HomeMy WebLinkAbout934757 MINERAL QUITCLAIM DEED 3 Robert 1. Petemal, a married man, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, GRAN OR, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in h paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS TO: Robert J. Peternal and Shirley M. Peternal, Trustees of the Robert J. Peternal Living Trust dated September 24, 2007, and any amendments thereto, whose address is 3726 HWY 233, Kemmerer, Lincoln County, and the State ofWyomin , GRANTEE, all right, title and interest, including after-acquired title, in and to all miner rights an interests, including, but not limited to, oil, gas, coal and other hydrocarbons inclusive 0 tar sands and oil shale, metaliferous and nonmetaliferous minerals, uranium, geothermal ste and other gases and associated geothermal resources, and all other minerals in, on and under ertain real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, as more particularly described in Ex ibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part her~of. SUBJECT to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations, conveyances, conditi ns, covenants and rights-of-way of record. WITNESS my hand this J.3.-. day of n (; (/LrrLkLUV , 2007. STATE OF WYOMING RECEIVED 11/13/2007 at 9:36 AM RECEIVING # 934757 BOOK: 678 PAGE: 322 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Robert J. Peternal is ~ day of n(){jll'YLl2l V ,2007. ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OfX¡nf!o/YJ Witness my hand and official seal. f.~ My Commission Expires:S.t..pt. ;;761 ;201' The foregoing instrumentwaspreP!ireg, by'fhê;Witit~f,paW,Eifnî;'.~¡ç:,P.Q;1~Ö~,·633;·Rive,i:t~Il;WY:.82 Ql·;··(307) " 856-1929: THE LEGAL DESèRIPTIONAN]j:'STAŒEDTITLE'Þ\VNER(S)CONTÂINEDHEREWERE' SUPPLIED BY THE PARTY(lES) ANDTHEDRAF:TSMÁNASSmýrns NÖRESP.0NsmILITYF R THE· .. CORRECtNESS THEREOF.'··· . . ' :1 . , 334 \ : I \ I \ c EXHIBIT I~ û£SC~I?L!ON Or ~~~L ?~O?!~~! ooò~ ~:,,~~1 ~o. 'L: N~~~~ at s.ceian 31, t1~ N. 1116\1. Lincoln Cauncy. Wyo.inS, ~11 in ~CCQ~nc. w1;~ cl:1. plac p:"epa:sd ~n4 to ba file4 in ~haoffic. of t~e Cle~k of Lincoln CouncTci.dad "?U'!:1.'IAL !10'1;HØS. UCQUOu'ttn ?U'r or 'r1Act ~'ID ÐtVIS¡OH or stc:tOH 31 t1,1 1L16W LISCOLX COUNTY. wtO~3G~ dac&G , Oeceœbe= 1913. ?a:"e~ 1 No. .-l: 1.,i1UÚng &1: 1:1\e tæcO::1er o! the Wquu~e= of Secc1~n 1S. in to~sbip 11 Nor1:~. ~e11' UeSI: of the SUI:1\lrlnci.pa.l MeddJ.an. thencs Vese SOO hee, thence Soueh '.50 ~e.t. thence 'Ease SOO fut; thence North SSO f.et, 1:0 place· ~f besindinS· ?a<rcel No.3: the S%S% of trace 4¡-;f 't13H. i.l1T\l. Lincoln CouneT. Wyoadns encClaap&s.ins anar.a ,of -.0.00 &cres, .ora or less. ao4 a&Y be secoadariLy described as fol~ows: !£ct:rn1:fC ..tCamer 110. 