NW~; .
thence S 0'47'43" W, along the East line of said N~NW~ 1,357.27 feet to the B.l.M. Type
Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PEIlS 690, 1999 locatIon for the Southeast Comer
of saId NYáNW~; ,
thence N 89-46'46" W, along the South 'line of said NYáNW% , 2,636,06 feet (0 the Martowe A.
Scherbel PlS 6368, 2001 locatfon for the Southwest Corner of said NYáNW¥i;
thence N 0'04'51" E, along the West line of said N%NWY4, 386.33 feet to a point on the Salt River;
thence N 89"63'27" E 627.64 feet to an AlumInum Cap on Rebar;· .
thence N 0°06'26" E 956.76 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Rebar marking a point In the North line of .
said N~W/.C;
thenÅ“ S 89°63'41" W, along saId North line, 528.00 feet, to the PoInt of Beginning, containing
183.514 Aores of Land.
SUBJECT TO: A 30 feet Rlght-ol-Way Easement, along the North fine of the above desorlbèd
. ~ubdIvl810n, for Creamery County Road 12-111, 8S referred to In the Right-of-Way recorded
In Book 167PR, Page 681.
......................... ...... .
........ . .... ....... .-....,.
SUBJECT TO: the reservation of a 20-foot wide Right-of-Way Easement for Laker Acres
access and to an existing irrigation pipeline, and a.20-foot wide Right-of-Way Easement
for access and maintenance of the existing Irrigation Pipeline contained in the Warranty
Deed recorded 2-26-2003, at Book 513PR, Page 562.
LESS AND EXCEPT any land contained in Warranty Deed recorded 12-15-2003, at Book
453PR, Page 795.