2. of sdci T~CC 44 id.encica1 ~t~ Co~er No. 1 ol t:SC1: 39; chenee NOO-·14'-lJ-J, 1319. aU .alons che ease li~. of said "t:&cc 4-; thence 5,,-.41'.SI""', 132.0.73 feet 1:0 an ia.eersecdon wi.:h the west line of s&id. t:sc: 44; thence soa-·¡4'.'i~, 131,.05 faeC alons c~ wese l~e of sa.id T~sce 44 to Corne:: No. 3 of said tnce 4- idencic:al wi.ct\ Corne: No. 2. of 'r~c:C 41; chenc:. NU-·4J·t. U10.47 fue 1:0 ehe coun OF !EC:mrt'C; a.nd. tMe pU~ o£"tnce 3' of 't2.3N, 1117W. Llncola. County. Wyoadnc described. U foliQws: . ~ECIYNI~G aC Corn.~ 30. 1 of sa.1d 'r=ac: 39 1d.encic~1 wic~ Corner .0. 1 of 'trac: 44; chance SI,-·4J'V, 137.0.47 feaC ;0 Co:1\eC' Ko. 3 o.e saJ.d "t=ac:~ 44; c."Lence concinuiRS sa,-.4J·W, 7S9.3' f..C, ao::- o~ ¡e.S, co an incaC'seC:C10Q wi.t~ che ease ~3~t·of·waT ~ne of Scace HtCbway 2.33; chence SOl..4¡'-41-~. 740.2.7 teec aloft& t' .-...: - r I c~e said r~~h~-of-w&y to a ~oinc NQ1·-4'·-42~~. 449.08 feec f=otn a. ó"xS" eonc:st:. post: wich. brass :n&:'se1:' i,;uc:ribed ··Sï:'.A.t'! HIGw,,\t DEn. ^. o. w. t'f.,Å.~~ St&. tl."; thence 389·-43'£, 1031.10 feet to a po1n~; chenee sOO._19·_4J"~. 17.08 f..e to a point, pa~allsl to Che ease line ol said T:&c~ 3'; chenee c:oncinui.~~ SOO..1"-43"~. Sõl.OO fset Co an intersec:ion with. a line c~"Qn co laid T~act 3' and tract 31 of saié township; thence N89'-43't, 60.00 feel: alone the said common line to Corner No. 2 of T~ac~ 39 identical with Corna~ Ho. 1 of said T~cc 38; chence 3QO··l"-4J~W. 1318.tO f.eC alone the .ast line of said T:,act 39 to theCOUL~ Ot' liQlmrINC; ØCCtil' ,\SUNG &a. ana of 3 & ..5 ac:.S. :nora or less; I'~:csl Kg. 4: the m of Secc1o", 31. 't1.51f. 1.1.16'1, t.incaln CountT. Wyoca1nc i &Ad. th.e HY~'fWJ: ,SJftßJJc. sw%.~ and. SV'c of Seeciaa.33. T1.ur,, Uncola. CountT. Wyoadnc; all inaccoro&nce with the plat prepared and to be filed in tne ottice of the Cle1:'k of LincolnCouncy titled ~?cn."AL3~S ,UCOUOL\Tm fU'tOr 'tUC't .urn "DmSIOK OF Sz.c:tOH 31 tUB 1.1.16V .tJ::lCC¡':¡COtJH']:"l. wtOM1XÇ- dated' Deoaabe1:' 1'53. 'a:ocal ~o. 5: 1.01: t!U.:::y-d.¡h1: (38) in "rovnshi? TwentY-cwo (11) No:'~h. of 1ao.g- One Hundnd six:e.a. (116) West: 0: the SiXth. I'~tnc!.?al Meddiaø.. WYCIIUØI. descdlaecL in th.e od¡Lnal survey as ~~ Southwest Q.uar~.1:' of the Souchw.st: qua:!:e:' (S~SW'c) of Section Tw.n~-six (tS); tne Eas: Half' of the Norcheast: Q.uarter (1%Ht%). the Norc~.u'C qua.ru::of eM Southust: quarur (~EJcSë:J;) of hcc10n 'thi:1:y-four (34). the HOJ:1:bwest(1uute:, (tNJ:) , a.nd tneHorthwest Q.ua't'l:er of the Southwes!: Q.u&:~.: (WJcSV~) of Secdoa. t1ú.1:'1:7-nve (35). in townsh:1.p tweßc7-~~a(21) Noc~h of 1AnC. One BUnd=eé S1xc..a. (116) Wese: of the S.f.xch. l''rinc1pal Heri.cfJ.aø..WyoaU.øC; .u"sO LaC 'nú.~-n.1ae (39) 'LA TowusbJ.P 't""enCY-~ (22) 1Iorl:I:I. ol J.aø.&e O",e øuøcired S1see.n (llS)We.C o.e ch. S1xtb. 2rlnc:,pal Herlo1aa.. VyollÙ.nc. describecL. in che arl.¡ina1. sU:'Y.ey a.s the South. Hal: ell! -,:he· souche.. C Q.U&:<:u" (SJlSë:':) of Section r"ea.t:7-sev.a. (2.7) and. the West Hal! d tn. lIor1:haas: Q.ua::.:' ('''J¡:eVe) of Section 't11i:':7-fou1: (34). 1:1 Tovg.abJ,P twentY-cwa (11) :eorth. of -2,- i , , I OO~~4": I i I I I I· I J3~ I I I I i I I I I I I I I i· I I I I I I I 336 \ (' ~an~e One HunÅr.~ Six:een (116) Wes: of the Six~~ ?~i~~i?&l M.~idi~. WyominS; . ALSO , Lats Th:.. (3) and ;ou:- (4) anci I:~. W.s~Ra.lf of ~~e Souen",esc Q.ua=~.: (~SW~) of S.ction Twency·seven (l7), and the soueheas: Qua:ce= ol the Southeas~ Qua:~.r (SE~SE~) of SteetoR Tweacy-e!ghc (~5). La ~o~hi~ Twenty-cwo (11) Nor:h. of ¡tans. an. Hund:oect Sb;caen (ll6) Vese of tl1e Sixth. l~t~ci?l Meridian. WyominC. The Lots :iva (') Seven (7) and ïor=y (40) of Section Twenty-Seven (Z7) in tOwn$hi~ TwenC7-~¿o Hor:h of ~nc. aue Hunc.ú:'ed Sixteen West of th. SU1:b. Prlnc1¡7al Merid1an.Wyo.1nc. concaininc One Hundred ;or:y-one and fo~ty-~~o buQårech.a~&c:o.s. 'the W'est·balf of tl1. W'esc-bal.f("'¡%V%) 1 t~_ ~ortnw.sc quarter of 1:11_ Souche&scqu&~.r (JW%SZ~)1 tb- . North.euc qua.::1:er ·of the Souch",est: quaree:- (NlJ:SVJ:) and. the LOt three (3 ) of S.cd.on tvenC7-six (2.6). ancL Lot Two.(l) of Section tbi:~-f1v. (33). all in 'township Twency-tbr.. (2.3) Hor1: 11 , hqe Oft_ Hunc:l.reC£ S1.xuen (US ) $lese of the Sixth. ?rincipa1 Kerictim. Vyoadns: CCluca1nLns 317.17 acres 1IOr. or less. l'a.':'cel No.6: NVJ:N\I% of Secdou 32,. 't%..5~. J.llSW, UC1coln.Couftty, Wyo.inc. all in accordancevich. 1:11_ plac: p:-Ipa:eel. and. eo b. :11.eI. in the Office of the Clerk ol Lincoln C.=auncy titled. "1'~%U..u. 31tO'tH!1S. L'CORlOUT!Dl'Ur OF n.AC't Ao.'Ð DIVISIOtl OF StC':IOK 32. ~Z"ð 11UW' LDrCCL:f COUNTY. WYOt1DIC" cl.a.CaC£ , tJec8!IIber 1983. . 1'&:"cel No.7: H.!f HoSs. s% ðW%. SW'J: n'c. N% SW'% , NWJc SVl:, S-'c SZJ: and. SE-': S~. Sec::1.on 10; W.!r W%, SEJ: NV%, SY% RJ:, ~ S!~ aM SW:, Secci-on %3. 'towusl1.L¡t 10 tlonh, J.&nce 112. WeS=. 6c:~ l'.~.. Wyoadnc. 1'ar::.l No.8: SZ.I::ßIJ¡: ol Secdon. J 2.. 'r%.5ð, UISW'. Uncó In COUftI:7. Vyoadnc. all in accorcl.anca with. the plac: prepareel. .~ Co be :1.1.d in t11.. Ot:1ce of the Clerk of Uneoln COUftC7' 1:1:18el. "?£.:tUAL aa.~. DlCOUO'R.\t!D It..\r OF 'rUe': Am) DIVISIOK or SleTtON 32. n3. J.1UW' L:aCCr.:r COUHtt. WTCHI:'IC:" cl.a.cad , Dee....r 1983. -3- , I i OO~3;¡S ?a.-:-::el ~o. 9: . Lots ¡3 and 20 and £~ SW~ ol Section t in'towns~i? ,4 Na:-1:~ of iUone. ll1 Wut ol the 'ch ? .M. ,L1nc:oln CQunty. Wyomine. CQnt~ini~e 147.Z~ acres, .o~. 0:- less. L1.:,eel ¡{o. 10: Locs 1, J t and. 4; 9I~SWJ.:, and. SWJ:SE.!¡: of S.C!:iOR 17; Locs 1, 3, and. 4 ot Section 1'; Lots 1. ~d Z ot Secc10n 10; ¡esurvey 'tracc 43 (ari¡1nallY described as ~J:, S%~, &nd.S~!:Jc ot Section 2,0); 1es,,::vey Trace 44 (od.&inallY c1esc:'i'oed. as Lou 8, 9 ,and. 10 of Seceion 17; Lots 11. 16. la, &ad 10 of Section 13; Lots 7, 8, , ~ 10 of Sec:1.on 19; Locs la, 11, 11, and. U of SecCi-oR 10; hine tn. same land. also c1uc:i,bed. as t.ol: 4. n.\:sWi:, and. SWJ.:SEJ: of Seccbn La; ,&;!¡tŒJc ,JWJdŒ),:. and. tfIJdIWJcot hccton 19); ¡tasu1:'T." T:-'&cc 4.5 (Orl¡1nal1'T c1escribed. as Lots 1.t, and. 3; SW~~E~, R%~. HE~Wi:. and. KWJ:StJc of Section 18); all in Township 11 Ko~h. lanC- 115 Ves~ of c~e 6C3 ?~.. Unco ln COURCY, S C:L1:e d WyoaLi.nc· '3.:-=.1 ~o. t1: 'tbAc pare of T=acl: Ja of 't13K, 1U.t7W, Uncoln Counc7, Vyaminc described. as tollows: ãEGt~JG at CO~Ar Ro.-1. of saidT:acc38; thence 500-.10'.41.",£, 1&38.49 hee .to Corne: Mo. 1 ot sa:l.d. T:act 38; chence Vese. 180.01 f.ee eo & clos1Ac eorne= OR the line betwe.n S.c~10ns 13 &nÅ IS. TZ3H, &117W; e~.nc. cone1auin, We.e, 1;3.88 f.et co apoine; thence N4a--SS'..4'''W. 1086.3& f.ee eo & point on the wese line of .&1c1 Trace 38; ehence :l00--10'-4l"W, 477.04 f.et, :a01:'8 01:' 1.ss, alone the wesc line of saic1 T1:'&ct 38 to &B intersec:1on wic~ the nOr1:he..ned1 d.¡ht-ol-way U,M ofS!:..ce 1U.¡hwa.1 133; tbence S36.-4a'~1"~, 61.64 f..t. .01:'8 01:' 1.ss. alone ~he n.id riche-of-.,. line co & poine; thence 1'8-.Q3'-'1"!, '4'.40 .e.e~ ~o a point; thenc_ NO'·.'7·-Z~"!, 1.31.59 l.et to a point; thence 318-.46'..4'"1. 309.2.S leet to a point; thence 141-.0,'·43"!, 311.~Z f..t eo & poine; thence JlJe-1J'·3'''W, 1%0.76 f.et Co & point; ..4- \)3Ï' ! I I I , I OOþ32G I I I I I' i I I I I I I I I- .I I I I- I I I I I I I I D 338 (" e11.enc:. &.5g. -.1r ~os··'t, 332..08 feee: eo a ~oine: chen~. ~OOo·19··4J"~, 34.3' faec co &n intersection wic~ t~. nor~~ line of saiei t=acc 38; t~.nca NS9°·43't, 60.00 f..t to ehe COLVEà or :5EG¡m:fO¡ ~COMP.ASS¡~Ç &n&:'ea. ol 48.5 ac:ns, 1I10:'e 0:' le3s¡ l'a~c:d No. 12.: The SW~~~ of Seccion JZ. TlSN, ~11'~, LLnc:oln Counc7. WYQ~n¡, ~\Ct1tI~G t11.. followinC eiesc:ib.~ crace: Pa1:'ce! No. 13: t%E~ of S.c:cian 3%, township 10 No~cb. 1anc. l1Z W.s~. 'c~ P.M.. WYQ.LD~. CODta1n1n¡ 160 ~c=.., 1I10~. or less. ?arc.l N'o. 14: The ð%S% of Tract: 44 of TZ3H', 1.1.17W, LiacolA Count7. Wyoaainc- ancoaapassins an lor... of 40.0 aces. IIIOre or less ;1..-7 be secQndari1y descnbeci as follows: JEQX3UINÇ at .. point oa the east line of sa1~ Trace 44, NOO·-14'·13~, 131'.06' l.et f~. Co~.r Ko. Z 0: said Trsc: 4~thenc:e cont1nuinc HOO·-14·-13~. 131'.065 t.et along the said east line tQ t~e sout~east coraer of the QØ~th one-bal: at s~id Tract 44;t!1.enc.·S89·-4Z'·""W, 132.1.01 l.et alonl the soutb line olthe sai~ north oa.-~.ll to ehe southwes: corner of the sai~ n01:;h one-haUof satd T:acc44 on t~e wese line at sai~ trace 44; thence SOO·-14'·'¡"E. l3L9.0S t.et aloftl the west line of said Tr~cc 44; chence lIUo.42.'-Sð"E. 132.0,73 fe.e tQ tbe COJ.:Œ1 or JEÇImlI.'lÇ. ?trc'Sl ~o. ts: Å pa==el of la.n~ situated in. and. beias a pare ol Lot 3' ofc~e 185U1""I'.y ol th·: 51: Quane%' of Section. 2.7 t Tovn.ship ZZ No~b, !.anse 1U Wese of eh. S1.x1:11. pnncii'al MeddJ.:.n.. Li.aco 111 County. -yoaains. fU:-<:her ~.scrl!:l.~ bT .el:;,s anct bounds as lollows: Co..ea.cins ac Corner 17 ol ~a1~ Loc 3'. theRc. SOZ·S3'Ol"Z. 10'1.41 feee to a brass cappe~ R1Chway De,&~csenc MOCW1Dec1I:. lc.:a:ed. Oft the eucera ri.¡hc-of-way 0: "Vyoœ1cS sc_;. S.coad&J:'71Z33", thenca N80·'6·4å"~. -,- OOé32·7 . I I , l35.00 feet to an algœinum Q~~~ed =~bar (À.C.~.), said beL~g the point of becinnLng, thence N08-1a'J~M~. 210.14 feet to an (Å.C.~.), the~ç. SaJ-JO't6"~. 94.67 l.aC eo an (Å.C.~.), thence SlJ·lS'JO"E, 79.'~ f..t to an (Á.C.~.), theft,ca S 8S-,4'U"::. 1'16.31 feee t~ an 000.,,:328 (Á'C.~.)' thence N80·S9'08"~, 33.S3 l..t to ~ (^.C.~.), thence 508-0"52"1:, 90.S3 feet co an (Á.C.~.), th.nc~ saOa5"Q8"~, 34l.7l feet co t~a poine of g.ginninS and c~nc~in~nl 1,00 &c:as, .o~. 0: les.. ?a.:c:d Mo. 15: J39 that par~ ol the $V~~~ of Section 31, TZS~, ~llSW, ~incoln Couney. Wyo.tnC. described as follows: Ie sinning at & potnt oa. ehe south lLne of sa.ili SwJt:1NJ:;, Sa9-.54.1' E, 211.49 faee fro. ehe west one·quar:er co-rner of saJ.d s..cdon 31 found &S descnbed. iA· thoe Cereified. t-.¡ud. Corne:- J.ecordaCi.onCerd.fi.cate of . :-ecord in ehe Offi.c:. of ehe Cla:-kof Lincoln CoW\C7i cnencs.NOO..OS.3'E. 8JS.60e..C CQ & poine. thence $89-.S4.7£. SIL.34 p&r&llel co s&id souch line co & poine; t~enc. 500·.0S.]'V. 835.60 f..e pa~llel co ehe wa.C line ot tbis c~ee co a potne oa.ehe .ai~ south liQe of the S~;.~ thence ~ ,,-.54.7- V. '11.]4' alonc saLd south lLn. to the ?O~~ OF 3EaX3HT~ai en.comp&sS1.n& &a. area ollO.QO ao:... lIore ·0: lesSi ehe base be&rl:1& fo:- ttdl ~escrl~t:i.on was the weSt UQ. of tbe KW~ ol sai~ Section']%. beinC NOO··04'W; e&Ch "point" macke~ by a It..~ T-så&P.d. sca~e 14" lons wit~ .ecal C&p i.~c:tbeci "?,AUt. :r. soœuEL !J.S164 SUtlV'EY 'Ot~~"~ all in. accor~anc. wi:3 t~e pLat p:ep&:ed and co ba filed. inch. Oe:1ce ol ehe Clerk of ~:1coln. CClurtcy t1.clad. "?rr!UAl. !1OT"dØS. INCOUOlU.':!1) pt..\'t' OF -ruC't A..'I"D Dtv!stON or Së:CTtOtf 3% n,H J.l1.6W L.t~COt.:t CQtnI"t"!. . wtOt1I:lC" d&cad 6 'Cecaøabe':' 1.983. . ?a:-c:d No. 11: the ::uc h&1~ of tho.Southe&.c Q,ua:"C.1:' of Section. U. the Southwest ~u&=c,1:' of Section 10. ehe Vest R&lf &nÅ the Southwese Q,uareer of t:e Souehease Q,ua.:-:ar of Sacti.on. l' .aM the No~heasc Q,uar1:e: 0.£ ·ehe ðo1:":heasc ~ua::':- of Section. 30. &lL in ~o~h.i.P I%. lIorcb.. J.&nS- l1S Vese of th.. 6eh. ?O::!.nci¡tal Merici!.an. -,. " 4~~~O' 1 ( \ \ ?S:-I:e 1 No. 13: The ~Qr~~ Kal: of Lot numbe..d seven (7) at !lQck nu~bersd nine <,) ot tne town af ~e~.=e=, Linc~ln C~uncy. W"¡oIllLng, a.nd. i.:z&p,¡;ovelllencs on s..... , '000329 , ?aresl No. H: ã..tnninC ~t ~be }U¡nwar Ma:-1ter fOT: t:he ë:.uca,:"ly line of tne HaIÛ lo~~ load U¡n.z: of Wa.y, wlù.c:h £Os Soul:h 1-33' i~st 10,a feee !:~III co~.r nUlllber two of LaC FortY Ln township 11 'o~t~, 1~nle 11S West ,c~ ?~ncLp&l K.7:id1an, ~n NOTth a--o' West 110 fe.t alone tne Easterly 7:i¡hc of war 11n. of said &04d; then~e Nort~ 81·-0' tast lJS f~eC; ebence Souch a-·o· Ease 110 t..c; thence South 81·-0' Wese 13' feet to ehe point of becianing tœounein& to .6' ac:,:"es ~ Loc 39.'townsbii' 12. lIor1:h, lta.nce 11.6 West'. 'areel No. %0: That pa7:'l: of Tracts 38 &nd 3' of Township 13 ð07:1:n, Ãance 117 Wese, Sizcn ?7:incipalMer1di~,. Lincoln CounC7, Wyoaains, wiehin 7:esurv.,. of Seccioas 13. 14, 1S and 15 desC7:ibed as follows: - . . ' COllllllencing at Coner No. Z. of s~..1 't:,acc39 f.c(ea.c!.cal wi.:h Comer No. 1 of said 't'r:a.c: 38 !auQCi as d.escrl!:ted. in the C.~:ified. Land Co:ner ~.co7:d.ac1oc C.=~i~icaee filed ic cae Of!ice of the Clerk of Lincoln County; chence NOO-t"~3~, S61.00 feeC alone ehe Ease l~e of said Trace 3' co a poinc, eaence South 1'·43' Wese, 60.00 feee to the 11ac. of ¡ecinnine: thence N07:c~ 00-L9'43" Vest. 17.08 teet: chence Soueh 8'-43' W.se, 1031.10 feee to &n interseccioB witn tbe Ease 7:itnt-of-w&T liue of SCae. H1;nwa7 133, enence Soucn 01 46'01" E~st. 17.08 f.ee alone said.ri¡hc-of-waT U.ne Co & paine: thence concimd,ne South 01-4&' 01" East. 43%.00 f..calong said ~1¡nC-of·va7 line to .. ,"xS" c:n\C7:ate pose with brus ...r!(4r inscrl}:,ed. "STA't't H%aHWAT ÐE7't. 1.0.W. ~rt1 Sta. 11."; thence Souc~e&SI:.7:1y, 1157.8 f..t alone the arc ofa ~rY. wi.eh a raciills of 1784. '0 .hee cœ-oup .. c:ea.t:':"&l anel. of 33-0~· to & stail..: aOaulllenC; thence Souch 36-41'44" Ease, 7'3.%1 f.ec alOfte said ~&nt-of-wa7 line to .. poine: thence ~07:t!\ 38·03"1" ¡as:. S4S.40 f..C' co a poinc: t~eDce 307:1:3 09·S7'14" Ease, lJl.i~ -7- f.et ~o ~ ~oint; ;~enc~ Jor~~ 2S·~ó'4Sw £~s:, 30,.2S OO()33.'O fe.~ ~o ~ paint; t~.nce la~~h ~L·O'·~3" ~~st. 511.41 f..t ~o ~ paine; ch.nçs ~or;h 13°13'36" West. 110.7' f.et co & ?ainc; thençe larch '9·~5'05" ¡~sc, 331.08 f..c; chenee No~~h 00°19'43" WesC. 595.3S feet to ehe i:'t...\C! or aEGI~NINa: L"tCt..~~G 'tHEJ.!1?Qt'i c~c ,&I:~ o.! the fo=eSalna de.ari?cion 1rine and gains s1cuace . w1cbin en. bOUa4S of Loc 1 of said Saac10n IS; each point .ar~.d by a ste.l ~eLalarc1n. rod 18- lone wi=h a.lua1nU. 1:&1'; the buis ol beari.a& fo'l:' this su:veT 1s t~. souch line af sa.Ld Traec 38 as WesC. ~COHPASst~G an are. ot 51.00 ac~.S. mara 0'1:' less. 4a1 1Uc:.1 !fa. 11: 'that: .,&'1:'1: of t.oc 44 vI.ctú,n Seed.ons 17. 18. U and 10; t.oes ~ a.nd 3, and. che n.'cSWi: af Section 11. aDd Lot: 43 of Seceiona 17 aaG 10 .'tOW'AsbJ.p %2. NO'l:'1:h~ una· '116 \l.se, Uncola. Coun.cy. Wyolline b.inc pU1: of tbø.e parcels d ncori in tåe Offic. of Uncoln Councy 11\ Jook " of !hocos1:&cio 1eco:ds on pace 141 das~b.d u follows: BEc:tmrI3G a.ea. point. South 01-13 .S 'W.se, "1.34 t..c .JIo. Con.'I:' No. 1 at saLei Loc 44 where found. .. qua~:i.t. ston..5"..11"x8" above Cnuaci lII&:,k.d. "1/44" oft tn. sou~h; ~nenc. lo~h 73·~7.J' Easc. 17'1.0~ t..t ~o a. point 00. ehe Southw..~ richc-ot-way l~n. of sca.c. Ø1¡hwa.y 133; th.ac. Souch 39°01' Easc. 'aO.83 !..c alonc sai.d:i.¡hc·of-way \in. eo .. ......,.. conaet. pose . wi.ch brass aa.=ker i.øscrlbed "V!ot1ING KJ;GRVAt' UEn. 1.O.W. ~ Sta. 11."; thence South 81-0S.S· West, 180S.6' fe.t to a poinc; thence Souch OS-L6' Vest, 11'.38 fe.t Co the cenc.r-line of .....enl: no. 1; chence concinuinc South Oao16' W.se, 1171.63 f.ee 1:0 a paine fo'l:' the Soueh line of e...eaene 'AG. 1; cunc. Souch 7'-14.5' Ea..t, 1140.30 f..e eo &G inl:.rsection. vith ehe souchvese line of .as...nt no. 3; thence cone1nuinC South 19-14." £&st, a.lone ...14 .a....nc line 300.00 t.et co a poine; thence Souch 10-33' \l..c~ 100.00 .h.t &lone säid. .as...nt 11ne to aA inc.=s.ct~on v~th t~. 5&14 southwest line of said ......."t D.O. 3; Chence concinu:i.nC Souch 10-33' Wast, 884.14 te.t Co .. po~nr:; ,~.a.c. .o~~h '9-3'." West, 1317.S9 f..t to a poine; thance Øo~h. 31-15.'· Vese, 84i.84 fe.e 1:0 a point for ehe said souch line of s~d. .as...nC no. 1; Ch.nce North 01-33." VeSC. 1111.'0 -8- .. , ',\::,.~ . . ':1 ~_'2 ( l..t 1:Q the cant.~-tine of s~i~ .~s...ne no. l¡ ehanes continuinc ~o~e~ Ol-33." w..c. 460.00 ~aee to t~e ?OI~T Or !£G¡~NI3C: ~CC~~AsSt~a an a~.& of 67.ll ac~eS, œo~. or less. 00033j. p2.:"c:d No. ZZ: Tract 44, Townshi~ 13 ðor~b, 1ance 117 West, of 5c~ l~incipal Me=i~16R. (Said t~2.ee44 being de$c~ibed und.e~ ori¡1øal SU::-I'ey U i:Jst.!¡ of Sec:ian 1J, Township ZJ Wo~e~ 0: ¡ans~ l17 Vese of t~e Stscb !~ne~?&l Mertd.1r.n., V,.olLi.q.) Tnce J'J of townsMp 13 Jo~!\ of Alone. L17 VasC. exee?'= th~e pa=~ desc:ibed. by ..ea. and. bouncl.,S. as follows : 341ci.nn.i.nl ac: .. point: on t1'1e Ko=tn bounÄ&:7 1ins of said. tract: J'J f=o. whence Ccn:ner 12. Ql T=acc: 41 of said. Tovnsh1p and ÃaD.e bea=s E&se 14.UJ ch&1ns;chence Souett 1-34' Euc 37.Z01 chaLfts~ e!\ence Souch 4a·ZZ' E&st 4.133 ch.~ns to e~e Soueh boundary of said T::,scC 39. chence West 9.884 chains eo COale::' IS of said. t:sce 3'; thence ðOJ:1:b. 10.00 ch&ins to Corner I' of said Trace 39. ehenc:. Wes e 10.0Ó Chaw eo Comer #7 of ni.d Tract 3'. ctlenc:eNo.~tt 10.00 cb.&iasco Comer 'I of said. Trac:c: 39. thenc:e East %j.08~ chains alone e~. NorC3boun4&:7 of said T=act 39 Co ehe place of be,1nninC. conca:!.n1nc 54. JJ ac:-e.s. 110::'. or less. as V'&rles eh. suney . che~.of. (Sa1~ Trac:t: 39 being described anGe= orilinal su¡::vey as N%ßJ:. SYJc:fEJ;. W5¡:.'CV'c. Seceion %6. 'to~nip %3 No~th. JAnee l17 West.) Trac:t 38 of Tawnship %3 ~o~c:h of lane. 117 West. except: thaI: pa~ desc=ibe~ by .eees and. bounds, as follows: Beeinnine ac Corner 13 ot said. t:-act: 38. ehence Ease 1Z.J3J chains alons ehe Souch Boundary line of said. T:-act: 38. thence North 48-11' W.st, 16.304 cbains co ehe Wese boundary line of said. Trace 38; ehenee South 10.967 chains alone the West bouncia:7 line of said. Tract 38 Co eh. place of be,inninC. coneainial 6.75 acres. Dore 0= 1.ss, as varies ehe su:vey thereol. (Said Tract 38 b.:l.nc desc:ib.d anc£er ori&inal SU1:"Ie,. as SZ!èlE'c. NE~S£'c, Section 16, township Z3 NOr:3, 1anse l17 ~.s=.) LaCS 8. '. 11 and lZ of S.c::l.oo. l4 in Township Z3 «o~!;b oJ! bø.e 117 W.seol e!:1e Sixch ld.nc:ipal ttericUaD. Wyoad.nc. c:onl:&iCLinl 40 ac:=U. ·9· r . ( I \ ., 9%155 \. , ?a-reel N'o. ZJ: OOð332 4"., ". '.... " Coauaencit1C a= t!\e Wyoaait1& tU.¡h\l&Y nepa:-=enc 1111\1: of ~ay œarker on the t&Sc ~Ihe of Way line of the H~'s io:'~ ~oa~ which is Sou~h ¡·33' Ease and 1QS8.7 f..1: traG Co~er #1, Lot 13'. 1n townsb¡p l¡.Jor~h. ~&nC· L1& W.sc, 'en r~nc:ipal Me:,i~ian; chenee lor:h 5Z·00' Sase. '44.00 f..t; chenc. Souen 4ó·06' ~c 11'." .e.et:; I:!\enc. Soueh 1&-45'40" Ea.se, 710.01. feec; thence Soueh as-11'16" tase, 90.93 .e..c to a poine on ehe Ean JounciarT of Loe ,j9 f:OIa wlU.c:h Comer #3 Lot: '39 bears Nor~h 3-3,'16" Ea.sC, a diseance of 4'3.41 feet; thence South 3-J,'L'~ West alone the Ease aouadarr af Loc #39, L6L8.0% f..t. to a point wbLch is lorth 3-]9'16" E~c .. diseanoe of 59%.J7 faat of Co:ue~ ,4 ot Lot #39, :henc:a $0'1:1\ 7'-49 ·14-" West ,6.51 .IL teat: to the tase Upe of Way line o.e the aa.'s 7o~lc ~.c1; .[ thence.North 11-3a' W.st alone the.East 11lhl: o.e Way Une a diseaGce ol '71.,16 hec, t~ eM paine of besinninS of .. 1-01' curYe to the l1¡bt the radiuI of vtuch is 1814.1 hee, thene. alone sUd. eN:"I'8 ebroueh. .. central ancl. ol '-41' & discance ol 330.00 l..c, chane. Korch 4-'" We.t: alaae the Ea.t: lJ.¡ht of Way L1ne. discance ol lJal.04 l.e~ to the loinm ol Be,inaJ.ne. Mouur:ins to 46.48 &e:'8.· lnLol: 139, Township 1% Karch, 1aD&e 116 W.sc, L1accoln C4uney, \lyo:ú.ne. Parcel :ro. %4: Co_encine 1.1: a paint: on" I:he Wesc BOunda::? of Lor: 138. in towns Rip 1% Korch, lance L16 W.st. 6ch l:'1nci~&l Meridian, whicb is Soucb )-39'1'· taar:, 4'3.41 :..r: fro. che Coaaaon Come~ '11 and 3 to LotI 38 and J" respec:ivel,.; thence Soueh 18-11'15" E&s~, '%J.Q9 leee; thence SO~1:h. 14-1L'10" East:, 437.61 f.ae;th.nc. Souch IL-14'1&- Wesc, 513.19 f..e; thence Souch 1S-3a·~'- !ase, 1Q6%.71 leeC; enenc. So~ch 79-49'14" Wes!: 7&3 .17 l..c· to a point on che West: ·Bo\mda:y of Lot: 138, wtdch i. 'orth 3-39 '1'- Ease .. cf,.:.Ueanee of 691."7 f.et: of Comer 14 of Loc 139; chene. Korch. '3-3"1'- Ease, L611.0% f.et: Co the loine of a.&iøn:l.nc. Aaouncins 1:0 19. ,% acrel iD. Lac 138, Tovnsb.iP 1% Honh. lanC- 115 Wuc, t.J.a.coln Couney.dW70lÙ.nC .. LO..